Book picks similar to
Eat Crow by Jacob Lagadi


Crocodylus Acutus

J. Rocci - 2012
    Over the past few days he's been watching this cute conservationist gather data about his dwindling habitat. But when the guy falls into the mud, the rest of the crocs think lunch but Craig thinks love.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is Always Write" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.Read the story here or find it in Love Is Always Write: Volume 2.

I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek

DiscontentedWinter - 2015
    SterekStiles finds a baby on the porch.It looks exactly like him.Well, this is awkward.Words: 51,934 complete

Like a Sparrow Through the Heart

Aggy Bird - 2008
    Now the sparrow has taken over Talon's life, and Talon hates it. But maybe things will turn out all right. If only Flit would stop decorating the place.Length: epic (~57,000 words) Complete Ebook formats by The Fluff - Free Download via Goodreads

All About Trust

D.P. Denman - 2015
    I never knew his last name. We chatted only online.Eric was 15 when he thrown out on the streets by his father because Eric was gay. He survived by becoming a prostitute. Eric always said he was a “whore”: “two holes and a cock”.He was sexually, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually abused for years by hundreds of different men. He was kept by two pimps for several years, along with other boys.Eric escaped the pimps, got off the streets with a church’s help. The pastor didn’t like gays though; he told Eric he wished Eric was not in his congregation. He preached being gay, being a whore, were sins. Eric believed he was Damned.Eric had an 8th grade education. The pastor did not help get him back on his feet. A family man, a congregation member, paid Eric for sex; Eric needed the money.Eric had to “whore” again for money to live. He charged half of other escorts’ fees because Eric felt he wasn’t worth it. Eric began to starve. He was 20.Eric wouldn’t let me help him; I tried!!! He became the kept-boy of a truly sadistic “Daddy”. The man broke all of Eric’s ribs, and put a huge vibrator in Eric’s ass for hours— and worse.Eric wasn’t allowed to leave the apartment. “Daddy” stopped Eric contacting anyone. I was the last.Eric wanted “Daddy” to kill him.I want Eric to find love.Photo Description: A naked young man with his ass to the camera, tied in BDSM restraints and crying.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is an Open Road" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.

A Lot To Be Thankful For

J.L. Langley - 2008
    Short story about Sterling and Rhys

An Intrepid Trip to Love

Charlie Cochet - 2013
    But when they discovered his brother couldn’t have pups, the responsibility of continuing the Hagan Alpha line fell back to Trip. Under the weight of the Hagan Council’s demand to fulfill his duty, Trip settled down and produced an heir, but after years of struggling to uphold his family’s traditions, Trip found the courage to do what no other Hagan Alpha had done in the history of the clan: he came out.Five years later, and Trip is living a happy life with his cheeky pup and their own little makeshift family. True mates within canine shifter clans are very rare, but Trip has had one since he can remember. Despite losing his heart to Boone twenty years ago, Trip holds little hope of ever getting to bond with the sexy Enforcer, as it’s against clan laws for pure-bloods to bond with half-breeds. With the call from their feral halves to seal the bond growing stronger by the day, can Trip and Boone find a way to be together without losing everything? This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

Pull Down the Sun

Danni Keane - 2015
    For six weeks every year, he was my best friend, my partner-in-crime, and eventually my first kiss, my first everything. And then one year, what should have been our last summer before university, he wasn’t there. He didn’t come back. I waited all summer. Now, ten years later, on a different beach, in a different town, another country, we run into each other and all those old feelings come rushing back.Photo Description: The black-and-white photo shows two handsome, well-built, bare-chested young men, kissing passionately as they lie in the shallow waves on a beach. Still wearing their jeans, they look like they have tumbled into the water, so caught up in the moment and their love for each other they are oblivious to the world around them.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is an Open Road" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.

The Lost Weekend

Andrea Speed - 2014
    After a long night of celebratory drinking, Scott can’t quite remember what happened to his friend, and he isn’t answering his cell. Roan discovers Scott’s friend was much more troubled than he ever realized, and that some mysteries should remain unsolved.

Blame the Fireworks

Riina Y.T. - 2015
    He thinks he’s too awkward to live, maybe a little too shy and, very much to his frustration, simply ‘all knees and elbows’. A walking disaster zone. Tripping up stairs or running into glass doors, that kinda thing. And he’s got the biggest crush on his roommate’s older brother, Tabby, who seems to be completely out of his league. Not only is Tabby beautiful, he’s also elegant and confident, kindhearted and sort of just ‘perfect’.Tabby knows what he wants out of life, always had, and much to his parents disappointment, he continues pursuing the things that make him happy instead of pleasing them. He lives by mottos such as:‘Choose kindness and laugh often’, and ‘Do small things with great love’.When a tragedy strikes, Tabby realizes that life is more fragile than he ever wanted to admit. While he knows what he wants, Tabby isn’t fearless. The thought of losing his newfound friendship with Harlie terrifies him, but imagining all the wonderful things he’s missing out on, if he keeps chickening out, is even more painful.Perhaps he could talk Harlie into a spontaneous road trip… See if he can overcome his fears?And if fate is kind enough, he might get a chance at something very, very special.* * * Dear Author,My roommate’s brother is visiting again and sleeping on our couch. I tiptoe around and pray I don’t run into anything or cause a clatter that would wake him. All knees and elbows, that’s me— while he’s all strength and grace. Looking at him, I can’t help my wistful sigh. He’s beautiful, but that’s not it. It’s his gentle smiles and kindness. Unlike everyone else, he doesn’t treat me like I’m one stumble away from being declared a walking disaster zone.Unfortunately, he also treats me like a kid brother. He ruffles my hair and calls me ‘kiddo’. I wish I wasn’t so awkward. I wish I was sexy so he’d want me the way I want him. I wish I was the one he dreamed about as he slept on the couch.Photo Description: The photograph shows a black-and-white close-up of the face of a pretty, young man. His eyes are closed, and he appears to be sleeping, content.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is an Open Road" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.

The Practical Guide to Trying Not to Die

Sam Schooler - 2013
    In the past three hours, he’s been attacked by Lord of the Rings lookalikes, saved by his hot but weird next-door neighbor, threatened with a pair of Manolos, and been told he has to move out of his house.Oh, and he has to leave this dimension, too. So there’s that.His neighbor, Soren Greenfield, is not only a gardening fanatic and an avid swimmer, but a guardian — a member of a fierce, loyal league of warriors who have sworn their lives to protect the keys. Unfortunately for Danny, he’s a key, and he possesses a well of magic that can be tapped and manipulated by sorcerers. Soren’s job is to protect Danny from sorcerers, and now that a particularly powerful one (code name: Doctor Doom) has set his sights on Danny (a geeky geology major with inferiority issues, no combat skills, and a smart mouth), Soren is probably going to regret that oath he took to give his life in exchange for Danny’s.Together with Danny’s black belt best friend Malia Hesse, they escape to Lohrfast, Danny’s birthplace and Soren’s home, in order to ensure Danny’s safety. Arriving at White Oak, one of the League’s training camps, should be the end of their travel, but there are dangers within the League as well, and when Danny, Soren, and Malia are forced to make a desperate journey to the League’s largest stronghold, Soren’s secrets catch up with them.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.


Tam Ames - 2010
    His frustration at the situation is palpable, but when he's taken home by good-looking Hamilton, his plan is to win over his new owner and make his escape? However, after a few weeks with Hamilton, does he want to make a complete escape, or just stop being caged? If you like foul-mouthed tiny shifters whose surly attitudes are many times bigger than their physical presence, then this may be the book for you.

Atle's Saga

Kit Edwards - 2015
    I enjoy reading about characters in difficult situations, so a plot that involves some kind of danger (be it because of a power struggle or war) would be very much appreciated. Will it be about two warriors from opposing clans falling in love? A warrior on a mission falling in love in someone from a completely different walk of life? Something else altogether?Photo Description: A Celtic warrior stands in a room of what looks like the sacked remains of a country estate. His well-muscled arms are crossed over his chest and he is holding a double-headed axe. He is wearing Celtic dress (kilt, tunic) and he has shoulder-length red hair and a red beard. His determined gaze is focused on something in the distance.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is an Open Road" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.

Blood in the Water

Megan Derr - 2012
    She fell in love with a prince and made a deal with the sea witch that she could make him fall in love with her as well. But it's been a month and so far she has failed. Unable to see her broken hearted and knowing that she would soon be claimed by the sea witch, the three eldest sisters presented her with a knife to kill him.She loves him too much to do so and now the task falls to me. If I can kill the prince, my sister will be safe to mend her broken heart. And what does it matter, he is only human. The human that rejected my sister and put her in the situation.But I'm beginning to realize that the prince is far more than simply human to me. And I think I'm losing my heart to him as well.Photo Description: It's a bright, clear day; the perfect day for the beach. A dark-haired man lies on the sand, the tide washing over him. He is naked, well-tanned, and in very good shape. He is lying on his back, but is partially sitting up to stare at something off in the distance.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is Always Write" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.Download the story, read it online or find it in Love Is Always Write: Volume 1.

Aniki's Garden

Claire Cray - 2015
    Is he a willing or unwilling victim? Just what did he do to wind up in this position? Did he upset his Dom, or did he just step on the wrong person’s toes?Photo Description: A young Japanese man, naked except for a drenched white button-down shirt, slumps face up in a large, round wooden tub surrounded by flowers. A large red octopus is settled between his splayed thighs, its tentacles winding up the man’s bare chest. The man is gagged with silk and bound in black rope that makes red marks on his pale knees. His cheeks are flushed and his eyes are narrowed, helpless and defiant at once.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is an Open Road" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.

Soul Mate for Sale

Kian Rhodes - 2016
    I was human, so I understood why I was being sent to the auction. I didn’t like it, but I understood it. Even if there had been affection for me, even if they had been willing to keep me as a pet (neither of these was the case, but an Omega could dream), Cal couldn’t afford not to sell me. Clint Omegas were hard to come by worldwide. While I would have preferred to mate for love, it didn’t seem that it was in the cards for me. I had taken over as pack Alpha five years earlier, and it was high time that I started adding to the pack population. Granted my pack is run less rigidly than some; the Betas in my pack are not just allowed to breed but actively encouraged to. Unfortunately, only a small number of Beta females are fertile enough to get pregnant, and I’ll be damned if I am going to hump my way through the pack until I find the ones who are. Which brought me full circle to why I was standing in line to pick up the bidding paddle at the auction house. Less, even, than a marriage of convenience, purchasing an Omega at the auction was more of a long-term service contract; a means to an end, so what was an Alpha to do when he found his soul mate on the auction block?5% of royalties received from the sale of Soul Mate for Sale are donated to The Trevor Project; the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13-24.