
J.C. Ryle - 1877
    Ryle served the Lord in ministry in the Church of England for almost the entire length of the Victorian Age. Although Ryle was committed to all forms of evangelism, his heart beat strongest for mass evangelism in the cities. Much of his immediate influence on Victorian evangelism stemmed from his prolific number of tracts. Several million copies of his more than 200 different tracts were distributed in a variety of languages throughout the Land.Bishop Ryle's desire, and his answer to the issues of his day, was the pursuit of personal revival of Scriptural holiness. This holds just as true for today, as it was in his time.

Principles of War: Thoughts on Strategic Evangelism

Jim Wilson - 1961
    These principles have been entitled the "principles of war." But not all warfare is waged on a battlefield: every Christian is called to be a soldier. Our fight is against Satan, our objective is the acknowledgment and fulfillment of God's commands, and our ammunition is the power of the Holy Spirit. In Principles of War Jim Wilson outlines the time-tried, fundamental principles of war and explains how we can employ them in our daily spiritual battles as we fight a war which our commander in chief has already won for us.

The Divine Dance: The Trinity and Your Transformation

Richard Rohr - 2016
    In the pages of this book, internationally recognized teacher Richard Rohr circles around this most paradoxical idea as he explores the nature of God—circling around being an apt metaphor for this mystery we're trying to apprehend. Early Christians who came to be known as the "Desert Mothers and Fathers" applied the Greek verb perichoresis to the mystery of the Trinity. The best translation of this odd–sounding word is dancing. Our word choreography comes from the same root. Although these early Christians gave us some highly conceptualized thinking on the life of the Trinity, the best they could say, again and again, was, Whatever is going on in God is a flow—it's like a dance. But God is not a dancer—He is the dance itself. That idea might sound novel, but it is about as traditional as you can get. God is the dance itself, and He invites you to be a part of that dance. Are you ready to join in?

From Eden to the New Jerusalem: An Introduction to Biblical Theology

T. Desmond Alexander - 2008
    But the Bible's story comes not from humanity, but from God. Author, T. Desmond Alexander, suggests that God has given us the reasons for creation and our existence in the Bible. "by resolving an intricate plot that sheds light on the entire story," Alexander writes. Using this theory to start from the denouement, or resolution, in Revelation's last verses and work backward, Alexander pieces together the Bible's overarching plot. The resulting picture reveals the reasons for creation and life that have eluded those who seek to answer life's biggest questions without first placing themselves in God's story.

A Peculiar Glory: How the Christian Scriptures Reveal Their Complete Truthfulness

John Piper - 2016
    John Piper has devoted his life to showing us that the glory of God is the object of the soul's happiness. Now, his burden in this book is to demonstrate that this same glory is the ground of the mind's certainty.God's peculiar glory shines through his Word. The Spirit of God enlightens the eyes of our hearts. And in one self-authenticating sight, our minds are sure and our hearts are satisfied. Justified certainty and solid joy meet in the peculiar glory of God.

The Brothers Bihari

Sankarshan Thakur - 2015
    One a charismatic populist, the other a shrewd introvert. Taken together a mesmerizing duo: heroes to some, villains to others, champions of the underdog yet imperious of manner; allies in youth, foes in midlife, now ageing veterans. For a quarter of a century, the two by turns dictated the destiny of Bihar. What do Laloo and Nitish mean to Bihar? Here, for the first time, an omnibus edition of Sankarshan Thakur’s widely acclaimed biographies of the men Subaltern Saheb and Single Man. From one of India’s finest journalists, this revised, updated and collected volume is essential reading to understand Bihar. In the lives of the two giants lies the arresting story of one of India’s largest and most challenging states.

The Two Covenants

Andrew Murray - 1941
    After receiving his education in Scotland and Holland, he returned to South Africa and spent many years there as both a pastor and missionary. He wrote over two hundred books, including some of the most enduring classics of Christian literature. He and his wife, Emma, raised eight children, and it is said that their home was an endless stream of activity.

A Murmuration of Starlings

Jake Adam York - 2008
    Individually, Jake Adam York’s poems are elegies for individuals; collectively, they consider the violence of a racist culture and the determination to resist that racism. York follows Sun Ra, a Birmingham jazz musician whose response to racial violence was to secede from planet Earth, considers the testimony in the trial of J. W. Milam and Roy Bryant for the murder of Emmet Till in 1955, and recreates events of Selma, Alabama, in 1965. Throughout the collection, an invasion of starlings images the racial hatred and bloodshed. While the 1950s spawned violence, the movement in the early 1960s transformed the language of brutality and turned the violence against the violent, says York. So, the starlings, first produced by violence, become instruments of resistance.York’s collection responds to and participates in recent movements to find and punish the perpetrators of the crimes that defined the civil rights movement. A Murmuration of Starlings participates in the search for justice, satisfaction, and closure.

(A)Typical Woman: Free, Whole, and Called in Christ

Abigail Dodds - 2019
    But rather than confusing cultural norms, Christian women have something more secure to center their womanhood on: Jesus Christ. Seeking to rediscover the full reality of what it means to be female, this book looks to God's Word to help readers avoid the temptation to belittle womanhood on one hand or glorify it on the other. With chapters addressing womanhood in singleness, marriage, working, mothering, suffering, discipling, and more, this book will help Christian women live out their callings as free, authentic, indispensable members of Christ's mission and work.

Called to Love: Approaching John Paul II's Theology of the Body

Carl A. Anderson - 2009
    In 1979, Pope John Paul II departed from this traditional dichotomy and offered an integrated vision of the human body and soul. In a series of talks that came to be known as the theology of the body, he explained the divine meaning of human sexuality and why the body provides answers to fundamental questions about our lives. In CALLED TO LOVE, Carl Anderson, chairman of the world's largest catholic service organization, and Fr. Jose Granados discuss the philosophical and religious significance of the theology of the body in language at once poetic and profound. As they explain, the body speaks of God, it reveals His goodness, and it also speaks of man and women and their vocation to love. CALLED TO LOVE brings to life the tremendous gift John Paul II bestowed on humanity and gives readers a new understanding of the Christian way of love and how to embrace it fully in their lives.

The Holy Trinity: In Scripture, History, Theology, and Worship

Robert Letham - 2004
    Lays the biblical foundation, surveys historical development and modern discussion, and concludes with critical issues (the incarnation, worship, prayer, creation, missions, and persons).

By What Standard? God's World...God's Rules

Jared Longshore - 2020
    Hollow and Deceptive Philosophies: Tom Ascol2. Cultural Marxism: Voddie Baucham3. The Religious Root of our Sexual Perversion: Jared Longshore4. White Privilege: Tom Ascol5. Biblical Justice and Social Justice: Tom Nettles6. God’s Created Order—Living Justly as Male and Female:Jared Longshore7. Ethnic Gnosticism: Voddie Baucham8. Mature Manhood: Mark Coppenger9. Racial Reconciliation: Voddie Baucham10. Gospel Privilege and Global Missions: Chad VegasAppendix: Timon ClineCommendations “Why do denominations and seminaries tend to become theologically liberal? I believe that there is one major reason: the people of God long to have the approval of the world. So we start flirting with their ideas, and we adopt their vocabulary. We want them to think that our academic papers, sermons, and books have amazingly transcended the narrow-minded confines of our Bible-thumping seminary or denomination….The simple teaching of the Bible begins to look old fashioned and unrefined, so more and more we talk about political issues, occasionally throwing in a dash of scripture just to prove that we are, at least for now, holding to the inerrancy and sufficiency of scripture. When we are confronted with the plain, unfashionable, sin-condemning statements of scripture, we put on our tolerant, educated faces and say, “Well, we know that this teaching is limited to the culture of the first century, and so it is irrelevant to us today.”…You will find none of this in this book. Instead what you will find is solid biblical reasoning from godly men who are not afraid to say, “Jesus is my Lord. The Bible is my standard of what I believe and teach. The despised people of God are my people.”JIM SCOTT ORRICKAuthor, Former Professor of Literature and Culture, Boyce College_______________________________________________________________________ “Diversity, tolerance, inclusivity, and social justice are the chief values of postmodernity and political correctness. In a culture where these are deemed some of the last remaining virtues and biblical principles are routinely scorned, what should the church’s posture be? Should Christians adjust the gospel, remodel our message, and bring our statements of faith more in line with the world’s thinking? To ask that question is to answer it. But in case the answer isn’t clear, these superbly-written essays spell it out in brilliant detail. I’m grateful for the courage of these men and the clarity of their voices. This is a vitally important volume, sounding all the right notes of passion, warning, instruction, and hope.”PHIL JOHNSONExecutive Director of Grace To You

Jesus the Evangelist: Learning to Share the Gospel from the Book of John

Richard D. Phillips - 2007
    Richard D. Phillips digs into the early chapters of the Gospel of John to discover principles for Christian outreach that were modeled by witnesses for Jesus and by Jesus Himself. Phillips unfolds biblical principles for evangelism by examining the ministry of John the Baptist and the calling of the first of Jesus disciples. Then, through a brief study of the Lord's encounter with the Pharisee Nicodemus, he presents us with a theology of the gospel. Finally, he focuses on Jesus stirring encounter with the Samaritan woman to show exactly how Christ shared the good news. Phillips clear and concise handling of these key stories will both motivate and instruct believers in their witness on behalf of Christ.

The Tapestry: The Life and Times of Francis and Edith Schaeffer

Edith Schaeffer - 1981
    Book by Schaeffer, Edith

Growing Up Christian

Karl Graustein - 2005
    Ecourages 15- to 18-year-olds raised in Christian homes to take responsibility for their relationship with God and to grow in their love of Christ.