The Wrong Side of the Tracks, Book 1

Mike Wells - 2011
    Kristine appears to like him, too, but Stephen learns she “belongs” to a big, mean football player who’s three years older. Despite warnings from his best friend, Stephen moves ahead anyway. All hell breaks loose. Will Stephen allow himself to be shoved into the background, or will he win the girl he truly loves?


Jennifer Youngblood - 2014
    Sydney Lassiter has the perfect life—glamour, wealth, and all the high-society status to go with it. But something is tell her that she needs to return to the sleepy little town of Stoney Creek, Alabama where she grew up. She hasn’t been there since her father was killed in a boating accident—or was he murdered? She takes a job as a safety consultant at the local sawmill—the same place where her father worked—and sets out to discover the truth about his death. In Stoney Creek, you don’t ask the kinds of questions Sydney is asking. There are too many secrets—secrets that someone will do anything to keep hidden. To complicate matters, Sydney becomes enmeshed in a confusing love quadrangle involving two men, and the other woman, who seems to want both of them. And both men seem to have some connection to the death of her father. The closer Sydney gets to the truth, the more it seems that her quest could destroy not only her but the people and town she has come to love.


Elle Strauss - 2011
    Protocol pressures her to tell their 1860 hosts that he is her brother, and when Casey finds she has a handsome, wealthy (and unwanted) suitor, something changes in Nate. Are those romantic sparks or is it just "brotherly" protectiveness?When they return to the present, things go back to the way they were before: Casey parked on the bottom of the rung of the social ladder and Nate perched high on the very top. Except this time her heart is broken. Plus, her best friend is mad, her parents are split up, and her younger brother gets escorted home by the police. The only thing that could make life worse is if, by some strange twist of fate, she took Nate back to the past again.Which of course, she does.


Staci Stallings - 2012
    As the star basketball player on a winning college team, everybody knows him and loves him. His face is plastered on publicity poster after publicity poster. He's even gotten offers from the pros to forego his senior year for the glitz and glamour of the Big Show. But Anthony has a secret that's threatening to swallow his life whole… Heather Nolan would be the perfect poster-girl for academic overachievers. She's got straight A's and every professor in her cheering corner. But the life Heather thought she was studying so hard for is in danger of coming to a neck-snapping halt if she can't come up with a way to pay the bills. Bitter and angry that the basketball team seems to get the royal treatment while "real students" are forced to scrape by, Heather spitefully takes the only job available-tutoring. However, the lessons she teaches about English and what she learns about basketball soon pale in comparison with what she learns about herself. PRINCESS represents the collision of two college students, both with dreams and goals, both with real-to-life issues that are complicating everything. Like many new adults, Heather wants to manage life on her own terms, but paying for everything has become impossible. Anthony, on the other hand, seems to have it made, but in this contemporary romance, not everything is as it seems. The meeting of these two souls challenges both of them to let go of pride, prejudices, and pre-conceived notions about life and each other. Watching the coming of age journey is fascinating. *~* EXCERPT *~* Taking the concrete steps two at a time, Anthony Russell hurried to the front door of the Language Building, which he opened with barely a yank. He was late, and he knew it. “God, please don’t let her leave. Please,” he begged as he all-but ran down the hall to the Conference Rooms. “She’s my last chance.” With no pretense, he yanked that door open and strode into the room. … This was not the way he had wanted to start out. At the end of the hall, he pushed the door open with one shove, and half-an-instant later heard the crash on the other side as the door hit a chair that was standing too close. CRASH! The girl seated at the tiny table jumped up so fast, she knocked her own chair to the floor as well, and when it hit the floor, she jumped again. “Oh, man.” Anthony held a hand up to calm the all-out panic in her face. “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I am so sorry.” A fall of wavy brown hair followed her motion as she reached down to yank her chair from the floor. “Here, let me get that for you,” Anthony said, mortified by his clumsiness. As he crossed the room in one stride, he slung his books onto the little table. But just as he reached for her chair, he heard the first book hit the floor on the table’s other side, and then from his vantage point looking under the table, he saw the papers from his notebook slide from the table onto the floor with a slow-motion waterfall effect. “Oh, no.” He righted her chair in one sweep and quickly knelt down under the table to retrieve his wayward belongings. He pulled the last paper off the floor and got his feet under him to stand, but he didn’t judge the table right and smacked his head on the edge of it. “Ow!” he yelped, rubbing the skin at the top of his head. Putting a hand above him to judge the table, he stood slowly, making sure to leave plenty of room between his head and the table this time. She’s going to think I’m a complete idiot.

The Gift

Margaret McHeyzer - 2017
    I have something they cannot take or steal. I have something they'd kill for.The something I have, isn't a possession, it's more.Much, much more.It's a gift.It's part of me.Watch the trailer:

The Son of Man

C.W. Johnson - 2009
    I read Hal Lindsey's 'The Late Great Planet Earth' a hundred times. One thing that struck me, even back then…how could this happen? The Antichrist character is one of the most studied characters in the Bible. We are told in very graphic detail how this man will bring the world to its very knees…so with everyone diligently watching out for him, how could he possibly pull it off? This series is my humble attempt at a possible answer to that question. The Son of Man series is the story of the End of the Age as told through the eyes of both a secular world and a sleeping, unprepared religious community. It is sometimes gritty with MILD profanity and outrageous behavior. While true followers of Christ (some not so flawless) are represented in all four books they are not dominant characters in the story…that is, until the end. For that reason I have specifically refrained from labeling this series as 'Christian Fiction' until the last book in the series was released. As with any fictional story dealing with the second coming of Christ, I have expounded upon and speculated on Biblical prophecy. Rest assured, I have made every attempt to mold my story around the Prophetic Word rather than the other way around. I can tell you this: if you are a Christian, and you believe Christ could return in a test tube, you really need to catch up on your prophetic studies. This is only one aspect of the story that may not, and should not, fit your prophetic mold, but I ask you to consider: What if you're being lied to? What if you're being manipulated in an effort to throw you off track… "For there shall arise false Christ’s, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect"....Matthew 24:24 Excerpt ... The room fell silent. Jim looked at the men sitting around the table. “You people can’t be serious,” he said softly. “Even though such a thing could be done your premise is utterly flawed. A clone of Jesus won’t make him Jesus. He’d be a twin—“ “No,” Bishop Hickie interrupted. “You don’t understand. He would be another son of God.” Jim closed his eyes and shook his head. “Look… all due respect to… everyone—but cloning human beings is a major negative. You should know that. It’s illegal now, and for damn good reason. Each animal cloned today represents hundreds of failures. Most clones are stillborn. The ones that live are likely to have horrendous mutations, many of which manifest later in life, usually killing the animal prematurely. What are we gonna do with the mutated baby Jesus’— throw them away? And what happens if we are successful, and we get a perfectly healthy baby? What then? What kind of life can he have? For the love of God … people won’t understand. People will think he’s Jesus!”