A Sacred Pact

Michael Todd - 2018
    However, with Pandora on her side, who is going to win if they argue with them?Whether it is possible or not, plenty try. How much of what Katie does is due to her recent heartache? In the end, the enemy steps up their efforts to bring down these sisters in heart and deed. Do they finally have the answer?  Others need legal documents, these two women have a Sacred Pact. The World is in Good Hands... Ok, one set of good hands, one set of mischievous hands.

Seal Team 13: Liberation

Evan Currie - 2021
    A little work, a little luck, and a kid goes home to his parents and Ray moves on to the next job. When the job becomes bigger than he realized, and bigger than he can handle, Ray is faced with horrors he'd never imagined, a world that by rights should not exist... and only one number to call.Thirteen.

Kill the Willing / Bury the Past But Shoot It First / Reload Faster / Dead In Plain Sight / Tomb Raiding PhD / Tomb Raider Emeritus

Martha Carr - 2020
    Requires Life Insurance. Will be working with deadly magical artifacts and killers. Kill The Willing: Shay Carson had a wake up call when a hitman was sent after her. Her previous profession was getting a bit personal. Then, life offered her a chance to disappear, and she did. What's a girl to do with a very specific set of skills? Take up Tomb Raiding!Behind every complicated woman is a story. For Shay, it happens to be a little complicated and she can't share with her new friends. Better to lie to her friends, than have to kill more for knowing too much! Bury The Past, But Shoot it First: Magic is back on Earth and there’s money to be made. It didn’t take long for Shay Carson to figure out that being a hitman isn’t good for a girl’s retirement plans. Time to fake her own death and get the hell out of town. Start over in L.A. with dream job number two – tomb raider in a world just coming to terms with magic. Just as dangerous a profession but the payoff’s bigger even if someone’s still shooting at her. Good thing this girl has better aim and no problem pulling the trigger. Reload Faster: Killer for hire needs to retool her skill set. Find a new career with a little less risk. Meet Shay Carson – Tomb Raider for hire. Good with weapons, works badly with others, can leave at a moment’s notice and not thrown by magic. She’s already making a name for herself on the dark web. Rich people in search of treasure willing to pay to send someone else. Look out world… Dead In Plain Sight: Shay Carson's rep as a tomb raider grows, along with her list of new friends. The former killer for hire has managed to figure out what a life looks like without killing off her inner circle. But a teenage elf may upend all of it.New adventures across France hunting for the lost scepter of Dagobert protected by dark magic or finding the answers to a broken piece of machinery that’s 300 million years old. Not your typical day job. Shay is not your typical woman… just ask Brownstone. Tomb Raiding PHD: What do you do when someone threatens your man? If his name is Brownstone, you can take the easy way out and just tell him. He’ll take care of the rest. But if you’re Shay Carson, archaeologist of magic and history, you take care of it, permanently. It’s her specialty. In a surprising twist, Shay’s turned out to be teachable and is taking along Lily, a Gray Elf to help her settle the score, while Peyton, her IT specialist with a love of costumes and pizza has her back. Tomb Raider Emeritus: Shay Carson has a secret. Not all aliens are Oricerans.

Dungeon Besieged (Dark Dungeon's Revenge, #2)

D.R. Rosier - 2019
    He managed to escape his captivity, but he still yearns for revenge against his previous captors.What he doesn’t know, is things in Nysten are going to take a wild and unexpected turn for the worse. His descendent Jenny isn’t the only one in for a hard time. If that wasn’t enough trouble, he’s about to learn that humans aren’t the only danger to his existence. He’ll learn a new lesson, if he manages to survive being… Besieged.Warning: This book contains adult situations and just a few explicit sex scenes. This is the second book of a trilogy.

Vesik: Box Set 2

Eric R. Asher - 2018
    A vile betrayal. Necromancer Damian Vesik faces his darkest hour, but he's not dead yet.THIS BROKEN WORLD (Book 4)An ocean of darkness lives in the journal of Philip Pinkerton. Ancient things with no place in our world are rising from the Abyss. Ezekiel, the arrogant, mad god has called us into battle. Does he think we can't touch him, or does he know we can't? I wish I knew. The world’s only hope lies in a forgotten weapon, the strength of our allies, and one necromancer of questionable ancestry. Yeah, this is going to end well.DESTROYER RISING (Book 5)It's been three years since we failed Vicky, the child once known as Elizabeth Gray. Three years she's lived as something not quite alive, but far from dead. Her path grows darker, even as she spreads light and hope through a tortured world. The Destroyer has come to claim her, and I can’t fail her again. I won't. Elizabeth's fate lies in the Burning Lands, and we will storm the gates.RATTLE THE BONES (Book 6)Much has been lost in the conflict with the Fae king and his allies, a conflict we hadn’t known we were in until one of our own fell at his hand. And while a great Seal between realms may have been rebuilt, dark things slipped through in the chaos, creatures who would overrun this world. Our allies are many. Our enemies are terrible. And someone ate my last chimichanga despite the fact I had clearly marked it with a note that said it was mine.This collection includes books 4, 5, and 6 of the Vesik urban fantasy series. Jump into the madness today!

The Spires of Dasny: Dragon Riders School

Cheryl Rush Cowperthwait - 2020
    I scrambled up the Spires of Dasny, even though I knew it once was a haven for dragons and the old Dragon Riders School. The ground thundered. I trembled in the small niche tucked into the mountain. Had the knights returned? I caught my breath as an enormous green eye peered in. A dragon!I awoke in a deep, dark cavern. Staring at me through one opened eye lay a huge black dragon. I had been taught the stories of the dragons, of the days long ago when they ruled the sky and searched for their riders, but this wasn’t at all what I had been taught. Why was I there? Suddenly, pressure built up in my head. My eyes sprung wide in fear and... I heard him.What happens when three dragon riders come together as told in the prophecy? The Blind, the Healer and the Magician…There are secrets to be uncovered, but only if Seyra is brave enough. Discover the intriguing lives of the brash young Seyra and Dreyth, the one who rescues her--or is it she who rescues him?*I loved this story. It had shades of Anne McCaffery to it - and I loved her books.**This was amazing. I loved this line because it says so much. “One dragon eye slowly opened. It is possible. Sleep now. Sleep heals all things. We will talk later.” This has the beginnings of something grand. So good.**I thought of Anne McCaffrey while reading, so you must be doing something right. I liked the way you gave us all the information we needed without it feeling like an information dump. The section on the dragon riders felt natural.*

The Children of the Gods Series #44-46: Dark Secrets Trilogy

I.T. Lucas - 2021

The Fire In My Eyes

Christopher Nelson - 2014
    When Kevin Parker heads to an elite institution in upstate New York, he learns more than he had bargained for. As he falls into the midst of paranormal competition and conspiracy, he has to balance his new found powers with his personal life.

Faerie Protective Services: An Urban Fantasy Thriller

Robert McKinney - 2020
    I'm a half-orc, a bodyguard, and a fair hand with a rifle. Back in the day, I fought in two wars. One was in uniform for good ole Uncle Sam. The other was under the banner of The Erlking - Iron Lord of goblins, half-bloods, and orcs.Being a vet two times over never bothered me until one hell of a job dragged me out of the mortal world, and back to the land of Faerie. Now I've got to get my client over the US-Mexico border before the next best thing to a fairy goddess finds, enslaves, and kills us - though maybe not in that order.Think I can make it past the elves, gunmen, and magical forces of nature standing in my way?

Soldiers and Marines (The complete trilogy)

Martin Archer - 2015
    War in the East and Israel's Next War are the fourth and fifth books in the series.

Run, Kat, Run and Encantado Dreams

Ramy Vance - 2019
     After killing three dead gods—again—you’d think I’d get a break. Some time off to lick my wounds in a very cat-like fashion. But my stalker has other plans. And after discovering who my stalker is—or rather, was—I miss the good old days when my enemies were dead gods and world armies. My name is Katrina Darling, and my stalker just had to be one of the most powerful creatures in all of creation, didn’t he? Encantado Dreams, Book 8: Katrina Darling hasn’t been back for the start of the semester, leaving a void in her seat and in her boyfriend’s heart. Luckily for both, I’m a shapeshifter who specializes in pretending to be a long-lost lover. And Justin is just too yummy to not indulge in. But when you’re a 500-year-old shapeshifter who’s broken her fair share of happy homes, you tend to make enemies. And one of my mine just showed up, making things a bit more complicated than I’d like. My name is Isabella Ramirez, and what was supposed to be a harmless little fling has turned into something far more deadly. If you like the Dresden Files, Mercy Thompson or Buffy the Vampire Slayer, then you’ll be helplessly addicted to the Mortality Bites series. "Mythology, satire, and brutal honesty. Vance delivers a knockout punch of fun and fearlessness in every last one of his books. Not only does he make you laugh, he makes you think. That's a rare combination that few authors ever achieve, and Vance does it splendidly." — John P. Logsdon, author of the Paranormal Police Department series. What Amazon readers are saying: ★★★★★ ‘Urban Fantasy at its best.’ ★★★★★ ‘Irritatingly unputdownable.’ ★★★★★ ‘Refreshing in its uniqueness.’ ★★★★★ ‘Boy was this long overdue! I was just whining to my husband about how everyone seems to be working from the same book outline when this little gem popped up.’ ★★★★★ ‘Great world building.’ ★★★★★ ‘Really enjoyable story. I went directly to Book 2.’ ★★★★★ ‘Genuine giggles on every page.’ ★★★★★ ‘Oh I needed that ... Something different.’ ★★★★★ ‘Ex-vampires, avatars, fae, and humans just trying to get along… Make time to sit down and read through in one sitting.’ The Mortality Bites Series takes place in the GoneGod World... an inspiring and unique setting of myths, magic and mischief. But what is the GoneGod World? Four years ago, the gods left. All of them. Their last message to humanity was "Thank you for believing in us, but it is not enough. We're leaving. Good luck." At first no one took them seriously. Until, that is, all the denizens of all the heavens and hells started showing up on people's doorsteps.

Tooth and Nail

Domino Finn - 2020
    Don't let anyone tell you different.My name is Shyla Crowe, and I'm in hock to a demon I never met. My father started me off early, robbing magical antiquities from rich bastards. Thieving was the family business, and business was humming.Until my father got himself dragged to the pits of Hell. Now the only thing staving off his eternal torment is a monthly cash delivery to my new devil employer.Fortunately, not all hellions are evil, and thanks to an old family grimoire, I have the power to summon them. So I'm flush with enemies, sure, but I also have a few friends, like a furry know-it-all gremlin and my staunch gargoyle familiar.Summoning, like thieving, is about tools, technique, and team, and I've got them in spades. So it's only a matter of time until I work my father free.It's a good plan until the discovery of an ancient relic uncovers a sinister plot, rigged from the start. Turns out, I'm not fighting for my freedom... I'm fighting for my destiny.

The Loyal

A.M. Hughes - 2018
    Don't fight. Don’t die. This message has been beaten into her since childhood.Legends abound with stories of werewolves. Females are rare, but becoming a Lycan wasn’t a matter of choice for Mira.Born as a wolf and cursed with being a woman, Mira and her father struggle for her survival, peace and most of all, freedom.After the disappearance and death of her mother, they flee, in constant fear that they will be forced to join pack life and marry Mira off... or worse. While traveling to Alaska in search of a sanctuary among the rogues of the wilderness, they are attacked, and Mira is left to fend for herself in unknown territory…

Elf Inflicted

Robert Bevan - 2014
    Will Julian become really awesome at basketball? Or is there still time enough to save him from such a heinous fate? Descend into darkness with this latest Caverns and Creatures tale.

The Super Olympian: Mystic Warrior (Shapechanger Tales)

Laer Carroll - 2012
    But Olympic gold medalist Sasha Canaro hides that side of herself. Publicly she is merely a high-paid fashion model and occasional consultant to police, who call her The Bloodhound. Then she meets a billionaire industrialist who may be another immortal shapechanger. Or something even stranger. And the woman has a job for Sasha.