Book picks similar to
The Essential Golden Dawn: An Introduction to High Magic by Chic Cicero
The Weiser Concise Guide to Aleister Crowley
Richard Kaczynski - 2009
A carefully chosen series of his instructions for concentration, meditation, magick, invocation, even sex magick are included. Crowley's descriptions of the teaching Orders A:.A:. and OTO are presented, along with the Creed of EGC. In addition, a suggested reading list of Crowley's "top-eleven" most important books is enhanced by an extensive bibliography for further in-depth research. This is the first and only introductory book that does not pretend to "improve" upon the Master's writings, but attempts to showcase them into a coherent introduction to his spiritual system. .A practicing occultist whose mastery of western magick and eastern mysticism was unsurpassed by any of his contemporaries, and who continues to be an icon for many of today's practicing magicians..The founder and prophet of the new religious movement of Thelema, best known by its oft-misunderstood catchphrase, "Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the Law.".A prolific poet whose Collected Works, by age thirty, filled three volumes, and whose last published work, Olla, was subtitled Sixty Years of Song..A maverick mountaineer whose numerous innovations and world records in the sport are acknowledged by even his most vocal critics..An adventurer whose exploits in the far east were serialized by Vanity Fair magazine as "A Burmese River.".An impresario who took the violin troupe, the Ragged Ragtime Girls, on a tour of Russia..A British secret agent who marshaled his literary and occult connections to the service of his country, including (reputedly) the invention of the "V for Victory" sign as a magical antidote to the swastika..A ranked chess master who could trounce many players without even looking at the chess board..A pioneering entheogenic explorer who conducted psychedelic experiments with mescaline..Producer and star of The Rites of Eleusis, a series of ritualistic plays featuring an innovative blend of magick, drama, music and poetry. .One of the most unjustly vilified men in the history of journalism, garnering headlines like "The Wickedest Man in the World" and "A Man We'd Like To Hang."More mistruth and rumor has circulated about Aleister Crowley than perhaps any other figure in recent history. When the reporter Henry Hall introduced him to readers of the New York World Sunday Magazine, he wrote, "Some said that he was a man of real attainments, others that he was a faker. All agreed that he was extraordinary." Crowley openly defied social conventions, challenging people to examine what they really believed, and why they believed it. He confronted blind faith with rational skepticism. Yet he likewise challenged the skeptic with scientific illuminism, a systematic approach to spirituality that he described as "The method of science, the aim of religion."
The Modern Day Spellbook: A Collection of Spells for the Modern Day Witch
Roc Marten - 2011
This handy spellbook gives you practical directions for carrying out numerous easy-to-follow spells covering Love, Money, Protection and Spell Removals.Regardless of your skill level, The Modern Day Spellbook will help you to enhance your spell casting repertoire. The Modern Day Spellbook: A Collection of Spells for the Modern Day Witch would make an excellent addition to your current spellbook collection.
Homemade Magick: The Musings & Mischief of a Do-It-Yourself Magus
Lon Milo DuQuette - 2014
Written in Lon's humorous style that makes learning and discovery a joy, Homemade Magick will show you that everyday life events are, in fact, true magical adventures.As you navigate your journey, learn how to:Choose your magical motto Perform a self-initiation ritual Make your own tools Raise children in a magical home Perform the Rite of Earth Learn how to make your whole life magick With this insightful book as your guide, you can see how the magical world is already an integral part of your life. Between easy-to-follow instructions and Lon's colorful stories about his years as a domesticated magician, you'll be inspired to wake up to your own magical identity--and have a whole lot of fun along the way.
Daemonolatry Goetia
S. Connolly - 2010
Starts from the beginning of Goetia and discusses preparation, the creation of the circle, triangle of art, brass vessel, and sigils, discusses the invocations, then gives correspondences, Enns, Sigils, and additional insight into The Four Kings and the 72 Goetic Spirits.
Initiation in the Aeon of the Child: The Inward Journey
J. Daniel Gunther - 2009
The doctrine codified in The Book of the Law and the numerous other Holy Books known as Thelema revealed Aleister Crowley as the Prophet of the new Aeon.In this ground-breaking book, author J. Daniel Gunther provides a penetrating and cohesive analysis of the spiritual doctrine underlying and informing the Aeon of the Child, and the sublime formulas of Initiation encountered by those who would probe its mysteries. Drawing on more than 30 years of experiences as a student and teacher within the Order of the A.·.A.·., the author examines the doctrinal thread of Thelema in its historical, religious, and practical context. This book is written in clear, precise language that will aid those students who seek to navigate the difficult terrain of the spiritual quest. More advanced students will find tantalizing clues to serve as guideposts and eventual confirmation of direct experience. With numerous diagrams and detailed references encompassing ancient Egyptian hieroglyphic texts, the Apocrypha, the Old and New Testaments, alchemy, hermetic Qabalah, and tarot, as well as the writings of Carl Jung and Aleister Crowley.
The Equinox, Volume III, Number I
Aleister Crowley - 1919
In it, Crowley laid out the esoteric, social, ethical, and philosophical ideas that he believed provided the framework for a new ethics and the liberated morality of the future. Upon publication, the book was threatened with suppression by the authorities of the day. Many of the papers in the Blue Equinox anticipated social liberties we tend to take for granted today.
The Sacred Wheel
Momma White Cougar - 2012
Come on a journey through the Wheel of the Year, joining in the celebration of the Gods, Goddesses and festivals that have been a part of mankind since the Dawn of Time.Although aimed at beginning Solitary Practitioners, the original Heartsongs would add depth to the workings of even the most seasoned Pagan.
Create a Servitor: Harness the Power of Thought Forms
John Kreiter - 2014
This manuscript is written in order to help you understand a topic that I think can change your life forever. It is also written as a challenge! If you are on the fence about whether you believe in the power of thought to create reality, then I challenge you to apply the material found in this inexpensive little ebook. There is so much mystery in the world and I find it unfortunate that even though many people are interested in using thought to alter reality, to get what they want, they do not know that there is more out there to play with than just ‘The Law of Attraction’ or ‘The Secret’. The mind, your mind, is indeed very powerful and can create anything you want, it is my hope that this manuscript will help you begin to see some of the possibilities. Discover how thoughts create reality. Discover how to overcome negative thoughts and energy using the power of servitors.
Psychic Self-Defense
Dion Fortune - 1930
Fortune explores the elusive psychic element in mental illness and, more importantly, details the methods, motives, and physical aspects of psychic attack, and how to overcome this energy. The revised edition of this New Age classic includes an index and an additional explanatory note for contemporary readers. Index.
The Octavo: A Sorcerer-Scientist's Grimoire
Peter J. Carroll - 2010
In this Octavo we have assembled scattered secrets for a Supreme Grimoire forRoundworld, the universe in which you're standing. To this end we have taken some inspiration from Pratchett's Discworld, and a lot from Theoretical Physics and Practical Chaos Magic. "The most original, and probably the most important, writer on Magick since Aleister Crowley." -Robert Anton Wilson, author of the Cosmic Trigger trilogy. Peter J. Carroll is one of the founders of the Magical Pact of the Illuminates of Thanateros (IOT) which he led for a decade. He has spent thirty-seven years in research and experiment and is the author of three other books Liber Null & Psychonaut, Liber Kaos: the Psychonomicon, and Psybermagic, and The Apophenion.
Sigils of Power and Transformation: 111 Magick Sigils to Change and Control Your Life
Adam Blackthorne - 2017
When you work with the sigils in this book, you throw out all the confusing magickal garbage and get straight to the power of change. Sigils provide you with a visual code that unlocks the essence of magick. This book does not contain anything to do with witchcraft, spellcasting, kabbalistic ritual, evocation or any other method of magick that you might be familiar with. A sigil is nothing more than a drawing, but in this case, the drawing is so much more than you can imagine. These drawings bypass the conscious mind, connecting you to a stream of pure magick. This is not dark magick, but magick of light. You can do no harm with this magick, to yourself or to others. The magick works because you have access to one hundred and eleven secret sigils, handed down from ancient times. Every one of them can work wonders in the modern world. You will discover: The Magick of the Mind Inspiring Others Extended Perception Fortune Love and Friendship Breakthrough Magick Spiritual Magick Personal Strength Peace Magick Protection Magick Personal Healing Health Magick Wisdom and Education Business and Finance Employment Magick The magick presented here is not bound to any religion, and it requires no magick words. You don't have to learn any difficult pronunciations or say a single word out loud. The magick requires no visualization and no equipment. You won't light a candle or wave a wand. All you need is this book, your own strong desire and the will to carry out the instructions.
The Eye in the Triangle: An Interpretation of Aleister Crowley
Israel Regardie - 1970
Dr. Regardie observed "The Great Beast" at close quarters while serving as his personal secretary. The Eye in the Triangle was written many years later, after long contemplation. Regardie combines the psychological insight afforded by his professional training as a Reichian analyst with his grasp of Crowley's magical personality. First-rate!
Modern Magick: Eleven Lessons in the High Magickal Arts
Donald Michael Kraig - 1988
Already over 100,000 people are using it.Author Donald Michael Kraig wrote this after teaching the information in classes for ten years. It is refined, tested, and easy to understand. It is filled with exercises, techniques, and rituals to help you. It is presented in a series of eleven lessons. Follow the lessons, practice the rituals and techniques, and by the end of your work you will be a magician. What does it cover? Rituals, healing, initiation, talismans, astral travel, creative visualization, psychic self-defense, evocation of spirits, the Kabalah, physical exercise, and magical tools such as wands.Want more? You'll also learn the secrets of true meditation, how to use the Tarot, how to remember your dreams, how to do the rituals of Western Magick, including rituals of the Pentagram, Hexagram, Middle Pillar, Rose Cross, and Watchtower. You'll learn how to manipulate magical energy, secrets of relaxation, Wicca, pathworking, Tantra, and sex magick.Once you have finished working your way through this book you will be an accomplished magician. You will be able to perform real magick. Then this book will become the most valuable reference tool in your collection of books.What if you want to know even more about a subject? No problem. Each chapter has a bibliography so you can go even deeper into any topic. There is an annotated bibliography at the end with even more resources.In the new, second edition the contents pages contain more information so it is even easier to find what you need, but there is also an entirely new appendix with answers to many of the most frequently asked questions that Kraig has received over the years. This book is a must!
Three Books of Occult Philosophy or Magic: Natural Magic
Cornelius Agrippa
Partial List of Contents: Natural Magic; What Magic Is; Four Elements; Three-fold Consideration of Elements; Kinds of Compounds; Occult Virtues of Things; Of the Spirit of the World; How Inferior Things are Subjected to Superior Bodies; What Things are Lunary; What Things are under the power of: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus, Mercury; What Things are Under the Signs; Of the Union of Mixed Things; Of Bindings; Of Sorceries; Of Perfumes or Suffumigations; Magical Rings; Of Light Colors; Of Divination; Of divers certain Animals; Of Geomancy; Of the Reviving of the Dead; Of Divination by Dreams; Of Madness; Passions of the Mind; Of Speech; Of many Words joined together; Virtue of Writing. (Note: this is the same book as The Philosphy of Natural Magic only it was originally published under both names.)
The Key of Solomon the King: Clavicula Salomonis
S.L. MacGregor Mathers
Demonstrates that the usual theoretical distinction between black magic and white, evil magic and good, is not so simply drawn. Text: English (translation)Original Language: French, Hebrew, Italian, Latin