Impossibility: The Limits of Science and the Science of Limits
John D. Barrow - 1998
Astronomer John Barrow takes an intriguing look at the limits of science, who argues that there are things that are ultimately unknowable, undoable, or unreachable.
Trigonometric Delights
Eli Maor - 1998
It has a reputation as a dry and difficult subject, a glorified form of geometry complicated by tedious computation. In this book, Eli Maor draws on his remarkable talents as a guide to the world of numbers to dispel that view. Rejecting the usual arid descriptions of sine, cosine, and their trigonometric relatives, he brings the subject to life in a compelling blend of history, biography, and mathematics. He presents both a survey of the main elements of trigonometry and a unique account of its vital contribution to science and social development. Woven together in a tapestry of entertaining stories, scientific curiosities, and educational insights, the book more than lives up to the title Trigonometric Delights.Maor, whose previous books have demystified the concept of infinity and the unusual number "e," begins by examining the "proto-trigonometry" of the Egyptian pyramid builders. He shows how Greek astronomers developed the first true trigonometry. He traces the slow emergence of modern, analytical trigonometry, recounting its colorful origins in Renaissance Europe's quest for more accurate artillery, more precise clocks, and more pleasing musical instruments. Along the way, we see trigonometry at work in, for example, the struggle of the famous mapmaker Gerardus Mercator to represent the curved earth on a flat sheet of paper; we see how M. C. Escher used geometric progressions in his art; and we learn how the toy Spirograph uses epicycles and hypocycles.Maor also sketches the lives of some of the intriguing figures who have shaped four thousand years of trigonometric history. We meet, for instance, the Renaissance scholar Regiomontanus, who is rumored to have been poisoned for insulting a colleague, and Maria Agnesi, an eighteenth-century Italian genius who gave up mathematics to work with the poor--but not before she investigated a special curve that, due to mistranslation, bears the unfortunate name "the witch of Agnesi." The book is richly illustrated, including rare prints from the author's own collection. Trigonometric Delights will change forever our view of a once dreaded subject.
Foundations of Complex Analysis
S. Ponnusamy - 2002
Suitable for a two semester course in complex analysis, or as a supplementary text for an advanced course in function theory, this book aims to give students a good foundation of complex analysis and provides a basis for solving problems in mathematics, physics, engineering and many other sciences.
Stalking the Riemann Hypothesis: The Quest to Find the Hidden Law of Prime Numbers
Dan Rockmore - 2005
Now, at a moment when mathematicians are finally moving in on a proof, Dartmouth professor Dan Rockmore tells the riveting history of the hunt for a solution.In 1859 German professor Bernhard Riemann postulated a law capable of describing with an amazing degree of accuracy the occurrence of the prime numbers. Rockmore takes us all the way from Euclid to the mysteries of quantum chaos to show how the Riemann hypothesis lies at the very heart of some of the most cutting-edge research going on today in physics and mathematics.
Student Solutions Manual, Vol. 1 for Swokowski's Calculus: The Classic Edition
Earl W. Swokowski - 1991
Prepare for exams and succeed in your mathematics course with this comprehensive solutions manual! Featuring worked out-solutions to the problems in CALCULUS: THE CLASSIC EDITION, 5th Edition, this manual shows you how to approach and solve problems using the same step-by-step explanations found in your textbook examples.
Problems in Mathematics with Hints and Solutions
V. Govorov - 1996
Theory has been provided in points between each chapter for clarifying relevant basic concepts. The book consist four parts algebra and trigonometry, fundamentals of analysis, geometry and vector algebra and the problems and questions set during oral examinations. Each chapter consist topic wise problems. Sample examples are provided after each text for understanding the topic well. The fourth part "oral examination problems and question" includes samples suggested by the higher schools for the help of students. Answers and hints are given at the end of the book for understanding the concept well. About the Book: Problems in Mathematics with Hints and Solutions Contents: Preface Part 1. Algebra, Trigonometry and Elementary Functions Problems on Integers. Criteria for Divisibility Real Number, Transformation of Algebraic Expressions Mathematical Induction. Elements of Combinatorics. BinomialTheorem Equations and Inequalities of the First and the SecondDegree Equations of Higher Degrees, Rational Inequalities Irrational Equations and Inequalities Systems of Equations and Inequalities The Domain of Definition and the Range of a Function Exponential and Logarithmic Equations and Inequalities Transformations of Trigonometric Expressions. InverseTrigonometric Functions Solutions of Trigonometric Equations, Inequalities and Systemsof Equations Progressions Solutions of Problems on Derivation of Equations Complex Numbers Part 2. Fundamentals of Mathematical Analysis Sequences and Their Limits. An Infinitely Decreasing GeometricProgression. Limits of Functions The Derivative. Investigating the Behaviors of Functions withthe Aid of the Derivative Graphs of Functions The Antiderivative. The Integral. The Area of a CurvilinearTrapezoid Part 3. Geometry and Vector Algebra Vector Algebra Plane Geometry. Problems on Proof Plane Geometry. Construction Problems Plane Geometry. C
Tell Me The Odds: A 15 Page Introduction To Bayes Theorem
Scott Hartshorn - 2017
Essentially, you make an initial guess, and then get more data to improve it. Bayes Theorem, or Bayes Rule, has a ton of real world applications, from estimating your risk of a heart attack to making recommendations on Netflix But It Isn't That Complicated This book is a short introduction to Bayes Theorem. It is only 15 pages long, and is intended to show you how Bayes Theorem works as quickly as possible. The examples are intentionally kept simple to focus solely on Bayes Theorem without requiring that the reader know complicated probability distributions. If you want to learn the basics of Bayes Theorem as quickly as possible, with some easy to duplicate examples, this is a good book for you.
Mathematics With Applications in Management and Economics/Solutions Manual
Earl K. Bowen - 1987
Gödel's Proof
Ernest Nagel - 1958
Gödel received public recognition of his work in 1951 when he was awarded the first Albert Einstein Award for achievement in the natural sciences--perhaps the highest award of its kind in the United States. The award committee described his work in mathematical logic as "one of the greatest contributions to the sciences in recent times."However, few mathematicians of the time were equipped to understand the young scholar's complex proof. Ernest Nagel and James Newman provide a readable and accessible explanation to both scholars and non-specialists of the main ideas and broad implications of Gödel's discovery. It offers every educated person with a taste for logic and philosophy the chance to understand a previously difficult and inaccessible subject.New York University Press is proud to publish this special edition of one of its bestselling books. With a new introduction by Douglas R. Hofstadter, this book will appeal students, scholars, and professionals in the fields of mathematics, computer science, logic and philosophy, and science.
Everything and More: A Compact History of Infinity
David Foster Wallace - 2003
Now he brings his considerable talents to the history of one of math's most enduring puzzles: the seemingly paradoxical nature of infinity.Is infinity a valid mathematical property or a meaningless abstraction? The nineteenth-century mathematical genius Georg Cantor's answer to this question not only surprised him but also shook the very foundations upon which math had been built. Cantor's counterintuitive discovery of a progression of larger and larger infinities created controversy in his time and may have hastened his mental breakdown, but it also helped lead to the development of set theory, analytic philosophy, and even computer technology.Smart, challenging, and thoroughly rewarding, Wallace's tour de force brings immediate and high-profile recognition to the bizarre and fascinating world of higher mathematics.
The Calculus Direct
John Weiss - 2009
The calculus is not a hard subject and I prove this through an easy to read and obvious approach spanning only 100 pages. I have written this book with the following type of student in mind; the non-traditional student returning to college after a long break, a notoriously weak student in math who just needs to get past calculus to obtain a degree, and the garage tinkerer who wishes to understand a little more about the technical subjects. This book is meant to address the many fundamental thought-blocks that keep the average 'mathaphobe' (or just an interested person who doesn't have the time to enroll in a course) from excelling in mathematics in a clear and concise manner. It is my sincerest hope that this book helps you with your needs.Show more Show less