Book picks similar to
Darcy Chooses by Gianna Thomas


The Golden Apples of the Sun: A Variation on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice

Ivy May Stuart - 2018
    “Mr. Darcy, who are you to dictate? My sister is twenty-one years old: therefore an adult. I will guarantee nothing on her behalf! Of course, you may treat Mr. Bingley as a child if you choose. It would be quite in keeping with the rest of your arrogant behavior. And now, I bid you a very good day, sir.” Angry tears pricked behind her eyelids and she turned to walk away. But Darcy reached out and placed a heavy hand on her arm. “Not so fast, Miss Elizabeth…” he began to say, when a shrill voice called out behind them. __________________________________________________________________________________ A QUEST FOR A LIFE OF MEANING. Elizabeth Bennet, a young woman possessed of a keen intellect and sharp wit has spent most of her young life in forced seclusion in the small rural village of Meryton. But with the arrival of two wealthy young gentlemen, things look set to change for the Bennet family, especially when Elizabeth encounters and clashes with the arrogant and controlling Fitzwilliam Darcy, never dreaming that he will come to admire her or that the social barriers between them can ever be surmounted. Darcy, despite being born to power and privilege, has always been discontented with his lot – not least because family obligations make marriage to his sickly cousin, Anne, unavoidable. Until he visits the small town of Meryton his attitude is characteristically contemptuous and bitter and it is only when he has to contend with Elizabeth Bennet and her disturbing ability to pinpoint his faults while mocking him at every turn that he is compelled to examine his own behaviour more closely. Slowly, Darcy travels the path to self-knowledge and in the process over comes his cynicism and begins to yearn for a life of purpose, passion and real fulfilment. BUT CAN DARCY HONOUR HIS OBLIGATIONS TO HIS FAMILY AND RESIST HIS DESIRE FOR ELIZABETH AND THE PROMISE SHE HOLDS FOR ENDING HIS LIFE OF LONELINESS? AND CAN ELIZABETH OVERCOME A FAMILY SCANDAL AND HER ABSORPTION IN THE WORLD OF IDEAS, TO SEE PAST DARCY’S ARROGANT EXTERIOR TO THE MAN WHO IS ON A QUEST FOR THE MOST PROFOUND FORM OF LOVE?

To Be Mistress Of Pemberley: A Pride And Prejudice Variation

Charlotte Elliot - 2017
    So when her aunt and uncle suggest they take a tour of Pemberley, Mr Darcy's ancestral home, only the reassurance that he is away convinces her to agree. Needing some time alone, she takes advantage of her aunt and uncle's absence to explore the countryside around Lampton, when a storm obliges her to take shelter in the woods near Pemberley. As the storm worsens, Elizabeth is injured and is trapped in the woods with no way of returning to the inn where her aunt and uncle are staying. Mr Darcy thought to take advantage of the fine weather to return to Pemberley a day early, to attend to some business with his steward. But the sudden outbreak of a storm obliges him to take a shortcut through the woods. There, he encounters the unconscious form of the lady he thought never to see again. Being too far from Pemberley, he is obliged to take her to a nearby cabin, where he must tend to her injuries. There, they spend the night alone together. The pair agree that they should pretend Elizabeth was alone in the cabin, and Mr Darcy stayed elsewhere, to save Elizabeth's reputation and prevent her being forced into a marriage with a man she does not love. But once at Pemberley, Miss Caroline Bingley grows suspicious that Elizabeth was not so alone after all. Determined to smear her rival's reputation, she returns to the cabin and discovers proof that Elizabeth spent the night with a man. To her horror, Mr Darcy is forced to reveal himself as the man in question, and vows to marry Miss Bennet to save her reputation. Can Mr Darcy prove that he has changed and is now worthy of Elizabeth's love? And can Elizabeth overcome her prejudice and see the man he is now? The arrival of Elizabeth's sister Jane offers Mr Darcy the chance to put right one of his most regretful mistakes. And Elizabeth is forced to consider that there is nothing standing between her and happiness with the man she has grown to love than her own pride.

Meryton Medley: Four Pride and Prejudice Novelettes

Cassandra B. Leigh - 2016
    "Her Derbyshire Friend" - What if Elizabeth responded to Darcy's letter? Would our dear couple find their way to each other? This story begins the day after the Hunsford Proposal. "Hunsford Day" - The day of the Hunsford proposal is repeated over and over, Groundhog Day style; from Elizabeth's point of view. This out-of-character story begins after the disastrous Hunsford proposal. "Secret Valentine" - What if Elizabeth received a series of valentines from a secret admirer? This short story is not intended to change any events in our favorite story. "Frog Pride" - What if Darcy was a prince with a spell cast on him by evil Catherine? (A short and clean Pride and Prejudice / Frog Prince fantasy.)

The House in Audley Street: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

A.K. Madison - 2021
    . .Happily engaged, Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy await the next formality, the preparation and signing of their marriage articles. But on the eve of Darcy's arrival at Longbourn with the contract, Elizabeth disappears on a Sunday walk. It is as though the earth itself had opened and swallowed her up. It takes only a short time for the frantic Darcy to realize that she is caught in a web of evil that extends the length and breadth of England--and that she may not be the only young woman to be trapped. The search in Hertfordshire and London grows more frantic as time grows short.Will Darcy find his beloved Elizabeth before she is caught forever--or found lifeless in the waters of the Thames? The answer lies in a mysterious House on Audley Street.Please note that this book contains allusions to violence and to human trafficking.

A Vision of the Path Before Him: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Elizabeth Frerichs - 2019
    Fitzwilliam Darcy at Pemberley. With the help of George Wickham, events spiral out of control, leaving Darcy destitute of love for the rest of his life—until fate intervenes. What will Darcy do with his second chance? Will he be able to convince Elizabeth that he is no longer the proud man he once was? Will they ever get to “happily ever after”? And how will his changed character affect the people around him along the way?

Darcy & Elizabeth: Mischief and Misunderstanding: A Sweet Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cassandra Knightley - 2017
    After unexpectedly inheriting both a title and the fine estate of Messina Grove, Lord Bennet and his family leave Longbourn forever to start a new life of nobility. And why should they not? Mr. Bingley and his party had quit Netherfield no more than a week earlier, leaving Jane quite publicly heartbroken, and Elizabeth secretly so. But two years later, Lord and Lady Bennet receive a request from Lady Catherine De Bourgh asking if her Nephews and a small party would be welcome to stay at Messina Grove for a short duration. Jane is very excited to have a second chance with the still unmarried Mr. Bingley. Elizabeth does not care what Darcy does because she does not care at all about him! In this week of mischief and games, true love will be reunited and discovered, but hearts will also be broken when jealousy and old hurts rise. In this silly, clean variation, Cassandra Knightley knits together two of her favorite tales: Pride & Prejudice and Much Ado About Nothing. Pour yourself a cup of tea, take a seat on a comfy sofa, and be prepared to laugh and cry and swoon as Darcy and Elizabeth muddle their way towards true love.

Leaving Longbourn: A Compilation of Five Short Stories

E.A. Batten - 2020
     Finding Elizabeth Abducted from her home just before her third birthday, Elizabeth is taken in by the Bennets. It is only with the arrival of a new tenant at Netherfield that her true identity is discovered. According to Mr Bennet, Elizabeth was found wandering in the gardens of Longbourn but will the truth of the matter ever be known? Her Grandmother’s Wisdom Elizabeth and Mary Bennet on holiday with their Aunt and Uncle Gardiner in Derbyshire. It is there that they first meet Fitzwilliam Darcy a year after his father’s passing. Four years later, Darcy is pleased to discover the young lady he had thought of often resides on the neighbouring estate to the one his friend Bingley has recently leased. Miss Bennet’s Adventure Following the marriage of Elizabeth and Darcy, Mary is invited to join her sister and new brother at Pemberley. There she meets again a certain colonel in His Majesty’s Army. Sequel to Her Grandmother’s Wisdom. Hurst Knows All What if Hurst was more aware of what was going on around him at Netherfield and shared his wife’s and sister’s liking for gossip. Storms over Hunsford The morning after the ill-fated proposal at Hunsford, Elizabeth is walking aimlessly in the grounds of Rosings Park as she reads Darcy’s letter. So caught up in reading and re-reading the missive, while chastising herself, she does not notice the approaching storm until it is too late.

Three Daughters Married

Renata McMann - 2014
    This short story assumes the reader is familiar with Pride and Prejudice.Cover by Summer Hanford

Until My Last Breath: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Rose Lorimer - 2018
     After his unfortunate marriage proposal, Darcy writes Elizabeth a letter and, in his attempt to hand it to her, everything changes – both of them are kidnapped. In just a few days, Elizabeth finds herself floundering in fear, loneliness and despair, facing a terrible future at the hands of heartless mercenaries, while Darcy, injured, is left behind. Determined to save the lady who holds his heart, Darcy embarks on an uncertain journey to rescue Elizabeth. Together with his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, he discovers the power of love, friendship and trust, which goes beyond any familial connection. In this romantic, dramatic adventure, involving sea travels, mercenary pirates and bloody fights able to determine life or death, Darcy and Elizabeth come to realise that they must never let hope die. Hope and their mutual love are all they have to keep them alive. Until their last breath. EXTRACT Richard was now very curious about how Darcy had managed to bear the journey from London to Portsmouth in his present condition. Darcy chuckled at his enquiries. “Richard, you know me well enough to guess I could not stay back when so much is at stake, when Elizabeth’s life is in such danger.” He looked around and all eyes were on him. He became serious again. “They say that love and hate are the two most powerful forces to move a man. I can guarantee you all, I have plenty of both.” ABOUT THE AUTHOR As a non-fiction writer and polyglot, I am fascinated by the beauty of writing, and the gift of combining words and sentences to achieve the perfect expression of ideas and critical analysis. But writing fiction also takes one a step further and expresses, at a much deeper level, not only creativity, but feelings and emotions. And that is my intention from now on: to write stories that can arouse people’s feelings and dreams. And what could be better than starting it with something I just love? As a huge fan of 'Pride and Prejudice' – my favourite book by far – I have spent the last two years reading not only the original, but also hundreds and hundreds of P&P variations. As a result, while increasing my knowledge of the English language on an academic level, I decided I would like to start writing my own versions. I can only hope you enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing them. POST SCRIPTUM - 27th Sep 2018 Please, allow me to add a small comment about some of the reviews I have received in USA. Indeed, English is not my native language, but contrarily to what was said, I am aware of my limitations and had this story analysed by an editor and copyedited by a registered professional. Unfortunately, as it seems, I was not very happy with my choices. I can just add that I have a deep respect for my readers, and that I have already corrected those mentioned mistakes.

Rebellion at Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Victoria Kincaid - 2020
    Collins has taken possession of the Longbourn estate. Although Collins and his wife Charlotte have allowed the Bennet sisters and their mother to continue living at Longbourn, the situation is difficult. Viewing Elizabeth and her sisters as little more than unpaid servants, Collins also mistreats the tenants, spends the estate’s money with abandon, and rejects any suggestions about improving or modernizing Longbourn. After one particularly egregious incident, Elizabeth decides she must organize a covert resistance among her sisters and the tenants, secretly using more modern agricultural methods to help the estate thrive. Her scheme is just getting underway when Mr. Darcy appears in Meryton. Upon returning from a long international voyage, Darcy is forced to admit he cannot forget his love for Elizabeth. When he learns of the Bennet family’s plight, he hurries to Hertfordshire, hoping he can provide assistance. Sinking into poverty, Elizabeth is further out of Darcy’s reach than ever; still, he cannot help falling even more deeply in love. But what will he do when he discovers her covert rebellion against Longbourn’s rightful owner? Falling in love with Mr. Darcy was not part of Elizabeth’s plan, but it cannot be denied. Darcy struggles to separate his love for her from his abhorrence for deception. Will their feelings for each other help or hinder the Rebellion at Longbourn?

If Mr. Darcy Dared: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance

Elizabeth Ann West - 2018
    . . As Charles Bingley and Fitzwilliam Darcy prepare for the Netherfield Ball, a gentlemen’s challenge develops between them to secure their future happiness . . . with the two eldest Bennet sisters! But when things do not go as expected for Mr. Darcy, Hertfordshire society is in an uproar over the pursuit of one of their favorite daughters by such a wealthy gentleman. Despite being claimed by Mr. Darcy as his future bride, Elizabeth Bennet has no plans to wed the proud and disdainful Mr. Darcy, no matter what her father says! At her sister’s urging, she agrees to give him a chance, if only for Jane’s sake. But there are others with an interest in breaking a match between Fitzwilliam Darcy and some country miss. . . The stakes are high and romance strong as two of Jane Austen’s most beloved characters dare to declare their feelings, dare to defy family, and dare to trust each other! If Mr. Darcy Dared is a steamy romance for fans of Elizabeth Ann West’s other works, especially those readers who love their drama cranked to a ten!

Trouble Comes to Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Rosemary Barton - 2018
    Ever since she rejected his proposal of marriage, she cannot think of him without embarrassment and regret. She had judged him harshly and allowed the lies of others to poison her opinion of him, only to discover she had misjudged him when it was too late. Taking comfort from the knowledge that Darcy is not at home, Elizabeth goes for a walk through Pemberley Woods. But when a storm strikes, Elizabeth cannot find her way back to Lambton. While trying to find her bearings, she is struck down by an accident that leaves her unconscious as the storm clashes overhead. Returning to Pemberley early, Darcy is shocked to find a young lady lying injured and unconscious in his woods during the height of the storm. He is even more horrified to discover the lady is none other than Miss Elizabeth Bennet, the woman who broke his heart all those weeks ago. Knowing he will compromise the reputation of the one woman who does not want him, Darcy has no choice but to take her to a nearby shelter for the night where he can care for Elizabeth and where they can wait out the storm. When Elizabeth awakens, she has no recollection of who or where she is. Neither does she recognise the kind, handsome man who is so concerned for her wellbeing. When Elizabeth and her aunt and uncle stay at Pemberley to help her recover, Elizabeth starts to fall in love with this sweet, generous man who goes out of his way to make them welcome. But why is Darcy so evasive about their previous relationship? And why does she hear such mixed accounts of her earlier feelings for him? Darcy’s affections and wishes for Elizabeth are unchanged, and only grow stronger as he spends more time with her. He can hardly believe she is under his roof where he once hoped she would live as his bride. But how can he marry her when she has no memory of how much she really dislikes him? When she has no idea she once told him he was the last man in the world she could ever marry? Darcy's one hope is that Elizabeth will learn to love him as the man he is now. But can she ever really love a man she cannot remember? Trouble comes when rumours spread of Darcy and Elizabeth’s night in the woods and of Elizabeth’s memory loss. Word soon reaches Brighton, where George Wickham has been having little luck in his goal of marrying an heiress. When he hears of the interesting situation between his old enemy and the woman who was once Wickham’s favourite, Wickham sees an opportunity to solve his financial problems once and for all. He travels to Pemberley, and there, he makes a shocking announcement that leaves Darcy and Elizabeth devastated and in despair that they can ever be together.

Relentless Considerations: A Pride and Prejudice Novel

Amy Cecil - 2015
    Hearing from his aunt that the Collins’ are expecting Miss Elizabeth as a guest, Darcy and the Colonel change their plans and set off for Kent a fortnight sooner than originally planned. He and the Colonel have both decided that they are about to secure their future happiness. Darcy planning to propose to Miss Elizabeth and the Colonel is prepared to make a proposal of his own. Have you ever been a victim of false assumptions? Imagine assuming that the love of your life is engaged to your cousin and one of your dearest friends. Through a series of miscommunications and assumptions, Darcy believes that he has missed out on securing his future with Elizabeth when he comes upon them in Rosings Park. Will Darcy find the happiness he so desperately longs for …?

Expectations & Apologies

Elizabeth Squire - 2020
    Darcy's caustic remarks about her at the assembly. Would she still have seen him as arrogant, selfish and conceited? Would he have been able to remain aloof and prideful if Elizabeth was not initially prejudiced against him? The road to true love turns in unexpected ways. Although there will be others in my What if series they are all stand alone stories.

Mr. Darcy's Dilemma and Delight

Jadie Brooks - 2013
    The course of the relationship between Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy take a sharp turn when Elizabeth is viciously attacked. Mr. Darcy comes to her rescue even though she is devastated and does not wish to be helped by anyone.This non-graphic tale follows the pair through the pain, anguish, and fear that follows the beloved characters of Austen's novel as Elizabeth heals and Mr. Darcy tries to come to grips with the consequences of the assault on Elizabeth.Some of the characters show themselves in a different light and help in the journey while others remain the same or worse to try to cause more trouble along the way.