A Fine Joke

Amy D'Orazio - 2020
    A gentleman of honour, he decides he will go to his end having done his best to discharge the duty of providing an heir for Pemberley. A gentleman of passion, he decides it will be with a bride who suits his own fancy. Going immediately to Hertfordshire, he meets with Miss Elizabeth Bennet and asks her, a second time, to marry him, with the knowledge that the marriage will be short and that she will be soon left a wealthy widow.Elizabeth agrees to be Darcy's bride feeling all the compassion of a woman granting a man's dying wish. However, soon she suspects the truth, that Darcy is not, in fact, dying. She begins to question what exactly happened between the time that Darcy proposed to her the first time and when he was given his dreadful diagnosis--and if, in fact, any of it is indeed true.This Pride & Prejudice variation is a darkly humorous novella based on the characters of Jane Austen.

Mr. Collins' Will: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Renata McMann - 2021
    Collins was a fool, yes, but not a fool who deserved to die.Torn between anger with her cousin and remorse on his behalf, Miss Elizabeth Bennet must navigate the changes Mr. Collins’ demise brings to her family and sort out her feelings for both the charming Mr. Wickham and not-so-charming Mr. Darcy. In addition, she must discover the reasons behind a rash of anger directed her way. But most of all, she needs to learn what, if any, impact will befall her because of Mr. Collins’ Will.Fitzwilliam Darcy knows he, his family, and his friends are all too good for the likes of the Bennets. Or are they? Decades old secrets and impulsive, and not so impulsive, proposals start reordering Darcy’s view of the world. Will he come to terms with what truly defines a person’s worth in time to claim the woman he loves, or lose her to a charming man seeking a fortune?

Being Mrs Darcy: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Elizabeth M. Bridges - 2018
     Elizabeth Bennet takes her friend's words to heart and when Mr Darcy proposes to her in Hunsford, she doesn't reject his hand. She decides to put her feelings aside and responds in a more reasonable manner. Flattered at his affection and devotion, Elizabeth is drawn to Mr Darcy, realising that they are both well-matched in a sense, and their tempers are complementary to each other. Nevertheless, his condescending attitude and pride still trouble her. And the gentleman himself is indeed very proud of his excellent bride and the mistress of his home. And being very selfish in his love for Elizabeth and grateful to her for his happiness, Mr Darcy doesn't recognise her true sentiments. And he isn't aware that he is forcing his wife to acknowledge that she is depending on him for her finances, her social status, and even her name. Their marriage is just the beginning of getting to know one another. Therefore, the misunderstandings between the young couple increase and their felicity in marriage is soon to be threatened...

Mr. Darcy's Perfect Match: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Kelly Miller - 2020
    What can solve his dilemma?When circumstances compel Darcy’s return to Hertfordshire in assistance of his friend Mr. Bingley, he must confront his unfathomable attraction to Miss Elizabeth.In this "Pride & Prejudice" Regency novella, one afternoon spent in company with Miss Elizabeth Bennet is enough to make an indelible and life-altering impression upon Darcy, setting him on a rocky course towards the fulfillment of his desires. Will Darcy attain happiness, or will his ingrained pride be his downfall?

Darcy and Elizabeth: A Promise Kept

Brenda J. Webb - 2016
    Not a simple retelling, it is an intriguing new story that does not follow canon.Five years after his disastrous proposal at Kent, Fitzwilliam Darcy receives a letter from Charles Bingley regarding a promise made when their friendship ended. Should Darcy keep the promise, it will throw him into the company of the one woman he has struggled for years to forget--Elizabeth Bennet.Having just entered a secret agreement with Lady Markham, will Darcy put his future in jeopardy by stepping in to help Bingley? Has time and distance helped him overcome his regard for Elizabeth, or will he fall as madly in love with her as before? Is true love to be found in a promise kept?

Darcy's Spotless Reputation: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jane Grix - 2017
    Darcy thinks things can't get worse.Fitzwilliam Darcy undresses completely to swim at Netherfield Pond, but when he's finished, he finds that his clothes have been stolen. He tries to get back to the house without being discovered, only to meet Elizabeth Bennet, the woman of his dreams. What a nightmare.Darcy's Spotless Reputation is a Pride and Prejudice Variation novella, based on Jane Austen's most famous couple.EXCERPT:Elizabeth smiled briefly and looked away and Darcy hesitated, not wanting to overwhelm her with his admiration. But there was so much he wanted to tell her - he felt like a volcano.Don't be the Pompeii of love, he told himself.

Sketching Character

Pamela Lynne - 2015
    She carries a secret that would ruin her family if exposed and she must deceive the ones closest to her to conceal the truth.She unexpectedly encounters Mr. Darcy on her journey and his gentlemanly behavior confuses, yet comforts her. Their daily encounters in the woods surrounding Rosings soothes Elizabeth’s weathered conscience and she soon falls in love. Her doubts, along with the well-placed words of another, threaten to destroy the peace she finds in Darcy’s company and she wonders if she has again failed to correctly sketch his character. When the truth behind her deception is uncovered, will Darcy shun her as Elizabeth fears, or will his actions prove that he is the very best of men?

Indisposed: A Pride and Prejudice Novella

Alix James - 2020
    Miserable and in an unsociable temper, she decides to attend the Meryton Assembly against her better judgment to support her beloved sister.Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy, confident in the rightness of his own observations, unknowingly misjudges the condition of Miss Elizabeth Bennet’s health. What begins as complete disinterest soon develops into pity when an unknown surgeon offers an even more bleak outlook for the young woman’s future. He will see that her last days are worth living. Annoyed by her father’s apparent lack of concern and wishing to do something himself, he commits himself to be her champion… irrevocably.Elizabeth Bennet is confused. Except for her father and arrogant Mr. Darcy, everyone in her acquaintance either avoids her or bursts into tears when in her company. What tragedy are they withholding from her? She is baffled by Mr. Darcy’s insistence and assumes improper motives. When the truth comes out, will she see him differently? And will he discover his feelings are more than just pity on a dying woman? This delightful Regency tale filled with beloved characters from Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice reveals what remains when layers of pity, confusion, and miscommunication are peeled away from literature’s most stubborn couple - a happily ever after for the ages.Indisposed is a sweet, clean Regency novella of approximately 20,000 words.

Ardently Loved: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Lory Lilian - 2018
    The story begins after Lady Catherine’s visit, and the readers will join Elizabeth through the bittersweet experience of learning about her desires, hopes, regrets and fears, until the long-awaited “happily ever after” and a little bit beyond it … Author Note: most of the book is appropriate for the general audience. The last chapter contains scenes recommended for mature readers only (which can be skipped, if preferred).

A Vision of the Path Before Him: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Elizabeth Frerichs - 2019
    Fitzwilliam Darcy at Pemberley. With the help of George Wickham, events spiral out of control, leaving Darcy destitute of love for the rest of his life—until fate intervenes. What will Darcy do with his second chance? Will he be able to convince Elizabeth that he is no longer the proud man he once was? Will they ever get to “happily ever after”? And how will his changed character affect the people around him along the way?

Sorrow and Second Chances

E. Bradshaw - 2019
    In this adaptation, the Bennet family are afflicted with grief following a sudden death in their family, and as a consequence, the fate of the whole family is changed forever. Fitzwilliam Darcy, who has been filled with regret and deep remorse ever since his last encounter with Elizabeth Bennet, realises that – in this time of great sorrow – he might just have a chance to redeem himself in the eyes of the woman he loves. Told predominantly from the viewpoint of Mr Darcy, who has been left broken-hearted by Elizabeth Bennet’s rejection, this Pride and Prejudice variation tells the story of what happened next between these two much-loved characters. ‘He could easily see that he had astonished her, and he knew very well that he was skirting well over the line of acceptable conduct with his close proximity and with his use of her Christian name – but he felt that they had travelled well beyond the realms of proper conduct a long time ago. Somewhere between their heated argument at the Hunsford Parsonage and their private conversation in the dark of her bedroom, they had crossed an invisible line. They could never return to holding polite, stilted conversations about music or politics, or the state of the weather, when they had already bared so much of their inner souls to one another. Let other people conduct their courtships in such a way, he thought determinedly to himself, but he could remain silent no longer. If he had felt less for her then he might have been able to restrain his candour, but he knew he was well beyond that now.’

Yours Forevermore, Darcy

KaraLynne Mackrory - 2015
    Fitzwilliam Darcy has a secret. The letter he presents to Miss Elizabeth Bennet after his ghastly proposal is not the only epistle he has written her. In this tale of longing, misadventure, and love—readapted from Jane Austen’s dearly loved Pride & Prejudice—our hero finds a powerful way of coping with his attraction to Miss Bennet. He writes her unsent letters. The misguided suitor has declared himself, and Elizabeth Bennet has refused him, most painfully. Without intending for these letters to become known to another soul, Mr. Darcy relies on his secret for coping once again. However, these letters, should they fall into the wrong hands, could create untold scandal, embarrassment, and possibly heartbreak. But what happens if they fall into the right hands?

The Falmouth Connection

Joana Starnes - 2014
    Darcy finally decides to propose to the enticing Miss Elizabeth Bennet, she is summoned to Falmouth, to meet a relation she never knew she had.Thus, the ill-starred Hunsford proposal is avoided – but before he could even begin to understand his luck, adverse circumstances hasten to conspire against him, and Fitzwilliam Darcy is compelled to follow the woman he loves to the far reaches of Cornwall, into a world of deceit and peril where few – if any – are what they seem to be…

From Admiration to Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sophia King - 2017
    Mortified and angry, she reveals her presence. Darcy is deeply ashamed of his words, but Elizabeth refuses to listen to his apology. She is more convinced than ever that he is the most arrogant, unfeeling man who ever lived. Darcy is troubled by Elizabeth’s stay at Netherfield Park where she is caring for her sister, Jane. He is utterly bewitched by her, and in an effort to convince himself of the unsuitability of a union between them, he reminds himself aloud of her family’s low connections, not realising Elizabeth can hear everything. But the more time he spends with her, the more he can feel his resolve crumble. After the ball at Netherfield Park, he leaves Meryton for London in an attempt to forget her. After refusing the proposal of her cousin, Mr Collins, Elizabeth is banished to stay with her aunt and uncle in London. Her mother is sure that her banishment from Longbourn will be sufficient punishment for Elizabeth’s defiance in turning down an offer of marriage. The only part Elizabeth considers a punishment is that her father orders her to take her youngest, most troublesome sister Lydia with her to keep her away from the militia, whose presence in Meryton has wreaked havoc among the young ladies. When Elizabeth and Darcy encounter one another again in London, Darcy is dismayed to find he is more in love with her than ever. But this is a woman he has criticised twice within her hearing. How can he convince her he is not the odious, unfeeling man she thinks he is? And will she be willing to give him a chance to prove himself worthy of her? When Lydia’s encounter with a man from their past threatens to ruin her and her entire family, Elizabeth has no other choice but to turn to Darcy for help. And she realises that maybe she has been wrong about everything she thought she knew.

Pride and Proposals: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Victoria Kincaid - 2015
    Darcy’s proposal was too late? Darcy has been bewitched by Elizabeth Bennet since he met her in Hertfordshire. He can no longer fight this overwhelming attraction and must admit he is hopelessly in love. During Elizabeth’s visit to Kent she has been forced to endure the company of the difficult and disapproving Mr. Darcy, but she has enjoyed making the acquaintance of his affable cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam. Finally resolved, Darcy arrives at Hunsford Parsonage prepared to propose—only to discover that Elizabeth has just accepted a proposal from the Colonel, Darcy’s dearest friend in the world. As he watches the couple prepare for a lifetime together, Darcy vows never to speak of what is in his heart. Elizabeth has reason to dislike Darcy, but finds that he haunts her thoughts and stirs her emotions in strange ways. Can Darcy and Elizabeth find their happily ever after? This book has been professionally edited.