Book picks similar to
House of Apache Fires by Morgan Jameson


The Innocents Within: A Novel

Robert Daley - 1995
    Led by the charismatic Pastor Favert, the townsfolk of Le Lignon risk their own lives to hide a constant stream of the persecuted. But when a badly wounded American pilot crashes nearby, their safety is compromised.The region's Reich commander is desperate to load the waiting deportation trains with Jews. Le Lignon, he knows, might be concealing enough refugees to fulfill his entire quota and secure his position within the SS. As the commander plots to seize his quarry, Vichy police descend on the village and demand the hidden pilot. Stretched to their limits, the people of Le Lignon must fortify themselves against the converging Nazi onslaught--or die trying.

Christmas With Nurse Millie

Jean Fullerton - 2013
    Christmas is approaching - but for Nurse Millie and Nurse Annie babies are still being born, and in the East End of London, new mothers still need all the care and support they can give.Vividly summing up all the friendship of a close-knit community - both for the midwives and for the families - CHRISTMAS WITH NURSE MILLIE powerfully brings to life post-War London - with a heartwarming festive twist.

The Hidden

Jo Chumas - 2013
    As Aimee tries to unravel the web of lies and secrets surrounding her husband’s death, she unwittingly becomes a pawn in a revolutionary plot against Egypt’s king. With the discovery of a twenty-year-old diary, the mystery only deepens. As Aimee gets ever closer to the truth, she discovers startling parallels between her own life and that of the mother she never knew. Unfolding in the city’s brothels, hashish cafes, and jasmine-scented colonial mansions, The Hidden is a gritty, sensual tale of revolution, betrayal, and the lengths we will go to for love—and truth.

The Marathon Watch: Ross

Lawrence K. Laswell - 2014
    The Marathon Watch pits treachery, deceit, and betrayal against naval traditions of duty, honor, and loyalty. At the center of this struggle is the oldest US naval destroyer, the USS Farnley. The chief of naval operations steps in to rescue the Farnley and bring an unscrupulous admiral to justice, but disaster strikes. Guided by the canons of tradition, the Farnley’s courageous captain and crew disobey the admiral’s orders. In a life-or-death struggle, the Farnley sails in harm’s way to save the life of a single man and the future of the US Navy.Leadership lessons abound in this story of duty and honor. New in this edition, a leadership discussion guide!

The Problem with Pearls

Phyllis McManus - 2017
    She soon discovered her mama had been hiding secrets from her since she was a small child. These secrets start to unfold when she opens a box hidden in the back of a closet. Opening this box will create an entirely different world that Karlee never dreamed was waiting for her. Will Karlee have the strength and courage to face the secrets, or will she close the box keeping everyone from knowing the truth? If you like funny, heartwarming Southern stories with a touch of mystery, you will fall in love with the characters in The Problem with Pearls.


Titia Bozuwa - 2017
     When the German war machine rolled over the Netherlands in May 1940, Titia Wetselaar Bozuwa was an eight-year-old girl living in the southern city of Breda. She wrote about her family’s endurance of that five-year Occupation in her memoir, In the Shadow of the Cathedral. In Defiance, her first work of fiction, she pays tribute to the many who defied the German Occupation. Challenging the expectations of Dutch society, Anna Smits enrolls as a medical student at Utrecht University. But in a country occupied by Nazi Germany, student life is not what Anna expected. Social clubs are closed; Jews are forbidden from attending schools; and in 1943, students are ordered to sign a declaration of loyalty to the occupying German government. Anna and her seven closest friends—the Group of Eight—refuse to sign. Inspired by a sermon about the Good Samaritan—a sermon that got the minister thrown into prison—the Group of Eight vows to help the victims of Hitler’s brutal regime. They hide Jews and provide them with fake IDs; they keep desperately needed medicines out of the hands of the Nazis; they raise funds for orphaned Jewish children. But as the war drags on and the Nazis’ hold tightens, the Group of Eight shrinks. The few that remain defiantly resist the ever-onerous Occupying force. But how can they fight the lawlessness with which the Germans shoot first and don’t bother with questions? How can they fight the devastating Hunger Winter of 1945? Anna clings to her beliefs and mission, aided by her remarkable grandmother, Baroness van Haersolte, as the country waits for liberation. But will they all survive that long?

The Frenchman's Daughters

Paul Sinkinson - 2013
    Following an emotional and traumatic escape from the advancing German forces they arrive in England. As a result of their experiences, and the manner that they combated the Nazi regime, the three sisters, all civilians, are seconded, along with the survivors of their group, into the intelligence section of General De Gaulle’s newly formed Free French Force. After extensive training in England they return to occupied France living in fear of betrayal and capture.

The Dressmaker's Son

Abbi Sherman Schaefer - 2013
    Rachael's family comes to America to start a new life after fleeing the pogroms in Russia. Rebekah comes to America with her son, Samuel, fleeing his father, Misha, a Russian soldier with whom she had an affair and has threatened to take him away from her so he will not grow up as a Jew and the son of a cobbler. Set in the Lower East Side of New York and pre-revolutionary St. Petersburg, Russia, both women adjust to life in America until Misha kidnaps Samuel and returns with him to Russia. How Rebekah rises to the challenge of earning enough money as a designer of women's gowns to return to St. Petersburg to find her son, and the difficulties she encounters while there, including murder and prison, show the reader the full extent of a mother's ingenuity and determination when it comes to her child. Rachael also faces the possibility of losing a child to war when her son Solomon enlists in the army as America's entry into World War I approaches.

Bleeding The Sun: A WWII NOVEL (164th Regiment Series Book 3)

Chris Glatte - 2018
    The Japanese are losing ground. The GIs of the 164th Regiment must pay for every bloody yard. Platoon Sergeant Carver and the soldiers of Able Company are thrust into the battle for the Philippine Islands. Each island, big or small must be taken and the Japanese occupiers killed or captured. Each island is another challenge. Another way to die. With the help of Filipino resistance fighters, the U.S. Army relentlessly moves forward. Each campaign takes a deadly toll and further demoralizes them. To Carver and O’Connor, the war seems endless. Every day of combat decreases their odds of survival. Can they find hope in the future? Will they survive this fight just to be thrust into another desperate battle? This is the third and final gritty war novel in the 164th Regiment Series.

Operation Ivy Bells: A Mac McDowell Mission (Mac McDowell Mission Series Book 1)

Robert G. Williscroft - 2014
    With a security clearance above Top Secret, Mac and his off-the-books deep-water espionage group must gather Russian intel to avert world war. Join nuclear-submariner Mac as he extreme-dives to a thousand feet, battles giant squids, and proves what brave men can achieve under real pressure, the kind that will steal your air and crush the life out of you. Operation Ivy Bells: A Mac McDowell Mission updates the popular bestseller by Robert G. Williscroft, a lifelong adventurer who blends his own experiences with real events to craft a military thriller that will take your breath away.

The Secret Stealers

Jane Healey - 2021
    Everything changes when she’s recruited into the Office of Strategic Services by family friend and legendary WWI hero Major General William Donovan.Donovan has faith in her—and in all his “glorious amateurs” who are becoming Anna’s fast friends: Maggie, Anna’s down-to-earth mentor; Irene, who’s struggling to find support from her husband for her clandestine life; and Julia, a cheerful OSS liaison. But the more Anna learns about the organization’s secret missions, the more she longs to be stationed abroad. Then comes the opportunity: go undercover as a spy in the French Resistance to help steal critical intelligence that could ultimately turn the tide of the war.Dispatched behind enemy lines and in constant danger, Anna is filled with adrenaline, passion, and fear. She’s driven to make a difference—for her country and for herself. Whatever the risk, she’s willing to take it to help liberate France from the shadows of occupation and to free herself from the shadows of her former life.

The Women in Pants: Sidesaddle No More

Stan Himes - 2017
    Will they overcome with hearts and humor intact? Will they survive at all? Reader Reviews: "I know if you enjoy reading about strong confident and brave women you will love this book as much as I did!" "Recommend this books to all who enjoy Westerns, or even if you have never read one. I think you would perhaps see some of the personalities, philosophies and behavior in yourself and those you know and only read about! A very HUMAN book!" "WOW. Bought this book with the thoughts of perhaps a light read.... I'm telling you, the detail, the writing, the story were all superb." "This book is for everyone. I couldn't wait to see what happened but I didn't want it to end." "If this book doesn't get made into a big-budget movie with an ensemble of major actresses, Hollywood will have missed out on a blockbuster." "I loved this book from beginning to end. And the unique way the author told it. A most fun read. If I had lived in that time period I would have wanted to be one of those women in pants!"

Embracing Destiny

Vivian Rose Lee - 2015
    Life for Randa in the Brewster household was hard because of an uppity aunt and a pair of cousins who considered the young girl beneath their standing. They labeled her the shame of the elite black Brewster family, a dark mark on the good Brewster name, and made her life miserable because of it. Unwanted and unloved in a house filled with strangers, things looked bleak for Randa, but her circumstances took a sudden and dramatic change when her grandfather was made aware of her plight. Vowing to her that things would be different from here on out, her grandfather took a shy, introverted little girl under his wing and over time molded her into a strong, intelligent young woman. After the death of her beloved grandfather, the now wealthy Randa, thanks to a deathbed blessing, moved to Tullahassee, Oklahoma with the desire to locate the mother she was taken away from, but what she found instead was a life she never imagined she would ever have.

Capture (Sgt. Dunn Novels Book 5)

Ronn Munsterman - 2016
    S. Army Ranger Sgt. Tom Dunn and his squad are still assigned to General George S. Patton’s Third Army as it continues to roar across France in pursuit of the German Army. In the fifth book in the series, Dunn crosses the Meuse River, and fights his way toward the Moselle River, only thirty miles from the German border, and the last natural barrier in France. Meanwhile, in the middle of the night, Sgt. Malcolm Saunders and his squad of British Commandos parachute into Belgium in advance of General Bernard Montgomery’s Army to disrupt and intercept German General Karl von Runstedt’s radio messages. Desperate to stop the American advance, the German Army puts up fierce resistance at the Moselle River, endangering the crossing and Patton’s advance. Suddenly, Dunn is thrust into a new role. Outnumbered by the Germans, can Dunn adapt to the changing battlefield events and overcome the odds to win the day? Blending historical events with fiction, Munsterman’s gripping WWII action thriller, Capture, takes us deep inside life and death for soldiers on both sides of the front lines.


D.W. Ulsterman - 2014
    KICK BODY. REPEAT.Former Navy SEAL sniper and government gun for hire Mac Walker finds himself in an uneasy alliance with the beautiful and mysterious Vatican operative Stasia Wellington as they struggle to save the plane's passengers and defeat the terrorists and their plot to kill tens of thousands. Mac Walker's 40,000 Feet is the first volume in the highly popular Mac Walker military thrillers series that has earned an enthusiastic following of fans as they cheer the never give in and never give up nature that embodies the Mac Walker character.