Secrets of the Immortal: Advanced Teachings from A Course in Miracles

Gary R. Renard - 2006
    Now, with Secrets of the Immortal, this bestselling author guides you through the complex layers of this modern classic, to help you fully understand its core spiritual teachings.

Learning to Dance in the Rain (The Power of Gratitude)

Mac Anderson - 2009
    However, it's not the adversity, but how we react to it that will determine the joy and happiness in our lives. During tough times, do we spend too much time feeling sorry for ourselves, or can we, with gratitude...learn how to dance in the rain?It almost sounds too simple to feel important, but one word...gratitude, can change your attitude, and thus your life, forever. Sarah Breathnach said it best..."When we choose not to focus on what is missing from our lives but are grateful for the abundance that's present... We experience heaven on earth."Mac Anderson and BJ Gallagher have written a classic on "the awesome power of gratitude." No matter what your circumstances are, you cannot read this book and not feel extremely blessed.Learning to Dance in the Rain is an inspiring and beautiful book full of wonderful stories, quotes, poems and insight to help you reflect on the positives in life. A wonderful book to give to someone in need of encouragement - it can take you from feeling down to feeling blessed.

A Course of Love: Combined Volume

Mari Perron - 2014
    It is the way of direct experience of Truth. It is the way of the heart.It may be astonishing to hear that there is a continuation of A Course in Miracles, but it is true. Forty years ago Jesus dictated ACIM to the scribe Helen Schucman. More recently, over three years, he similarly dictated A Course of Love to Mari Perron. Students of ACIM will recognize the Voice. Students of truth, whatever their background, will find that ACOL resonates with the heart.In A Course of Love Jesus says: "This time we take a direct approach, an approach that seems at first to leave behind abstract learning and the complex mechanisms of the mind that so betray you. We take a step away from intellect, the pride of the ego, and approach this final learning through the realm of the heart. This is why, to end confusion, we call this course A Course of Love." (Prelude.44)ACIM and ACOL are complementary. The same Voice, more accessible. The same thought system, expanded.Like all non-dual teachings, ACOL is not about adding to one s life but about un-doing the ties that bind us to what it calls the "house of illusion." In ACOL we are gently guided to awaken, step by loving step. We find ourselves in the unlimited, eternal field of our own awareness, laughing and crying at the glory of what is.

An Invitation to Freedom: Immediate Awakening for Everyone

Mooji - 2011
    These simple yet profound instructions, questions, and contemplations will lead you directly into the heart of truth and absolute freedom. This could be the greatest discovery you make in your life. Also available as an audiobook read by Mooji.

Seeker After Truth

Idries Shah - 1982
    It is precisely because of the unreliability of vision, of memory, of wanting to believe, of induced belief ... that the Sufis say that an objective perception must be acquired before even familiar things can be seen as they are. "Seeker After Truth" goes beyond the familiar "first do this, then do that" style of handbook, transporting the reader to new ranges of perception, according to his or her capacity. Among the many assumptions questioned are: the objective worth of deep emotional feelings; the superiority of man's social habits over those of rats, and the origin of those habits; the evils of deceit ... The magazine Literary Review said about it: "This book ... is food for many different kinds of study - a book unlike anything our society has produced until recently, in its richness, its unexpectedness, its capacity to shock us into seeing ourselves as others see us, both personally and as a society."

Channeling Grace: Invoking the Power of the Divine

Caroline Myss - 2008
    Is it possible to become a living conduit of this powerful force? "Not only is it possible," suggests this bestselling author, "but grace is immediately accessible to you and everyone around you—through humility, devotion, and the courage to follow divine guidance." With Channeling Grace you are invited to ascend to what Myss calls the "altitude of the mystics" and invoke this expansive energy in your life. In session one, Myss explains how to recognize grace in your life by describing some of the countless ways we experience it—both internally as a sudden insightful voice, and externally as synchronicity in the world.In session two, she offers a full set of specific invocations to contact grace directly, navigate your path in times of chaos, gain clarity and direction in your life, and heal yourself or others. "Grace is as real and tangible as sparkling sand on the beach," teaches Myss. "It's ready to dramatically transform your life at any time—if you are willing to acknowledge and embrace it." On Channeling Grace, this renowned teacher offers her expert guidance to help you maintain a steadfast connection to the illuminating divine phenomenon she calls grace.

An Introduction to the Way of the Buddha: Buddhism for Beginners

Shalu Sharma - 2016
    Here’s what you will learn in this book; you will learn about the Buddha, history of Buddha and Buddhism, teachings of Buddha, about Buddhist philosophy, the 3 universal truths, noble truths, sufferings, eight fold path, divisions of Buddhism, the 5 precepts, how to practice Buddhism and more.Download your book today and learn Buddhism plain and simple.

Buddhism: Beginner's Guide: Bring Peace and Happiness to Your Everyday Life

Ian Tuhovsky - 2014
    In this book I will show you what happened and how it was. No matter if you are totally green when it comes to Buddha's teachings or maybe you have already heard something about them - this book will help you systematize your knowledge and will inspire you to learn more and to take steps to make your life positively better! I invite you to take this beatiful journey into the graceful and meaningful world of Buddhism with me today! In This Book I Will Tell You About: -Why Would You Want To Incorporate Buddha's Teachings Into Your Life? -What Buddhism Is And What it Definitely Is Not? -What is the Essence of Buddhism? -Three Main Branches of Buddhism -Buddha's Life and Teachings -Basics of Buddhism (Five Basic Buddha's Principles) -How to Cease Your Suffering -Karma, Rebirth and Reincarnation; Difference between Rebirth and Reincarnation -What Happens After Death According to Buddhism? -Where and How to Start? -The Art of Meditation -Benefits of practicing Buddhism in Everyday Life+ My Personal Experiences! -Further Resources to Continue Your Journey!

The Buddha Sat Right Here: A Family Odyssey Through India and Nepal

Dena Moes - 2019
    Adam was an eccentric Buddhist yogi passing as a hard-working dad. Bella was fourteen and wanted to be normal. Sophia was up for anything that involved skipping school. Together, they shouldered backpacks, walked away from their California life of all-night births, carpool schedules, and Cal Skate, and criss-crossed India and Nepal for eight months―a journey that led them to His Holiness the Dalai Lama, the tree where the Buddha sat, and the arms of Amma the Divine Mother. From the banks of the Ganges to the Himalayan roof of the world, this enthralling memoir is an unforgettable odyssey, a moving meditation on modern family life, and a spiritual quest, written with humor and honesty―and filled with love and awe.

"WHATEVER, GOD": Rediscovering the One I Thought I Knew

Anthony Messeh - 2017
    They believe in His existence, but don’t know how to relate to Him in a practical and meaningful way. As a result, they fail to achieve anything beyond a superficial relationship with their Creator, and live less-than-fulfilling lives. In “WHATEVER, GOD”, Fr. Anthony Messeh attempts to change that. He shares his unique story and the lessons he’s learned that helped him go from a “don’t-get-too-close-to-God-because-He-might-ruin-your-life” Christian, to a fully devoted “I-can’t-get-enough-of-God-in-my-life” believer. In his own words, “I wrote this book to show you what that life can look like, and help you take a step or two to get there. My goal is to help you see where God wants you to be . . . how He wants you to live . . . and what your life should look like and could look like if you allow Him to lead it for you.” All you need is to say, “WHATEVER, GOD” and you’ll see for yourself that God is REAL, God is RELEVANT, and God is always REWARDING. Fr. Anthony Messeh is a priest in the Coptic Orthodox church, serving at the church of St. Timothy & St. Athanasius (STSA) in Arlington, Virginia. Through his blog (, his weekly sermons, and now through this book, Fr. Anthony brings an ancient faith to the modern world through his unique ability to communicate life-changing truths in simple and understandable ways.

No Turning Back: A Witness to Mercy – 10th Anniversary Edition

Fr. Donald E. Calloway - 2019
    Now, in this 10th anniversary edition of No Turning Back, the Very Rev. Fr. Donald Calloway, MIC, looks back on the past decade in a new introduction to this Christian classic, a perennially powerful witness to the transforming grace of God and the Blessed Mother's love for her children. His witness proves a key truth of our faith: Between Jesus, the Divine Mercy, and Mary, the Mother of Mercy, there's no reason to give up hope on anyone, no matter how far they are from God.

Getting the Little Blighters to Eat

Claire Potter - 2013
    Does your child decide they don't like a food before they've even tried it? Do they say 'Yuk' to foods they used to eat happily? Would they live off chips and ice-cream and never touch a vegetable again if given the chance? This little book provides easy-to-follow, easy-to-remember rules to help re-programme your child into a happy, healthy, adventurous eater.

Vipassana Mindfulness: An Introduction to the Practice of Vipassana Meditation

Chaya Rao - 2014
    Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device. Vipassana is not a belief system, religion, or a philosophy. Though Buddhist in origin, it isn’t dependent on Buddhism, and you certainly don’t have to be a Buddhist to practice Vipassana. Vipassana is a form of meditation, or a mental exercise, if you will, that has the capacity to do absolute wonders in your life. It’s a fantastic way to relieve stress, anxiety, depression, reduce blood pressure, end drug dependency, and help with pain management – greatly minimizing the need for medication. It’s also effective in dealing with anger management issues, post traumatic stress, and hormonal changes. The list doesn’t end there. It’s proven to increase productivity in the workplace, heighten memory, concentration, and focus, and helps those with cognitive difficulties. And best of all? It requires absolutely no investment or special equipment. It’s free! This book will delve into Vipassana, explaining everything you need to know to practice Vipassana regularly (and successfully) in your life so that you can reap all its benefits, most especially ridding yourself of stress and anxiety, instead living with happiness, peace, and joy. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... What is Vipassana? Preliminary Preparations Sitting Vipassana (the First Exercise) Labelling Observing Motion Observing Sensation If You ABSOLUTELY Have to Move A Few Warnings Active Vipassana Much, much more! Download your copy today! Tags: vipassana, mindfulness, meditation, vipassana meditation, dhamma, dharma, mindfulness exercises, mindfulness training, vipassana yoga, vipassana meditation technique, Buddhism, vipassana buddhism, vipassana goenka, vipassana mindfulness, meditation, buddhist

Advancing Your Spirit 4-CD Set: Finding Meaning In Your Life's Journey

Wayne W. Dyer - 2008
    This is a rare opportunity to hear two luminaries from the field of self-development together for the first time on an audio program.As you absorb the information on these four CDs, you’ll find that you can transform your challenges and concerns into spiritual triumphs; learn the keys to empowering yourself in the midst of change, chaos, and complexity by understanding and applying spiritual principles to your life; and discover the deeper meaning inherent in your daily experiences and see your life as a blueprint for growth and personal evolution.

Letters to a Dead Friend about Zen

Brad Warner - 2019
    It's the last thing he feels like doing. What he wants to do instead is tell his friend everything he never said, to explain Zen and what he does for a living and why he spends his time "Sitting. Sitting. Sitting. Meditating my life away as it all passes by. Lighting candles and incense. Bowing to nothing." So, as he continues his teaching tour through Europe, he writes to his friend all the things he wishes he had said. Simply and humorously, he reflects on why Zen provided him a lifeline in a difficult world. He explores grief, attachment, and the afterlife. He writes to Marky, "I'm not all that interested in Buddhism. I'm much more interested in what is true," and then proceeds to poke and prod at that truth. The result for readers is a singular and winning meditation on Zen -- and a unique tribute to both a life lost and the one Warner has found.