Psychic Tarot: Using Your Natural Psychic Abilities to Read the Cards

Nancy C. Antenucci - 2011
    Also included are simple techniques for doing energy readings, plus instructions on keeping a synchronicity journal and using tarot as a tool to communicate with spirit guides or loved ones on the other side.

Growing Up Psychic: From Skeptic to Believer

Michael Bodine - 2010
    It includes amazing true stories- a dangerous ghost friend with a hidden agenda, the hodgepodge of psychics who gathered in his mother's kitchen, ghost hunting misadventures, spirit messages, possession- along with an inspiring account of his successful battle against chemical dependancy as he learned to accept his unusual gift.

Keepers of the Garden

Dolores Cannon - 1993
    All his other existences were on alien worlds and in other dimensions. He finds out that his association with extraterrestrials did not cease with these other lives. This strange case reveals the motives behind present-day involvement between UFOs and humans, and the hopes and expectations of our creators for their garden. We are the Garden.The Gardeners are Extraterrestrials from other worlds!

The Essence of Tibetan Buddhism

Thubten Yeshe - 1979
    It’s like medicine. The self-cherishing thought is like a nail or a sword in your heart; it always feels uncomfortable. With bodhicitta, from the moment you begin to open, you feel incredibly peaceful and you get tremendous pleasure and inexhaustible energy. Forget about enlightenment - as soon as you begin to open yourself to others, you gain tremendous pleasure and satisfaction. Working for others is very interesting; it’s an infinite activity. Your life becomes continuously rich and interesting."Historically, Shakyamuni Buddha taught the four noble truths. To whose culture do the four noble truths belong? The essence of religion has nothing to do with any one particular country's culture. Compassion, love, reality - to whose culture do they belong? The people of any country, any nation, can implement the three principal aspects of the path, the four noble truths or the eightfold path. There's no contradiction at all."This title was published by the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive, a non-profit organization established to make the Buddhist teachings of Lama Yeshe and Lama Zopa Rinpoche freely accessible in many ways, including on our website for instant reading, listening or downloading, and as printed and electronic books. Our website offers immediate access to thousands of pages of teachings and hundreds of audio recordings by some of the greatest lamas of our time. Our photo gallery and our ever-popular books are also freely accessible there. You can find out more about becoming a supporter of the Archive and see all we have to offer by visiting the Lama Yeshe Wisdom Archive website.

If You Change Your Words It Will Transform Your Life

Adam Houge - 2015
    But your words reflect your thoughts and who you are inside. By changing your words it forces you to change what’s underneath it all. It forces you to think and act differently changing your relationships, your walk with God, and everything you are.

The Spiritual Awakening Process

Mateo Sol - 2016
    No matter what we do or where we go, we always seem to carry a gaping void of emptiness and isolation within us. Although we try to fill this hole with money, possessions, lovers, careers and addictions, we eventually wind up feeling desolate and alone, not knowing what to do with our lives. Suddenly, after a traumatic experience or spontaneous catalyst, it is common for us to experience a sacred rebirth of “waking up” to life. This chaotic period is known as the spiritual awakening process.The Spiritual Awakening Process is a book walks you through the beginning stages of reconnecting with the loving and eternally wise place within you known as your Soul.In these pages, you will discover:1. What is happening to you,2. Why you’re experiencing a spiritual awakening,3. The three internal spiritual worlds to explore,4. How to retrieve and integrate any fragmented pieces of your psyche,5. What spiritual “traps” you need to be mindful of, and6. How to communicate with your soul.Through the Soulwork practices of Inner Child Work, Self-Love and Shadow Work, this book helps you to personally initiate deep psychological healing. By removing the blocks and walls that surround your Soul, you will be able to access deep levels of joy, creativity, energy, courage, peace, fulfillment, freedom, and love.The Spiritual Awakening Process is a psychospiritual manual that is composed of various articles that we have published on our website in the past. We have also added extra content to help illuminate your path and guide you through this sacred time of life.

Mudras for Beginners: Your Ultimate Beginners Guide to using Simple Hand Gestures for achieving Everlasting Health, Rapid Weight Loss and Easy Self Healing (Mudra Healing Book 1)

Advait - 2015
    They have been used as a spiritual practice (and still are), as a way on the path to enlightenment.They're also used to cure physical ailments.Sounds too good to be true!! But believe me it is True!!Do these Mudras while sitting, lying down, standing, or walking.They can be done at any time and place while stuck in traffic, at the office, watching TV, or whenever you have to twiddle your thumbs waiting for something.These hand postures help you - #Cure Heart Problems #Cure your Cold #Increase your Concentration #Relieve Muscle Fatigue#Cure DiabetesThese Mudras are simple Hand Gestures that transform our hands into real "Powerhouses".Covering all you need to know about performing Mudras, this insightful, informative and fluff-free Beginner's Guide will enable you to gain an understanding of a form of yoga that has already helped thousands of people across the globe.From Building Character to Healing Emotional Pain,From Bringing Luck to Connecting With The Divine,Mudras can work wonders.Want to Transform your Life with Simple Hand GesturesIt’s simple, and you can do it today,just scroll up and click,Buy Now

Out-of-Body Experiences: How to Have Them and What to Expect

Robert Peterson - 1997
    In recent times, modern researchers like Robert Monroe have pioneered the scientific study and practice of OBEs. Increasingly, people are remembering spontaneous OBEs, especially from early childhood. Also, OBEs are a typical feature of near-death experiences and have been described as beautiful, painless, and ecstatic.This is the comprehensive manual for inducing out of body experiences and managing the experience. Peterson not only explores the stages of his own development, but also concludes each chapter with a specific exercise that takes you to the next level.From wiggling out of your body for the first time (the author did a back flip his first time) to traveling through other realms and dealing with your "encounters,", this is one of the most practical, step-by-step guides to OBEs available. He clearly demonstrates how this consciousness-expanding experience is accessible to anyone willing to make the leap into the great beyond.This is the ultimate manual on how to leave home alone....

Signs: The Secret Language of the Universe

Laura Lynne Jackson - 2019
    She possesses an incredible gift: the ability to communicate with loved ones who have passed, convey messages of love and healing, and impart a greater understanding of our interconnectedness. Though her abilities are exceptional, they are not unique, and that is the message at the core of this book. Understanding "the secret language of the universe" is a gift available to all. As we learn to ask for and recognize signs from the other side, we will start to find meaning where before there was only confusion, and see light in the darkness. We may decide to change paths, push toward love, pursue joy, and engage with life in a whole new way.In Signs, Jackson is able to bring the mystical into the everyday. She relates stories of people who have experienced uncanny revelations and instances of unexplained synchronicity, as well as others drawn from her own experience. There's the lost child who appears to his mother as a deer that approaches her unhesitatingly at a highway rest stop; the name written on a dollar bill that lets a terrified wife know that her husband will be okay; the Elvis Presley song that arrives at the exact moment of Jackson's own father's passing; and many others. This is a book that is inspiring and practical, deeply comforting and wonderfully motivational, in asking us to see beyond ourselves to a more magnificent universal design.

Oceanic Mind - The Deeper Meditation Training Course

Tom Von Deck - 2009
    Whether you are a beginner or an advanced student of meditation, Qigong or Yoga, this book is for you! The dozens of easy to follow warm up exercises and ancient meditation techniques alone is worth the cost of this course. However, Oceanic Mind introduces not only the finest techniques, but a complete meditation strategy training for consistently profound meditation. The strategy training transforms meditation into a much much easier and a more customized process. Regardless of your background, you will love this book.

Zen Culture

Thomas Hoover - 1977
    The ceramics of 16th-century Zen artists could be interchanged with the rugged pots of our own contemporary crafts movement; ancient calligraphies suggest the monochromes of Franz Kline or Willem de Kooning; the apparent nonsense and illogic of Zen parables (and No theater and Haiku poetry) established the limitations of language long before the theater of the absurd; 400-year-old Zen architecture seems to be a copy of modern design ideas such as modular space and a California marriage of house and garden.Zen values experiencing things over analyzing them. Perhaps if we can take the power of direct perception, sharpened by the devices of Zen art, back to everyday activities, we will find a beauty in common objects that we previously ignored.Selected ReviewsThe notoriously grumpy Kirkus Reviews said, “Thomas Hoover has a considerable gift for expressing his appreciation and understanding of various arts associated with Zen. . . . These are deftly treated, with a concise synopsis of the historical development of each; and together Hoover’s discussions provide an excellent introduction to the aesthetics of Japanese culture.”Library Journal said, “Hoover covers the ground in an easy and informative way, describing the origins of Zen itself and the Zen roots of swordsmanship, architecture, food, poetry, drama, ceramics, and many other areas of Japanese life. The book is packed with facts, the bibliography is excellent, the illustrations few but most appropriate, and the style clear and smooth. A most useful book for all collections.”Asian Studies declared, “Highly recommended. ZEN CULTURE moves easily from the political climate that gave rise to Zen to the cultural areas – art, architecture, theatre, literature, flower arrangement, design, archery, swordsmanship – where Zen has manifested itself.”As for the influence of the Zen aesthetic, the Houston Chronicle said, “Hoover suggests we need only look around. Modern furniture is clean, simple lines in unstained, unadorned woods. And that old fad became a habit, houseplants. These are all expressions of ideas born with Zen: understatement, asymmetry, intuitive perception, nature worship, disciplined reserve.”“Highly recommended,” said The Center for Asian Studies.“Western intellectuals have tried to represent the height of Buddhist mysticism within the pages of mere books, reducing an ineffable experience into a written report. Predictably such attempts have failed miserably. ZEN CULTURE by Thomas Hoover comes the closest to succeeding,” said Hark Publishing“ZEN CULTURE, concerned as it is with the process of perception as much as with actual works of art, can open our sense so that we experience anew the arts of both East and West, ancient and modern.” declared the Asian Mail.And to go multi-media, NYC-FM in New York said, “Hoover takes us on a grand tour of Zen archery and swordsmanship, flower arranging, drama, food, gardening, painting, poetry, architecture. His book is essentially one by a connoisseur.”Tags: Zen History, Haiku, Zen, Ceramics, Archery, Landscape Garden, Stone Garden, Ink Landscape, Zen Architecture, Sword, Katana, No Theater, Noh Theater, Japanese Tea Ceremony, Flower arranging, Ikebana, Zen Ceramic Art, Raku, Shino, Ryoanji-ji

Conversations with Yogananda: Stories, Sayings, and Wisdom of Paramhansa Yogananda

Kriyananda - 2003
    Yogananda is one of the world's most widely known and universally respected spiritual masters. His Autobiography of a Yogi has helped stimulate a spiritual awakening in the West and a spiritual renaissance in his native land of India.More than half a century ago, in a hilltop ashram in Los Angeles, California, an American disciple sat at the feet of his Master, faithfully recording his words as his teacher had asked him to do. Paramhansa Yogananda knew this disciple would carry his message to people everywhere.Kriyananda was often present when Yogananda spoke privately with other close disciples; when he received visitors and answered their questions; when he was dictating and discussing his important writings. Yogananda put Kriyananda in charge of the other monks, and gave him advice for their spiritual development. In all these situations, Kriyananda recorded the words and guidance of Yogananda, preserving for the ages wisdom that would otherwise have been lost, and giving us an intimate glimpse of life with Yogananda never before shared by any other student.These Conversations include not only Yogananda's words as he first spoke them, but also the added insight of an intimate disciple who has spent more than 50 years reflecting on and practicing the teachings of Yogananda. Through these Conversations, Yogananda comes alive. Time and space dissolve. We sit at the feet of the Master, listen to his words, receive his wisdom, delight in his humor, and are transformed by his love.

What Is God's Will for My Life?

John Ortberg - 2016
    Let’s face it: making decisions is hard—especially when it comes to the big stuff like, Should I marry this person? Am I in the wrong job? What should I do with my life? We know that God has a plan for us, but how are we supposed to know what that plan is?In What Is God’s Will for My Life?, bestselling author John Ortberg helps us understand: If God’s will for my life is so important, why doesn’t he just tell me what it is? How can I learn to recognize God’s voice? If I miss God’s guidance on an important decision, am I stuck with “plan B” for the rest of my life? God does have a plan for your life! It’s time to discover what it is.

Adventures of the Soul: Journeys Through the Physical and Spiritual Dimensions

James Van Praagh - 2014
    Sharing his intuitive experiences of communicating with the Spirit World for the past 30 years, internationally renowned medium James Van Praagh takes you on a spiritual sojourn to discover the unique design of your very own soul and explore its various adventures as it travels between worlds. You’ll learn to open up your mind to your soul’s unbounded wisdom and gain a bigger perspective on life and a better grasp of your significant part in it.This book will further assist you in understanding and recognizing the soul lessons you came back to Earth to learn, such as sorrow, forgiveness, grief, compassion, and joy. By utilizing this knowledge, you will come to identify your soul’s intricacies and start to live a life that truly fulfills your soul’s destiny: following the path of love. This is one journey that will force you to look at life and death in a completely different light!

The Crystal Bible: A Definitive Guide to Crystals

Judy Hall - 2003