The Flying Saucers Are Real

Donald Edward Keyhoe - 1950
    Keyhoe states that while Earth has been visited by extraterrestrials for centuries, the Air Force was actively investigating these cases & hiding them. He researched sightings, concluding the saucers are interplanetary. Keyhow, who had some access to original military files, didn't believe in space visitors before starting this book. He examines the most prominent UFO cases up to 1950: the Kenneth Arnold sighting, the Mantell Crash, the Chiles-Whitted UFO sighting etc, offering his own views. After checking every other possible answer thoroughly, he saw that they didn't fit with the reports. This is a must for anyone who wants to know the truth about UFO phenomena. It wasn't only one of the 1st, but also one of the best reports ever written on the subject. There is no sensationalism in its pages, just cold, hard, well-researched facts. Keyhoe was one of the most prominent figures in the early history & development of UFO studies in the USA. His book established him as a leading figure in the field. Over the next two decades he'd be frequently interviewed on tv & radio. In '57 he became the leader of NICAP (National Investigations Committee on Aerial Phenomena), the largest, most influential civilian UFO research group of the '50s & 60s. He remained its leader until 1969.

True Ghost Stories

Hans Holzer - 1966
    Hans Holzer, the foremost authority on the subject of the paranormal and author of over 100 books, has written a bone-chilling collection of case histories of real hauntings in America. Actual experiences of seemingly inexplicable phenomena investigated by Dr. Holzer himself introduce you to strange happenings and ghostly "stay behinds" in all areas of the United States. Case after case of amazing events may well change any skeptic's outlook on the hereafter.

UFOs: Generals, Pilots and Government Officials Go on the Record

Leslie Kean - 2010
    He repeatedly attempts to engage and fire on unusual objects heading right toward his aircraft, but his missile control is locked and disabled. Witnessed from the ground, this dogfight becomes the subject of a secret report by the U.S. Defense Intelligence Agency. In Belgium, an Air Force colonel investigates a series of widespread sightings of unidentified triangular objects, and he sends F-16s to attempt a closer look. Many hundreds of eyewitnesses, including on-duty police officers, file reports, and a spectacular photograph of an unidentifiable craft is retrieved and analyzed. Here at home, a retired chief of the FAA’s Accidents and Investigations Division reveals the agency’s response to a thirty-minute encounter between an aircraft and a gigantic UFO over Alaska, which occurred during his watch and is documented on radar. Now all three of these distinguished men have written breathtaking, firsthand accounts about these extraordinary incidents. They are joined by Air Force generals and a host of high-level sources—including Fife Symington III, former governor of Arizona, and Nick Pope, former head of the British Defence Ministry’s UFO Investigative Unit—who have agreed to write their own detailed, personal stories about UFO encounters and investigations for the first time. They are coming forward now because of Leslie Kean, an investigative reporter who has spent the last ten years studying the still unexplained UFO phenomenon. Kean reviewed hundreds of government documents, aviation reports, radar data, and case studies with corroborating physical evidence. She carefully examined scientifically analyzed photographs and interviewed dozens of high-level officials and aviation witnesses from around the world. With the support of former White House chief of staff John Podesta, Kean draws on her research to separate fact from fiction and to lift the veil on decades of U.S. government misinformation. Throughout, she presents irrefutable evidence that unknown flying objects—metallic, luminous, and seemingly able to maneuver in ways that defy the laws of physics—actually exist. No one yet knows what these objects are, even though they affect aviation safety and possibly national security. The phenomenon has been officially acknowledged by numerous foreign governments. For these reasons and many others, Kean concludes that the UFO problem must be more widely recognized and ultimately solved through an unbiased scientific investigation. The material presented throughout this landmark book is sobering, unflinching, and undeniably awe-inspiring, and moves us toward a goal of properly addressing this worldwide mystery.From the Hardcover edition.

High Strangeness

Eric Bickernicks - 2018
     Ken Wakeman, a skeptical UFOlogist who seeks the truth about paranormal phenomenon, struggles to discredit the myriad of crackpot theories out there. Melissa "Mel" Howard, a reporter for a small Cape Cod newspaper, copes with the seasonal tourist invasion and its accompanying anxieties. When the Cape becomes the national focus over a rash of UFO sights, they join forces to get to the bottom of it. Despite denials from town officials and the military that UFOs have landed, mass hysteria overcomes the seaside community. In addition to the frantic humans, Astro (Ken’s Golden Retriever) has also been acting strangely. Joining the invasion is Klick, the promiscuous leader of a spandex-clad UFO cult whose members want to “amalgamate” with the Fornacisians when their spaceship lands. Mel learns that when dealing with wing nuts, the truth isn’t necessarily “out there”. Tom Frasier, an infamous proponent of crashed saucers and frozen alien bodies, claims the local military base houses some intriguing secrets. After a visit from the FBI gives legitimacy to Tom’s story, Ken will ultimately decide how far he’s willing to go to witness humanity’s greatest close encounter.

Fire in the Sky: The Walton Experience

Travis Walton - 1978
    One of them, Travis Walton, recklessly left the safety of their truck to take a closer look. Suddenly, as he walked toward the light, Walton was blasted back by a bolt of mysterious energy. His companions fled in fear. When they reported an encounter with a UFO--something they would have considered impossible if they had not witnessed it themselves--the men were suspected of murder. For five days authorities mounted a massive manhunt in search of Walton or his body. Then Walton reappeared, disoriented & initially unable to tell the whole story of his terrifying encounter. In Fire in the Sky Travis Walton relates in his own words the best documented account of alien abduction yet recorded, the story of his harrowing ordeal at the hands of silent captors & his return to a disbelieving world of hostile interrogators, exploitative press & self-styled debunkers. Travis recounts the struggle to get a fair hearing & confronts his detractors with a stinging rebuttal.

Mirage Men: An Adventure into Paranoia, Espionage, Psychological Warfare, and UFOs

Mark Pilkington - 2010
    This is not your average UFO book. Mirage Men explores the strange and symbiotic relationship between the U.S. military and intelligence agencies and the community who believes strongly that UFOs have visited earth. Just how has the U.S. government manipulated the public’s belief in UFOs to hide military aircraft experimentation? Among the UFO believers are the “mirage men”—a close-knit group of men and women whose careers span science medicine, the military, and the intelligence services. They believe they have received parts of a flying saucer–shaped puzzle, whose final pieces lie tantalizingly out of reach. Dive into this comprehensive and astonishing exposition of exactly what these Mirage Men believe, and why. Interviews, anecdotes, and cold hard facts make this a persuasive book that’s hard to ignore. Many are sure that official disclosure—government announcement of extraterrestrial presence—is just around the corner.

Enoch: A Bigfoot Story

Autumn Williams - 2010
    She has spent her entire adult life seeking to understand why those non-human eyes held such an expression of human-like intelligence. What is the nature of a Sasquatch? Is it human? Animal? Or something in-between? How does Bigfoot live? How does it interact with others of its kind? And how would it interact with us? What would we learn about these creatures, if we stopped pursuing them... and they no longer avoided us? One man would finally offer answers to those questions. He is more than a witness. He is the friend of a wild man... and he calls him Enoch.

Close Encounters of the Fourth Kind

C.D.B. Bryan - 1995
    At the center of this serious, richly explicit, riveting work is a five-day UFO conference held at MIT, which the author attended, & from which he has recreated the accounts of close encounter experiences of many abductees, telling their stories in chilling detail. Bryan is the author of the bestselling Friendly Fire.

Twilight of the Gods: The Mayan Calendar and the Return of the Extraterrestrials

Erich von Däniken - 2009
    "In Twilight of the Gods," says von Daniken, "I document precisely what it was that left the first visitors breathless as they stood before the mighty stone blocks some 400 years ago. I will show you what archeologists discovered hundreds of years ago and demonstrate how much has been destroyed over the centuries. Intentionally. "I will also prove that Puma punku was not built by any Stone Age people. "And in December 2012, the gods will return from their long journey and appear again here on Earth. At least that is what the Mayan calendar would have us believe. "The so-called gods--the extraterrestrials--will come again. We're headed for a 'god shock' of major proportions. "But doesn't anyone with half a brain know that interstellar travel is simply impossible because of the sheer distances involved? And that extraterrestrials would never look like us? "Well, dear readers, I destroy these preconceptions. Systematically. One bit at a time." In his own inimitable way, Erich von Daniken picks these preconceptions and prejudices apart with a clarity no other author could manage.

Inside The Black Vault: The Government's UFO Secrets Revealed

John Greenewald Jr. - 2019
    began researching the secret inner workings of the U.S. Government at the age of fifteen. He targeted such agencies as the CIA, FBI, Pentagon, Air Force, Army, Navy, NSA, DIA, and countless others.Greenewald utilized the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) to gain access to more than two million pages of documents. This archive includes information relating to UFOs, the JFK Assassination, chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons, and top secret aircraft. He took the millions of pages, and over the course of more than two decades, has built an archive known around the world, as The Black Vault.Inside The Black Vault: The Government’s UFO Secrets Revealed takes you on a journey within the secret world of unidentified aerial phenomenon that has plagued the military since at least the 1940s. Declassified records prove that the UFO topic is one of the most highly classified and most elusive subjects the U.S. Government has ever dealt with. Each chapter explores various agencies and their documents, and Greenewald breaks down the meaning of why some of the most important documents are relevant to proving a massive cover-up.Along with declassified documents, Greenewald outlines the struggle it took him to get them. No other topic has proven so difficult, in more than 8,000 FOIA requests that he has filed. He explores why that might be and meets skeptics and debunkers head on, outlining why some of their more prominent rebuttals for it all cannot be true.

UFOs for the 21st Century Mind: A Fresh Guide to an Ancient Mystery

Richard M. Dolan - 2014
    For beginners and experienced researchers alike, historian Richard Dolan covers the full range of this incredibly complex topic in his uniquely engaging style. He offers fresh insights on everything connected to UFOs, whether it's ancient aliens, modern encounters, abductions, channelers, the politics, the cover-up, the bizarre science, the social dimensions (read YouTube and Facebook), the future, and much more. This is a fresh perspective of an ancient mystery from one of the world's leading UFO historians. Contents:Introduction1. What Are UFOs?2. Theories of Ancient Visitation3. Into Modernity: Airships, Foo Fighters, and Flying Saucers, 1896 to 19694. UFO Secrecy and Those Who Fought It5. Digging Deeper—The Breakaway Civilization6. High Strangeness—UFOs from 1970 to 19907. UFOs, 1991 to the Present8. Contact and Abduction9. The Growth of Ufology10. Who Are They? What Do They Want? 11. Weird Science: Propulsion, Energy, Spacetime, and Consciousness12. Into the Future, Into OurselvesConclusionEndorsements: In a field that can be so confusing, so complex, Richard Dolan has taken his many years of thinking about UFOs and written a completely fresh overview of the entire subject. . . . This is an ambitious work that truly ties the many different aspects of the subject together. It's rare to find something like this, especially considering the care and thoroughness that went into it.-- From the Foreword by George Noory, host of Coast to Coast AM.'As a follow-up to his previous books exploring the relationship between UFOs and the National Security State, historian Richard Dolan widens his perspective to explore all aspects of this provocative phenomenon. In this role, he takes us on a journey that brings to life the subtlety and depth of this rich subject, a truly captivating read.'--H. E. Puthoff, Ph.D., Director, Institute for Advanced Studies at AustinUFOs For the 21st Century Mind represents a new kind of book – one that clearly and intelligently addresses literally every aspect and implication of the most maligned, misunderstood and compelling subject in human history. Richard Dolan’s newest work is perfect reading for serious students of ufology as well as the absolute beginner. Inspired, particularly well written, and the product of a first class mind for this or any other century.--Peter Robbins, coauthor of the British bestseller, Left At East Gate: A First-Hand Account of the Rendlesham Forest UFO Incident, Its Cover-up and InvestigationThis is an invaluable treatment of the known facets and seemingly endless implications regarding UFOs, with a much-appreciated focus on the human experience. A job well done, Richard.-- Sam Maranto, Investigative Researcher

The Nosferatu Conspiracy: The Sleepwalker

Brian James Gage - 2020
    This contrasts suppressed documents citing the royal family mysteriously disappeared after fires ravaged Saint Petersburg in December 1916 (OS).Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin was supposedly murdered by high-ranking Russian officials on December 16, 1916 (OS), for his unprecedented and perceived nefarious influence over the royal family. He was poisoned, shot twice, and clubbed into submission, yet remained alive. His attackers finally drowned him underneath the icy Neva River.Rasputin’s autopsy was reportedly performed three days later by Professor Kossorotov, a high-ranking Okhrana agent and future Kremlin operative. Cause of death: drowning. The document states Rasputin broke free of his bindings and his fingernails showed signs he’d tried to claw through the ice.The stories surrounding Rasputin’s death are gross falsifications. His body was never recovered for examination, and his status within the Russian intelligence community to this day remains: At Large.This is the true story of Rasputin’s paranormal coup d'etat and his conjuring of ancient vampires that destroyed Saint Petersburg, Russia, in December 1916.History is a lie. The truth will be exposed.

Slave Species of God: The Story of Humankind from the Cradle of Humankind

Michael Tellinger - 2005
    Were humans created by God as Slaves? Was Abraham the first human Spy? Was Jesus an accidental Messiah? This work takes readers on a odyssey of the origins of humankind drawing on analogies between discoveries in genetic engineering and ancient archaeological finds.

Communion: A True Story

Whitley Strieber - 1987
    how they found him, where they took him, what they did to him and why...Believe it. Or don't believe it. But read it -- for this gripping story will move you like no other... will fascinate you, terrify you, and alter the way you experience your world.

Weird Missouri: Your Travel Guide to Missouri's Local Legends and Best Kept Secrets

James Strait - 2008
    And it's precisely this offbeat sense of curiosity that led the duo to create Weird N.J. and the successful series that followed. The NOT shockingly result? Every "Weird" book has become a best seller in its region! ((Series Sales Points)) This best-selling series has sold more than one million copies...and counting Thirty volumes of the Weird series have been published to great success since Weird New Jersey's 2003 debut