Imagining Mr. Darcy: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Harriet Knowles - 2019
     Elizabeth Bennet doesn't like proud, arrogant gentlemen, especially those who make disparaging comments about her and her family. Neither of them like being forced to stay under the same roof, especially where circumstances prevent them meeting directly. Each has to imagine what the other is really like. But how can they really know? And which one do they really love? Imagining Mr. Darcy is a sweet and clean Regency novel of over 86,500 words.

Mr. Darcy's Daughter: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Melissa Halcomb - 2021
    For three years, it has hung like a dead weight about his neck, yet his first priority has been and must continue to be his young daughter. He married once for duty, he will only marry again for love. Is there a lady out there who will love him for the man he is underneath his vast wealth and lofty connections and, more importantly, who will love his precious daughter as dearly as he does? Will those with their own agenda to push allow him to follow his heart?A rocky first encounter with the handsome friend of her new neighbour leaves Elizabeth reeling. Meeting his adorable daughter will change her life forever. Loving the sweet little girl is easy, but what about the tall, brooding man she calls Papa? What will Elizabeth do when faced with those who deem her unworthy of the master of Pemberley?Mr. Darcy's Daughter is a sweet full length novel of +82,000 words. This is Melissa's debut novel.

It Started at Pemberley

Jennifer Lang - 2021
    Despite their antagonistic start, they discover themselves developing a respect for each other, but it is cut short by Elizabeth’s return to Meryton. Mr Bingley’s choice of an estate brings the two together again and their meeting has consequences not only for themselves, but also for Charlotte Lucas and Mary Bennet, whose lives are irrevocably changed.

Mr. Darcy's Most Reckless Kiss: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

April Floyd - 2020
    Darcy's proposal at Kent but the gentleman will not be so easily spurned.Suddenly, she is the wife of Fitzwilliam Darcy. But before their wedding breakfast can commence, she is left to face the wrath of Lady Catherine when illness overcomes Mr. Darcy. With Colonel Fitzwilliam and Charlotte Lucas at her side, Elizabeth comes to know great love and loss at Rosings Park.

A Sister's Curse: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jayne Bamber - 2019
    This tragedy breeds years of sorrow and misunderstanding as well as prosperity and even romance in an emotional coming of age tale not only for Elizabeth Bennet, but for her sisters, and even the adults who let them down. For nearly two decades, Edward Gardiner is haunted by the difficult decisions he has made. Lady Anne Darcy must bear all the guilt and delight of being granted her heart’s desire... at a price. The Fitzwilliam family has motives and misgivings of their own as the Earl of Matlock tries to keep them all together, right the wrongs of the past, and pave the way for the next generation. Fitzwilliam Darcy realizes too late what it means to be a brother, and is faced with a parts of his past he regrets, just as his desire to protect the family he loves leads him back to the woman he was destined to love the most… a woman who despises him. Elizabeth Bennet struggles through the turbulence of adolescence, her judgement clouded by past trauma and the complicated dynamics of her extended family. Secrets are revealed and re-examined as she is forced to come to terms with the truth of her past and the promise of her future, in a family bound together by heartbreak. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is based on a deviation from canon 18 years prior to the opening of Pride & Prejudice. Several canon characters are omitted entirely, and aside from Darcy and Elizabeth, the story will focus on several minor canon characters. Some of these characters have developed differently from canon due to the events of the story as they unfold. New characters have also been introduced: the Earl and Countess of Matlock and their children: the Viscount and Lady Charlotte, as well as the Dowager Countess of Matlock, lady Olivia Gardiner and Rose Gardiner, Sir Lewis de Bourgh and Elliot de Bourgh. This story may be unsuitable for anyone triggered by the loss of a spouse, parent or child. Elizabeth Bennet struggles through the turbulence of adolescence, her judgement clouded by past trauma and the complicated dynamics of her extended family. Secrets are revealed and re-examined as she is forced to come to terms with the truth of her past and the promise of her future, in a family bound together by heartbreak.

The Very Essence of Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Andreea Catana - 2020
    Bingley. Elizabeth's dislike of Mr. Darcy is stronger than ever; he has ruined, after all, the happiness of her beloved sister.She is determined not to forgive him, and not to forget his contribution to Jane's misery. Still, a chance encounter will see Elizabeth, Jane and Georgiana Darcy coming together, prompting an acquaintance between them. The bond between Jane Bennet and Georgiana Darcy strengthens after Elizabeth's departure to Kent, and soon they become inseparable friends.At Rosings, Mr. Darcy struggles with his feelings for the young lady with the fine pair of eyes. He is determined to disregard all his previous objections and ask for her hand in marriage. But neither Mr. Darcy nor Elizabeth Bennet realise that before they can come together, they must face the shadows of the past and understand the nature of love... the very essence of love.

Love, Letters and Lies: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Renata McMann - 2018
    Darcy. When, through no fault of her own, she ends up in a compromising situation with him, she does everything she can to keep their scandal secret and avoid matrimony. Unfortunately, not everyone is willing to go along with that plan. Darcy doesn’t want to wed an aggravating country miss with no connections, but honor dictates he offer. When, shockingly, she refuses, he’s relieved. Upon reflection, that relief turns to indignation, for no other woman would think of turning him down. Indignation soon grows into preoccupation… or could he be in the grip of some other, even stronger emotion? Love, Letters and Lies is a Pride and Prejudice Variation of approximately 92,000 words. Renata McMann and Summer Hanford began writing Pride and Prejudice Variations together in 2014 and have since become immersed in the amazing world Jane Austen created. Whether you’re a fan of Darcy and Elizabeth specifically or of clean Regency Romance in general, you will enjoy both McMann’s ability to imagine variations of this classic love story and Hanford’s skill in turning these variations of Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth Bennet, and their enduring love into entertaining stories.

The Portrait of Elizabeth: A Pride and Prejudice Variation (The Scent of Lavender Book 1)

Jane Angwin - 2018
    She promised him that even in the afterlife if there was a way, she would help guide him to find the perfect woman to marry. "I want you to know, my son, that I will always be with you, watching over you. If it is in my power, even in the afterlife, I will guide you toward the happiness you deserve." Years later, after tiring of the search for a woman of substance among the vapid and mercenary women of society, Darcy began experiencing mysterious events, ultimately taking him on an unexpected journey to an unlikely country estate outside of London. There, he is strangely drawn to a woman far beneath society's expectations for him. Though from totally different worlds, they are attracted to each other, but due to misunderstandings and interference from those who would stand in their way, their path to happily ever after is thwarted at every turn. Will Darcy and Elizabeth find what they both desire on their own, or will they need a little help from the afterlife?

A Good Word: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Kimberlyn Wyn - 2021
    Bennet puts in a good word for his little Lizzy, Mr. Darcy is not the only one bewitched by a pair of fine eyes. To the wealthy gentleman's consternation, he realises his best friend, Mr. Bingley of Netherfield Park, has fallen in love with the same Miss Elizabeth Bennet he has. In an effort to pursue her, Mr. Darcy risks his duty to his family, his reputation, and most of all, his friendship with a good man.Based on Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice (1813), A Good Word is a sweet regency love story between the beloved Elizabeth Bennet and Fitzwilliam Darcy.

The Curse of Land's End: A gothic 'Pride and Prejudice' variation

Rose Lorimer - 2019
    Something buried in his past is always trying to emerge. Unable to overcome his pain, he hides from the world. Until a letter reaches him. Bingley, one of his best friends, is inviting him to spend some time at the coast, in the neighbouring area of Penzance, Cornwall, where he is not just dealing with his business, but also enjoying the first months of his new life as a married man. His bride is an angel-like gentlewoman called Jane, whom he met during a visit to Hertfordshire, last Summer. In case Darcy accepts, Bingley has only one request to make: that he may bring with him one of his new sisters, a Miss Elizabeth, as a favour to his dearest wife. After such a painful summer, and considering he had already missed his friend’s wedding, against all the odds, Darcy decides to accept. What he does not know is that this single decision will change his life forever. First, because he will meet the only woman not just handsome enough to tempt him, but also the one who breaks the walls of his prison, opening for him a door to a happiness he never thought possible. And, second, because he will never be the same ever again after this, which will also be the most terrifying experience of his life. “The Curse of Land’s End” is a story about secrets, intrigue and mysteries which challenges rationality and faith, and demands a courage strong enough to transcend every instinct of self-preservation in the name of honour and love. “You will do nothing in this world without courage, for it is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour.” (Aristotle) Rated Mild+ (Contains up to 10 mild swear words; contains kisses, and mild, non-seductive description of intimacy — 'My Book Rating'). FROM THE AUTHOR Suddenly, I felt compelled to write a story which would take me (and JAFF) far from my comfort zone, and try something new. It was watching ‘Crimson Peak’, a biting-nail horror story, that the inspiration finally came to me. How would it be to write a story about ghosts, combining romance and mystery, but with no ghosts? "The Curse" is set in 1815, a year when Romanticism — a movement marked by the exaltation of feelings of loss and guilt related both to nature and men — was the fashion and drama, an essential component of the works of this time. "Songs of Experience", by William Blake (1794), "The Corsair", by Lord Byron (1814), and "Frankenstein", by Mary Shelley (1818), are all good examples of how committed the authors were in exploring human's woes; sometimes the sombre tone and dramatic plots are almost too depressing to endure. I can understand the bad reviews related to this point. But I cannot regret my choice. As another reviewer said, “we are all entitled to our own opinions”; the good reviews show it. I grant — my choice in writing a story using Romantic features was bold, but, for me, the result was very pleasing, especially considering the happy ending — what is not the norm for the Romantics. I should not be saying this, but it doesn't matter how much Literature I study, I always love a good happy ending. Another important choice was the deep POV of ODC. In P&P, we live the story through the eyes of Elizabeth and do not learn about Darcy’s struggles until very close to the end. I intended to show the huge abyss between his aloof appearance and his troubled mind — but here, he another reason for it.

Fine Eyes, Wild Temper: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

JT Hunt - 2019
    Darcy to know each other better and amend their harsh first impression. Miss Bennet’s unguarded behaviour, outspoken and obstinate nature, headstrong opinions and unladylike inclinations for solitary walks do not meet with Mr. Darcy’s image of an accomplished lady. But a pair of fine eyes on a pretty face, a loyal heart, a witty mind and a teasing smile will soon defeat his resistance and overcome his opposition, inducing him to pursue Elizabeth's friendship and then her love. The first lesson he will learn in the process is that taming a wild temper is not an easy task. “Fine Eyes, Wild Temper” is a sweet, novella-length story of approximately 20.000 words, clean and low angst, recommended to those who love Elizabeth, Darcy and pets.

Fighting for Love: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

David Russel - 2020
    She is reunited with her sister Jane, who is still in the Gardiners’ home.As both sisters are in low spirits, Mrs. Gardiner attempts to cheer them and arranges for them to attend several parties, balls and plays.These occasions lead Elizabeth and Darcy to be caught in some awkward encounters, both filled with regret for their past behaviour.Furthermore, the beautiful Jane Bennet appears to have gained the interest of a wealthy earl, who has begun courting her. She is still very much in love with Mr. Bingley – who, however, has not appeared again.Darcy has more knowledge about the earl’s true character and does not consider him a suitable match for the kind Miss Bennet. Feeling guilty for his intervention that separated Jane and Bingley, and willing to show Elizabeth that he has taken her reproaches to heart, he intervenes to remedy a situation caused by his arrogant presumptions.When Bingley returns in town, Darcy reveals the whole truth to him. Unlike in canon, Bingley’s reaction is very strong, against Darcy, against his sisters, even against the earl who seems unworthy of Jane.Fighting for his love, Bingley is badly injured, in danger of losing his life.Darcy intervenes again, protecting his friend, helping him to heal in body and spirit and to reunite with the woman he loves.Amidst these endeavours, Darcy and Elizabeth finally put their pride and prejudice aside, and unite their efforts in a fight for love and happiness.

OF LOVE AND LOSS: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jae George - 2021
    It is a sweet and clean regency romance with only non-graphic references to intimacy between married couples.Excerpt:"Darcy, what are you doing in London? Why are not still with Bingley in Hertfordshire pursuing the enchanting Miss Elizabeth Bennet?" Darcy looked up in surprise at his cousin Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam?Without waiting for a response, the colonel spoke, "Oh, don't try to convince me you aren't enamored with the lady. You may have fooled Bingley, but I know you too well. I saw the way your eyes followed her whenever you were in her company, how you listened to all of her conversations. Not that I blame you, of course. She is truly a fascinating woman. Intelligent and witty with beautiful eyes, not to mention her very fine figure." Richard grinned and waggled his eyebrows at his cousin.Fitzwilliam Darcy was shocked to discover that his attention to Elizabeth Bennet had been noted by anyone. "Really, Richard, I know not of what you speak. Miss Elizabeth Bennet is tolerable in appearance, but her manner is impertinent, not even taking into account her appallingly inappropriate family. Surely you jest to think that she would attract my attention.""Well, despite your protest of disinterest, I can see that you have given the alliance a good deal of thought. I am amazed that you don't recognize that Miss Elizabeth is a 'pearl of great price'. You are severely underestimating the young lady. And I cannot believe that you would abandon her to a forced marriage with her obnoxious cousin Collins!""If you think so much of the lady, Richard, then you go rescue her!" Darcy huffed.Colonel Fitzwilliam continued to gaze at his cousin and dearest friend in disbelief before standing and pronouncing, "Very well, I will, if she will have me"

Snowflakes at Pemberley: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jennifer Kay - 2021
    Her autumn was full of vexing men, and with her sister Jane recently married to Mr. Bingley, Elizabeth is at loose ends at home. Of course, she knows that Mr. Darcy lives in Derbyshire, but surely the county is large enough that their paths won’t cross, right?Fitzwilliam Darcy cannot get the impertinent Miss Elizabeth out of his mind, even after a strategic retreat to Derbyshire. When he meets her again at a Twelfth Night assembly, he realizes that fighting his feelings is futile. Before he can act on his intentions, however, the weather gets in the way. And it seems that not all was right in the world when the snowflakes began to fall.

Pride & Distance: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cassandra B. Leigh - 2021
    The roads are closed and the residents of Meryton are required to go into lockdown. While out for a morning stroll in Longbourn’s grove, Elizabeth Bennet encounters Mr Darcy. Is he as insufferable as she imagined?Although Fitzwilliam Darcy cannot return to London as he planned, nothing can prevent him from escaping Netherfield and the encroaching Caroline Bingley. While riding through the neighbouring fields, he is startled to find Miss Elizabeth unaccompanied. How can he cast her out of his mind when she insists on being unforgettable?The influenza epidemics mentioned in this story are purely fictional; however, this sweet story may have some coincidental resemblance to recent events.