A Journey of Souls

Michael McKinney - 2017
    In a realm where the past, present and future flow freely in and out of each other without contradiction they encounter a mysterious woman named Brianna who greets them in their soul's journey. From an innocent child to a vicious serial killer, from a lovingly faithful wife to an unrepentant sex addict, all are directed to a destination that is woven from the fabric of their own individual histories and personal life stories. Contained in these pages is a powerful glimpse of what lies beyond the boundary of temporal human experience. Have you ever wondered what it will be like to close your eyes for the last time and leave this world behind? For ten individuals who encounter the beautiful and mysterious Brianna in their soul's journey after death, that question is answered and answered dramatically.

Godfathers of Crime: Face to Face with India's Most Wanted

Sheela Raval - 2015
    Farmaiyen, Sheelaji!’Among the first female journalists in India to investigate crime andthe underworld, Sheela Raval has had an eventful three-decade-longcareer in print media and television that has seen her track India’smost notorious criminals across different parts of the globe. Alwayshot on the trail of a story, Raval broke the news about Chhota Rajansurviving a brutal assassination attempt in Bangkok in 2000, attendedDawood Ibrahim’s daughter’s wedding in Dubai and is the only personto have interviewed Samira Jumani, noted gangster Abu Salem’s firstwife, after Salem’s arrest and extradition.Now, in a candid memoir of fearless reportage, Raval recounts herinteractions with the much-feared dons, and the revelations theybrought forth about the intricate workings of organized crime withinIndian borders and beyond. Raval’s bold writing gives fresh and sofarunpublished insight into the D Company’s evolution as a criminalorganization with transnational influence and connections withforeign governments; the much-talked-about split between Dawoodand Chhota Rajan; a once-promising cricketer who became one ofMumbai’s most-feared dons; the Abu Salem–Monica Bedi affair; andthe circumstances that led her to appear as a state witness in the highprofilecase against film producer Bharat Shah and Chhota Shakeel.Chilling and revelatory, Raval’s stories provide a fascinating glimpseinto the minds of organized criminals who have long haunted India’ssecurity forces. Godfathers of Crime is a chronicle of men who havelived outside the boundaries of the law for most of their lives, toldthrough the personal experiences of an intrepid journalist.

Fallin' For Rozay: An Urban Romance

Mz Robinson - 2017
    From the moment, he met the young beauty, he knew she was unlike any woman he’d ever met and she would fill a role that no other woman ever served. Zuri wanted nothing more, than to break free from the strain of her mundane relationship with her boyfriend Darwin, and have one night to herself. However, upon meeting Rozay, one night quickly turns into an addiction. When friends turn into foes and partners turn into predators, Zuri discovers that the best part of her “Addiction” isn’t the way his touch drives her to the highest peaks of pleasure, leaving her breathless and screaming his name. Nor is it the way, his eyes speak to her soul or the way his lips make her weak. However, it’s the way he protects her and shows her the kind of love that words cannot do justice. In this original romance by Mz. Robinson and presented by Cole Hart, join Zuri and Rozay as they embark on an adventure filled with pain, passion, and desire and discover what happens when “One night” turns into “Forever”.

Brahma Rakshas: The Monster Within

Sandiip N. Paatil - 2021
    At 11, he looks big and strong for his age. His kind mother, Geeta is a rural Indian archetype: the overworked, stressed-out, barely-keeping-it- together single mother. His father is in prison for multiple robbery cases. The villagers are cold and overbearing, and his schooldays are made hellish by bullies. If this wasn’t enough, he has nightmares and uncanny callings from the age-old monstrous Peepal tree that lays on his way to school. The legend is a monster called Brahma Rakshas, living under this tree, for years unknown to people, lures kids with the black devil fruits and then makes them wrestle until one dies.And, one stormy night, the legend comes true when Brahma Rakshas meets Sarja. Set in a fictional village of Deogiri; a small haven of human civilization, away from the din of city life, this story is an adventure ride filled with riddles and monster wrestling.

Mad Dog and The Englishman (Ethereals Book 1)

Jason Greenfield - 2015
    i really mean it! IF YOU ARE EASILY OFFENDED AND BELONG TO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING GROUPS, PLEASE DO NOT READ THIS BOOK: SCOTTISH, WELSH, NORTHERN IRISH, IRISH CATHOLICS, COCKNEYS, CHAVS, UPPER CLASS ENGLISH TWATS, RELIGIOUS CHRISTIANS, MUSLIMS, JEWS, HOMOSEXUALS, RESIDENTS OF WATFORD, THE ACTOR ROBERT CARLYLE, THE WORKING CLASSES, THE UNEMPLOYED PUB GOING DOLE SCROUNGERS, THE AUTHOR'S FRIEND DANIEL SKELTON, REPUBLICAN AMERICANS, SOUTHERN STATES AMERICANS, CHRISTIAN MIDWEST AMERICANS WITH TRADITIONAL VALUES, ANY AMERICAN, TRANSVESTITES, SUPPORTERS OF THE ENGLAND FOOTBALL SQUAD, IRANIANS, EX PRESIDENT OF IRAN MAHMOUD AHMADINEJAD, SYRIANS, BASHAR AL ASSAD, WAYNE ROONEY, BELGIUMS, AGATHA CHRISTIE, THE FRENCH, YAHOO MESSAGE BOARD COMMENTATORS, SOUTH AMERICAN CRIME CARTELS, PRIESTS AND REVERENDS, THE WRITER OF THIS BOOK, PALESTINIANS, ARABS IN GENERAL, OLD YIDDISH MEN, THE FICTIONAL OLLAWONGA TRIBE OF DARKEST AFRICA, THE WRITER AND READERS OF FIFTY SHADES OF GREY, THE CHINESE AND TONY BLAIR. IF YOU BELONG TO ONE OF THE FOLLOWING GROUPS WHO HAVE HAD A MORE THAN CAMEO MENTION/APPEARANCE IN THE NOVEL, PLEASE READ THE BOOK WITHOUT FEAR OF OFFENSIVE STEREOTYPING: ITALIANS. If you have got this far, then allow me to enlighten you about a secret so great that the general public has no idea about but every government in the world knows and they are involved in a consistent cover up to keep the horrors from you.. What are the Ethereals? Some say they are the personifications of iconic and stereotypical energies given life by our collective beliefs and imagination. Others say they started as humans and evolved for much the same reasons given above. Both viewpoints have a basis in truth. A decade ago one of the most fearsome of these beings 'The Englishman,' was banished from our plane of existence by a weeping Tony Blair who cut the throat of a small child in a necromantic energy ritual to do so. With such a price paid, the question has to be asked ... just how serious a threat has arisen from the Ethereal world that the British government's only option is to bring back the Englishman to save us!!!! Set in 2012 in the lead up to the US election ... welcome to the twisted world of Mad Dog and The Englishman. WARNING: The following piece of hack work contains levels of swearing, depraved activity and violent situations sufficient enough to have Jihadi John puking up his guts.


Nicole Hill - 2015
    How would you feel if you found out your best friend was really your foe? The one person you thought had your best interest at heart was really plotting against you, waiting for your downfall.Khloe and Carrie have been friends since elementary school. Carrie has a secret she's been hiding from Khloe. Will Carrie keep blaming Khloe for what happened? Will she share her secret or make Khloe's life a living hell?Trina has betrayed so many people its hard to keep count. Breaking up Khloe's relationship with Dre wasn't enough for her. She wants everything Khloe has. Will Trina succeed in sabotaging Khloe's life or will Karma catch up to her first?Khloe was devastated when she caught Dre in an uncompromising position. She thought life was over until she met the handsome dread head, Jason, from New York. She goes against her better judgment and decides to give him a chance. Will he prove to be her knight in shining armour or her worst nightmare?


Elena Kravchenko - 2021
    December 26, 2004: The Indian Ocean tsunami has flooded great swathes of western Thailand.Carl’s best friend and his wife are missing. He travels from London to Thailand to discover what has happened to them, only to learn there is nothing one man can do in the devastation the wave left behind. What started as an impulsive quest ends up with him examining the very essence of his being.A unique combination of an action-packed quest for truth and a philosophical exploration of life’s deeper meaning, Breathe is a poignant, tense and intelligently written story that will have you contemplating its meaning and message long after you have reached the final page. 'A page-turner with high psychological stakes' - Kirkus Reviews‘A harrowing, profound and intensely emotional tale of loss and hope' - Johanna Gustawsson, author of the international best-seller Roy & Castells books; soon to be a major TV series

I'm in Love With a Thug 2

Lady Lissa - 2015
    That night with Lexus was one of the best nights of my entire life. I was gonna look for a place of my own today so we wouldn’t have to keep disrespecting her folks under their roof. I know if I had a daughter I wouldn’t want her disrespecting my house and I would kill the nigga who fucked around with her to make her do that. I called Prince to ask if he knew a good real estate agent and he was happy that I was moving out on my own. He congratulated me for coming as far as I had over the past six months and I was happy that he was proud of me. He did say him and his dad needed to meet with us concerning the Nigerian dealings so I said I was on my way. I showered, got dressed and headed upstairs. I was hoping to see Lexus before I left but after the dick down I gave her last night, it didn’t surprise me that she was still asleep. I did speak to her mom before I left about me possibly moving out and although surprised she said she understood. I made it over to the warehouse at 11 that morning and headed inside. The meeting lasted for about 30 minutes and then I got with Prince so he could give me information on some possible realtors. Big Jim tapped me on the shoulder and said, “My real estate agent Angie is really good. She helped us find the brownstone that we live in now and she is in the process of helping me find an estate property.” “Wow! An estate huh?” I said. “Yea I think it’s time I moved my girls out of that brownstone. I’m hoping to move within the next couple of weeks. I’d offer you the brownstone but I know you aren’t looking for anything that big,” he said. “Naw, it’s just me so something smaller would be better for me,” I said. “Well let me know if you want Angie’s information,” he said. “Aiight, thanks Big Jim,” I said. Big Jim had turned out to be a really cool dude. He was like the father I never had and I was thankful for him and Prince taking me in the way they did. I really felt like part of the family. Hopefully that would weigh in my favor when I told them about my love for Lexus. “Well I gotta go. I got some business to do at the bank and then I’m headed home. I think I might surprise Yvonne and take her out to dinner tonight,” he said as he smiled. “Sounds good Dad, y’all have fun,” Prince said. “See y’all later,” Big Jim said. Big Jim exited the warehouse and soon after we heard gunshots. We grabbed our weapons and headed outside to see what the commotion was about. All we heard when we made it out were tires screeching. When we finally looked around we saw Big Jim lying on the ground covered in blood. He was gagging on his blood as me and Prince went to see if we could help him. Someone must have called 911 because a few minutes later we heard sirens in the distance but by then it was too late. “Aaaarrrrgggghhhhhh!” Prince screamed. “Big Jim! Big Jim!” I cried but he was already dead. The police arrived at the scene but they were cops that did business with Big Jim so they already knew how to handle the scene. Big Jim had several cops, detectives and even a district attorney on his side. The ambulance came and took Big Jim to the hospital even though he was already pronounced dead. The EMT’s said it would be a while before the medical examiner would be able to come and they didn’t want to leave Big Jim just lying on the ground. Everyone in this city had a lot of respect for Big Jim.I was in a fog because I couldn’t believe this had happened. Who would wanna kill Big Jim? He was a businessman but he was smart about how he did business; he didn’t make enemies.

The Ladies of Bath: A Regency Romance Boxset Collection

Isabella Thorne - 2019
    Where chivalrous rouges, daring lords, and smart spirited ladies overcome the dastardly schemes that stand in the way of true love! 3 Full Length Regency Romance Novels now in a captivating Boxset. Join the Ladies of Bath as they struggle with love and loss in their search for happily ever after. The Duke’s Daughter A High Society Lady and a Navy Commander… Joined by a tragic accident, a secret cypher, and a clandestine engagement. Two people have never been so mismatched, but when Amelia’s father dies under mysterious circumstances, and Samuel’s elder brother is poisoned within a mere day of the Duke’s death, both Lady Amelia and Commander Beresford find themselves forced to work together in a desperate search for the culprit. Neither could imagine falling in love … now it seems they cannot imagine loving anyone else. The Baron in Bath Surrounded by Rumor…Betrothed to a Rake…Miss Julia Bellevue has been made an object of ridicule amongst the Ton for years and would wish to be left out of their cruel games. But Julia’s late father has secretly betrothed her to Godwin Gruger, the devilishly handsome Baron Fawkland, a scandalous gentleman with a terrible reputation. She would much prefer his equally dashing younger brother, but if Julia refuses to marry the Baron she is to lose her inheritance! Caught in a whirlwind of rumors, picnics, parties and balls where no one is who they pretend to be Julia must decide what she really wants… The Baron or his brother… and if she can truly trust either man with her heart? The Deceptive Earl Lady Charity is the last of her friends to marry, and this summer holiday, she finds Bath lonely…That is until she matches wits with the dashing Earl of Wentwell. Lady Charity thinks Neville is a rogue and a scoundrel who has ruined more than one lady. She wants nothing but to give him the cut. Lord Wentwell thinks Lady Charity is outrageous; a woman on the prowl for a husband, and he will have none of it. He has been hurt before and he will not play by her rules, or the Ton's. Can love flourish amidst the problems of Neville's war shaken brother and Charity's elderly ailing father? Once Charity has seen the gentleman behind Lord Wentwell's devil may care exterior, nothing can keep her from him, not war, nor disease, not even her overbearing mother or his! 3 Full Length Sweet and Wholesome Clean Read Regency Romances Don't miss the glamor and excitement of Regency Romance by Isabella Thorne Follow Isabella Thorne on Amazon, Facebook and Bookbub. SIGN UP for her newsletter to be notified of the debut of Isabella Thorne's next novel.

Delta Protectors Box Set (Security Books 1-3)

Kayla Myles - 2018
    She’s well on her way to becoming a world-renowned actress and her latest movie will surely be a big hit at the box office. She’s basically winning at life… Until now. The emergence of a mysterious stalker, hell-bent on taking her no matter what, has put a wrench into Veronica’s perfect life. After a foiled kidnapping attempt at her latest project, her agents are left with no choice but to hire a Delta Protector. Jason Keyes had been content serving as part of the Delta Force until a mission goes awry and the blood of his beloved comrade stained his hands. Desperate for escape, he leaves the military and goes back home, only for his old friend Chase to offer him a job he can’t refuse: to protect Veronica Langley. As their differences collide and each of them battle to get their way, will their passionate arguments lead to something more? Or will their bullheaded personalities clash and spell death for the both of them? TORN APART Georgiana Pratt, aka “George”, is sick and tired of living under her parents’ rules. She yearns for the day when she can finally spread her wings and make decisions for herself. Studying at a university far, far away from her parents’ prying eyes seems like the perfect solution to her problem. Despite their protest, she leaves the comforts of home and takes the first step into college. She swears this time the only person to run her life is the person possessing it: her. Ex-Marine Spencer Downing has been waiting for a challenge to come his way, and his new assignment might just be the ticket. It wasn’t just a simple protector job; he needed to disguise himself as a student, and keep an eye on a girl who’s never been out of her parents’ roof. The catch is she must never find out. As the fates conspire to get Spencer and George closer, will they give in and provide a chance for their love to blossom? Or will the secret between them tear them apart? BROKEN Rebecca Hayes has joined Chase’s pack of delta protectors, and her first mission involves protecting two subjects – a budding musician and his daughter. Despite her extensive military training and expertise, even she has to admit guarding two people would be difficult…which is why she’s getting a partner. Rebecca is in for the shock of her life when she meets Michael Gardner, the newest addition, and her partner, as well as the man who destroyed her heart many years ago. Michael is surprised to meet his former flame, and sees this moment as an opportunity to rekindle the bond broken between them. But how can he do that when the girl he left behind is now a woman determined to have nothing to do with him? Tanner Lee’s reputation in the music industry has reached a point where going out unprotected is no longer an option, more so for his daughter, Elizabeth, who he already hardly ever has time for. While he plays his bad boy image down to a T, a bigger part of him just wants to be the doting father Elizabeth needs and deserves. He hires Rebecca and Michael to protect them, and the spark that ignites between him and Rebecca is too strong to deny… With feelings she thought she’d buried to the ground starting to resurface, can Rebecca and Michael work things out before their issues threaten to jeopardize the mission? Or will Tanner and Rebecca cross the forbidden line and find their own happy ending…with each other ***Delta Protectors is three standalone security romance books each with a guaranteed happily ever after.

The Sheikh's Pregnant Teacher (Khalid Sheikhs Series Book 3)

Leslie North - 2021

The Saga of Spy X13

deepak rosha - 2021

46 Hours to Home: A story of survival during the apocalypse

Pat Riot - 2019
    He's at work and will have to trek through rough neighborhoods and rural areas, and do things he never dreamed of. Walking through Southern California will stretch his skills, knowledge, and preparation to the limits. Will he survive this catastrophe of biblical proportions? Will he make it home to his family? Will his family survive until he arrives home? What will he find if he does make it? This is the story about the worst type of natural disaster and a man who will do whatever it takes to make it home to the ones he loves. A story of despair and resilience, failure and triumph. If you like the book, and even if you don't, PLEASE take a moment to rate it and leave a review. I welcome all constructive feedback as I intend to write more books and the feedback will only help me become a better writer. Thank you for taking the time to consider, and hopefully read, my book.

The Billionaires Box Set #2

Claire Adams - 2018
     Billionaire's Fake Fiancée Time is running out. My mother only has 6 months to live, and I'm desperate. I need to make her dream come true...seeing me get married. I know it's crazy. I'm a billionaire. I'm a player. I don't want a wife. But, I need to make this happen for her. That's where Maddie comes in. She's my childhood friend, a struggling actress and so incredibly hot. Maddie's perfect for the role of my love interest. It doesn't hurt that she wants to help me fulfill my mother's dream. However, she may come at a price that's more than the half a million dollars for her service. Billionaire's Secret Babies Zoe had always dreamed of owning a bakery. It was supposed to be a creative outlet, where she could spend her time doing what she loved and make money doing it, but the reality was much different. When she wasn’t slaving away in the kitchen, she was at home worried that something might happen to the place. Everything was dependent upon the success of her business. There was no room for error. That’s why Archer was so dangerous. He was rich, disciplined and hardworking, everything she wanted in a man. She couldn’t stop thinking about him, and he wanted her, but every time they got close something held him back. He couldn’t tell her about the twins, but he couldn’t push her away. They were both vulnerable and stupid, risking everything for a doomed relationship, but neither of them could stop. Zoe was going to find out. Would their relationship survive? How could she possibly avoid getting hurt? Billionaire's Runway Bride Alfie takes over as CEO from his father’s company and lives a proper life, wowing people with his innovation. He rescues his best friend’s bride as she runs from the alter. He offers her a place to stay and they quickly turn into a taboo relationship that he can’t live without. What will the world think when the story comes out? Billionaire Escort When Mercedes Johnson completed her post-graduate program, she thought her trouble was at an end. She thought she’d just go apply and somebody would give her the decent paying job she worked so hard to get. But that wasn’t what happened. Instead, she spent months applying at every company she could find, and nobody would take her. It was time for her to accept that she wasn’t going to be able to find the kind of work she needed. She had to do something unconventional. She didn’t know that she was signing up for an escort service. She thought she was just delivering packages, and she certainly wasn’t expecting the golden god that answered the door. Billionaire's Cinderella Kiara is experiencing a string of bad luck. And Teddy, her rich neighbor, is about to incur her wrath. Rich, spoiled, and essentially her exact opposite, he makes an easy target. But the truth is that Teddy isn’t quite who she thinks he is. His wealthy father didn’t even know he existed for the first five years of his life, and since he has known a life outside of privilege, he longs for something more. And part of that something more is Kiara. Will this Cinderella story have a fairy tale ending? The Billionaires Box Set is 5 steamy standalone billionaire romance novels. No cheating. No cliffhangers. HEA.

The Light Between Oceans: A Novel by M.L. Stedman | Conversation Starters

Daily Books - 2017
    Stedman | Conversation StartersA Brief Look Inside:The Light Between Oceans is M.L. Stedman's first and only novel to date. It tells the story of Tom and Isabel Sherbourne who find an abandoned child and take the child into their home and raise it as their own. Soon, the biological mother is found. Eventually, the story becomes a question of right and wrong because Tom and Isabel must decide whether or not to tell the truth about the child. That question becomes more and more difficult to answer as time goes on...The Light Between Oceans was named as a Goodreads Book of the Year in 2014. ...and was called “extraordinary” by The Guardian. EVERY GOOD BOOK CONTAINS A WORLD FAR DEEPERthan the surface of its pages. The characters and their world come alive, and the characters and its world still live on. Conversation Starters is peppered with questions designed tobring us beneath the surface of the pageand invite us into the world that lives on. These questions can be used to..Create Hours of Conversation:•Foster a deeper understanding of the book•Promote an atmosphere of discussion for groups•Assist in the study of the book, either individually or corporately•Explore unseen realms of the book as never seen beforeDisclaimer: This book you are about to enjoy is an independent resource to supplement the original book, enhancing your experience of The Light Between Oceans. If you have not yet purchased a copy of the original book, please do before purchasing this unofficial Conversation Starters.Download your copy today for a Limited Time Read it on your PC, Mac, iOS or Android smartphone, tablet devices.