Shouting Match

Pandora Pine - 2022
    Putting his own love life on the back-burner, he’s spent the last five years ensuring the family restaurant, Lombardi’s, thrives. It’s pretty sad that the closest he’s gotten to cuddling is nearly being arrested by a ridiculously hot cop with a hard-on for speed limits.Forty years old and sick of one-night stands and prowling the bar scene, Detective Fuller Sims goes to local Italian restaurant, Lombardi’s, one night for drinks. What he’s not looking for is the youngest Lombardi brother to talk him into his matchmaking scheme. But Fuller is tired of being alone, and Brando Lombardi insists he knows exactly where to find the man of Fuller’s dreams—his overworked older brother, Capone—the guy Fuller almost arrested a few hours earlier.Taking a chance on each other, Capone and Fuller find out that Brando might have matchmaking skills after all. When a blizzard sets its sights on the rugged Maine coast, a shouting match between the new lovers sends Fuller out into the raging storm. Can Capone find him before it’s too late?Shouting Match is book one in the exciting Amore Matchmaking series. It features four gay brothers, their eccentric mother, an ornery goat, and way too much pasta.

Tainted Life

Mel Gough - 2018
     Desperate to forget his sorrows for a while, Pete seeks refuge in a Soho bar where he is approached by a sexy, funny, and clearly interested stranger. Photographer Liam Jackson is just the ticket for one oblivious night of perfect passion. However, their attraction proves too intense for a one-night-stand. To his surprise, Pete finds that he’s game for something more – but his baggage soon gets in the way. Then Liam’s own dangerous secrets claw their way to the surface, and threaten to derail the budding romance. Is their growing bond strong enough to weather the violent storms ahead? A sweet and angsty m/m romance novella.

Roping His Hero

Sue Brown - 2021
    Some return, most don’t.The Cowboy Daddy is in Hollywood…and totally out of his depth in a town where everything and everyone is shiny and on show, including the BDSM club.But one sub doesn’t fit the mold. The huge submissive in the mask is ignored by most of the Doms. He’s too big and too much of a challenge. But for Ronan, he’s perfect.Why does Aidan bother? Another night on his knees being ignored. At least his humiliation is hidden behind the mask.The Cowboy Daddy doesn’t blend in with the smooth and polished Doms. He’s a rough diamond. But he ignores the sweet twinks and asks for Aidan. For one night, Aidan is with someone who treats him like a precious gem.But Ronan receives an unexpected job offer and Aidan gets a bodyguard. Only one of them knows the truth. What happens when the truth comes out? Will the Cowboy rope his hero, or will he ride off into the sunset?

Lead Me Not

Ann Gallagher - 2015
    But when his sister proposes a documentary to demonstrate once and for all that it’s a choice—with Isaac choosing to be gay as proof—he balks. Until he learns his nephew is headed down that perverted path. Isaac will do anything to convince the teenager he can choose to be straight . . . including his sister’s film.When Isaac’s first foray into the gay lifestyle ends with a homophobic beating, he’s saved and cared for by Colton Roberts, a gentle, compassionate bartender with a cross around his neck. Colton challenges every one of Isaac’s deeply held beliefs about gay men. He was kicked out by homophobic parents, saved from the streets by a kind pastor, and is now a devout Christian. Colton’s sexuality has cost him dearly, but it also brought him to God.As the two grow closer, everything Isaac knows about homosexuality, his faith, and himself is called into question. And if he’s been wrong all along, what does that mean for his ministry, his soul, his struggling nephew—and the man he never meant to love?

Between Sinners and Saints

Marie Sexton - 2011
    Ostracized by his Mormon family for his homosexuality, Levi is determined to live his life his own way, but everything changes when he meets massage therapist Jaime Marshall.Jaime is used to being alone. Haunted by the horrors of his past, his only friend is his faithful dog, Dolly. He has no idea how to handle somebody as gorgeous and vibrant as Levi.Complete opposites on the surface, Levi and Jaime both long for something that they can only find together. Through love and the therapeutic power of touch, they’ll find a way to heal each other, and they’ll learn to live as sinners in a family of saints.

Save Me

Peter Styles - 2016
    He's much less delighted when he realizes said classmate is dating an infamously violent criminal that is always in and out of jail. While trying to help protect Davie, Jonah also has to contend with a family who has refused to speak to him since he came out, an ex-girlfriend-turned-bestie, and a partner who doesn't understand why Jonah could ever want to date someone other than him. Along the way, Jonah starts to realize that maybe being the perpetual hero isn't all it's cracked up to be. This book contains sexually explicit content not suited for those under the age of 18. The book is approximately 50,000 words, has a happy but realistic ending and does not end in a cliffhanger.

Goodbye Paradise

Nealy Wagner - 2015
    But for twenty years, Josh and Caleb called it home. In Paradise, there is no television. No fast food. Just long hours of farm work and prayer on a dusty Wyoming ranch, and nights in a crowded bunkhouse. The boys of the Compound are kept far from the sinners’ world. But Joshua doesn’t need temptation to sin. His whole life, he’s wanted his best friend, Caleb. By day they work side by side. Only when Josh closes his eyes at night can they be together the way he craves. It can never be. And his survival depends on keeping his terrible desires secret.Caleb has always protected Josh against the worst of the bullying at the Compound. But he has secrets of his own, and a plan to get away — until it all backfires. Josh finds himself homeless in a world that doesn’t want him. Can Caleb find him in time? And will they find a place of safety, where he can admit to Josh how he really feels? Warning: Contains a hot male/male romance, copious instances of taking the Lord's name in vain, and love against the kitchen counter. This book was previously released under the title: In Front of God & Everyone.

A Taste of Sin

Kate Hawthorne - 2019
    What if he’d not been an orphan? What if he’d been adopted? What if his best friend Reed hadn’t been torn out of his life when they were teens? But as an adult, he’s focused on the things he can control—his faith, his calling, and his pride.If you still want me, then I’ll have you.Finally together after a lifetime apart, Dominic and Reed find themselves in a state of emotional upheaval, complicated by the rules of their religions. Reed is terrified of losing his soul, and Dominic, his heart, but neither of them are willing to give up on the second chance they’ve been given without first enjoying a taste of sin.Forgive me, Father; it appears I’ve sinned.

Tied Together

Z.B. Heller - 2015
    Crew. His cocky attitude and good looks got him what he wanted, including samples off the man meat buffet. Then he found his favorite dessert, Brandon. But Brandon wasn’t sending out a rainbow vibe so Ryan was sent to the land that crushes dread, the friend zone.Brandon Ford was buried so deep down in the closet that clothes from the seventies had a better chance of coming out. His anxieties of acting on his desires could keep a therapist entertained for hours. Even though he did his best to build his emotions out of bricks, it was no use against Ryan’s charms.Follow Ryan and Brandon’s relationship from high school, to college and beyond to find out if they will be Tied Together.Warning: No Anaconda Turtles have been harmed in the making of this book.

Listen to Your Heart

A.D. Ellis - 2021
    He’s never forgotten that big, cuddly bear of a man and fondly recalls their ski resort romance. Now, he’s miserable in what was supposed to be his dream job and has no clue how to fix his situation. When Ethan gets a mysterious letter requesting his presence at the Falls, he can’t help but wonder if it’s the answer he’s been looking for. Theodore “Teddy” St. James lost his heart when Ethan walked away all those years ago and it still hurts to think about what might have been. Teddy is happy as a jack-of-all-trades at his family’s ski resort, but something is missing. Finding out Ethan is back in Christmas Tree Falls is all it takes for Teddy’s heart to start getting ideas about a second chance. Ethan and Teddy are older and wiser this time around, but is it enough? Will the magic of the Falls bring the men back together and give them a Christmas to remember? Or are the obstacles of a decade ago too much to overcome? **Listen to Your Heart is a steamy, second chance, M/M romance with just enough holiday magic to make you believe. It shares the same world with Follow Your Heart by Declan Rhodes.**


Tanya Chris - 2017
    Aayan Denir knows Garrett Hillier was once a high-powered defense attorney, and—thanks to a leaked photograph—he knows Garrett is sexually submissive, which makes him ideally qualified to defend Aayan's brother from the charge of murdering his sub. Aayan would do anything to protect Syed, even if he doesn't understand how Syed could hurt someone he loves. He could never hurt Garrett. He only wants to take care of him—love him, serve him, cherish him. And maybe torture him. Just a little. Garrett probably shouldn’t be dating his client’s brother. Right? And what’s the use in a confirmed sub dating a guy who doesn’t want to be a Dom anyway? The important thing is to get Syed cleared of the discriminatory murder charge he’s facing. Aayan is a distraction. But for the first time in the three lonely years since Garrett’s husband died, he’s feeling hope, ambition, and desire. Can he give up the pain he craves to find the love he needs? As Syed’s trial date looms, Aayan and Garrett explore what a BDSM relationship means for them, and what they mean to each other. Aftercare is a M/M BDSM contemporary romance about Aayan, a Muslim immigrant who’s not sure he can play the Dom role, and Garrett, a submissive attorney who walked away from his life when his husband died. 64,000 words.

The Best Friend

Raleigh Ruebins - 2020
    It didn’t matter that he was a football star and I was a mathlete, or that I was gay and he was straight. We stuck together like glue--until he married a girl and ran away.Now Mitch is back home, and he’s a divorced single dad. His son is in my math class, and I collide with Mitch everywhere in this small town. When he starts bartending at the only local gay bar, I’m screwed. Red’s Tavern is my haven, but how can I fake it for other guys when I’m in love with the big jock behind the bar?Then Mitch invites me into his bed, saying it's just for fun. But I’m addicted to him the second his body is on mine.I’ve done the math a million times. I know the odds are bad, but I know I want him.And now that he’s given me a taste, I can’t stop begging for more.

Pros & Cons of Vengeance

A.E. Wasp - 2018
    FIVE CHANCES FOR REDEMPTION. One thing’s for sure: these men are no angels.*There’s nothing like being blackmailed by a dead man to really bring a group of cons together. And what a group we are: a hacker, a thief, a con artist, a thug, and a Federal agent with an axe to grind. The deal is simple, we do the jobs and Charlie’s lawyer wipes the slate clean for each of us, one at a time.Since job number one calls for some muscle, it looks like I’m up first. I’m Steele Alvarez, ex-Special Forces Close Protection Specialist (aka, a bodyguard for some not so nice guys).After learning what the job is — taking down a seemingly untouchable senator with a penchant for beating up young male prostitutes — I’m in. No questions. A bullet ought to do the trick.Then I met Senator Harlan’s latest victim: Breck Pfeiffer, the gorgeous hooker with a heart of gold and the soul of a fighter. One look at him and I’m gone. That kid laid me out harder than any punch ever did. I’ll do anything to protect Breck, even kill for him. But Breck doesn’t want the senator dead, he wants vengeance.If we’re going to find a way bring down the slimebag and get the blackest mark on my record erased, I’m going to need all the help I can get.Like it or not, we’re all in this together.


Shea Balik - 2017
     There was no doubt about it, Macalister Whitmore was as straight-laced as they came. He worked all the time, never did anything that would be considered fun, and almost always wore a suit and tie, even in the laid back southern town of Dahlonia, where the dress code tended to be jeans and t-shirts. It was how his parents raised him and Macalister was sure even a tanning salon couldn’t change that. David Wilson wanted to throttle his best friend for sending Mac to his tanning salon to try and loosen up the uptight lawyer. He had never met anyone that had actually worn a suit to a tanning salon before. What Mac needed was a doctor to remove that stick from his ass. Then again, if Mac continued to look down his nose at David, he would remove it himself. Still, it seemed that opposites do attract, so they decide to give each other a chance. Happily ever after may sound like a dream come true, but no one ever said it didn’t come with pain and heartache. Will they walk away from each other, or walk through hell for the chance to pop some Bubbly and celebrate finding their happy ending? Male/Male romance and sexual situations.

On Solid Ground

Melissa Collins - 2015
    The man who normally has a clear path to victory surrounded by brothers in combat is suddenly lost and alone. After meeting Beckett Ridge, a bearded tattoo artist, Dax’s journey begins winding down an unexpected path. Still reeling from events that shook his foundation, Beck has never been part of anything meaningful. Now faced with responsibilities foreign and daunting, Dax’s broken spirit mends Beck in ways he never even knew he was destroyed. As both struggle to find balance, they are healed by the comfort they find in one other. On the other side of chaos, they hope to find themselves On Solid Ground.