Any Old Iron

Lynda Page - 1998
    Her mother is dying and needs constant care; her father has returned to Leicester from the Second World War but is an emotional wreck; and her brother Mickey has turned to a life of crime that is putting the whole family at risk. Kelly's boyfriend Rodney and his sister Glenda know that she's scared of what Micky might do next. But they turn a blind eye to her fears - with disastrous consequences for them all. When Kelly has lost eveything she holds dear, she and Glenda pick up the pieces and start again. And one man in particular, Alec Alderman, is there when she needs him most. But Alec has problems of his own...

The One I Gave My Heart To

Mercedes G. - 2015
    Mia, is a 23-year-old independent phlebotomy tech who is living her life worry and drama free. It isn’t much. but she isn’t complaining and it’s enough to take care of herself and maintain the lifestyle that she is accustomed to. After being persuaded by her friends, Kelsi & Terri to go out on a Thursday night, she ends up at the same nightclub as the streets supplier, the main attraction, a guy she’s been lusting over since she was a teenager; Dola The Don. She’s much older now and she’s taken aback when he finally approaches her after all these years and gives her a dose of the glamorous but street lifestyle that he lives. The questions follows, will it be too much for her to handle or will she be able to secure her heart in the process? The only difference between Dola and the average man is the fact that he’s fine, black, ruthless, and rich. He ends up falling for Mia, but will he fall hard enough to let the streets go, and focus on what they are trying to build by keeping her loved, happy, and secured?

The Huge Book of Amazing Facts - 1000+ Interesting Facts that Will Shock, Amuse and Amaze You!: The Ultimate Fun Facts Book

Jenny Kellett - 2013
     Compiled by self-confessed trivia junkie and author, Jenny Kellett, this bumper book of over 1,000 unbelievable facts has something for everyone. Interesting facts Topics covered include: - Entertainment facts - Geography facts - History facts - Science facts - Human body facts - Maths facts - Animal facts - Weird facts - Crazy facts .... and more! Did you know that the oldest known vegetable is the pea? Or that humans are actually radioactive? Having a good general knowledge is useful in all aspects of life - not only to impress people - but can help improve job opportunities and give you an overall better understanding of the world around you. Trivia books are a fun and easy way to become smarter! You'll find hundreds of interesting facts that you can use when conversation gets a bit slow at a dinner party or over drinks. What better conversation starter than bringing out fun facts such as that you can't sneeze with your eyes open. (Watch how many people try to prove you wrong!). Fun facts Other general knowledge you'll find in this HUGE book of fun facts include: - The space between your eyebrows is called the Glabella. - The geographical center of the USA is Butte County, South Dakota. - There are 365 different languages spoken in Indonesia. So grab the latest (and biggest!) book in the popular series of interesting fact books from Jenny Kellett today and feel smarter tomorrow :)

Instagram Handbook

Bambang Dwi Atmoko - 2012
    Bentuknya yang ringkas, multifungsi, dan selalu dibawa kemana saja, membuat ponsel mulai menjadi favorit untuk mengabadikan momen dalam bentuk foto, yang kadang datang tidak terduga.Berkembangannya fotografi ponsel ini didukung oleh perkembangan teknologi, salah satunya aplikasi berbagi foto fenomenal bernama Instagram.Buku ini mengupas lengkap aplikasi Instagram, mulai dari langkah-langkah penggunaan sampai cara mengoptimalkannya, juga membahas teknik fotografi ponsel, olah digital secara langsung di ponsel, dan tool-tool pilihan lainnya yang membuat hasil foto kamu lebih keren.Ayo, jepret, abadikan, dan bagikan!-----With a compact forms, multifunctional, and always carry anywhere, makes smartphone as favorite devices to capture the moment, which sometimes come unexpectedly.The rise of mobile photography is supported by the development of technology, the one phenomenal photo sharing app called Instagram.The book examines in detail applications Instagram, ranging from the use of measures to optimize the way, also discusses photographic techniques phones, digital though directly on mobile phones, tools and other options that make the images you cooler.Come on, snap, capture, and share!

Hanging Ruth Blay: An Eighteenth-Century New Hampshire Tragedy

Carolyn Marvin - 2010
      On a cold December morning in 1768, thirty-one-year-old Ruth Blay approached the gallows for her execution. Standing on the high ground in the northwest corner of what is now Portsmouth’s old South Cemetery, she would have had a clear view across the pasture to the harbor and open sea.   The eighteenth-century hanging of a schoolteacher for concealing the birth of a child out of wedlock has appeared in local legend over the last few centuries, but the full account of Ruth’s story has never been told. Drawing on over two years of investigative research, author Carolyn Marvin brings to light the dramatic details of Ruth’s life and the cruel injustice of colonial Portsmouth’s moral code. As Marvin uncovers the real flesh-and-blood woman who suffered the ultimate punishment, her readers come to understand Ruth as an individual and a woman of her time.

Beauty After Brokenness (Ashes to Beauty Series Book 1)

Kia Summers - 2018
    She’s fighting her way back, one heart-wrenching minute, but it’s not been easy. Her faith and her desire to move on have been shattered. If not for Pastor Weber and First Lady Marian, she might not survive at all. Pastor Brayden Weber has offered counsel during difficult times, but as he councils a young widow, he finds himself in need of prayers of his own. His marriage has seen some strain. The more he gives to his church, the more his wife seems to resent it. As both the Pastor and Jordan face their own battles, only God can give them Beauty After Brokenness. Find out what happens in part one of this series!

Chetan Bhagat Collection (7 Books in 1)

Chetan Bhagat - 2018
    One Indian GirlHi. I’m Radhika Mehta and I’m getting married this week. I work at Goldman Sachs, an investment bank. Thank you for reading my story. However, let me warn you: you may not like me too much. One, I make a lot of money. Two, I have an opinion about everything. Three, I have had a boyfriend before. Okay, maybe two. Now, if I was a man, one might be cool with it. But since I am a girl, these three things I mentioned don’t really make me too likeable, do they? Half Girlfriend Once upon a time, there was a Bihari boy called Madhav. He fell in love with a rich girl from Delhi called Riya. Madhav didn’t speak English well. Riya did. Madhav wanted a relationship. Riya didn’t. Riya just wanted friendship. Madhav didn’t. Riya suggested a compromise. She agreed to be his half-girlfriend. From the bestselling author Chetan Bhagat comes a simple and beautiful love story that will touch your heart and inspire you to chase your dreams. Revolution 2020 Revolution 2020 is the story of three childhood friends, Gopal, Raghav and Aarti, who struggle to find love, happiness and success in Varanasi, none of which is easily attainable in a society that favors unfairness and corruption. Gopal gives into the system, Ravi continues to fight it. Who will win? 2 States: The Story of My Marriage Welcome to 2 States, the story of Krish and Ananya, who are from two different states of India, deeply in love with each other and want to get married. Of course, their parents don't agree. To convert their love story into a love marriage, the couple has a tough battle ahead of them; for it is easy to fight and rebel, but harder to convince. Will they make it? From the bestselling author Chetan Bhagat comes another witty tale about inter-community marriages in modern India. The 3 Mistakes of My Life In late 2000, a young boy in Ahmedabad dreams of owning a business. To accommodate his friends’ passion, he opens a cricket shop. However, nothing comes easy in a turbulent city. To realize their goals, they will have to face it all religious politics, calamities, unacceptable love and, above all, their own mistakes. Will they make it? Can an individual’s dreams overcome the nightmares of real life? Can we succeed despite mistakes? One Night @ the Call Center In the winter of 2004, a writer meets a young girl on an overnight train journey. To pass the time, she offers to tell him a story. However, she has one condition: that he make it his second book. The writer hesitates, but asks what the story is about. The girl replies that the story is about six people working in a call center one night. It was the night they got a phone call. A phone call from God. One Night @ the Call Center is the second of bestselling author Chetan Bhagat’s novels. Five Point Someone This is not a book that will teach you how to get into IIT or even survive it. In fact, it describes how bad things can get if you don't think straight. Funny, dark and entertaining, Five Point Someone is the story of three friends whose measly five point something GPAs come in the way of everything their friendships, their love life, their future. Will they make it?

An Assassin's Accord

Michael Anderle - 2020
    An alien ‘infection’ of flora and fauna is contained by massive walls and substantial firepower over in the middle of Africa. It holds the promise of immortality, and infinite wealth.Now, when a country needs help finding and taking down the worst they have a new company to call.McFadden and Banks.They will get the job done or die trying.Whether the monsters are human, or alien.This is their story.

Dutch Courage: A Brandy Wyne Mystery

Anne Avery - 2020
    His death didn’t bother me much, but the fact he’d been driving a brand new Porsche I knew nothing about was a tad upsetting.And that was before I discovered his various banking and investment accounts stuffed with a whole lot of cash I definitely hadn’t known existed. Widowhood, it turned out, was a whole lot more profitable than I’d ever have imagined.It wasn’t long before I’d ditched the Goodwill hand-me-downs I’d been wearing in favor of Versace and Chanel, bought my own brand new Porsche, then driven all the way across country to the Chica Perdida Hotel, the ultra-luxurious resort on Chica Perdida Key in the Florida Keys, which was about as far from California and my old life as I could get and still keep my feet on the ground.The Chica promised sun, sand, and every luxury a girl could want. I assumed it was just bad luck that it also included a dead body on the beach. That is, I did until the local Chief of Police somehow connected the dead man with my dead husband and promptly started eyeing me for the role of Murder Suspect Numero Uno!

The Best Joke Book (Period): Hundreds of the Funniest, Silliest, Most Ridiculous Jokes Ever

William Donohue - 2014
    Inside, you'll find hundreds of jokes that are guaranteed to stir up a room full of smiles, including knock-knocks, witty puns, and one-liners. Complete with hilarious quotes from celebrities like Jon Stewart, Lewis Black, and Jerry Seinfeld, everyone will revel in each gut-busting moment.So whether you're looking to add a few jokes to your repertoire, impress your buds, or improve your banter, this sidesplitting book arms you with the perfect joke for any occasion!

Incandescent Guardians (Mythic, #1)

D.R. Rosier - 2020
    A magician to the world at large, wielding the powers of magic, only not. That’s just a part of his cover, and a clever use of his true power.His alter ego is Bob Williams who is a powerful telekinetic that works in the civilian business world, no one knows that he’s truly the infamous Mythic, and keeping the streets of Chicago safe from monsters with powers. Supervillains.He isn’t the only superhero vigilante. With the end of the MTF, heroes were back on the streets, but the rules had changed again. Lawful heroes had to by law, reveal who they were, take off the mask. That was something he and the others he fought alongside of simply could not do. Not when they had families vulnerable to any psychotic supervillain bent on revenge for past slights.Things are about to get a lot more complicated for Bob, as he teams up with two of the other vigilantes, Lady Lightning and Elegant Prodigy. Will they be able to keep their secrets from each other?After all, the government had mind reader supers, it wasn’t safe for even allies to know the true identity of a vigilante, lest they all be caught when one was. Join Bob as he fights to protect Chicago, and the surprises in store for him.Content Warning: Not suitable for children. This is a Superhero Harem story with explicitly mature scenes between a man and a woman, and other mature content. This first book has no harem action, but plenty of explicit sex, and the harem aspects will come in book two and three. You have been warned.

A Violent Gentleman

Danny O'Leary - 2021
    Not what's easy.Jeremiah O'Connell made his name solving problems in London and now does the same in LA. The problems other people can't or won't touch? They're the ones that end up at Jerry's door.Suddenly Jeremiah has problems of his own when he sets out to right a wrong and finds himself on the hitlist of one of LA's most feared drug gangs.As the stakes rise, so does the body count, and Jerry has the fight of his life on his hands. Now, with high-class escort Noah in tow, Jeremiah must revisit his old London stomping grounds and assemble his team in order to wage all-out war on the streets on Tinseltown...

Apt B17: Camille

Sabrina B. Scales - 2017
    And whether you were there by choice or circumstance, there were lessons to be learned as well as taught. Nobody knew The Bricks better than the women who lived between them. These are their stories of lessons, blessings, love, and loss, brought to you brick by brick. Ladies, and fellas too, you ever invested time in somebody that you knew was no good for you, holding on and waiting for them to change because you thought that you were special? Well I have, and I’m here to tell you that there’s a one percent chance of that change ever taking place, a two percent chance of them becoming a better person than they were before you found them, and a staggering ninety-seven percent chance of someone more deserving coming along if you’ll open your eyes, stop being stupid, and sit down with a common-sense calculator to tally up your worth. Now don’t get me wrong, it’s okay to waste a little time, because contrary to popular belief, there can be a happy ending on the other side of stupidity. And to prove it, I’m gonna take you for a walk through my own experience. I’m Camille, by the way, a resident here at The Rose Palms, aka The Bricks, apartment B17. Glad you stopped by.

Living On Almost Nothing

Amber Storck - 2021

Solutions manual to accompany Mechanical metallurgy (McGraw-Hill series in materials science and engineering)

George E. Dieter - 1976