The Crusader's Blade

James Mercer - 2015
    Amongst his few possessions is a dagger which bears an unknown heraldic symbol. He joins a band of mercenaries heading for Venice where the Christians are assembling for the Crusade. On his journey from boy to manhood, discovering a surprisingly natural aptitude for combat, he encounters a secret Brotherhood and their avowed enemy The Order of the Blooded Cross. “The Crusader’s Blade” is the first of three novels that draw heavily on historical detail, intermingling real and fictitious characters and events to give an enthralling portrait of the religious battles of the age.

IGOR (Global War On Terror Book 1)

Raymond Hunter Pyle - 2017
    For an intelligence analyst without SEAL training, it can be traumatic. Navy Lieutenant (JG) Lee Toliver, Naval Academy Graduate, Linguist and Middle East Polyglot, is assigned to Trident, an Office of Naval Intelligence group dedicated to Naval Special Warfare Command. Having survived injuries from a suicide bombing in London, and almost a year in and out of Brooke Military Burn Center in Texas, he is ready to get his career back on track and anticipating his introduction to the SEAL Team he will support. American born linguists fluent in Middle East languages are in short supply and always in demand. His fluency in Pashto brought him to the attention of Detachment Bravo of SEAL Team 2 deploying to Bagram, Afghanistan. But Lee was also fluent in several dialects of Arabic. Seal Team 3 was raging across Anbar Province in Iraq, and in 2006, Ramadi is back on the radar for a major operation. Lee is about to find out that deploying with a SEAL Team has only a passing acquaintance with intelligence office work. In SEAL Team direct action ops, interpreters and interrogators are needed outside the wire as much as inside. Going kinetic, is a term he will come to understand intimately.

Belly of The Beast

Forrest J. Fegert - 2014
    The young men face the enemy with courage and tenacity knowing the odds of death will be high. The reader climbs into the ball turret with William “Ox” Abraham for every terrorizing mission leaving with a new appreciation for the determination, resolve and fighting spirit of these B-17 crewmen. The story is graphic, tragic and heartfelt. Hopefully their story of courage and gallantry will live on through all generations.

Meeting Steve Canyon . . . and Flying with the CIA in Laos

Karl L. Polifka - 2013
    This account has many illustrations of the grinding stress of intense combat in Laos, and the periodic clashes with the distant headquarters that had little knowledge of an extremely complex combat environment and was more focused on control rather than results.

Outside the Wire: Riding with the Triple Deuce in Vietnam, 1970

James William Ross - 2013
    Thoughtful, action-packed memoir of one American soldier's combat tour in Vietnam in 1970

A Walk in the Park: A Vietnam Comedy

Odon Bacque - 2013
    Bacque Jr. figures his poor eyesight rules him out for the draft, not to mention the fact that he's studying law in college, so the young man doesn't worry too much about the war raging in Vietnam. But when his law school requests he doesn't return, Bacque learns just how wrong he was.Still convinced his eyesight—or rather the lack of it—disqualifies him from a combat position, he learns once again he’s mistaken. Sent through Officer Candidate School, he winds up assigned to the 5th Special Forces…the Green Berets.Once in Vietnam, Bacque prepares for the worst—only to have fate finally cut him some slack. Reassigned from an A team back to a B team, he finds himself removed from the front lines and ordered to perform a task better suited to an accounting major, a course he barely passed in college. Still, it beat trying to survive jungle warfare with a serious vision impairment…A Walk in the Park: A Vietnam Comedy charts Bacque's experiences in Vietnam along with his growing disillusionment with the war's management. Funny without being disrespectful, his story offers a surprisingly comedic look at wartime service.

Al-Qaeda Dawn

P.M. Crowley - 2011
    They intend to make a political statement by slamming a hijacked aircraft with hundreds of innocent people on board into an unknown target, possibly a nuclear power station, on the British mainland. As MI5 and Special Branch closely monitor the terrorist cell, a second al-Qaeda team arrive. MI5 have to make a quick decision, split their resources in two or take a chance and let them run. With no prior knowledge of what's about to happen on the other side of the pond, they decide to let them run. Bad call! With the Heathrow team safely apprehended, and a D Notice placed on the media, British Military Intelligence considers their efforts enough to protect the people of the United Kingdom. How wrong they'll be proved.Once news of the cowardly, indiscriminate attacks on the Twin Towers in the US start to filter through, MI5 realise their mistake. With their only credible agent in Afghanistan down, and no more information available, British Intelligence decide to send in a team to retrieve as much intelligence as possible. MI5 contact one of their Black Ops personnel. Jonny Davies, an ordinary guy, with extraordinary talents is asked to undertake an exceptional mission to liberate the information MI5 need if they're to stop the other terrorist cell before they can act against British targets. Reluctant to go at first, Ex-SAS Ops Sergeant Davies is persuaded with a million pounds to go; but he'll only accept the job if he can take a team with him. Even Jonny Davies won't do the Afghan run on his own. MI5 have no choice, it's accept Davies' terms or do it themselves. In this warts and all novel we see the raw nature of ordinary men pushed to the extreme. Davies will use any means necessary to achieve his objective. Against international law, he's driving into Afghanistan in a large white 4x4 with UN markings, flying a UN flag and Irish tricolour. It's what Jonny Davies does; he lies, cheats, bluffs, bribes and chances his luck. And if that doesn't work, he embraces the extreme alternative of military fire-power. He locks and loads and shoots whatever's in front of him.Once inside Afghanistan fire-fights with bandits, tribal factions and drugs runners soon follow. When he and his team reach Jalalabad they're expected to infiltrate the Devil's lair, immobilise the guards with a blade, enter the compound, extract the information and then blow the compound to smithereens. MI5 want it to look as though a US air strike has destroyed the place, and thus act on the information retrieved without al-Qaeda being any the wiser.Back home, and with the mission complete, Jonny Davies and his team look forwards to a big pay-day, only to find MI5 have an extended agenda.If the boys want paying, they'll have to go morally, a lot further than they've already been. What price a man's conscience? Would you kill for your country? Would you kill innocent women and children for your country? Unarmed civilians? This is what the British Secret Intelligent Service will ask Davies and his team to do if they want paying. On the horns of a dilemma the boys will have to make a difficult choice, commit an act of murder for the State, or wave their wages goodbye. What would you do? Honestly!

A Killing Place In The Sun

Robert F. Barker - 2020
    But to this Englishman, it’s his castle. And he wants it back.It began as a simple property dispute. It ended in all-out war.Ex-soldier and policeman, Peter Murray, returns to the beautiful holiday island of Cyprus to keep the vow he made to his late wife, Kathy, to complete the deal on the ‘Place In The Sun’ that was their shared dream before a tragic accident took her, and their son, from him.But Murray’s hopes are shattered when he finds the house being lived in by Russian mobster, Valerik Podruznig, and his family, as well as his small army of enforcers. Podruznig already sees the potential in the house Murray built - and has no intention of giving it up.From Murray’s initial attempts at peaceful negotiation, what begins as a simple property dispute soon escalates, through threats, intimidation and violence, before exploding into all-out war. In the face of Podruznig’s casual disregard for the law, Murray has to call on all his policing experience and military know-how to counter the Russian’s efforts and stay alive.Equal parts crime novel, heist thriller, and military adventure, and set against the backdrop of the popular holiday resort of Pafos, A Killing Place In The Sun recounts the struggle for supremacy between two determined adversaries, one as ruthless and dangerous as the other is principled and daring, as they each seek the resolution they desire.Hanging over the action, is the mystery of what happened to the consignment of gold that disappeared during Murray and his team’s last military mission, and its connection, if any, to the house in the sun. Things are complicated further when the local police chief’s vivacious daughter's feelings of sympathy for Murray’s plight start evolving into something deeper. And when her life is threatened, it triggers a nail-biting climax that finally brings Murray and Podruznig face-to-face in a way that is not just unexpected, but puts several twists on all that has gone before. As the new dawn casts its first shadows over what has, by now, become, A Killing Place In The Sun, the shattering truth finally reveals itself. But who will be left alive to witness it? Find out by buying it, today.Robert F Barker was born in Liverpool, England. During a thirty-year police career, he worked in and around some of the North West’s grittiest towns and cities. As a senior detective, he led investigations into all kinds of major crime including, murder, armed robbery, serious sex crime and people/drug trafficking. Whilst commanding firearms and disorder incidents, he learned what it means to have to make life-and-death decisions in the heat of live operations. His stories are grounded in the reality of police work, but remain exciting, suspenseful, and with the sort of twists and turns that crime-thriller readers love.5* Praise for Robert F Barker's books'A gripping read about an exceptional detective and the complexities in his life'(Last Gasp)'Fabulous writer and solid knowledge of police procedures. Can't wait for more from this writer' -Last Gasp'A fantastic page turner with a hugely sinister and disturbing villain at its heart' -Family Reunion'As exciting and ‘real’ as anything I have read in a police detective novel in a long time' - Family Reunion'Well written and fast paced.... a great read for crime-thriller fans' - Final Breath'Loved, loved, LOVED this book! Couldn't put it down. Always left on the edge of my seat wanting to know what happened next!'(Last Gasp)'A very well crafted mystery that keeps you guessing and on the edge of your seat'(Final Breath)'Jamie Carver is a mix of genius... and emotional wreck!' - Out Of Air'So compelling and well written that I can't wait to read the next in the series' (Final Breath)

Drummer Boy: Honour Thy Family

E. Arthur Carkeek - 2018
    Almost twelve years of age, he volunteers for the King's service, in the struggle against Napoleon and to help his war wounded father survive. A tale of bravery, family honor and finding out just what you are made of.

Check Ride

Thomas McGurn - 2020
    While Tom McGurn was only one young pilot, thousands shared his experiences in the Army. In Check Ride, he recounts previously undisclosed details of flight missions, giving the reader a taste of the everyday flavor of life during those times. From ranger insertions/extractions to shipborne operations, combat assaults, SEALS, and the usual WTF! missions, this era created a new generation of mobile warfare warriors who were fine-tuned by the needs of the United States Army. Some had it better. Some had it worse.

Courage on the Mountain

George Reischling - 2013
    Nui Ba Dien or the “Black Virgin Mountain” served as a major staging area for the last finger of the infamous Ho Chi Minh trail as it crossed the Cambodian border just a few miles to the West. Honeycombed with hundreds of caves and fortified with elite NVA and Viet Cong soldiers, she stood as a “Thorn in the Side” of American military control of the region. The 25th Infantry Division held a communication site on her highest peak and also the land encircling her base but her slopes were voraciously defended by large numbers of elite enemy soldiers. Anytime any American unit undertook to engage her slopes, a hellacious battle was guaranteed with the “Angel of Death” always hovering near! These memoirs illuminate more than just the courage of battle but also the courage and inner strength that the soldiers of Vietnam had to shoulder upon their return home. Courage and dignity qualify all Vietnam Veterans such that the country that at one time turned their back on them now holds them in high esteem. This is my story, start to finish and it was written to enlighten the reader to a greater understanding of the American men and women and their struggles for survival in America’s most unpopular war!

Sword at Sunrise

Alan Evans - 1996
    When young Richard Langley salvages, against all odds, the doomed Landing Craft that becomes known as Bloody Norah, little does he realise that in just a year’s time both of them will be involved in the greatest combined sea and air assault in history.Back in Britain, the preparations for Operation Overlord are being finalised. Crucial to the effort will be the dawn landing on Normandy beach, codenamed Sword, and the capture of a fortified chateau under the command of the ruthless Captain Franz Engel.Success hinges on the contribution of Patrick Ward’s gilder units, Langley and Bloody Norah, and the reconnaissance gathered by nurse turned SOE agent Suzi Jones.The countdown has begun to their appointment with destiny on the 6th June 1944. D-Day. A stunning, action-packed novel of the end of the Second World War, for fans of Jack Higgins, Philip McCutchan and Douglas Reeman.

BOOTS: An Unvarnished Memoir of Vietnam

Stephen L. Park - 2012
    In January, 1967, at the age of twenty, I left my home in Tennessee, and was on my way to Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Georgia. I knew I was destined to join the party in Vietnam. I had been married for five days before I jumped on the bus and became US government property. I was about to embark on a walking tour through the jungles and muck of southern Asia. This book is about those jungles, that muck and the realities of what had been pitched as a brave and glamorous life of a soldier in combat. There is nothing glamorous in humping the brush, a backpack containing your whole life on your back, an M-16 to keep you warm at night. Red ants, trip wires, flooded rice paddies, leeches and being soaked for a year in either sweat or monsoons aren’t what they show on the movies, and the John Waynes were to be avoided; those guys were part of the ten-percent factor. Among the casualties of war are the truth and common sense. A glamorous life? No, not at all. It was a grunt's life... and this grunt had only one goal in mind – to do his tour and get home to his bride. There were times where it seemed even that was an unachievable goal.This is the story of November Platoon, Delta Company, 1st Battalion, 18th Infantry, 1st Division – The Big Red One – in Vietnam. This is my story… completely unvarnished.

Shaped by the Shadow of War

Don Catherall - 2017
    Don grew up in a world shaped by his father's silent grief, strict discipline, and painful lessons in survival. When his own turn came, Don joined the Marines and went to Vietnam. This book tells the story of his experience in Vietnam, as well as his father's experience in the South Pacific, especially the scorching battle for Peleliu. But this is also a story about family life and the way in which the shadow of war is cast beyond the individual combatants. Don grew up in the shadow of his father's war and parented his children in the shadow of his own experience in Vietnam. He saw war's impact as a child, as a parent, and in his work as a clinical psychologist. Ultimately, this is a story of generational healing and recovering one's humanity.


Jamie Thompson - 2019
    It’s a memoir of the author’s service as an infantry sergeant, squad leader and point man in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War.