
Jessie Lewis - 2021
    Her stomach churned, as it was wont to do these days. He would not marry her. She was ruined.THE ARRIVAL OF TWO ELIGIBLE GENTLEMEN at Netherfield Park sends ripples of excitement through nearby Meryton. But Mr Bingley and Mr Darcy are not the only additions to the neighbourhood raising eyebrows. An unremarkable cottage in the woods between Netherfield and Meryton also has new tenants. One of them—a lively little girl with an adventurous spirit, a love of the outdoors, and a past shrouded in mystery—draws the notice of more than one local.ELIZABETH BENNET—YOUNG, INTELLIGENT, and UNFASHIONABLY INDEPENDENT—forms a poor first impression of the haughty Mr Darcy. On closer acquaintance, and against her better judgment, her disgust begins to give way to more tender feelings. Yet standing in the way of any potential romance is the closely guarded history of a certain little girl in a cottage in the woods. Elizabeth might be ready to disclose her hidden affections, but she is about to learn that some things are better kept secret, and some hearts are safer left untouched.

Rebellion at Longbourn: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Victoria Kincaid - 2020
    Collins has taken possession of the Longbourn estate. Although Collins and his wife Charlotte have allowed the Bennet sisters and their mother to continue living at Longbourn, the situation is difficult. Viewing Elizabeth and her sisters as little more than unpaid servants, Collins also mistreats the tenants, spends the estate’s money with abandon, and rejects any suggestions about improving or modernizing Longbourn. After one particularly egregious incident, Elizabeth decides she must organize a covert resistance among her sisters and the tenants, secretly using more modern agricultural methods to help the estate thrive. Her scheme is just getting underway when Mr. Darcy appears in Meryton. Upon returning from a long international voyage, Darcy is forced to admit he cannot forget his love for Elizabeth. When he learns of the Bennet family’s plight, he hurries to Hertfordshire, hoping he can provide assistance. Sinking into poverty, Elizabeth is further out of Darcy’s reach than ever; still, he cannot help falling even more deeply in love. But what will he do when he discovers her covert rebellion against Longbourn’s rightful owner? Falling in love with Mr. Darcy was not part of Elizabeth’s plan, but it cannot be denied. Darcy struggles to separate his love for her from his abhorrence for deception. Will their feelings for each other help or hinder the Rebellion at Longbourn?

Interrupted Plans: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Brigid Huey - 2021
    Elizabeth Bennet and her family have seen dramatic changes in the past few months—none of them welcome. Her sister Jane needs a fresh start, and Elizabeth is no less eager to leave behind the pain and confusion of not accepting Mr. Darcy’s proposal.Fitzwilliam Darcy has not seen Elizabeth since he offered for her—and she adamantly refused him. When she appears in London, he is determined to gain her friendship and make amends. When a carriage mishap throws them together, Darcy does all he can to demonstrate his changed behavior.Though their renewed acquaintance seems to be growing into a genuine friendship, a family secret constrains Elizabeth. As she falls deeper in love with the man she rejected, does she dare tell him the truth?

A Longbourn Entanglement

Monica Fairview - 2021
    If Darcy discovers it, will it spell the end of their fledgling romance?When Mrs. Bennet falls ill after the Netherfield Ball, Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley postpone their trip to London to offer their assistance. But things are never what they seem. Before long, Darcy is entangled in a chaotic situation at Longbourn, and Elizabeth is faced with a thorny dilemma that could drive Darcy away from her forever.Will Elizabeth and Darcy muddle their way through the mayhem, or is everything just too tangled for them to find love?If you are looking for a sweet, frolicsome Jane Austen short read, this romantic comedy is just what you need.

A Storm Over Netherfield: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance

Rosemary Barton - 2018
    While her sister Jane’s budding romance with Mr Bingley gives her joy, she has had enough of the proud Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley’s catty sisters. While waiting for her father to send the carriage to fetch them home, she decides to go for a walk in the woods around Netherfield Park to escape their company. A storm strikes earlier than expected, catching her unawares. In her rush to return to Netherfield, Elizabeth twists her ankle. Soaked through and in pain, she is mortified when she is found by Mr Darcy, the man she cannot stand. With the roads flooded and Elizabeth unable to walk without aid, the Bennet girls have no choice but to spend another week at Netherfield Park Darcy has been troubled by his attraction for the lively but unsuitable Elizabeth Bennet. After a week in her presence when she has bewitched him beyond his comfort, he is relieved that she is to go home. But when the storm strikes and Elizabeth doesn’t return from her walk, he leaves at once to search for her. Now, he must spend another week under the same roof as this fascinating woman and he is uncertain whether he can continue to resist his powerful feelings for her. As Elizabeth and Darcy spend more time together, they slowly let their guards down as they discover new things to admire about one another. Elizabeth wonders if she has misjudged Darcy while he finds he cares less and less about what the world might think if he was to choose Elizabeth as his bride. But Miss Bingley is determined to have Mr Darcy for her husband. Forced to play hostess to the girl who is winning the heart of the man she desires, her jealousy gets the better of her and she is willing to do all she can to come between them. Confusion and misunderstandings increase with the arrival of another unexpected visitor and Elizabeth and Darcy must decide if their feelings for one another are strong enough to conquer their own pride as well as the interference of others.

Letter Interrupted

Elizabeth Adams - 2021
    Darcy came to see Elizabeth at the inn at Lambton, what was he there to say? This story explores what would have happened if Jane’s letters had been delayed and Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth had instead spent the day together. The path of the story diverges from there, and when Lydia’s elopement becomes known, Elizabeth must face the idea of losing the man she has come to care for.

Surprise & Serendipity: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Sydney Salier - 2020
    But when he finds the accident was caused by Lydia Bennet, he suspects he was deliberately set up for a compromise.At that point, his fledgling love for Miss Elizabeth turns to scorn.He is determined to back out of the hasty engagement, and damn the consequences, until he learns that Miss Elizabeth hates him and does not want to marry him.Suddenly he is equally determined to change her mind and gain her love.Along the way many people are surprised at what they discover about themselves and people they thought they knew.

Elizabeth's Deception: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Kate Speck - 2020
    Will Darcy be able to overcome his pride to attach himself to a poor woman of obscure origins? Who killed Elizabeth's father and how will her deception be revealed?Rated T for minor violence and innuendo

Reckless, Headstrong Girl: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Grace Gibson - 2021
    Wickham, proving he is no gentleman, does the unthinkable and casts Lydia out of a second-rate coach. Filthy, exhausted, and penniless, Lydia is just facing the beginning of her ordeal! How can a spoiled, uneducated girl of fifteen—used to having her way—survive a night in the wilds of Sussex?As Mr. Bennet and Mr. Gardiner vainly search for her in London, Lydia’s sisters struggle to keep her secret from their Meryton neighbors. Though they fear the worst—that Lydia’s wild life has ended in tragedy—all hope is not lost. Mr. Darcy, in the midst of reigniting his courtship with Elizabeth Bennet, is determined to recover his love’s unfortunate sibling.Will Mr. Darcy succeed in finding Lydia and restoring her to respectability? In what shocking condition will this catastrophe render such a reckless, headstrong girl?

Sorrow and Second Chances

E. Bradshaw - 2019
    In this adaptation, the Bennet family are afflicted with grief following a sudden death in their family, and as a consequence, the fate of the whole family is changed forever. Fitzwilliam Darcy, who has been filled with regret and deep remorse ever since his last encounter with Elizabeth Bennet, realises that – in this time of great sorrow – he might just have a chance to redeem himself in the eyes of the woman he loves. Told predominantly from the viewpoint of Mr Darcy, who has been left broken-hearted by Elizabeth Bennet’s rejection, this Pride and Prejudice variation tells the story of what happened next between these two much-loved characters. ‘He could easily see that he had astonished her, and he knew very well that he was skirting well over the line of acceptable conduct with his close proximity and with his use of her Christian name – but he felt that they had travelled well beyond the realms of proper conduct a long time ago. Somewhere between their heated argument at the Hunsford Parsonage and their private conversation in the dark of her bedroom, they had crossed an invisible line. They could never return to holding polite, stilted conversations about music or politics, or the state of the weather, when they had already bared so much of their inner souls to one another. Let other people conduct their courtships in such a way, he thought determinedly to himself, but he could remain silent no longer. If he had felt less for her then he might have been able to restrain his candour, but he knew he was well beyond that now.’

A Most Civil Proposal

C.P. Odom - 2013
    It was therefore rather easy for Elizabeth to reject his offer in much the same manner. But what if Darcy, never one at ease when trying to speak of inner sentiments, had realized beforehand how his intended proposal would sound to the young woman he hoped to make his bride? What if he had attempted a much more civil and thoughtful proposal of marriage? Could Elizabeth Bennet have coldly and angrily rejected an offer made in such a manner? A Most Civil Proposal, a variation on Jane Austen's "Pride and Prejudice," examines and explores how the lives of the two main characters and their families and friends might have turned out differently had Darcy realized his error beforehand and thus avoided being so forcefully instructed and corrected by the love of his life.

The Gentleman's Impertinent Daughter: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Rose Fairbanks - 2014
    Instead, he meets a young woman who challenges his ideas and pulls his sister out of her melancholy. He soon realizes Elizabeth Bennet is the only woman in the world with whom he could spend the rest of his life. Elizabeth, clever and self-assured, refuses to change for the sake of gaining a husband, a prospect she finds impossible regardless. With wit and independence rather than fortune, she is entirely convinced no sensible man would have her, and she cannot respect a fool. Can Darcy prove to be this impossible man? Or is a figure from his past an insurmountable obstacle to a future with The Gentleman’s Impertinent Daughter? This was previously posted on various forums in a draft as St. Michael's Little Summer.

Betrothed to Mr Darcy

Lin Mei Wei - 2020
    But the betrothal forces her into Mr Darcy's frequent company, and the better she knows and understands him, the more he bewilders and fascinates her.Meanwhile, behind the scenes, dark forces are at work. While Elizabeth slowly loses her heart to the man she once thought would be the last in the world she would ever marry, she is in danger of losing much more, when she discovers long buried family secrets, and understands what it means to be Mrs Darcy.Warning: This book contains scenes of a sexual nature.

There You Were: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Michelle Ray - 2021
    I cannot stop it, I cannot indulge it, so I must put distance between us and hope that time will heal this fever I have.”ABANDONED BY HER MOTHER and ignored by her father, it is hardly any wonder young Elizabeth Bennet’s curiosity soon brings about trouble and marriage to a man she does not love. Colonel Fitzwilliam’s family—save for his cousin Mr Darcy—despises her, and life is not what she dreamed of. As she matures and grows from an impetuous girl into a woman, Elizabeth’s most reliable source of friendship and comfort becomes Mr Darcy. When tragedy strikes leaving her a widow, she is free to find out [discover?] who has been in her heart all along. DARCY HAS ALWAYS BEEN INTRIGUED by the girl his beloved cousin married, and finds himself drawn into helping her after her husband’s death. Over time, admiration turns to love. Admitting his feelings to her – or even himself – could lead to ruin, but denying his passion could shatter him.

The Goodness of Men

Anngela Schroeder - 2017
    “You never will be able to make both of them good…Take your choice, but you must be satisfied with only one. There is but such a quantity of merit between them; just enough to make one good sort of man…” -Pride and Prejudice  From her youngest days, Elizabeth Bennet’s ability to accurately judge the character of others has been recognized and noted by those around her in such a consistent manner as to lead her to believe it herself. The misfortune of meeting Mr. Darcy, a wealthy landowner from the north, only solidifies this belief. The memory of his disapproval of her family, proves his character is lacking and sadly unlike his childhood friend’s, the charming and affable Mr. Wickham, who is esteemed by all he meets. Although her opinion once lost is not lost forever, the effort to regain her favor is great. With Elizabeth’s youngest sister fortunate to be in company with Mr. Wickham in Brighton since the spring, and her own travels to Kent cancelled, she must await the pleasures of a summer holiday to the North with her aunt and uncle Gardiner. However, it is there that she is once again thrust into Mr. Darcy’s presence and must determine if he is truly the architect of the many wrongs she has laid at his door. Fitzwilliam Darcy cannot exorcise Elizabeth Bennet from his thoughts. A chance meeting at the estate of his friend reignites all the flames he has attempted to suppress since their last meeting. Believing in her partiality, he is stunned to overhear her true estimation of him and is determined to change her opinion. Battling with memories and secrets from his past, Darcy must fight against his natural reserve to win the heart of the woman he loves. Will the unexpected appearance of a stranger encourage Elizabeth’s change of heart? Might an episode from Mr. Darcy's past force Elizabeth to see the man within? Can one man have all the goodness and the other only the appearance of it?  Join us for another sweet "Pride and Prejudice" reimagining, suitable for ages teen and up.