Recognizing Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Lizzy Brandon - 2018
    Darcy’s proposal and allowing him to assume a love she does not yet feel pains Miss Elizabeth Bennet but she is certain she can love him…in time. After all of the miseries he endured to salvage her youngest sister’s reputation, how could she not come to love such a man? Unfortunately, Lady Catherine arrives, bringing even thornier complications. With the many objections Darcy’s family will have regarding his marriage to the daughter of an unremarkable country squire, what more trouble can Lady Catherine stir up should she learn Elizabeth’s secret? In this Pride and Prejudice variation, what will Mr. Darcy do when he learns his beloved has accepted him although her heart is not engaged? New through Kindle Unlimited, Recognizing Love is a Jane Austen adaptation of about 73,000 words. If you are a fan of Pride and Prejudice variations, vagaries, fanfiction, and sequels, check out Recognizing Love today.

A More Gentlemanlike Manner: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sophia King - 2017
    He is desperate to forget his failed marriage proposal to Elizabeth Bennet and desires nothing more than to banish both the lady and his humiliation from his mind once and for all. A storm breaks and he decides to stop at a small cottage on his land until the morning. But as he approaches shelter, a tree branch snaps loose in the storm, and renders him unconscious. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is cursing her luck that a storm should break out on the very day she decided to explore Pemberley Woods. She had relished the chance to be alone on her tour of Derbyshire with her aunt and uncle, but now she is trapped in the middle of nowhere, and the weather is growing worse. She hears a horse, and runs in the direction of the sound to find the unconscious form of very man she least wishes to encounter. She is forced to drag him into the cottage, where they spend the night alone together. Unfortunately, when he awakens, Mr Darcy has no idea who he is, and has no memory of anything that happened before his accident. They return to Pemberley where Mr and Miss Bingley have been searching frantically for Mr Darcy. Miss Bingley is not too pleased that Mr Darcy has now compromised Elizabeth’s reputation, and will be obliged to marry her when his memory recovers. But the lady realises his lack of memory could also be the opportunity she herself has been hoping for. Can Mr Darcy recover his memory before he is manipulated by those around him who would seek to take advantage of his vulnerable state? And why is the pretty and lively Miss Elizabeth so reluctant to share memories of their former encounters together? Elizabeth is intrigued by the new side to Darcy she sees, and believes this is a man she could love. But is it just a result of his accident, or has he really changed? And as her feelings for him grows, she wonders if it’s possible he will still love her when his memory returns? Or will he resent her as the lady who rejected him and his previous marriage proposal?

Mr. Darcy and the Secret of Becoming a Gentleman

Maria Hamilton - 2011
    By every civility in his power, Darcy slowly tries to win her affections, but Elizabeth is not easily swayed. Darcy vows to unlock the secrets that will make her his. He curses himself for his social awkwardness and appearance of pride, and sets out to right the wrongs he's done her family.Elizabeth's family and friends misunderstand his intentions, and being in Elizabeth's presence proves to be both excruciating for the shy Darcy-and a dream come true. For the first time in his life, he must please a woman worth having, and the transformation leads him to a depth of understanding and love that he never could have imagined.

Desires: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

E.A. Batten - 2016
    Some desires are good, some are bad, and some are evil. After a near-brush with death, Fitzwilliam Darcy decides it is time he married and produced an heir for Pemberley. Believing the only way forward is a marriage of convenience, Darcy makes arrangements to go to Town. If he should die without a son, then his rakehell cousin, Orwell Darcy, will inherit his estate. Orwell Darcy has always desired Pemberley and its wealth. When he learns that his cousin is making plans to marry, and will soon be leaving Pemberley to finalise the arrangements, he makes his own plans to ensure that event never happens.

Henry: A Pride & Prejudice Novella

Christie Capps - 2018
    She hates him. The puppy loves them both. Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy and Miss Elizabeth Bennet get off to a rocky start. Can three-month-old Scottish sheepdog, Henry, herd two stubborn individuals together long enough to realize they are the perfect partners for a lifetime? Join in the frustration and fun when Mr. Darcy is forced to retrieve his errant puppy daily as Henry scampers from Netherfield Park to Elizabeth’s home of Longbourn. Told from her point of view, when she repeatedly spies haughty Mr. Darcy humbly showing affection to the puppy, Elizabeth is forced to acknowledge that first impressions might not always be accurate. Danger lurks, causing them to work together until Henry is safe. Is Mr. Darcy’s bark worse than his bite? Will Elizabeth remain as stubborn as a dog with a bone? This 20,000-word novella is a blend of cranky personalities, blooming affection, and wagging puppy tails. Enjoy this Regency variation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice—where it truly is a dog’s life.

A Pair of Dancing Brown Eyes

Melanie Schertz - 2012
    The girls are forced to leave their family home to live in Lambton with an aunt and uncle, and they meet the Darcy family. What means will Fanny enact to revenge herself for all the wrongs she feels Elizabeth has done her?

The Return: A Pride and Prejudice Story

Timothy Underwood - 2015
    Bingley returned after the Netherfield Ball and asked Jane to marry him. He admitted to Jane that Mr. Darcy’s advice had nearly stopped him. Elizabeth, eager to hear anything ill about Mr. Darcy, made her sister tell the story. Jane said Mr. Darcy discouraged his friend because he sincerely believed her to be indifferent. Elizabeth knew better. Darcy was selfish and unfeeling. Elizabeth wasn’t naïve and willing to believe every story told to her. At the wedding Darcy said he approved of his friend’s marriage because Jane clearly loved Bingley. In fact, he might follow his friend’s example and marry for affection. Elizabeth wasn’t going to let this hypocritical gentleman get away with his deception. Not after he tried to hurt Jane. She loudly said what she truly thought of him. Now Elizabeth realizes she was horribly mistaken about Darcy’s character. Now she loves him. But, is it too late for her? Has she lost his esteem forever?

Mr Darcy: A Man with a Plan

Lucy Marin - 2020
    If only he had done this made, or said that! If only he had made more of an effort? 
Was too late?Perhaps it was not for soon after that fateful April day, Darcy unexpectedly sees Elizabeth in London. He seeks her out again, ostensibly to ensure she now thinks better of him. He quickly decides that he wants to win her affections.It would require effort, perhaps a great effort, but Elizabeth Bennet was worth fighting for.But in order to do so, he would need a plan.

Mr Darcy's Reluctant Bride: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Freya Scott - 2015
    As she starts a new life as the mistress of Pemberley, she finds herself drawn to her handsome, noble husband. But with malicious lies and hurt pride coming between them, will Darcy and Elizabeth be forced apart or will they be able to turn their marriage of convenience into one of love?

In Want of a Wife: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Julia Middleton - 2017
    Maybe there, she can escape her mother’s embarrassing determination to match one of her daughters to their mysterious new neighbour, Mr Bingley, and be free to find love in her own way. But in the shallow, gossipy society of Bath, can she find a husband she can truly love and respect? Mr Darcy of Pemberley has always disliked Bath. But when his young sister Georgiana begs him to take her there, he cannot refuse her. Besides, at eight and twenty, it is high time he find himself a wife, and Bath is as good a place to find one as any other. But will he manage to overcome his natural reserve? And can he find a lady he can truly love, or will he bow to society’s expectations that he marry for wealth and position? When Elizabeth forms a close friendship with Georgiana, Darcy’s shy little sister, Darcy is immediately attracted to the lively, pretty girl who has brought his sister out of her shell. Elizabeth is also powerfully attracted to her new friend’s aloof older brother. Their feelings grow as they are drawn together, despite the reservations and better judgements of both. But Georgiana shares a secret with Elizabeth that could ruin her life and Darcy's, unless Elizabeth persuade her away from the dangerous path she is taking. And an unwelcome figure from Darcy’s past arrives in Bath unexpectedly, and threatens to destroy everything Darcy loves.

Darcy and Elizabeth: The Faces of Love

Arthel Cake - 2017
    The arc of their courtship, marriage, and the starting of a family serves as the foundation for a turbulent series of events. As it always is within Austen’s world, there is the familiar carousel of suitors, betrothals, triumphs, and societal disgrace. Many of the familiar characters are on hand, including Mr. and Mrs. Bennet; their daughters Jane and Elizabeth; Colonel Fitzwilliam; and Bingley, who has his eyes on Jane. Also here is the bitter Lady Catherine, as the novel also considers the more ominous social realities of the fondly remembered age. The handsome but conniving Mr. Wickham seeks to even an old score with his former friend Darcy. False accusations challenge Elizabeth’s love for her new husband, and the novel careens to a violent climax that is the result of society gossip and damaged reputations. This attention to the consequences of the contemporary mores of the day in the lives of these characters represents a fresh take on this time-honored tale.

The Olive Branch: A Pride and Prejudice variation

Sarah Courtney - 2021
    Collins or watch him destroy her entire family.Given a choice, Elizabeth would never dream of marrying the pompous, ridiculous Mr. Collins. But when she refuses his offer, he threatens to reveal a shocking secret that could ruin the Bennets.Fitzwilliam Darcy has no intention of giving in to his unsettling attraction to Elizabeth Bennet. Still, before he flees to London, he cannot resist seeing her one last time and discovers, to his dismay, that she is now betrothed to her odious cousin. She did everything in her power to evade Mr. Collins at the Netherfield ball, and the woman he sees before him now is not merely unhappy, but afraid. Elizabeth is in trouble, and Darcy cannot bear to abandon her in her distress.As the wedding day looms, Darcy and Elizabeth become desperate to break the engagement without scandal. It is only when a stranger arrives—a stranger Mr. Collins seems to fear—that Darcy and Elizabeth have any hope of extricating her from this frightening predicament.As Mr. Collins’s plan begins to unravel, it is clear that Elizabeth may not be the only one in danger. Will she and Darcy be too late to stop Mr. Collins’s vile plans?The Olive Branch is a clean, full-length Pride and Prejudice variation of about 90,000 words.

A Life Apart: A Darcy and Elizabeth Pride and Prejudice Variation

Harriet Knowles - 2018
    Enraged at the Bennet family's manipulation, Darcy takes his new wife to Pemberley and leaves her there. He returns to London, with every intention of making his life apart from her. But as time goes on, he cannot avoid the feeling that he has left something very special in Derbyshire. Perhaps it is not just Pemberley he misses? Estranged from her family, and now trapped in a marriage she never wanted, Elizabeth must make a new life alone. With her husband's family against her, she needs to take drastic measures if she is to find a way through this. The only question is, does she want to escape from Darcy, or to him? Can a family's betrayal ever be forgiven? And when a marriage starts without love, can love ever be found? A Life Apart is a sweet and clean Regency Romance of 94,000 words.

Forgotten Betrothal

L.M. Romano - 2021
    He knew. From the moment she had uttered her true name, he had known that she was not free. So why was he here? Why did he still look at her in that way? Why could she see the adoration in his eyes and the torment in his features? Had he come to say goodbye? To leave her to this fate?CONFUSED AND CHASTENED following her cruel rejection of Mr Darcy’s proposal, Elizabeth Bennet returns to her aunt’s home in Gracechurch Street. Unable to find solace while pondering her terrible misjudgment of his character, she is overwhelmed with guilt for how she treated the puzzling gentleman from Derbyshire. Fitzwilliam Darcy has retreated to his London home after being spurned by the lady he loves, and after serious reflection has come to the realisation that he never deserved Elizabeth’s good opinion. A CHANCE ENCOUNTER WITH MR DARCY brings Elizabeth the opportunity to seek forgiveness, and possibly, a new start to their budding romance. But the introduction of a stranger into Elizabeth’s life threatens to reveal old family secrets that have the potential to truly unravel her world and all that she holds dear.

The Road to Pemberley: An Anthology of New Pride and Prejudice Stories

Marsha AltmanTess Quinn - 2011
    Austen’s masterpiece has spawned an entire genre of literature, and The Road to Pemberley brings together the best of the best from published and new writers alike to create a cornucopia of intrigues starring familiar characters from Pride and Prejudice. England during the Regency Era, with its country estates, horse-drawn carriages, and formal balls, continues to captivate modern readers and The Road to Pemberley brings this fabled world to life in all its glory. Each author shows us another side of the Pride and Prejudice story as it would have continued, from Darcy and Elizabeth's first year at Pemberley to the personal tales of characters like George Wickham, Colonel Fitzwilliam, and Darcy's personal valet. Join a cast of familiar and unfamiliar faces navigating a host of new social quandaries, old personal dilemmas, and exciting adventures.