Private Property and Private Parts

Audra Beagle - 2009
    Peace and quiet isn't in the cards when one cool summer evening, a mysterious and gorgeous stranger named Will shows up on his doorstep with a delicious chocolate cake and claiming ownership of the house. Instant attraction sparks between the two, but there's one big roadblock in the way of a blossoming romance; the deed to the house.The two young men fight, write, bake and make love in this novella-length story that will leave you laughing and even a little hot under the collar.

Life Drawing

Jane Davitt - 2013
    But I wanted to be true to my desires at last, and yeah, impress this guy I met. In my street clothes, most people wouldn't even guess I am gay and those who know assume I am a top, but I am not. This guy, he is really cute and kind of flamboyant, but he has a core of steel. Perhaps he is the one who will see me as I am and complete me.Photo Description: The man in the photograph wears black stockings and lace suspenders, and his back is to the camera. He also wears leather: gloves, a belt cinched around his arm, and a double strapped harness over his shoulder and looping around his waist. Under the ankh tattoo in the small of his back, his ass is bare, and a faint blush of pink from a spanking is barely visible…This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

Weekend Boyfriend

KyAnn Waters - 2012
    Before Joel Fleming can surprise his girlfriend, he discovers she’s stripped his house and bailed on the relationship. But maybe something good can come out of losing everything. Joel has three days and two nights in Mexico. Who better to take than his best friend, Asher Paton.But Asher has a few surprises of his own. He’d have thought Joel would’ve figured him out by now. Asher is gay, and his perfect boyfriend would be someone he likes enough to love, a best friend as a lover. The only problem is the best friend he wants is straight and just might be on the rebound. Maybe to the rest of the world, Joel appears to have life by the balls, but Asher knows his friend deserves better. That doesn’t mean Joel will want him as anything more than a Weekend Boyfriend.


Anna Martin - 2013
    His boyfriend just dumped him, and his business has fallen victim to the economy. But is jumping on a plane after a surprise phone call taking things too far?The promise of a new opportunity drags Henry away from the city to a tiny village in the English countryside and an enormous manor house his great-grandmother wants to bequeath him. As an experienced wedding planner, he sees the potential in renovating the dilapidated building and using it for events. All he needs is to find some local businesses to provide the essentials.That’s how Henry meets Ryan Burgess, the shy but hardworking owner of an organic farm. The spark between them sizzles slowly while work on the house continues, but Ryan is deeply in the closet and unwilling to take the last step. They finally find something that clicks in cricket, something that Henry, a former amateur baseball player, is surprisingly good at. For him, cricket helps bridge the gap between England and New York—but unless Ryan can find something to span the divide between his sexuality and his fear, their relationship doesn’t stand a chance.

Ass Over Teacup

Jackie Nacht - 2013
    Burdened by that name, he’s always allowed himself to be bullied and take a back seat to everyone else. Added to that, he trips over his own feet or stutters when he meets a hot guy. This spectacular fall is just one more thing to make the poor guy think he’s doomed. He was getting ready to go on a blind date tonight and now I just had to call the paramedics instead. What’s a guy to do when he just can’t stay grounded?Photo Description: Picture is of sexy dark haired man taking a shower. He’s tangled in the transparent shower curtain and falling ass over teacups.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

BTW I Love You

Nico Jaye - 2013
    However, with Jake studying abroad 8,000 miles away, Aidan soon finds himself struggling with the intense feelings that he's developed for a man he's never actually met. With an ocean between them and all of the doubts and questions that come with the distance, will their relationship ever find wings? And when they finally meet in person, can their online romance become an IRL happily ever after?This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

Forever Yours, Faithfully

Sara York - 2013
    Devastated by Greg's abandonment, Randy runs, taking on a new name and starting over. Randy never gets over losing Greg even when he finds a new partner, Mike. Tragedy strikes on September 11 and the world seems to be falling apart around him as Randy learns Mike is HIV positive. As war rages around Greg, he vows to find Randy to prove that "forever yours" doesn't come with an expiration date.

Marathon Cowboys

Sarah Black - 2011
    Budding Navajo cartoonist Lorenzo Maryboy is a hard-working former Marine: staunch, brave, and honorable. Chance brings them together on the road to Marathon, Texas, and passion flares.Just as always, Jesse puts his art ahead of everything. He betrays their growing trust, and that Lorenzo can’t forgive. But Jesse’s found something he loves more than his art, and what he does to win Lorenzo’s forgiveness is far more dangerous than either man understands.


Nash Summers - 2015
    Creepily so. He makes art out of road kill, writes love letters to people he’s never met, and stares incessantly at pretty men without them ever noticing. He spotted the guy on the right walking his dog through fields, and made him his newest object of affection. Only problem was, when he started staring at this guy, he stared back.Photo Description: The backs of two teenage boys holding hands, one slightly leaning in toward the other. They’re walking through a field, illuminated by the sunlight in front of them. Around them are tall grasses and yellow stalks of wheat.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is an Open Road" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.

Joys R Us

Kim Fielding - 2012
    But his sister coerces him into standing in line overnight for this year's must-have toy. Supplies prove smaller than expected, and Reece gets trampled in the resulting stampede. Toy store manager Angel tends to Reece's wounds. When Angel discovers Reece's cynical attitude, he invites Reece to spend Christmas Eve with him. Over the course of the day, Angel shows Reece what Christmas means to him. With Angel's guidance, maybe Reece can finally understand the joy of the holiday—and maybe even find love as well.

DJ Dangerfield

Anyta Sunday - 2013
    . . and you’re listening to 91.3 FM.” Justin knows three things for sure about DJ Dangerfield: He has some questionable taste in music. He always provokes Justin into ringing in. And he might just be his favorite weekly distraction. But who is this DJ Dangerfield in Real Life? And will Justin like him in the flesh as much as on the air? ***Short College-Based Novella***


Rigby Taylor - 2011
    If you're you are open to difference, are interested in alternative ways to live and love, and enjoy a fast-paced thriller, then this book is for you—so read and enjoy.Eighteen year-old Sebastian is an enigma. Everyone likes him, but no one knows anything about him. He wears clothes only under protest, but no one seems to mind. To say his home life is unusual is like saying the Amazon is a stream. Bizarre doesn’t even begin to describe his upbringing. He doesn’t know who his father was, he’s used as a therapist for broken youths, and yet he’s managed to remain a ‘normal’ and thoroughly ‘nice guy’…in the opinion of all those who are not concerned by his penchant for nudity.In this fast paced tale of criminal intrigue, porno rings, abductions and mayhem in tropical Australia, Sebastian and his boyfriend, Reginald, fight for their lives against the big-moneyed bad boys.

Deliberately Unbound

Ava March - 2010
    Nothing rivals the sensation of being bound for Vincent’s pleasure…or so he thought. Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Domination/submission, male/male sexual practices.

Frozen Heart

Heidi Cullinan - 2013
    There’s more going on in November than just the movie, however—Walter’s been working up the nerve to ask Kelly a certain question. When Walter set up his elaborate Thanksgiving marriage proposal, it seemed like such a good idea, but as the holiday, the movie premiere, and the question Walter never dreamt he’d be asking anyone converge…let’s just say even Hollywood’s best couldn’t sing and dance their way out of Walter’s tangle.

Scrap Metal

Harper Fox - 2012
    Now he’s hip deep in sheep, mud and collies. His late brother and mother had been well suited to life on Seacliff Farm. Nichol? Not so much. As lambing season progresses in the teeth of an icy north wind, the last straw is the intruder Nichol catches in the barn. He says his name is Cam, and he’s on the run from a Glasgow gang. Something about the young man’s tired resignation touches Nichol deeply, and instead of giving him the business end of a shotgun, he offers Cam a blanket and a place to stay. Somehow, Cam quickly charms his way through Nichol’s defenses and into his heart. Even his grandfather takes to the cheeky city boy, whose hard work and good head for figures help set the farm back on its feet. As the cold Scottish springtime melts into summer, Nichol finds himself falling in love. When tragedy strikes, Cam’s resolutely held secret is finally revealed and Nichol must face the truth. He’s given his heart away, and it’s time to pay the price. Warning: Contains explicit M/M sex and the disruption of a quiet Scottish town by a fistfight and some tight designer jeans.