Things I Wish Id Known Sooner

Jaroldeen Edwards - 1991
    Things I Wish I'd Known Sooner is a many-hued bouquet of wisdom and strength for women at every stage of living. From a woman who found her life never perfect yet always full of wonder comes a rare treasure of a book.

Getting Past Perfect: How to Find Joy and Grace in the Messiness of Motherhood

Kate Wicker - 2017
    If you have ever felt that you were not enough as a wife or mom, or if you're someone who struggles to do it all, Getting Past Perfect offers a realistic and reassuring portrait of Catholic womanhood, placing motherhood in the context of every woman's primary role as a child of God. Kate Wicker journalist, popular speaker, and author of the highly-acclaimed Weightless shares how she shook off doubt and negative self-perception, finding self-acceptance as a mom and the desire to stop controlling everyone around her. Getting Past Perfect invites you to make this same journey as you learn to embrace the primacy of your role as a daughter of God, even amidst the daily chaos of raising children. Each chapter is designed to debunk the lies and expectations that moms often face, replacing negative self-perceptions with the truths of a woman's true calling. Wicker, a recovering perfectionist, helps you realize:It is perfectly normal to feel like you're in over your head sometimes.You can stop obsessing about what other people think and start focusing on loving yourself and your kids just as you are.Your primary jobs are to let God love you and to love him back. Nurture your prayer life and make time to remember that you are first a daughter of God.It s important to practice self-care no matter your stage in life.Wicker openly shares how she unwittingly transferred her preoccupation with having the perfect body to being the perfect parent. By honestly sharing her mistakes and triumphs in the trenches of motherhood, Wicker reveals several common falsehoods mothers tell themselves in different seasons of their lives and how speaking the truth can liberate women to become better parents and the truest versions of themselves. Whether you're dealing with endless "why?" questions, unexpected potty emergencies, or even the unanticipated change of a new pregnancy, Getting Past Perfect will help you learn how to lean into God's abiding grace. By closing each chapter with a simple reflection question and prayer, this book provides the tools you need to embrace the messy realities of family life and to emerge from feeling overwhelmed to knowing that you are first and foremost a daughter of God."

For Single People Who Still Understand the Value of Relationships

Rob Hill Sr. - 2012
    This book gives vital insight on the different dynamics of relationships and love in an uncanny fashion. Relationship expert, Rob Hill, is setting a new standard for singles, new couples, as well as seasoned lovers. Not only will they value relationships more, they’ll have a better understanding of what it takes to date, relate, and grow as individuals to better their chances of finding, enjoying, and sustaining a healthy relationship in today’s times. This book is fun, energetic, and filled with wisdom. Get ready for the journey of a lifetime.Courtesy of

The Stay-at-Home Survival Guide: Field-Tested Strategies for Staying Smart, Sane, and Connected When You're Raising Kids at Home

Melissa Stanton - 2008
    Melissa Stanton’s The Stay-at-Home Survival Guide is an all-encompassing, truth-telling how-to book that addresses the many practical and psychological issues facing stay-at-home moms today.How do you create time for yourself? Is there really time to do it all (feed the kids, keep them busy, clean the house, balance the checkbook, and take a shower)? How do you deal with the absence of the “professional you"?An invaluable resource for mothers, The Stay-at-Home Survival Guide includes interviews with stay-at-home moms, discussions with experts (family therapists, educators, medical specialists, career counselors), checklists to help you make the most of your time and keep you balanced, and Melissa Stanton’s own experiences leaving a career as an editor for People magazine to become a stay-at-home mom herself.

The Baby Sleep Guide: Practical Advice to Establish Good Sleep Habits

Stephanie Modell - 2015
     Sleep. It’s the most precious commodity, especially when you’re struggling to find it. 'The Baby Sleep Guide' provides simple and easy techniques to help you establish positive sleep habits early on that will pay dividends in the long term. Includes expert support and advice on: • How to settle your baby • Understanding baby sleep cycles • Establishing a night-time routine • Safe sleep Designed to be deliberately concise for time-poor parents, 'The Baby Sleep Guide' offers clear solutions to ensure a good night’s sleep for everyone.

Career Superpowers: Succeeding on Purpose

James A. Whittaker - 2014
    Take away the pedigreed and the prodigies—you know the people who are going to succeed no matter what—and the brown-nosers and right-time-right-place lottery winners and who do you have left? The people who succeeded on purpose. Study these folks carefully and you’ll find common themes around their path to the top. This book exposes the career strategies of the ultra-successful and analyzes them in detail. You’ll learn about personal strategies for identifying high-payoff activities and gain insight into being more effective as an individual contributor, manager and leader. You will learn how to identify and interact with the right set of career mentors and role models. Being successful doesn’t have to be an accident. Read this book and learn how to succeed on purpose.

Motherhood: Facing and Finding Yourself

Lisa Marchiano - 2021

When the Bough Breaks: Forever After the Death of a Child

Judith R. Bernstein - 1997
    Explaining that parents can never get over the loss of a child, a psychologist and bereaved parent offers strategies by which parents can accept and integrate the effects of trauma into their lives.

Breaking Out Of A Broken System

Seth Bolt - 2014
    Find out below how all profits from every purchase of this book saves another person's life.Has your life turned out exactly as planned?When you were younger did you have dreams of being a rockstar?...a fireman?...a doctor?Who did you want to be before the world told you who you should be?When we're born, we enter a world full of systems, most of which are out of our control. There are tons of unwritten rules and social pressures we feel forced to follow. We're pressured to:- study hard and get good grades- get accepted and attend college- graduate and find a secure job- get married and start a familyWe're trained not to stray too far from the path.If we follow this recommended path, why do we still feel that we're missing something? In Breaking Out of a Broken System, Seth & Chandler Bolt give you the tools to re-draw the lines, chart new roads, and expand the borders around your life. Each of the brothers writes a totally different perspective on the 15 most important life lessons taught by their parents. These are things they thought everyone learned growing up, but they realized otherwise after going out into the "real world".As you read, you'll have the option to read two completely different perspectives on each life lesson.You can start with the artistic account written by Seth, bass player for the southern rock band NEEDTOBREATHE.Or...Dive into Chandler's entrepreneurial story told from the perspective of the younger brother.There are two major benefits that will manifest from reading these intriguing tales. First, your life will gain a fresh new outlook on how blazing new trails can be the perfect addition to your own path.And secondly, you'll be saving someone else's life.Each book sold saves a life by providing a life-saving malaria pill (#1book1life). Each year, 1.2 million people die from malaria. This is solely because many villages only receive 3-4 months worth of pills per year to cure the disease.Our mission with the "Breaking Out of a Broken System" book launch is to buy 10,000 life-saving malaria pills by selling 10,000 copies of this book.Buy this book, change your life. Buy this book, save another.Buy the book during launch week to get tons of free stuff & a chance to win the trip of lifetime to Uganda!

The Tao of Mom: The Wisdom of Mothers from East to West

Taro Gold - 2004
    Tao is a Chinese word meaning way or path. The Tao of Mom, then, is literally The Way of Mothers. Many of the women celebrated in The Tao of Mom are well-known, while some are not; many hail from the West, yet all impart distinctly Eastern sensibilities. To further enrich our journey into the thoughts of each motherly figure, background details are included about each woman, such as Rosa Parks, mother of the modern civil rights movement; Aung San Suu Kyi, leader of the democratic movement in Myanmar; Maria Montessori, Italian educational reformer; and Abhirupa-Nanda, Indian poet-to name only a few.Lavishly illustrated, this gem of a book is for you to give to the moms in your life, for moms to give to you, for everyone to give to dads (as a loving reminder of how wise moms can be), and of course for you to give to yourself. The Tao of Mom is for everyone in need of a daily dose of motherly wisdom, inspiration, and comfort.

More for Mom: Living Your Whole and Holy Life

Kristin Funston - 2019
    The pieces of each mom's life-the work life, mom life, social life, etc.-are mended together through Christ to complete her one whole life, set apart because of Him.This book is a stepping stone to help working mothers reset their spiritual and emotional health, habits, and relationship with God. There are performance pressures at work, home, and mind-sets that affect a mom's ability to feel complete and live more closely aligned with God. This book includes the beginning steps for moms to walk in wholeness and holiness by asking God for more.

Covert Narcissist: Uncover the Covert Narcissist’s Manipulation Tactics, It’s Effects on the Brain, and the Road to Recovery (Passive Aggressive, Psychological Abuse, Toxic Relationships, Healing,)

Grace Lewis - 2019
    You have survived 100% of your worst days. My relationship with my covert narcissist left me confused, broken, and utterly drained. I didn’t think anyone could ever understand what I went through. Trying to explain it was hard enough. He didn’t yell, he didn’t hit, yet no one had ever caused me so much pain and then turned around and said I had only myself to blame. That’s what makes covert narcissists so dangerous, they’re so subtle and quiet, masters of deceit. If you feel like you have been pushed to the brink of insanity, losing control, forgetting who you even are I want to let you know that you are not alone. What helped me eventually overcome my deep attachment to my narc was understanding how the mind of a narcissist works and understanding what was going on in my own head while all of this was happening. By identifying the nature of the covert narcissist, recognizing the abuse cycle, and understanding the manipulation tactics I was able to finally stop the madness inside my head. In this book I go over all these points as well as reasons why we’re attracted to the narcissist, why they’re attracted to us, and most importantly tips on moving on after experiencing this type of abuse. Here Is A Preview Of What You'll Learn... The Abuse Cycle Manipulation Tactics Brain Chemistry and Abuse Why We're Attracted To and Who Attracts The Narcissist Tools for Recovery Don't let the covert narcissist fool you any longer , download your copy today! Available now for only $0.99!

The Good Enough Parent: How to Raise Contented, Interesting and Resilient Children

The School of Life - 2021
    It is also, fortunately, not a matter of luck. There are many things to understand about how children’s minds operate and what they need from those who look after them so they can develop into the best version of themselves.The Good Enough Parent is a compendium of lessons, including ideas on how to say 'no' to a child one adores, how to look beneath the surface of 'bad' behaviour to work out what might really be going on, how to encourage a child to be genuinely kind, how to encourage open self expression, and how to handle the moods and gloom of adolescence.Importantly, this is a book that knows that perfection is not required – and could indeed be unhelpful, because a key job of any parent is to induct a child gently into the imperfect nature of everything. Written in a tone that is encouraging, wry and soaked in years of experience, The Good Enough Parent is an intelligent guide to raising a child who will one day look back on their childhood with just the right mixture of gratitude, humour and love.

Weight-Loss Apocalypse: Emotional Eating Rehab Through the Hcg Protocol

Robin Phipps Woodall - 2011
    Simeons' protocol has relevance, not only as a hormonal therapy, but as a means to end our national eating disorder. Instead of continuing to apply the protocol as a short-term diet, it shoulder be discussed as a real solution --a tool to end irrational eating for emotional fulfillment. This country is dealing with a crisis: an addiction to eating emotionally, and the obvious result is the overwhelming increase in obesity. Think about the number of people in our culture who eat without hunger. When you observe our nation's behavior with food, it's very clear that fat isn't what we should be obsessed about, and weight shouldn't be the target of the problem. We need a genuine desire to eat less, one that isn't dependent on weight loss as a reward. This requires each of us to be accountable for our own emotions, and find happiness in life not centrally stimulated by food. "Finally a book that credibly answers the questions every doctor, patient, and skeptic needs to know about the hCG protocol." - Dr. Heidi Anderson, Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine "I've been prescribing hCG for weight loss for over four years, and nothing I've read comes close to having this level of expertise. Without question, this is the most informative and enlightening book about Dr. Simeons' hCG protocol available." - Dr. Ed Hagen, OB/GYN "Robin's approach to the hCG protocol is ingenious. Using the protocol as a way to heal the mind and body as an emotional and physical therapy is exactly what this country needs." - Becky Crowther, Registered Dietitian, Life Coach

30 Chic Days at Home: Self-care tips for when you have to stay at home, or any other time when life is challenging

Fiona Ferris - 2020
    One minute we were living life and doing our thing, the next, most of us were advised to stay at home for a month or more.