Author's Pet

Deathco Cotorino - 2008
    The man's name is Tsubaki Nishijima, occupation novelist. In exchange for crippling his arm, Tsubaki demands Yuta work like a slave every day! Today's job is to take exact dictation of Tsubaki's words. Whaaat?! What's with this perverted depiction of... Isn't this sexual harassment?!

Level C Volume 1

Aoi Futaba-葵 二葉 - 2005
    Loneliness and uncertainty no longer scares them. This is their first, true love, and they will make it last forever.

Time Lag

Shinobu Gotoh - 2000
    As the spring of their third year approaches, Satoru is starting to wonder if he should give up on Shirou or risk being rejected a third time. Will Satoru be able to convince Shirou that his love is genuine? Or will Seiichi Hiro, Satoru's friend and confidant, steal Satoru away before he and Shirou can reconcile their differences?

Lost Boys

Kaname Itsuki - 2009
    Having grown up most of his life without his own father, Mizuki wants nothing to do with surrogate fatherhood. Unfortunately, stuck without a way out of Neverland, he has little choice but to stay. As he spends time with Air, however, Mizuki is gradually charmed by his boyish innocence, and the two fall in love. In the end, Mizuki decides to return to the real world to reunite with his estranged father, but tells Air that he will always leave the window open for him.

Vampire's Portrait, Volume 1

Hiroki Kusumoto - 2008
    In an age of patrons and artists, he longs for the day a noble will acknowledge his ability and support him. When a man called Zain commissions him to draw his portrait, Ru soon discovers that his patron is not only incredibly wealthy and generous -- he's also dead! Instead of being fearful of the blood-thirsty vampire, Ru realizes that he longs for the pull of Zain's lips on his neck and doesn't want Zain to drink anyone's blood but his own!

マザーズ スピリット 1 [Mother's Spirit 1]

Enzou - 2015
    理事長に留学生の世話を命じられた大学職員・稜一郎。なんと留学生・カルタカは、言葉も通じない未開の地に住むネイティブ!! 一族の戦士で超美貌の持ち主だが、スマホやテレビ、果ては水洗トイレを恐れる彼に稜一郎はうんざり…。だが、つたない言葉で「リョウイチロー」と呼ばれ懐かれるうちに、次第に心が傾いて!?University employee Ryouichirou is ordered by the Chairman to take in an exchange student.That exchange student, Qaltaqa, is a native from a developing country who can't understand Japanese!! Though he is a warrior of his tribe and a man of great beauty, seeing him afraid of the phone and the TV, and even the toilet, Ryouichirou gets fed up…But while being called "Ryouichirou" in such a clumsy manner, he has a change of heart!?

I Want to Be Naughty

Mei Sakuraga - 2005
    He hides out on the rooftop, it's his special illegal place. He finds Mikado Shirahane on the roof one day. He's the hottest, smartest guy in school, and now he's in Towa's Xanadu...why would Towa find himself falling for him? Perhaps it's the passionate kisses and longing looks from the school stud...!?

Sleeping Moon, Vol. 1

Kano Miyamoto - 2008
    One night, he experiences a time slip that lands him 100 years in the past! There he meets Eitaro, a student from the Meiji Period who is also trying to solve the same mystery. Bridging the gap between the past and the present, the two men traverse time and space as they work together to unravel the family's secret. Reads R to L (Japanese Style) for mature audiences.

Fake Fur

Satomi Yamagata - 2007
    But things change when he receives chocolates on Valentine’s Day...from a boy! Since then, Yamashita has begun to question his sexuality and becomes increasingly aware of his growing attraction to Kubo. Will he risk his friendship with Kubo just to express his feelings?