After the EMP: The Chaos Trilogy

Harley Tate - 2018
    As an air marshal, he doesn’t have time for commitment. When his plane emergency lands outside of Eugene, Oregon, he knows it’s the beginning of the end. When he sets off on his own, he’s ready to face the future alone. Rescuing a kid isn’t part of his plan. When you have nothing left, can you find the will to survive? Dani’s only fifteen, but she’s no stranger to hardship. When the pangs of hunger drive her to the brink, Dani makes the difficult choice to steal. She knows she might get caught. She never expects a stranger to save her. The end of the world brings out the best and worst in all of us. Colt and Dani will have to fight to survive in this post-apocalyptic world. Joining forces isn’t part of the plan, but desperate times call for desperate measures. With danger around every corner, will they find the strength to trust each other? Or will the past ruin any chance of seeing the future? The EMP is only the beginning. The Chaos Trilogy comprises books four through six in the After the EMP series, a post-apocalyptic thriller series following ordinary people trying to survive after a geomagnetic storm destroys the nation’s power grid. It can be read first, although reading in series oder will provide a more complete timeline.

The Breaking Point

Justin Bell - 2021
    An FBI agent caught in a web of lies. To survive the apocalypse they must fight the most desperate battle of their lives - or die trying.Tired of the same old apocalyptic tale? Welcome to your new addiction.***A former soldier trying to escape his past is adrift in small town USA.An FBI agent goes against her superiors’ orders, investigating strange kidnappings in the heart of middle America.When the unimaginable happens and the world is plunged into darkness, the survivors will be forced to face their greatest fears as they’re dragged to their breaking points - and beyond.

6 Days to Survive

Phil Maxey - 2020
    6 days to run from a virus devouring all life on earth. 6 days to survive.Microbiologist Jess Keller thought it was the worst day of her life. She had lost the only job she ever had, but twenty-four hours later she and her husband, were fighting to keep her family alive.

Shut In

Nathan Jones - 2019
     Ellie Feldman is on the way home from a business trip, looking forward to seeing her kids, when her plane is grounded on the tarmac in Hawaii. No one wants to tell her what's going on, until finally she learns of the virulent disease spreading over the globe. Now she has to find a way to get home to her family. Back at home her ex-husband, Nick Statton, thinks his problems revolve around financial hardships and helping their children as they continue to adjust to the recent divorce and going from parent to parent with shared custody. Then he discovers there's something far worse to worry about. As the nation descends into chaos around them, she must face the challenges of being out in a society falling apart, while he and their children face those of being shut in.

Preppers: The Event (The Falling Book 1)

P.D. Clover - 2021

No Way Out

T.L. Payne - 2020
    Cars stall. Communications fail.Cities descend into chaos.An EMP attack leaves single-father Will Fontenot and his son stranded in Houston, Texas.It's an all-out battle for survival.Wracked with guilt and struggling with PTSD from the accident that took his wife’s life, he’ll do whatever it takes to get his son out of the city. But an encounter with two injured women hurls them into a deadly game of cat and mouse and puts all their lives at risk.It’s a race against time as the plot to bring America to her knees unfolds in this fast-paced post-apocalyptic EMP survival thriller. No Way Out will keep you on the edge of your seat until the very last page.

Nuclear War Club: Seven high school students in detention, who don't know, or like each other, get a pop test in survival

Colt Triarii - 2015
    They realize this was not another earthquake, but a Nuclear Attack. David knew they would have to work together to escape from the rubble, then shelter for 14 days to survive the fallout. If, as he feared, their parents were dead, then they should trek east,hopefully staying together.They would have to adapt, improvise, and overcome. They rescued a 4 year old orphan and realized how much they had learned from their parents. They became the Nuclear War Club. David had been the starting quarterback on his football team in Alabama.He had just transferred to this California High School as a Senior, when his Dad was reassigned to an Air Force Base. David organized the human chain to escape from the rubble. The clock was ticking, they would have to find, or make, a shelter from the fallout within 30 minutes or die from the radiation. David looked over the other 6 detention survivors and was disappointed at this soft, pampered, self centered, dysfunctional group. But you go to nuclear war with the survivors you have, he thought, as he explained what had happened and his plan. He invited them to follow as he began to hike to where his truck and camping equipment had been. Zeke's stomach churned, and he struggled to control his panic as he viewed the nuclear debris as far as the eye could see. What had happened to LeShawn and Monique? Were they trapped in rubble, crying for their big brother to come? His Mom was a drug addict, he was all his preschool brother and sister had. He would rescue them,or die trying. But he was miles away from home-the football boosters arranged for special transportation to get the heavily recruited, All State football running back, to this wealthy school everyday. He would stay with this group, they were his ticket, until he found a way to rescue LeShawn and Monique. Karen had grown up on a ranch where her father was hired to care for the horses. She was tough from working with the horses, self sufficient,and was instinctively wary of how David had just naturally assumed command. Karen had just transferred to this school under redistricting, and she didn't know any of them well.But the school, and the entire City were totally destroyed, there was no other option. Karen grabbed her backpack, stuck a knife from what was left of the underground school kitchen in her hiking boots, concealed it with her sock, then followed. Liu was a first generation Vietnamese immigrant who excelled at school. She had been utterly humiliated and shamed that she had even been sent to detention. Liu had carefully noticed how David had organized their evacuation and got everyone out. David was a natural leader, and he seemed to know a lot about Nuclear War. She would stay with this group until her Dad found her. Jorge was going to be an architect and was dual enrolled in engineering classes at the Community College. His leg had been broken when the ceiling collapsed, David and Karen had helped set his splint. He was all in, hobbling behind. Karen loathed Ashley Kensington, and wondered if the cheerleaders required DNA test confirmation that you had blond hair, blue eyes, long legs, and no brain to be the cheerleader captain. Ashley considered staying at what was left of the school. Surely her wealthy parents would send the maid or someone to get her. But David sounded like he knew all about Nuclear attacks when he told her that was stupid, and she was terrified of being left behind, alone. Doron was a genius who was also popular as the creator of the encrypted "geek.peek" homework school website.

Edge of Disaster: An EMP Post-Apocalyptic Survival Prepper Series (American Fallout Book 2)

Alex Gunwick - 2017
     At the end of EDGE OF COLLAPSE, Luke managed to get within sixty miles of his family's Bug Out Location. As he struggles to make it home, he faces new threats. He teams up with a mysterious stranger to battle the lawless world. Without power, food, or water, they face a grueling uphill battle against the forces of darkness. He'll have to get creative if he wants to survive, but nothing will keep Luke from getting back to his family. Nothing. Not even the people who stand in his way. Liz struggles to defend the cabin from the preacher and his men. With too much land to cover and not enough resources, she reluctantly teams up with other people in the canyon. Their thread-bare agreement might not hold up under pressure, but it's better than nothing. Post-apocalyptic America is a desolate, dangerous world on the edge of disaster. Unable to trust strangers, family is more important than ever. Liz will do whatever it takes to protect her kids. One day Luke will return home, but until then, she's ready to take up arms against anyone who threatens them. EDGE OF DISASTER is BOOK 2 in the thrilling post-apocalyptic survival prepper EMP fiction series: AMERICAN FALLOUT.

The Victor

Matt Rogers - 2018
    FAST PACED. QUICK, EXPLOSIVE THRILL RIDES. BLACK FORCE SHORTS BY MATT ROGERS. Government operative James Xu arrives in the peaceful suburb of Greenpoint on a stormy night in Brooklyn, New York. Tasked with infiltrating a mysterious tournament run by shadowy underworld figures, he understands the likelihood of having to use his extensive combat experience is high. As a solo warrior for the division known only as Black Force, he's accustomed to being thrown to the wolves. But nothing could have prepared him for what he finds in an unassuming residential townhouse...

All We Have

Sean Patrick Little - 2018
    There are crops to plant and harvest, and animals to feed. There is the daily grind of life after a viral apocalypse where things they used to take for granted, like food, water, and safety, are no longer a given, especially with predators prowling at the perimeter of the farm. It is two against the world, and all they have is each other.

Zero Day (A Post-Apocalyptic Survival Series)

William H. Weber - 2020
    When it hits it will bring over a meter of snow and numbing arctic winds.Some are prepared. Most are not.But something infinitely more dangerous is also on its way--a multi-pronged cyber-attack that will destroy the power grid, crippling the country at the worst possible moment.Like millions of others, ex-cop Nate Bauer and his family are bracing for the coming storm, unaware that it will test them in ways they could never have imagined.For hidden deep within the malignant code lies an even greater threat. One that holds the potential to destroy America forever.In the end, only a single question will matter. When the lights go out for good, who will have what it takes to survive?

Caldwell's Homestead

Millie Copper - 2019
    They have tried to plan for everything, but they never imagined this would happen. Recently, personal tragedy nearly devastated Mollie and Jake, leaving them struggling to rebuild their relationship while they consider selling the farm.  Now, as disaster strikes, Mollie is away on business, leaving Jake and ten-year-old Malcolm to prepare for the worst. Daughter Katie, soon to start her final year of college and planning a mission trip afterward, is over a thousand miles from home. The older children, and their spouses, live within an easy drive—under normal times. In this first installment of the Havoc in Wyoming series, they'll soon find themselves in a chaotic new world, where nothing is normal or easy, it's downright dangerous. Will the Caldwells’ planning, provisions, and faith be enough? Or have the recent changes in their relationship been detrimental to the family's survival? The Havoc in Wyoming series has been described as “Cozy Apocalypse” and contains no profanity; gratuitous sex scenes; or gruesome, overly detailed death scenes. While set in an imagined future, the people of Bakerville face real-life obstacles, created by this new world and brought with them from their old world.

Blood Type Infected 1: No Future For Man

Matthew Marchon - 2018
    This is the epicenter of the outbreak, where your average novel doesn’t dare venture. This is Noah Britton fighting his way through the heart of the zombie freakin’ apocalypse. The high school is on lockdown but the infection has already invaded its borders. It’s too late. Screams echo through the halls, blood stains the lockers, the dead don’t die for long. Mutilated, half eaten corpses wander the halls in search of the living. These aren’t your normal slow moving corpses that trudge along hoping for victims. No. They run faster. Fight harder. Know no pain. Show no weakness. Offer no reprieve. Noah must make the ultimate sacrifice and decide who to save and who to leave behind. What ranks higher in these desperate times; friendship or strategy? Can old rivals put aside their differences and work together for the greater good or will human emotions lead to the end of the world as we know it? The edge of your seat intensity never dies as Noah, his neurotic bus driver, his best friends, his worst enemies, the girl he likes, the girl he hates or loves or who the hell even knows anymore and a power hungry rival desperate for control all try to co-inhabit a school bus in search of a safe haven that may no longer exist. Gruesome. Intense. Graphic and Brutally violent. Yet emotionally driven with enough heart to sustain a dying species taken off life support. The characters tear themselves from the pages, forcing their way into your heart, demanding you continue when it all gets to be too much. This is hope. This is strength. This is the end. And it’s only the beginning.

The Culling

Peter Meredith - 2020
    It’s time to tear down and start again. And what better way to eradicate humanity than by unleashing the monsters inside each of us? Destroying mankind is simple compared to perfecting a new version of mankind. Just as evil resides within all of us, the hero does as well. It’s just much harder to bring out. The Chosen are those few who survive the process. They become greater in every regard. The other 98% however, become the stuff of nightmares. Wickedly cunning and ferociously strong, they are insatiable demons that make the average zombie look like it's made of sticks and string.Into this cataclysm Bryce Carter is thrown wearing nothing but a hospital gown. He dared to defy Magnus, who felt injecting him with the serum just wasn’t punishment enough. Barefoot and bleeding, Bryce has to fight his way out of a city overrun with zombies.Led by the demons, the dead sweep across the streets like a grey river, forcing him to crawl through sewers and down into the dark tunnels beneath the blood-soaked streets. He’s hounded relentlessly and growing desperate as he only has so much time. Nuclear weapons are being readied and soon the city will be nothing but dust and ash.

A Day to Survive Boxset

William Stone - 2021
    Thirty-six hours have passed since the EMP was detonated, and in that short amount of time, the nation has been transformed—the survivors of the initial attack scramble for food, water, and medical supplies. With thousands already dead, the death toll will continue to rise in the coming days.StaticThe thin thread holding the civilized world together has been severed. Millions of citizens have been thrust into the unknown, breeding fear into the minds and souls of those seeking to survive. Wren Burton, an architect from Chicago, has been engulfed by the chaotic aftermath of an EMP blast. Her family is injured. The enemy is unknown. And help is nowhere to be found.The Coldest NightDuring the coldest winter on record, an EMP sends American back into the Stone Age. Jack and his family find sanctuary in their cabin in a small, remote town, hidden deep in the forest. Little does Jack know the Blizzard will be the least of his problems.