Witnessed: The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions

Budd Hopkins - 1996
    Tho Intruders greatly expanded readers' knowledge of the UFO abduction phenomenon, Hopkins subsequently learned of an extraordinary witnessed abduction--an abduction sighted by independent 3rd party witnesses. This book reveals this unprecedented & amazingly complex case for the 1st time in its entirety.

Crash at Corona: The U.S. Military Retrieval and Cover-Up of a UFO

Stanton T. Friedman - 1992
    Army stated that the remains of a flying disk had been recovered from a ranch near Corona, New Mexico. Now, this book exposes the government's successful 40-year conspiracy to conceal the truth behind Americ's most documented UFO encounter.

The Hynek UFO Report

J. Allen Hynek - 1977
    Originally released in 1977, this just-republished report by the world's foremost authority distills 12,000 "sightings" and 140,000 pages of Project Blue Book "evidence" into a coherent explanation. A U.S. Air Force-sponsored UFO-basher for years, Hynek had completely changed his tune by the late 1960s. Whether you believe in little green men or an official government cover-up policy, The Hynek UFO Report is must reading for your own analysis. * Can all the eyewitness reports be fantasy? * Are we victims of mass hallucination or just plain lies? * Have close encounters actually occurred? * Is the government concealing deep secrets at a hidden base? Here are answers to at least some of the mysteries...and educated guesses on others. New foreword by UFO expert Jacques Vallée.

The Cryptoterrestrials

Mac Tonnies - 2010
    At the same time, this groundbreaking work attempts to reconcile the mythological and contemporary accounts of "little people" into a coherent picture. "For too long, we've called them 'aliens,' assuming that we represent our planet's best and brightest," writes Tonnies. "Maybe that's exactly what they want us to think."

The Andreasson Affair: The Documented Investigation of a Woman's Abduction Aboard a UFO

Raymond E. Fowler - 1978
    Now after a 12-month scientific investigation, the story can be told. "An unforgettable experience...Must rank with the great classics of scientific revelation".--The New York Times.

The Interrupted Journey Two Lost Hours Aboard A Flying Saucer

John G. Fuller - 1966
    Driving home from Canada on the night of 9/19/1961, Betty & Barney Hill of Portsmouth, NH, sighted a flying saucer, which left them shaken. When they arrived home Barney found inexplicable scuff marks on the tips of his shoes; Betty noticed rows of mysterious circles on the boot of their car, but what was worse, they realised they could not account for almost two hours of their time on the road. After many months of psychic distress, they sought medical assistance from Dr Benjamin Simon, a distinguished Boston psychiatrist & neurologist. Under psychotherapy, including time-regression hypnosis, the Hills gave almost identical accounts of what had happened during their two lost hours. They told of intelligent humanoid beings who took them on board an alien spacecraft, questioned them & subjected them to physical examination. The Hills were an American married couple who rose to fame after they claimed to have been abducted by extraterrestrials on 9/19-20/1961. The couple's story, called the Hill Abduction, occasionally the Zeta Reticuli Incident, was that they had been kidnapped for a short time by a UFO. Theirs was the 1st widely-publicized claim of alien abduction.

Communion: A True Story

Whitley Strieber - 1987
    how they found him, where they took him, what they did to him and why...Believe it. Or don't believe it. But read it -- for this gripping story will move you like no other... will fascinate you, terrify you, and alter the way you experience your world.

Confrontations: A Scientist's Search for Alien Contact

Jacques F. Vallée - 1990
    In Dimensions (1988), Vallee offered his basic UFO theory: that UFOs are not interstellar craft, but are unexplained consciousness-controlling mechanisms intruding from other dimensions. Here, he expands on that theory by reference to the cases he's explored during the past three decades, concluding that "UFOs represent a technology capable of harmful actions"--hence this book's provocative title rather than Whitley Strieber's more pacific Communion or Transformation. Before he details cases of UFO hostility, however, in order to erect a scientific framework for his findings he sifts thru cases that offer hard if inconclusive evidence about UFOs (sightings that have permitted readings of UFO megawatt output; manifestations that have left odd physical remnants in their wake), analyzes various UFO photos & reflects upon the ambiguous nature of UFO research. These discussions feature copious advice & suggested guidelines for fellow UFO researchers; of more interest to general readers will be his in-depth account of his '88 trip into the Amazon jungle to look into mass UFO sightings that involved "medical injuries," including deaths--e.g., that of hunter Raimundo Souza, allegedly seen by his companion to be caught in a UFO's beam, then found dead on the ground, his body covered with circular purple marks. He closes by presenting a series of relatively technical definitions, classifications & rating scales for future UFO research. A sort of personal appendix to Dimensions, partly slanted toward UFO investigators; &, as such, of limited appeal--tho his findings & speculations are a core curriculum for anyone with a serious interest in ufology.--Kirkus (edited)

UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record

Leslie Kean - 2010
    He repeatedly attempts to engage and fire on unusual objects heading right toward his aircraft, but his missile control is locked and disabled. Witnessed from the ground, this dogfight becomes the subject of a secret report by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency. In Belgium, an Air Force colonel investigates a series of widespread sightings of unidentified triangular objects, and he sends F-16s to attempt a closer look. Many hundreds of eyewitnesses, including on-duty police officers, file reports, and a spectacular photograph of an unidentifiable craft is retrieved and analyzed. Here at home, a retired chief of the FAA’s Accidents and Investigations Division reveals the agency’s response to a thirty-minute encounter between an aircraft and a gigantic UFO over Alaska, which occurred during his watch and is documented on radar. Now all three of these distinguished men have written breathtaking, firsthand accounts about these extraordinary incidents. They are joined by Air Force generals and a host of high-level sources—including Fife Symington III, former governor of Arizona, and Nick Pope, former head of the British Defence Ministry’s UFO Investigative Unit—who have agreed to write their own detailed, personal stories about UFO encounters and investigations for the first time. They are coming forward now because of Leslie Kean, an investigative reporter who has spent the last ten years studying the still unexplained UFO phenomenon. Kean reviewed hundreds of government documents, aviation reports, radar data, and case studies with corroborating physical evidence. She carefully examined scientifically analyzed photographs and interviewed dozens of high-level officials and aviation witnesses from around the world. With the support of former White House chief of staff John Podesta, Kean draws on her research to separate fact from fiction and to lift the veil on decades of U.S. government misinformation. Throughout, she presents irrefutable evidence that unknown flying objects—metallic, luminous, and seemingly able to maneuver in ways that defy the laws of physics—actually exist. No one yet knows what these objects are, even though they affect aviation safety and possibly national security. The phenomenon has been officially acknowledged by numerous foreign governments. For these reasons and many others, Kean concludes that the UFO problem must be more widely recognized and ultimately solved through an unbiased scientific investigation. The material presented throughout this landmark book is sobering, unflinching, and undeniably awe-inspiring, and moves us toward a goal of properly addressing this worldwide mystery.From the Hardcover edition.

Encounters with Star People: Untold Stories of American Indians

Ardy Sixkiller Clarke - 2012
    The 1st-person accounts, described as conscious experiences & recalled without hypnosis, reveal a worldview that unquestionably accepts the reality of Star People. The stories also reveal cultures that almost universally regard them as ancestors, which allows for interactions that take place without fear & helps explain the uniqueness of the experiences. The stories are told by people from all walks of life. Some had graduate degrees; others never attended school. Some were adept at technology; others had never used a cell phone, owned a computer or a tv. A few of the stories are about events that occurred before the 1947 Roswell incident, however, the majority of the events took place between 1990 & 2010. This book significantly contributes to the knowledge about UFOs from a group that until now have mostly remained silent. Readers will likely never look at the UFO phenomenon in the same way again. Dr Clarke, Professor Emeritus at Montana State University, has dedicated her life & career to working with indigenous populations. She's the author of several children's books & the bestselling 'Sisters in the Blood'. Retired from academia, she continues to work as a consultant to indigenous communities worldwide. See her www.sixkiller.com website.

Above Top Secret: The Worldwide UFO Cover-up

Timothy Good - 1987
    Moreover, he presents a warehouse of documentation--much of it anecdotal--to support his case. As a frontline buttress to Good's claims, England's former Chief of Defense Staff, Lord Hill-Norton, offers a spirited foreword crying "cover-up" on the part of world governments. Good's dossier persuasively backs up this charge with a rundown--beefed up by info obtained via the Freedom of Information Act--on a horde of UFO encounters, government responses, & both open & clandestine state investigations into UFOs. First England, then assorted lands including China & the USSR, then the US come under his scrutiny; altho many of the encounters--e.g., the alleged recovery of alien bodies from crashed craft in Socorro, NM, in 1947 and in Aztec, NM, in 1948--are familiar, the sheer quantity of UFO sightings recounted here astounds. Particularly intriguing is Good's discussion of astronauts' reports--ranging from Mercury astronaut Donald Slayton's statement of spotting something that "looked like a saucer, a disk" while testing a P-51 jet fighter to a credulity-stretching report that has ham-radio buffs picking up Apollo 11 calling Mission Control during the 1969 lunar landing & saying, "I'm telling you there are other spacecraft out there...they're on the moon watching us." More weighty, however, is Good's dogged tracking of the CIA & NSA's monitoring & suppression of UFO research--suppression mirrored in other countries (e.g., in Brazil via a Sao Paulo State directive forbidding media "to divulge UFO reports without the prior censorship of the Brazilian Air Force"). There's no smoking gun here, but enough circumstantial evidence to convince that governments have, & are, withholding important data about UFOs. Good's encyclopedic approach blurs the eyes even as it overwhelms skepticism; not a grand read, then, but certainly a noteworthy contribution to the field.--Kirkus

The Day After Roswell

Philip J. Corso - 1997
    Backed by documents newly declassified through the Freedom of Information Act, Colonel Philip J. Corso (Ret.), a member of President Eisenhower's National Security Council and former head of the Foreign Technology Desk at the U.S. Army's Research & Development department, has come forward to reveal his personal stewardship of alien artifacts from the Roswell crash. He tells us how he spearheaded the Army's reverse-engineering project that led to today's: Integrated circuit chips Fiber optics Lasers Super-tenacity fibers and "seeded" the Roswell alien technology to giants of American industry. Laying bare the U.S. government's shocking role in the Roswell incident -- what was found, the cover-up, and how they used alien artifacts to change the course of twentieth-century history -- The Day After Roswell is an extraordinary memoir that not only forces us to reconsider the past, but also our role in the universe.

The Threat: The Secret Agenda What the Aliens Really Want and How They Plan to Get It

David M. Jacobs - 1998
    It is a disturbing picture of aliens integrating themselves into our society and relegating humans to an inferior status.The result of three decades of research, this book answers some of the most important questions researchers have been asking since the beginning of the UFO controversy. Professor Jacobs provides, for the first time, new details about the aliens' "breeding program" -- a bold plan to create a breed of alien-human "hybrids" who will eventually colonize, and ultimately control the Earth.A direct, authoritative challenge to researchers such as John Mack, who believe the abduction phenomenon is essentially benevolent and spiritually uplifting, The Threat adds complexity and depth to our knowledge of this fascinating subject. The secret alien agenda revealed in this book is ominous, and Professor Jacobs warns that it must be confronted -- before it is too late.

The Keepers: An Alien Message for the Human Race

Jim Sparks - 2006
    In this new edition Sparks provides details of interactions since the first edition was published, as well as updates on the creation of a PAC intended to protect the rain forests and pass an ET-requested amnesty bill for those who can reveal hidden information about the ET presence, history and suppressed technology. The PAC also organizes contactees and abductees into a potent political force.The Keepers provides one of the richest and most detailed documentations of all abduction history. His recall is altogether conscious, without the benefit of hypnosis, relaxation exercises, or any other use of non-ordinary states of consciousness for the exploration of buried memories. Nor are his memories contaminated by the popular literature, which he has steadfastly avoided reading. He has the passion, curiosity and self-doubt of an authentic, truthful voice. He has been told by the Visitors that they are concentrating their contact now upon ordinary people like Jim, because agreements with Earth's leaders regarding the timely release of information about their presence here have been violated. His first-hand reports of sperm extraction, breeding programs, shape-shifting and thought-activated transport are astonishing, as is his personal journey from anger at the invasion to gratitude for the opportunity to be a part of saving the Earth from self-destruction. This book is a keeper.

Open Skies, Closed Minds: Official Reactions to the UFO Phenomenon

Nick Pope - 1996
    This is a true insider's account of the phenomenon, and lifts the lid not just on classic cases like Roswell and the Rendlesham Forest incident, but on less well known cases too. This groundbreaking and highly controversial book highlights cases from the US, the UK, and the rest of the world, with Nick drawing on his firsthand government experience to reveal what the authorities really know and think about UFOs, alien abductions, crop circles and animal mutilations. Open Skies Closed Minds was featured on Newsnight, serialized in the Daily Mail and reached number three in the hardback non-fiction list, staying in the top ten for ten weeks.