Waltzing at Midnight

Robbi McCoy - 2009
    It soon becomes obvious - though not to Jean - that she has a major crush on the candidate, Rosie Monroe.Thrilled by the excitement of politics and strangely flustered every time Rosie calls on her for help, Jean has never felt more alive. Rising to every challenge with newfound passion, she surprises everyone, including her husband, by flourishing under the stress of the hard-fought campaign.When dirty tricks by the other side damage Rosie's reputation at the worst possible moment, Jean finally realizes that her feelings are not entirely about the thrill of the job. Two decades of doing what was expected of her are abruptly turned upside down, and she realizes she may just be in love - for the first time in her life.Newcomer Robbi McCoy tells a passionate coming-of-age story about a mature woman whose life is only beginning. Full of surprises and difficult choices, Waltzing at Midnight is a heartfelt, endearing story about a woman we all know and the love that transforms her life.

Galveston 1900: Swept Away

Linda Crist - 2005
    This story is a fictional account of Mattie and Rachel, two women who lived there, and their lives in the months leading up to and during the time of the "great storm."Forced to flee from her family at a young age, Rachel Travis finds a home and livelihood on the island of Galveston. Independent, friendly, and yet often lonely, only one other person knows the dark secret that haunts her. That is until she meets Madeline Crockett.Madeline "Mattie" Crockett is trapped in a loveless marriage, convinced that her fate is sealed. She never dares to dream of true happiness, until Rachel Travis comes walking into her life. As emotions come to light, the storm of Mattie's marriage converges with the very real hurricane. Can they survive, and build the life they both dream of?

Tricky Wisdom: Year I

Camryn Eyde - 2015
    Leaving her small northeast Minnesota town for Harvard in a quest to become a doctor, she moves in with med-student Olivia Boyd, a neurotic, anal, gigantic pain in the backside. The first year of juggling medical school is gruelling, but it’s nothing compared to living with Olivia.Coming out to her friends and family with an anti-climactic flop, Darcy uses her newly publicised sexuality to try and win Taylor’s affections through an ill-hatched scheme that crosses uncomfortable lines. The result is as unexpected to Darcy as Darcy’s affinity for medicine is to Olivia.The first year of medical school is a nerve-wracking encounter in medicine, learning lessons the hard way, and finding what her heart desires.*Minor changes to manuscript updated 2nd September*48,900 words

Where Are You

Bella Donnis - 2014
    When the beautiful yet chronically shy Erin begins her degree at the University of Cambridge, she finds herself unable cope with the pressure. Just as she decides to run and destroy her future career prospects, a chance encounter with the confident, warm, caring, eccentric and stunning Gianna, a foreign student from Napoli, Italy changes everything.Just as their friendship reaches a peak and Erin has changed into a new person, Gianna mysteriously disappears, sending Erin back into a negative spiral of loss.Ten years later, after a sudden and strange twist of fate, Erin decides to seek out the only true friend she ever had, in the hope of rekindling where they left off many years before.Where Are You is a story of forbidden love, friendship and redemption set amidst the magnificent regal beauty of Cambridge, England as well as the ancient Italian cities of Napoli and Pompeii.

One Foot Onto the Ice

Kiki Archer - 2013
    As an invisible bond draws the two women closer, will they appreciate each other for who they are now, not who they once were? “One Foot Onto The Ice,” is a fast-paced romance set in the sunny ski resort of Morzine, where the young cast of students and teachers search for excitement on the slopes, with some finding it a lot more easily than others.

No More Pretending

Bette Hawkins - 2017
    She's so good at pretending, in fact, that no one watching her popular rom-coms or dazzling red carpet appearances would assume she was anything but charming, outgoing...and straight. While preparing to shoot a new film in a small Texas town, Lauren wonders what she would be like if her own life had followed a different script. Then she meets Harper Ward, a waitress at the local diner, whose natural beauty leaves her speechless. Harper mistakes Lauren's reaction for being stuck up and takes an instant dislike to her. Like Lauren, Harper isn't exactly what she seems—and also wonders what her life would be like if family obligations hadn't turned her world upside down. When the film's lecherous director hires Harper to work as his assistant, she and Lauren find themselves fighting a powerful attraction that quickly escalates into an overwhelming passion. But where can they go from here?

Finding Home

Georgia Beers - 2008
    But that means leaving her dog, Bentley, at home. So when Natalie Fox finds a skinny, terrified dog outside the bakery, the blue-eyed canine becomes the catalyst for a relationship between the two polar opposites.

Falling Through Shooting Stars

Nancy Ann Healy - 2015
    The executive director of Boston’s Fledger Foundation, she and her wife, Carrie, are raising three children, one from Julia’s first marriage…but being content is not the same as being happy.Katie Brennan is the popular host of a network television morning show. She has two children and a husband who plays major-league baseball. Rumors of her husband’s infidelity are troubling, but she knows how often the media reports innuendo and half-truths instead of facts.When the two women collaborate on a fundraising program for a new diversity center, they immediately strike up a friendship, one that only grows stronger when Katie discovers her husband has indeed been unfaithful.As Katie’s marriage fails, she realizes she is intensely attracted to her friend. Surprised by her own feelings, Katie distances herself from Julia, straining their relationship.For her part, Julia needs time to heal the wounds of her marriage. She’s not sure Katie will accept a romantic relationship, however, a doubt that gives her pause.Before either woman can move on, they need to find and accept themselves. Love might feel like falling through shooting stars, but sometimes it takes time for the stars to fall.

Passionate Kisses

Megan Carter - 2006
    Their strong bond earned them the nickname of the Three Musketeers. When Taylor turned 14 and announced she was gay, James and Sara stood by her. When James and Sara began dating, Taylor hid her love for Sara and moved on with her life.

Legacy of Love

Marianne K. Martin - 1997
    "What do you want from me?" she whispered.Suzanne pressed up into Sage's embrace, her body making demands on the skillful hands, commanding pleasure from the exciting mouth. "I need you to love me...as long as you possibly can".What was it about Sage Bristo that drew women to her? Maybe it was the tall, toned body and androgynous good looks. Perhaps they liked her confidence -- her movements and manner so sure and decisive. Or was it the air of mystery, the temptation of a challenge to unravel?Sage couldn't explain the attraction, but she had certainly benefited from it, at least physically. As her reputation as a Don Juana grew, so did her black book of admiring women. Women who wanted to spoil her, to own her, to please her. Women who would do anything for her. But never the woman she needed the most -- the one woman who could lead her through the realm of desire, to the thing she desires most...

Something in Return

Michele L. Rivera - 2014
    She is careful to avoid intimacy and does not allow anyone to get close to her. Taylor has convinced herself, against the wishes of her friends, that being unattached will save her from inevitable heartache. However, this all changes when Zoey, a representation of everything that Taylor is not, moves in with her. The more Zoey accepts Taylor for who she really is, the more Taylor worries that Zoey could fulfill her secret desire for true human connection. Now, a frightened Taylor must decide whether she is willing to reevaluate her sense of happiness and redefine it with Zoey, even if it means running the risk of being broken in the end. Something in Return is a story about learning to let people into our lives, as oftentimes getting to know the stranger among us requires getting to know the stranger within us. It is a tale of self-preservation and self-definition. It is about breaking down the confines in which we live that we typically have built ourselves, because it is only then that we are free and able to love truly.

Playing My Love

Angela Peach - 2013
    I mean, it had never happened to me, so I guess I just didn't think about it. But then... Darcy. Beautiful, kind, intelligent Darcy, who showed me a whole new meaning to the word love, and how to live when I thought there was nothing to live for. While teaching me how to play the guitar a deep friendship developed between us, but it only made me want what I couldn't have...or could I? Faced with difficult times and hard choices, Darcy becomes a crucial element in my life. I'm hiding something from her though. Something big that could destroy all the trust we've built. Was it love at first sight? No. It was so much more.

Body Language

Kenna White - 2010
    Most of her two weeks will be free to explore the beautiful Italian city with her friend Deena, but if she’d known who recommended her for the trip, she might have stayed home.An award-winning painter, Chandler Cardin also gives private art lessons. She’s the last person Joanna expects to run into so far from Boston. Equally unexpected is the attraction that resurfaces, reminding Joanna of old times. But far too much water has flowed under those bridges.Maybe she’d be better off taking Deena’s advice, and view Venice as her chance to experience the love ‘em and leave ‘em life—with anyone but Chandler.Bestselling author Kenna White Romancing the Zone, Comfortable Distance takes readers on a breathless journey through the beauties of Venice and the romance of a lifetime.

Winter Jacket

Eliza Lentzski - 2013
    It all started with a broken classroom heater…Graduate school prepares you for many things – the rigor of academic life, how to pull consecutive all-nighters, and living off a meager stipend without having to be roommates with cockroaches.Elle Graft might have made it through six years of graduate school, but she's not convinced she'll survive her first position as an Assistant Professor.Because for all she learned, graduate school never prepared her for dealing with a student crush.

Crystal's Heart

B.L. Miller - 2004
    Laura Taylor is a lesbian, professional writer, obsessive tidier, and control freak. Fate brings them together as improbably housemates. Can Laura and Crystal break through their carefully constructed walls against the past and learn to get along and start to embrace life again?