Twilight Guardians

Maggie Shayne - 2014
    All they wanted in return was for her to join their elite military team and train to kill the Undead. She took the deal, not because she cared so much about extending her life, but because it would make her strong–stronger than ordinary humans. Strong enough to kill the vampire who’d pretended to love her, taken her blood, used her body, and murdered her mother. Killion was the last of his kind, or so he thought. When he found Charlie, he felt the pull. She had the rare Belladonna Antigen all vampires had as humans. Vampires were compelled to protect those rare mortals they called The Chosen. But with Charlie, the bond was different, more powerful than anything he’s felt before, and impossible to resist, even though surrendering to it will probably get him killed. Ancient vampire elders Rhiannon and Roland come out of exile, risking their lives to help their mortal friend Roxy reclaim her granddaughter. But before the tale ends, their lives will be forever changed. Join Maggie Shayne as she returns to her most beloved series of all time with this new beginning…. Wings in the Night: Reborn

Spells & Death

Rachel Medhurst - 2018
     Gemma Abbott is a dead witch. Sort of. As a pure Essex witch, she’s permanently attached to Mother Earth’s ley lines. Pure magic equals life force. Which is the only thing that’s stopping Gemma’s body from dying and her soul from moving on. A Paranormal MI5 agent, Gemma’s life work is to protect the ley lines. The magic contained within them is sacred, pure. When a serial killer starts leaving clues for Gemma, she quickly realises that not only does he know her secret, he’s trying to steal the magic out from under her. As each new body is found, Gemma feels the lessening of magic that keeps her alive. She has no choice but to tell the one person she trusts. Dave, the cute admin guy. Although he sits behind a desk, his geeky mind could solve anything. Together, they have to find the serial killer, before he drains the Earth of magic, and kills every living thing on it.


Annie Nicholas - 2010
    The boring mortal guys that want to kiss me...and the bloodthirsty vampires that want to kill me.Sounds simple, right? Try not to let the normal guys bore me to death, and don't let the vampires kill anyone.Well, things have changed.The slayers have ordered me to capture the vampire overlord Rurik, but he has other plans. And the more I learn about him, the less certain I am that he’s the monster we’ve made him out to be. It probably doesn’t help that I'm falling for him.Now I don’t know who to trust, and as forces greater than either of us struggle for power, I may never get the chance to find out. See, here’s the thing...Baiting the enemy can be satisfying...until you’re the one who gets caught.

Dragon Heartbeats The Box Set: Books 1-6

Ava Benton - 2018
     Pierce A group of dragons traveled from Scotland to the New World a millennium ago to guard a treasure that none could know of. Their homes and lives are hidden from the world of humans and supernatural beings. Until Pierce saves the life of a woman during an avalanche. And now he’s put the entire legacy on the line. Jasmine isn’t your average girl. She’s a part of the fae. And now some damned dragon gave her his blood to heal her. Didn’t he realize that dragon’s blood is toxic to the fae? His dragon brethren don’t care if she lives or dies—actually, they’d just as soon as uncomplicate matters and see her dead. But that’s not so easy for her or the dragon that saved her. Smoke Alina may have saved the mate of a dragon, but that didn’t make her the friend of any dragons. And the feeling is mutual. The dragons have no used for her either. Except for Smoke. This hunky powerful dragon has decided he has to have the fae healer as his mate. Come hell, high water, dragons, or fae. Cash Iron is kryptonite to Cash and his dragon shifter clan. He offers to be the guinea pig in a laboratory to help them overcome their weaknesses. Unfortunately, Cash didn't count on meeting a sexy doctor called Carissa. Carissa's no stranger to shifters. Her cousin has hooked up with one of Miami's Everglade shifters. But she has no clue that there's such a thing as dragon shifters. She thinks she's helping out an average, run-of-the-mill wolf, bear, or tiger shifter. And Cash doesn't tell her his secret. Then again, Carissa's got a secret of her own. Her nephew has been kidnapped. The only way she can get him back is if she delivers the blood of the shifter she's supposed to be finding a cure for. Fence Fence is on a mission. Returning to Scotland to find out what happened to the dragons. The old country is so very different than it used to be. What he discovers in Scotland is alarming. No bodies just signs of a struggle. The other thing he discovers? An American girl who proves a distraction to his mission. The last thing Ciera expected to find when she went to Scotland was a dragon shifter. No, make that the last thing she expected was to fall in love with one. Gate A dragon heartbeat reveals the Scottish dragons are still alive and the Appalachian dragons go on a mission save their kin. One little detail they didn’t count on, though. A certain brunette firecracker of a stowaway who’s hell-bent on proving herself, and proving her mother wrong. Said firecracker’s mother? None other than the formidable Mary. Poor Gate, he’s in for a hell of an adventure, and that’s before the mission even begins. Miles Miles has watched all the dragons in his Appalachian clan find their mates. Now he’s flying solo. Will a week off in the Caribbean lead him to his fated mate? Savannah’s got a death wish and a secret. Why did this dark brooding man have to save her? She didn’t ask to be saved.

Half Blood

Lauren Dawes - 2012
    ‘You killed me,’ she breathed, swallowing down on the hard lump in her throat. It wasn’t often that someone got an opportunity to come face to face with their killer."A battle for werewolf territory and rights has Rhett fighting for his life and for the survival of the pack. The last half blood—a half human, half vampire hybrid—has been found and Rhett has been chosen as her unlikely Guardian. The pack’s survival hangs on her completing her transformation, but a Sicarii—a vampire assassin—is hunting her to ensure that never happens …Indigo’s hard exterior is nothing compared to the dark secret she carries within her. Her haunted eyes alone tell of her struggle and desire to live. But what she doesn’t know is that she is hard-wired for survival; the very blood in her veins and the legacy of her father demands it. But when her life takes a violent turn, her heritage and her fate may be the very thing to get her killed …

Hallows Gate

Michelle Erickson - 2012
    New Years Eve changed Angelina ‘s lifeShe got lost and fell in love – with a ghostNow she needs to save him by becoming his wifeThe problem?If she succeeds, she frees him, but loses him forever.Love is more complicated than she thought...And that doesn’t include the elves.

The Knowing

Ninie Hammon - 2015
     It ends with the return of an evil as ancient as the skeleton of the universe. In the middle, normal garden-variety people must figure out how to live their everyday lives—how to survive!—after they discover that all those Bible stories about demons and angels...they're true. When the hot call comes over the radio: “Code Red! Active shooter at Carlisle Elementary School,” Police Sergeant Jack Carpenter has only one job: find the gunman; take him out. Carpenter rushes into the school, fully armed and focused on cold, hard reality. But what happens to him in the next few hours shatters the world as he has always known it. And in the next three days, everything Jack Carpenter believes about himself, about life and reality, about good and evil and the whole nature of the universe will be challenged. Can it possibly be true—seriously?—that invisible demons prowl among us every day? That there exists in the real world a winged creature more horrifying than any Hollywood-animated, computer-generated, mechanical unreality? And that the single-minded mission of that beast—a creation of absolute, soul-less evil—is to kill Jack Carpenter? That’s crazy! Fairy-tale-science-fiction-horror-movie-bogeyman crap! Bottom line: it flat-out cannot possibly be true. But it is. In this first book in The Knowing Trilogy, award-winning journalist and bestselling Christian suspense and thriller author Ninie Hammon begins a sprawling tale of spiritual warfare that spans a quarter of a century. If you enjoy sleep-with-the-lights-on suspense coupled with characters so lifelike they'll feel like family, The Knowing will open up for you a world you probably don't want to believe is real. But it is. Interview with the Author Q - What makes The Knowing special? A - It's real life on paper. Things happen that really are "unexplainable." There are forces at work in the universe we can't see, with power we can't begin to imagine and plans we don't understand. Is it any wonder that some things flat out don't have a reasonable, rational explanation? Q - Is The Knowing a paranormal book? A - Not in the sense that most people think of as "paranormal." It's not about zombies or vampires or people who turn into werewolves or giant bears or attack-gerbils. The characters in The Knowing are folks you could bump carts with in a small-town grocery store, so when the unexplainable starts to happen to them, you realize the same thing could happen to you, too. Q - Is this Christian fiction? A -Yes, Christian fiction with a backbone. There are Scriptural realities that many Christians say they believe, even think they believe--but when push comes to shove, they discover they really don't. Theresa Washington from The Knowing says it best: "The smartest thing Satan ever done was to get people to believe he don't exist." Q - Why should readers give this book a try? A - Because it will capture your heart and mind, grab you in a reality so gripping you'll decide you can fold the towels later and the lawn will still be out there to mow tomorrow.

£6.19 per Witching Hour

Joanna Mazurkiewicz - 2013
    Her normal day at the office consists of seeing clients, searching for new vacancies, updating CVs and visiting employers.It seems as though she has an ordinary life but in reality Julia is half elf and she works for a recruitment agency for paranormals. She is normally calm, confident and is not afraid to stand up for herself, but when the meeting with La Caz Corporation doesn’t go as well as she hoped, she wants to bury herself under the ground and die. Nathaniel La Caz is a player and he wants to seduce Julia. The incredible sexual chemistry that builds up between them complicates her life to the point where she can’t control her magic. La Caz not only wants her but he also has a craving for her blood. Then her ex-boyfriend Jasper comes back on the scene and nearly exposes the whole paranormal world to humans when trying to protect her.It doesn't end well when vampires and elves mix. The problems start escalating when Julia witnesses the kidnapping of her cousin Claudia on the busy street. From then on things only go from bad to worst. More elves and fairies begin to vanish in London without trace and the police suspect vampires. Julia is determined to find Claudia even if it means she will get herself into more trouble.*Adult Paranormal Romance novel - contains adult situations, graphic sexuality, violence, suited for ages 18 and up*

Wisconsin Vamp

Scott Burtness - 2014
    He's not one of them.When truckstop diner cook and mediocre bowler Herb Knudsen becomes a vampire, his once simple life gets a bit more complicated.Herb’s not even sure how it happened. He wasn’t bitten by a vampire, which means there’s no one around to help him learn the ropes. With no one to guide him, Herb fumbles into his newfound abilities, courting disaster with every step.Despite learning each new lesson the hard way, being a vampire isn’t all bad. He’s stronger, a little sexier, and a heck of a lot better at bowling. Even Lois, the girl of his dreams, is starting to notice him. But he can’t drink beer, the bodies are piling up, and his best friend Dallas isn’t just getting suspicious – he’s getting jealous.When Lois is caught in the middle of the two friends' escalating rivalry, keeping his dark secret becomes the least of Herb's concerns.Booze, bowling, bake sales, bar fights, babes, blood and karaoke... Who would have thought that being undead would make life so exciting?


Shelley Munro - 2020
    An aspiring writer, she glimpses the unbelievable during a research trip, and when she awakens after the resulting car crash, she isn’t in England any longer. Not that she understands this calamity, because a knock to the head has stripped her memories. She is a woman with no past and no perception of dragons or their danger to her.Dragon shifter Leonidas, Champion of the Skies, is the youngest son, and his parents have arranged a betrothal for him with Nan, The Strongminded. He rejects this betrothal his parents insist will bring peace and cement bonds between the Dragon Isles.Once Liza crashes into Leo’s life, everything changes. While his family, friends, and neighbors are baying for her death, instinct propels Leo to protect this attractive stranger.Their friendship deepens from respect to love as they attempt to discover how and why they met. What they learn will rip apart the dragon world and propel the inhabitants of the Dragon Isles into an unknown future.You will love this first book in the Dragon Isles trilogy because it introduces a courageous and sexy dragon, a feisty human battler, and a new world full of mystery, magic, and mayhem. Plus one or two dragon-caused infernos when tempers race out of control.

River's Recruit

Charlotte Abel - 2012
    His left hand, his identical twin and his self-respect. He searches for redemption during a solo backpacking trip into the remote Sawatch Mountains of Colorado and discovers a secret tribe of shifters.River, the beautiful young shifter that rescues Jonathan from certain death, wants to recruit him. He is equally determined to rescue her from her cult-like society — even if he has to kidnap her.

Seeker’s World

K.A. Riley - 2019
    Prove yourself worthy, and you may just save the world.”
 On her seventeenth birthday, Vega Sloane receives a strange and puzzling gift: a key in the shape of a dragon’s head, along with a note that claims she’s destined for greatness. When the handsome and mysterious Callum Drake enters her life, she finds herself inextricably drawn to him, and more questions begin to arise. Who is the boy beyond the exquisite façade and charming smile? Is he an ally, or the very enemy she needs to fight off? Vega soon discovers that she’s being recruited to attend a magical Academy in a world beyond her own—a school where those known as the Blood-Born train and compete to see who comes out on top. The only problem? Everyone seems to want her dead.

A King's Pride

Ella Wilde - 2019
    Hearts change. Africa awaits. Emma Knight is in Kenya to bury a witch, and then she’s leaving. But hostile forces are pushing her into a role she doesn’t want. When Emma breaks a cardinal rule and rescues a lion Shifter, she finds herself at a dangerous crossroads. Does she move on, or risk her secrets and her heart to save the lion’s Pride and establish peace in Nairobi? Lion Shifter King David Kiprop is on a time-sensitive mission, one that leads him into a poacher’s snare. While he’s relieved to escape the trap, he’s not happy to owe a life-debt to the snarky, secretive female who rescued him, even if he does find Emma attractive. She’s a bewitching distraction King can’t afford. Too bad the gods have other plans. Join the Kiprop Pride and escape to a land where everything is possible. Start your adventure today! “A King’s Pride” is Book 1 in “The Lion Shifters” series.

Hunted by the Past

Jami Gray - 2014
    He’s the man who walked away. Can they see beyond their painful past to survive a sadistic killer’s lethal game of revenge? No matter how far she runs, she can’t escape… Changing the past is an impossibility ex-Marine, Cynthia “Cyn” Arden, understands all too well. Struggling in the aftermath of a botched mission, which cost her two teammates, her military career, and a fledgling relationship, her world’s upended once more by a panicked phone call. The psychic killer behind her nightmares has escaped military custody and is hunting down her remaining teammates, one by one. Up next on his murderous list—Cyn. Unless she finds a way to trust the one who walked away… The killer’s game brings her face to face with the one person guaranteed to throw her off kilter—the unsettling and distracting man she left behind, Kayden Shaw. Once she believed he’d stand by her side, then he chose his job and secrets over her, leaving her heart scarred by their tumultuous past. Can Cyn overcome her past to trust the man she loves and master the psychic ability she spent years denying before it’s too late? If you like heart-pounding, paranormal romance, don't miss HUNTED BY THE PAST, an action-packed introduction to Jami Gray's psychic romantic suspense series, PSY-IV Teams.

The Atlantis Girl

S.A. Beck - 2015
     Sixteen-year-old Jaxon Andersen doesn’t know anything about her origins and has been shuffled around different foster homes ever since she can remember. Trouble follows her, but bullies underestimate her small stature; she has an inexplicable strength, and she can kick some serious butt. She tries for a fresh start at the Forever Welcome Group Home for Juveniles. Dr. Hollis, her psychiatrist, is fascinated by her intelligence and astounded by her strange powers. However, Jaxon is still an easy target for bullies. She seeks refuge in the company of Otto Heike, an eighteen-year-old athlete and boys’ resident assistant. Will Otto think Jaxon’s a freak when he discovers her secrets? Meanwhile, the US military, which is performing terrifying genetic experiments, is closing in on Jaxon… The Atlantis Girl is the first book in the thrilling Atlantis Saga. This is a planned 7-book series about the girl with the Atlantis gene.