Mr. Darcy's Promise

Jeanna Ellsworth - 2013
    Georgiana Darcy makes her way to Netherfield Park to meet the woman her brother so admires. While at first Georgiana’s presence smooths the course of true love between Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Darcy, the ghosts of her past appear to wreak havoc on all of them. Unhappily, Elizabeth finds herself placed in the care of the Darcy family at Pemberley. Assuming he knows the cause of Elizabeth’s distress, Mr. Darcy makes a promise on his gentleman’s honor. The promise, although made with good intentions, becomes nearly impossible to keep for Mr. Darcy, and somewhat vexing for Elizabeth. Some promises are made to be broken but will the ever-trustworthy gentleman let go enough to secure Elizabeth’s heart?

A Compromised Compromise: An Elizabeth and Darcy Story

Timothy Underwood - 2018
    Bingley's Netherfield Ball, Elizabeth tripped and Mr. Darcy caught her in his strong arms, and as he set her back on her feet, they looked deep into each other’s eyes. They kissed. Unfortunately, they were seen in this passionate embrace before they returned to their senses. Mr. Darcy now must marry Elizabeth to protect her reputation and his own. Even though he still insists to himself that he does not want to. Soon Colonel Fitzwilliam comes to Hertfordshire to save his cousin from the scheming fortune huntress who trapped him and to chastise Mr. Wickham for his sins. What will Elizabeth do when she has fallen in love with Mr. Darcy, but he still claims that he does not want to marry her? A funny new 61,000 word Pride and Prejudice Variation.

The Bennets Take on the Ton (The Sweet Regency Romance Series Book 12)

Perpetua Langley - 2018
    Bennet has brought her two eldest daughters to town for some shopping and they happily ensconce themselves at Gracechurch Street. Mrs. Bennet has managed to wrench an amount of money from Mr. Bennet’s grip so that she might spruce her girls up with new bonnets, gloves and ribbons. She really does not know what else will get them married. After an interesting meeting on Bond Street, Elizabeth and Jane find themselves entering a world they had never thought to encounter. Within that world there are to be found the charming Mr. Bingley, the standoffish Mr. Darcy, the foppish Beau Brummel, the cold Lady Catherine, a poodle, a mastiff and a host of other regular visitors to the environs of Pall Mall. Two of those visitors are intent on marriage, three on amusement and one on murder. And of course, there is the little matter of Mr. Collins and the entail. Perpetua Langley is the author of the twelve book Sweet Regency Romance Series. These books are clean and wholesome and true to the period.

The Houseguest: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary

Elizabeth Adams - 2013
    After Miss Darcy has returned to London, she invites her new friend to stay with her at the Darcy home in town ... unbeknownst to Mr. Darcy.Will this change in circumstances lead to a change in affections?

Indisposed: A Pride and Prejudice Novella

Alix James - 2020
    Miserable and in an unsociable temper, she decides to attend the Meryton Assembly against her better judgment to support her beloved sister.Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, confident in the rightness of his own observations, unknowingly misjudges the condition of Miss Elizabeth Bennet’s health. What begins as complete disinterest soon develops into pity when an unknown surgeon offers an even more bleak outlook for the young woman’s future. He will see that her last days are worth living. Annoyed by her father’s apparent lack of concern and wishing to do something himself, he commits himself to be her champion… irrevocably.Elizabeth Bennet is confused. Except for her father and arrogant Mr. Darcy, everyone in her acquaintance either avoids her or bursts into tears when in her company. What tragedy are they withholding from her? She is baffled by Mr. Darcy’s insistence and assumes improper motives. When the truth comes out, will she see him differently? And will he discover his feelings are more than just pity on a dying woman? This delightful Regency tale filled with beloved characters from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice reveals what remains when layers of pity, confusion, and miscommunication are peeled away from literature’s most stubborn couple - a happily ever after for the ages.Indisposed is a sweet, clean Regency novella of approximately 20,000 words.

Lover's Knot: A Mysterious Pride & Prejudice Variation

Jenetta James - 2018
    A perplexing murder. Netherfield Park — a house of secrets. Fitzwilliam Darcy is in a tangle. Captivated by Miss Elizabeth Bennet, a girl of no fortune and few connections. Embroiled in an infamous murder in the home of his friend, Charles Bingley. He is being tested in every way. Fearing for Elizabeth’s safety, Darcy moves to protect her in the only way he knows but is thwarted. Thus, he is forced to turn detective. Can he overcome his pride for the sake of Elizabeth? Can he, with a broken heart, fathom the villainy that has invaded their lives? Is there even a chance for love born of such strife?Lover’s Knot is a romantic Pride & Prejudice variation, with a bit of mystery thrown in.

Her Unforgettable Laugh: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Linda Thompson - 2015
    Later, a second glimpse showed her to be lovely, and he heard her melodious laugh again. Darcy wondered what it would be like to meet this remarkable, and remarkably lovely, young woman. Would the spirit that caused her to go to the aid of a stranger be able to bring some joy to his lonely life? Would they ever meet, or would he always be left wondering? Little did Fitzwilliam Darcy know that his trip to Hertfordshire to help his friend would bring him face to face with the lovely young woman whose unforgettable laugh had haunted his dreams for the last several years. Would she be anything like the woman he had built up in his dreams? Would he be able to avoid Miss Bingley long enough to discover more about this mysterious young woman?

Compromised!: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

J. Dawn King - 2015
    Compromise! can bring down a virtuous maiden, like Miss Elizabeth Bennet, and her entire family along with her.When Elizabeth finds Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy outside Netherfield, alone and at his most vulnerable, she must make a quick decision to bend the rules of propriety to help him or turn her back on someone in need. Her tender heart reaches out to him and his wounded one grabs hold of her well-intentioned support. Discovery changes the course of their lives as Elizabeth is forced to accept a reluctant proposal of marriage from this man whom she has just barely begun to respect. Can Jane Austen’s most beloved couple reach a compromise that might turn a tenuous friendship into a loving marriage? Will it survive as desperate, unscrupulous, and foolish people alike set compromising machinations into motion for their own greedy ends?Follow Elizabeth and Darcy in this novella-length Regency romance as J. Dawn King takes them through a sweet variation of Pride and Prejudice where compromises abound and outcomes will surprise you.By the author of Amazon bestsellers A Father’s Sins and One Love, Two Hearts, Three Stories.BONUS PREVIEW INCLUDED: The Trouble With Horses by Elizabeth Ann West

A Fine Joke

Amy D'Orazio - 2020
    A gentleman of honour, he decides he will go to his end having done his best to discharge the duty of providing an heir for Pemberley. A gentleman of passion, he decides it will be with a bride who suits his own fancy. Going immediately to Hertfordshire, he meets with Miss Elizabeth Bennet and asks her, a second time, to marry him, with the knowledge that the marriage will be short and that she will be soon left a wealthy widow.Elizabeth agrees to be Darcy's bride feeling all the compassion of a woman granting a man's dying wish. However, soon she suspects the truth, that Darcy is not, in fact, dying. She begins to question what exactly happened between the time that Darcy proposed to her the first time and when he was given his dreadful diagnosis--and if, in fact, any of it is indeed true.This Pride & Prejudice variation is a darkly humorous novella based on the characters of Jane Austen.

In Search of Happiness: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Nicky Roth - 2019
    In this slow-paced feel-good variation of Pride and Prejudice, Fitzwilliam Darcy, disillusioned and tired of London society, decides that it is time to take a break and do something both drastic and unexpected to at long last find himself again and quite unexpectedly also happiness and love.

A More Gentlemanlike Manner: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sophia King - 2017
    He is desperate to forget his failed marriage proposal to Elizabeth Bennet and desires nothing more than to banish both the lady and his humiliation from his mind once and for all. A storm breaks and he decides to stop at a small cottage on his land until the morning. But as he approaches shelter, a tree branch snaps loose in the storm, and renders him unconscious. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is cursing her luck that a storm should break out on the very day she decided to explore Pemberley Woods. She had relished the chance to be alone on her tour of Derbyshire with her aunt and uncle, but now she is trapped in the middle of nowhere, and the weather is growing worse. She hears a horse, and runs in the direction of the sound to find the unconscious form of very man she least wishes to encounter. She is forced to drag him into the cottage, where they spend the night alone together. Unfortunately, when he awakens, Mr Darcy has no idea who he is, and has no memory of anything that happened before his accident. They return to Pemberley where Mr and Miss Bingley have been searching frantically for Mr Darcy. Miss Bingley is not too pleased that Mr Darcy has now compromised Elizabeth’s reputation, and will be obliged to marry her when his memory recovers. But the lady realises his lack of memory could also be the opportunity she herself has been hoping for. Can Mr Darcy recover his memory before he is manipulated by those around him who would seek to take advantage of his vulnerable state? And why is the pretty and lively Miss Elizabeth so reluctant to share memories of their former encounters together? Elizabeth is intrigued by the new side to Darcy she sees, and believes this is a man she could love. But is it just a result of his accident, or has he really changed? And as her feelings for him grows, she wonders if it’s possible he will still love her when his memory returns? Or will he resent her as the lady who rejected him and his previous marriage proposal?

The Widow Elizabeth: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Renata McMann - 2017
    Then, after two years of regretting his decision to step aside for his cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, Darcy is given that rarest of gifts, a second chance. Though he mourns the cousin he loved like a brother, Darcy can’t help but wonder what might have been, and what could still be. Elizabeth's heart is broken by her husband's death. Worse, she’s being pressed to marry not only by her family, but a barrage of suitors. Amid the chaos and sorrow, only one person, Mr. Darcy, seems to fully understand her need to grieve. He, like Elizabeth, knows Colonel Fitzwilliam deserves the respect of a full twelve months of mourning. Still, much can happen in a year.

Tempt Me: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Julie Cooper - 2020
    Someone biddable, her memories easily expunged to allow for strange, inexplicable deeds and baffling circumstances. A tractable creature, of average intelligence, willing to attend to the business of producing heirs and keep out of all else. A girl easily moulded, incurious, indifferent, and demanding nothing beyond access to his fortune.FITZWILLIAM DARCY knows exactly who he needs. He can fix on the hour, the spot, the look, and the words which laid the foundation for an obsession he rejected. But ten years later, at an assembly in an obscure village in Hertfordshire, he finds himself in the middle once more.His needs are unalterable. But can he resist the one woman he truly wants?

Some Natural Importance

Jan Ashton - 2021
    Men hold power over women, but I am not a man who wants to wield such power. I would prefer a woman who has some power over me.”Fitzwilliam Darcy already has one arranged marriage in his past. The last thing he envisions for himself is another, yet he has somehow become entrapped in a promise to a dying man. Not only must Darcy overcome his resentment in order to live up to his sense of honour, but when he realises how deeply his heart may be engaged, he must convince Elizabeth Bennet of his true feelings.Elizabeth never expected the imperious Mr Darcy to become a good friend of an idle gentleman like her father. And she certainly never anticipated they would form a secret pact compelling her marriage to a man she dislikes. She must set aside grief and resentment, as well as her suspicions: Is Darcy using her to avoid another bride pushed onto him by his family, or to gain riches Elizabeth never knew she had?Or is it possible he loves her?

A Better Impression

E. Bradshaw - 2017
    However, in this variation of Austen’s much-loved book, Jane’s illness is not simply a cold, but instead becomes a life threatening sickness that threatens to take her life. Elizabeth begins to feel increasingly desperate for solutions as she attempts to take care of her sister – and Mr Darcy is the unlikely ally who offers his help. From that moment onwards Elizabeth begins to see a different side of Mr Darcy, and to gain a better impression of him than she had before. Of course, the wayward pair still continue to have their disagreements, and their relationship is by no means an easy one, but from that day onwards Elizabeth is forced to see that Mr Darcy is not merely the proud, disagreeable man she had assumed he was. In fact, the fate of every one of the characters in the story is inevitably altered as a consequence of Jane’s illness. Mr Bennet is forced to face up to his own negligence, whilst Mrs Bennet is made to see the error of her ways. Likewise, Charles Bingley develops a new sense of determination during the days he spends worrying over Jane, whilst Mr Darcy begins to see how his reserved behaviour is perceived by others. In this variation Elizabeth and Georgiana become firm friends, and their friendship gives Georgiana the confidence she needs to face Mr Wickham’s treacherous charm. Finally both Darcy and Elizabeth recognise their feelings for one another – but there are still trials and misfortunes for the pair to overcome before they can find their happiness with one another... This story is approximately 87,000 words long.