Battle Lines
Chris Hechtl - 2015
But he returned changed, he had lost one of his AI to rampancy after fighting an Xeno AI Wraith, and his greatest AI, his confidant Commander Sprite had chosen to leave him. He didn't return to civilization alone however. He brought with him over a hundred precious sleepers, officers and enlisted personnel ready to help rebuild the Federation once more, along with petabytes of precious blueprints and data, designed by some of the greatest minds of the Federation. But before they can begin to forge a new fleet they have to stop the rampaging Horathian Empire in it's tracks. Rear Admiral Amadeus White has been assigned to push the enemy back and keep them back while Admiral Irons and Subert work on building new ships. Admiral Subert has his own problems to deal with in Pyrax. He needs time, time to adjust, time to clean up the mess. Time to build more ships. But the enemy within and without won't wait. Napoleon said it best, "You can ask me for anything but not time!" The Battle Lines have been drawn!
Generation of Vipers
Peter Cawdron - 2022
Kath and Nolan are looking for answers, trying to find ways to protect Earth from the possibility of an invasive alien species overrunning the planet. The US Presidential Election changes the political landscape. With new, hostile leadership, Kath and Nolan find themselves out of favor. Lies continue to dominate social media. Perhaps the greatest threat doesn't come from the stars. Perhaps there's already a generation of vipers here on Earth.FIRST CONTACT is a series of stand-alone novels that explore humanity's first interaction with extraterrestrial life. It is similar to BLACK MIRROR or THE TWILIGHT ZONE in that the series is based on a common theme rather than common characters. This allows these books to be read in any order. Technically, they're all first as they all deal with how we might initially respond to contact with aliens, exploring the social, political, religious, and scientific aspects of First Contact.Although Generation of Vipers is a sequel it has been written so it can be read as a stand-alone novel.
Battletech: Blood of Kerensky Trilogy
Michael A. Stackpole - 2010
For the past three hundred years, since the Star League collapse and the rise of the Five Successor States, these mortal enemies have fought over space, land and politics. But a new threat looms just outside the Inner Sphere. The descendants of an old Star League general, the Clans bred to be the best military force humanity has ever seen have come to take what they believe is rightfully BattleTech: Blood Legacy - Blood of Kerensky Trilogy Book 2 of 3 Blood Legacy continues the saga of the Clan invasion begun in 3030. Jaime Wolf has brought all the key leaders of the Inner Sphere together to put to rest old blood feuds and power struggles. But old hatreds and suspicions die hard. Still, the very survival of the Successor States hinges on battling warriors equipped with BattleMechs far superior to their own and another threat lurking in their very midst ComStar, the sect controlling interstellar communication which is determined to rule all of the Inner Sphere by any means at its disposal... BattleTech: Lost Destiny - Blood of Kerensky Trilogy Book 3 of 3 And so continues the saga of the Clan invasion and the explosive struggle within the Inner Sphere. With secrete aid from ComStar the Terran-based sect that serves as the keeper of the Inner Spheres technological secrets the Clans BattleMech warriors have been incredibly successful in their campaign of invasion. But ComStar has its own reasons for giving aid to the enemy, and if its strategy proves successful, the Inner Sphere worlds will finally be reunited under ComStars rule.