Sutphin Boulevard

Santino Hassell - 2015
    From escaping their dysfunctional families in the working-class neighborhood of South Jamaica, Queens to teaching in one of the city’s most queer friendly schools in Brooklyn, the two men have shared everything. Or so they thought until a sweltering night of dancing leads to an unexpected encounter that forever changes their friendship. Now, casual touches and lingering looks are packed with sexual tension, and Michael can’t forget the feel of his best friend’s hands on him. Once problems rear up at work and home, Michael finds himself seeking constant escape in the effortless intimacy and mind-blowing sex he has with Nunzio. But things don’t stay easy for long. When Michael’s world begins to crumble in a sea of tragedy and complications, he knows he has to make a choice: find solace in a path of self-destruction or accept the love of the man who has been by his side for twenty years.

A Fostered Love

Cameron Dane - 2009
    That all ended when the cops came and arrested Jonah, stealing him from Christian's uncertain world.Jonah knew the kid with the crush on him would be better off forgetting that he ever existed. Jonah stayed in contact with their foster mother Marisol, but refused to hear news about Christian, and made the woman promise never to tell Christian anything about him.Upon her death fifteen years later, Marisol leaves a request that Jonah come home and help Christian renovate her house. Jonah can't refuse, even though he knows he will have to face Christian once again.Although they haven't seen each other in years, neither man has forgotten the other. Neither man will deny Marisol her final request... even if it means facing their past, working together, sharing the room they had as teens, getting to know one another now as men, and discovering that the brief friendship they shared has altered into a consuming, abiding love.Publisher's Note: This book contains explicit sexual content, graphic language, and situations that some readers may find objectionable: Anal play/intercourse, male/male sexual practices, violence.

Take My Picture

Giselle Ellis - 2007
    He certainly doesn't expect to end up working as Jake's assistant for five frustrating, thrilling, and crazy years instead of in front of the camera.It all works until Jake realizes Aaron has become the focus of his life, a life that's threatened when Aaron actually leaves him to start a relationship with someone else. Though it breaks his heart, Jake realizes he has to set his beloved muse free to have any chance of winning Aaron back.Reprint: This short story was originally published in the Dreamspinner Press anthology Size Still Matters.


Mary Calmes - 2012
    Add to that the reappearance of his boyfriend’s estranged family, death threats, kidnapping, and the struggle of saving money to realize a dream, and Trevan has a lot on his plate. But Trevan is up to the challenge: he promised Landry a happily ever after, and Landry’s going to have it if it kills him!It just might.Landry Carter was a broken doll when they met two years ago but has grown into a partner who can stand at Trevan’s side… most of the time. Now that Trevan’s life just got scary—and Landry just got himself kidnapped—Trevan has to hope Landry’s love stays strong through this newest challenge, because the happily ever after won’t happen if Trevan has to go it alone.


K.C. Wells - 2016
    A colleague’s attempt to cheer him up brings Mitch to a secret “club.” Mitch isn’t remotely interested in the twinks parading like peacocks, until he spies the young man at the back of the room, nose firmly in a book and oblivious to his surroundings. Now Mitch is interested.Nikko Kurokawa wants to pay his debt and get the hell out of the Black Lounge—where he is forced to not only have sex, but sometimes suffer abuse to please clients. Earning his freedom isn’t proving easy, especially when he starts attracting interest. Life becomes that little bit easier to bear when he meets Mitch, who is nothing like the other men who frequent the club. And when Mitch crawls under his skin and into his heart, Nikko figures he can put up with anything. Before long he’ll be out of there, and he and Mitch can figure out if they have a future together.Neither of them counted on those who don’t want Nikko to leave….

Marathon Cowboys

Sarah Black - 2011
    Budding Navajo cartoonist Lorenzo Maryboy is a hard-working former Marine: staunch, brave, and honorable. Chance brings them together on the road to Marathon, Texas, and passion flares.Just as always, Jesse puts his art ahead of everything. He betrays their growing trust, and that Lorenzo can’t forgive. But Jesse’s found something he loves more than his art, and what he does to win Lorenzo’s forgiveness is far more dangerous than either man understands.

Homo Action Love Story! A tall tale

Ben Monopoli - 2012
    After Ryan has a tragic collision with an opposing team's paintball, the rules of the game force the boyfriends apart.Boots is shattered without Ryan, so when his best friend Clemente Santiago suggests a daring, high-seas mission to find the island and reunite the pair, Boots jumps at the chance. They assemble a crack team to join them, including fashion model and mixed-martial-arts champ Colby Kroft, hunky-but-shy sea-captain Marcus Tumble, and Piper Pernfors, the ex who's aching to make Boots forget Ryan ever existed.HOMO ACTION LOVE STORY! is a lighthearted, sex-filled adventure from the author of THE CRANBERRY HUSH and THE PAINTING OF PORCUPINE CITY. It's a perfect storm of beautiful fishermen, murderous pirates, blossoming romances, and secrets that call almost everyone's motives into question. Land, ho! This page-turner is sure to float your boat.

Last Stop

Lou Harper - 2012
    Quiet, uneventful, safe from his shadowy past. The breezy young drifter who answers his help-wanted ad makes him uneasy in ways he dare not examine too closely. Except he can't help but be pulled in by Jay Colby's spunky attitude, endless stories, and undeniable sex appeal.Fresh off yet another romantic disaster, Jay doesn't understand his attraction to the taciturn line cook, but there's no fighting the chemistry that lands them in bed together. Where Sam's subtly dominant streak takes command, and Jay delights in discovering the pleasures of his submissive side.Safe in the assumption their relationship is temporary, neither lover holds back when the heat is on. Until Sam's deadly past catches up with them with a vengeance, forcing him to drop the life he's built, pick up his lover, and run. As danger cuts closer to the bone, Sam and Jay are forced to face the truth. About themselves, about the depth of their love-and the newly forged bonds that are about to be tested to the limit.Warning: Contains enough sparks to ignite a sexual fire, ably fanned by the judicious use of some interesting props, as well as some butt-warming spanking. Sizzzzle.

Out in the Field

Kate McMurray - 2012
    His dream comes true and then some; he finds himself playing alongside his idol, first baseman Matt Blanco, who is everything he dreamed of and more. Matt Blanco is entering the twilight of his career, plagued by injuries and two decades of lying about who and what he is, but he thinks he still has a few good years left in the major leagues. Then he meets Iggy and everything turns upside down. But carrying on an affair with a much younger man is one thing. Having an affair with his teammate introduces a whole new set of complications. When a trade and a career-ending injury threaten to keep them apart, both men have to figure out what they’re willing to risk for the love of baseball and each other.

Lace-Covered Compromise

Silvia Violet - 2017
    When he finds out half of it went to Nate Thomas—an annoying man whose dreams for Kingston Corp.’s future clash with Adam’s need to stave off financial disaster—Adam is furious. He’s willing to do whatever it takes to wrest control of Kingston Corp. from Nate.Nate may be soft-spoken, but he refuses to be swayed by Adam’s arrogant demands. When Nate accidentally drops a pair of his lacy panties in front of Adam, there’s no mistaking Adam’s interest. Nate hadn’t realized Adam was bisexual, but now that his secret is out, Nate is willing to use Adam’s lust against him if it means protecting the welfare of the company he loves.For Adam and Nate, hatred and desire are closely linked. Their inability to compromise threatens the company and could expose their tightly held secrets. But as they work together to develop a plan to save Kingston Corp., they begin to realize there might be more to their relationship than anger and lust.

An Unconventional Courtship

Scotty Cade - 2012
    It would be the perfect job… if only he hadn’t fallen in love with his boss as well as the work. After two years, he’s still doing everything in his power to keep his feelings hidden—mostly because he wants to protect the reputation of his famous boss but also because he wants to keep his job.Webber Kincaid has stayed in the closet, using his best friend and confidante as his beard. Everything in his life was working out just fine until he met Tristan Moreau. Within months, Tristan stole his heart and became his lifeline. But Webber knows the rules of the workplace better than anyone, so he’s kept his distance.But two years is too long to wonder “what if?”—especially when business takes them to a private Caribbean island. When Tristan and Webber succumb to the tropical heat, their professionalism starts to backslide. It’s a seemingly impossible relationship, making a go at it under the paparazzi’s microscope. It may be the best—or the worst—business decision they ever made.

The Tin Box

Kim Fielding - 2013
    Conflicted and unable to maintain the charade, he separates from his wife and takes a job as caretaker at a former mental hospital. Jelley’s Valley State Insane Asylum was the largest mental hospital in California for well over a century, but it now stands empty. William thinks the decrepit institution is the perfect place to finish his dissertation and wait for his divorce to become final. In town, William meets Colby Anderson, who minds the local store and post office. Unlike William, Colby is cute, upbeat, and flamboyantly out. Although initially put off by Colby’s mannerisms, William comes to value their new friendship, and even accepts Colby's offer to ease him into the world of gay sex.William’s self-image begins to change when he discovers a tin box, hidden in an asylum wall since the 1940s. It contains letters secretly written by Bill, a patient who was sent to the asylum for being homosexual. The letters hit close to home, and William comes to care about Bill and his fate. With Colby’s help, he hopes the words written seventy years ago will give him courage to be his true self.

Seven Days

Andrew Grey - 2011
    Evan was a teenage street hustler when Father Valentin talked him into coming to Saint Bartholomew's Academy. In that one day, Evan's entire life changed. That's the day he met his roommate, Clay Mueller, and the day Evan began to live. But Evan's life would change again and again, from abuse to first love, to separation and heartbreak, and eventually to starting his own family. Through it all, whenever a door closed for Evan, a window opened, and the window was Clay.From the first day of finding faith and connecting with Clay through their relationship's twists and turns, this is a glimpse into seven decisive days and the critical, amazing way a single moment can change destiny.

Sexy Spring Surprise

Jet Mykles - 2007
    Now, he can't wait for Luc to come back.Reese always wants Luc, but tonight, he's got something special planned. And when Luc gets home, he's going to get a sexy little surprise.

Celestial Mates Box Set

C.J. Scarlett - 2017
    Crowded in huge underground cities, they’ve finally come to the end of the line and they must decide whether or not they will trade the only valuable resource Earth has left... Women.Being the daughter of a wealthy diplomat, Rose is blissfully ignorant of how the less fortunate live. Desperate to escape to a planet where she can enjoy the sun on her face and swim in clear unpolluted oceans, she vows to make herself the first bride to be mated to off-worlders.When the Krylon delegation arrives, she realizes that in addition to being good stewards of their planet, eager for female companionship, and polite to a fault, the Krylon males are also drop dead gorgeous. Unfortunately, Earth’s population is vehemently opposed to the galactic mate’s treaty... will Rose and her soon to be Hot Alien Husband be able to make their escape from Earth? Fire Princess Returns (Celestial Mates #1.5) Clone's Bride (Celestial Mates #2) Few people in the verse understand or have a genuine liking for the Shardon. They see clones as expendable since they are so easy to replace. Some are even under the mistaken impression clones aren’t real people and they share a hive mind.Lar Shalon is one such clone. There simply aren’t enough hours in the day to combat all the irrational beliefs about his kind. Being a physician he understands the critical need to breed humans in order to save his dying race. What he can’t quite get his head around is how they are going to lure human females to them. As he sets about learning their breeding habits, one won’t seem to leave him alone. She can’t seem to keep from touching him. It’s disconcerting and he doesn’t know quite what to make her behavior.Madison and her twin sister are dying. The doctors on Earth have no idea what’s wrong with them. Their one hope of survival is signing up for the alien brides program. Aliens have spaceships and technology, right? They must have advanced medical knowledge as well. The desperate pair risk everything on one last wild gamble at staying alive, landing gorgeous alien husbands in the bargain. Imperial Bride (Celestial Mates #3) Hating her isolated, sheltered life in the Japanese Imperial Family Maiko longs for action and adventure among the stars. When her opportunity come, she grabs it with both hands and risks everything to protect her new home world when a temporal anomaly threatens to swallow everything in its path.Little does she know her father has made an exception to the longstanding rule that no Imperials leave Earth, only because he plans to have her fitted with new husband from the Krylon Imperial House. There are two brothers. She has her heart set on the scarred one with curious eyes. Unfortunately, arrangements were made for her to be courted by the one with a smirking face, snarky attitude, and reputation for running around the galaxy chasing women.No thank you dies on her lips about the time he hits her with their very first kiss. A handsome clone from a nearby world seems mesmerised by her intelligence and charm. He would be a much better fit, since he’s not been caught cavorting in the harems but something is missing when they are together. It all may become a moot issue unless they can figure out how to stop the darkness from swallowing their world. Warrior's Bride (Celestial Mates #4) Keiko and her brother are the last surviving members of the Japanese imperial line. Their struggle to save the last remaining humans on Earth from an invasion by an insectoid race is curtailed when Keiko is sucked into a temporal anomaly and ends up in a parallel dimension. Finding herself flung from one catastrophe to another, she clings to the one man who makes her feel safe.Shar Jalon rules over a clone army and has been tasked with locating human brides for his dying people. Trying to balance his desire for the beautiful Japanese princess against his need to complete his mission, he treads softly. When insectoids invade his ship, all bets are off as this warrior kicks it into high gear.Trying to sort friend from foe and keep a step ahead of their enemies, Keiko and Shar Jalon grow closer. Shar worries that he isn’t individualised enough to capture and keep her affection. Meanwhile, Keiko worries that she’s just a stand-in for the woman who once rejected him. The constant feeling of being a person out of place plagues her, until one big, beautiful, blue world welcomes her with open arms. Will embracing her future cost her the man she loves? Content Warning: Explicit love scenes. Intended for mature audiences only.