Advanced Organic Chemistry
Arun Bahl - 2010
Students. It has been a national best-seller for more than 30 years. A lot of things have changed since them. We have also changed with every edition so that 30 years. This was the first book on the subject to be adopted by the National Book Trust of India (NBT). This text is especially written with these students in mind. The language is simple, explanations clear, and presentation very systematic. Concepts that usually confuse the students are explained in a step-by-step manner. Our commitment to quality is total! Table Of Contents: Intro | Structure of Organic Molecules | Organic Reaction Mechanims | Organic Reaction Mechanisms | Isomerism and Stereochemistry | Spectroscopy | Alkanes | Cycloalkanes | Petroleum, Petrochemicals and Alternative Fuels | Alkenes and Dienes | Alkynes | alkyl Halides | Organometallic Compunds | Alcohols | Polyhydric Alcohols| Polyhydric alcohols | Ethers and Epoxides | Thiols and Thiothers | Aldehyde Methylene Compounds | Lipids | Cyan Compounds | Derivatives of Carbonic Acids | Nitroalkanes, Diazoalkanes and Azides| much more...
Schaum's Outline of Mathematical Economics
Edward T. Dowling - 1992
Students know that Schaum's delivers the goods—in faster learning curves,better test scores,and higher grades!If you don't have a lot of time but want to excel in class,this book helps you: Brush up before tests; Find answers fast; Study quickly and more effectively; Get the big picture without spending hours poring over dull texts Schaum's Outlines give you the information teachers expect you to know in a handy and succinct format—without overwhelming you with unnecessary details. You get a complete overview of the subject—and no distracting minutiae. Plus,you get plenty of practice exercises to test your skill. Compatible with any classroom text,Schaum's lets you study at your own pace and reminds you of all the important facts you need to remember—fast! And Schaum's is so complete it's the perfect tool for preparing for graduate or professional exams! Students of mathematical economics apply complex formulas—a challenging task that even the best students find daunting. But this Schaum's guide demystifies tough problems and gives you plenty of fully worked examples! Chapters include: Review. Economic Applications of Graphs and Equations. The Derivative and the Rules of Differentiation. Uses of the Derivative in Mathematics and Economics. Calculus of Multivariable Functions. Calculus of Multivariable Functions in Economics. Exponential and LogarithmicFunctions. Exponential and Logarithmic Functions in Economics. Differentiation of Exponential and Logarithmic Functions. The Fundamentals of Linear (or Matrix) Algebra. Matrix Inversion. Special Determinants and Matrices and Their Use in Economics. Linear Programming: A Graphic Approach. Linear Programming: The Simplex Algorithm. Linear Programming: The Dual. Integral Calculus: The Indefinite Integral. Integral Calculus: The Definite Integral. Differential Equations. Difference Equations. Second-Order Differential Equations and Difference Equations. The Calculus of Variations
Cambridge International AS and A Level Chemistry Coursebook with CD-ROM (Cambridge International Examinations)
Roger Norris - 2011
Written by highly experienced authors and Cambridge examiners, this book offers full support to students. Simple and clear language, colourful photos and international examples make this book accessible to students from around the world. Exam-style questions at the end of each chapter reinforce knowledge and skills and offer thorough exam practice. This book comes fully endorsed by Cambridge. The coursebook comes with a free CD-ROM which offers guidance on practicals, useful tips to help in revision and interactive material to engage students
जेल-डायरी: तिहाड़ से काबुल-कंधार तक
Sher Singh Rana - 2012
Rana is the prime accused in the Phoolan Devi murder case.Summary Of The BookJail Diary: Tihar Se Kabul-Kandahar Tak (Hindi) is Sher Singh Rana’s autobiography. Rana is the prime accused in the murder of the Bandit Queen Phoolan Devi. In this book, he gives a personal account of his life, from events in his childhood to the prison break that occurred many years later.It was in the year 2001 that Phoolan Devi, who had just turned politician, was shot near her residence in New Delhi. Of the three persons accused of committing the crime, one was Sher Singh Rana. He had allegedly surrendered to the police in Dehradun and accepted the charge. He said he murdered Phoolan Devi to avenge the killings of 22 persons who died at her hands at Behmai.After confessing to the crime, Rana was arrested and taken to the largest prison complex in South Asia, Tihar jail. He remained there until one day in 2004, he escaped. He visited the grave of Prithviraj Chauhan, the last of the Hindu rulers, and reclaimed his relics from there. He undertook this arduous journey to Afghanistan through Bangladesh. He has ever since maintained that his act of bringing back Prithviraj Chauhan’s remains was an act of honor.In 2006, he was arrested in Kolkata and sent to Delhi, where he was kept in Rohini Jail. He remains in this jail till date, as the case is still under the ambit of law.Jail Diary: Tihar Se Kabul-Kandahar Tak (Hindi) opens with Rana’s breakout from Tihar. He swings between time frames in narrating his story. His childhood days, the birth of his political aspirations when he was in college, his days in Haridwar selling liquor, his introduction to Phoolan through the Eklavya Sena, and his miraculous breakaway from a very secure prison are among the events in Rana’s life that the readers will discover in this gripping autobiography.About Sher Singh RanaSher Singh Rana is the prime accused in the Phoolan Devi murder case.Rana was one among the three men who allegedly murdered Phoolan Devi. He surrendered to the police in Dehradun and confessed to the crime. He was taken to the Tihar jail, from which he escaped in 2004 and fled to Afghanistan to bring back Prithviraj Chauhan’s remains. This act of his created a roar in the media because it was considered a restoration of India’s pride.
Pitman Shorthand Instructor and Key
Issac Pitman
The system of shorthand wasinvented by Sir Issac Pitman, who in 1837 published his firsttreatise on the art. No other system of shorthand designed for theEnglish language has been subjected to tests so prolonged, sodiverse, and so severe as those which Pitman Shorthand ? as thesystem is now generally styled ? has undergone since itsintroduction, with the result that it has been most successfullyadapted to the practical requirements of all classes of shorthandwriters. For Sale in Indiansubcontinent only Pitman&'s system has a number of useful features: It is phonetic. Using very simple strokes of the pencil, sounds are written down and not the letters themselves. Vowel sounds are optional and are written with small dots, dashes or other shapes next to the main strokes. This saves time in writing when the consonants alone make clear what the word is. In the majority of cases, the consonants alone can clearly identify an English word. The strokes used vary in sound depending on a number of rules. It matters whether the strokes are thick or thin and whether the first stroke of a word is above, on or through the line on the paper. Halving or doubling the length of a stroke is also significant. The system developed a large number of "short forms". For example, the letters "th" can represent two sounds (called "unvoiced" and "voiced" th). In Pitman Shorthand they are represented by a curved stroke similar to an open bracket: ( . The thin stroke ( represents the sound of "th" as in the words "thank" and "think", and in fact the single stroke is also used as a short form for these words. The thick stroke ( represents the sound of "th" as in the words "though" and "they"/"them" and is likewise used as the short form for those words as well. I. The Consonants II. The Vowels III. Intervening Vowels andPosition Grammalogues, Punctuation IV. Alt
Indian Economy: Performance and Policies
Uma Kapila - 2009
With extensive references to original works, this account examines updated data and answers important financial questions on topics that include economic reform, foreign trade, and agricultural and industrial growth. Especially designed for less-advanced students, this resource is an ideal introduction to the Indian economy.
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence and Expert Systems
Dan W. Patterson - 1990
Total Quality Management
Dale H. Besterfield - 1994
* NEW-Provides four new chapters on: * Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). * Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). * ISO 14000. * Management Tools. FEATURES * Covers the principles and practices that make up the backbone of TQM, with insightful analyses of such areas as: * Leadership (i.e., the role of senior management, core values, seven habits of highly effective people, communication, and strategic planning). * Customer satisfaction (including their perception of quality, feedback, and translating needs into requirements). * Employee involvement (motivation, empowerment, team training, unions, and more). * Performance measures (its basic concepts, quality costs). * Fully explores TQMs tools and techniques, with informativ
Essentials of Orthopaedics and Applied Physiotherapy
Jayant Joshi - 2016
Essentials of Orthopaedics & Applied Physiotherapy
Understanding Physics for JEE Main & Advanced Mechanics Part 1
D.C. Pandey - 2014
•“Sample examples” are given for subject understanding in between the chapter. •Each topic includes the “introductory exercise” to test the ability. •“Extra Points” are given to follow the points in brief. •2 Leveled solved examples are given at the end of chapter. •Consist 2 leveled exercises L1 for AIEEE and L2 for IITJEE aspirants, including Subjective Questions, Single Correct Option, Assertion & Reason, Match the Column including Reasoning, Aptitude & Comprehension, etc. •Chapter-wise Hints & Solutions are provided at the end of the book.
Improve your IELTS Writing Skills
Sam McCarter - 2007
This series has three preparation courses, Academic Reading, Academic Writing, and Listening and Speaking. The courses develop language, skills and test techniques to help students achieve a higher IELTS score.