Book picks similar to
Worst Case Scenario Book 3: Invasion by G. Allen Mercer
The Prepper, Part 1: The Collapse
Karl A.D. Brown - 2013
As the world careens towards nuclear and economic disaster, Alfred, acting on his instincts, awakens and becomes a prepper. After four US cities are destroyed with nuclear weapons, the US economy crumbles and the family struggles to survive in a world where food shortages, looting, rioting, and a deadly breakdown of the social order has become the norm. In a time when there is no government, infrastructure, or friends to count on, the Aimes family realizes that all they have is each other. "The Prepper Part One: The Collapse" is a stand alone novel.
A Long Lonely Road, part two, Timberline
T.J. Reeder - 2012
It’s a tale of the drive to get home come hell or high water.I’m writing it about the way I myself would get home after an event. I can only hope I would do as well in real life.I have the will , drive and know how but maybe the ol body is low on fuel. Time will tell.
The Dogs of Liberty (The Colter Saga)
Joel Baker - 2013
The first novel entitled Friends of the Family followed the struggle of Jesse and Sarah Colter and their family as they face the overnight end of civilization. They are forced on a journey through a desolate and dangerous landscape, testing the courage and resolve of the family and the friends they meet along the way. As they reach Haven, Jesse’s childhood home, they struggle to fight evil and build a life of love and decency for their family. The second novel entitled The Way of the Dogs begins some eighty years after the Colter family arrived at a place called Haven. Sarah and Jesse’s son Paul, now in his nineties, is the sole survivor of the family. The extended Colter family has prospered, unaware of the gathering storm of wickedness swirling around them. James Colter, the only grandson of Mark, is a loner, and very much like his great grandfather Jesse. Not comfortable with the progress around him, he could be the last best hope as evil descends on Haven. This third novel The Dogs of Liberty begins with the Cherokees and Gypsies move north. James Colter was asked to lead the expedition with his wife Molly. While James ancestors settled Haven at the time of the Go Back, now with civilization returning, James is anxious to leave all that behind. Leading the wagon train north seemed an ideal solution. Molly knew of James need for wide open spaces and there was nothing holding them to Haven. When their daughter had told them the Colter dogs were dying, she hoped the move north would enable the dogs to recover and remain friends of the family.
Prepper's Crucible: An Arizona Tale
Bobby Andrews - 2015
The group, consisting of three couples, must now reunite in Prescott, Arizona, the site of their bug out location. Two of the couples must use power line easements and old cattle trails to find their way to their ranch in Prescott. They face many challenges during their grueling journey, which they make on ATVs. Meanwhile, the third couple hunkers down at the ranch and prepares for the arrival of their friends. The Prepper’s Crucible is the first of a three part series. Follow along as the group struggles to survive and thrive in a world gone mad.
Take Back Denver (Denver Burning Book 2)
Algor X. Dennison - 2015
Now they face not only the fight for survival in the new post-grid world, but a fight for the civilization they once belonged to. Their prepper band face challenges at home and all around them as they feel their way past new dangers and toward each other. And in the end, each of them must come full circle and face what they left behind: the city in ruins that has become the key to the region's freedom.
Grid Down Perceptions of Reality: Volume 2 Part 2
Bruce Buckshot Hemming - 2014
In Grid Down Reality Bites, a high-altitude nuclear blast causing an EMP (electrical magnetic pulse) destroys the power grid, catapulting life as they knew it, back to the 1800's. The saga continues in Grid Down Perceptions of Reality (volume 2, part 2), A small band of survivors desperately struggle to survive the chaos that ensues. Now a post-apocalyptic world, they must rely on their primal instincts to escape destruction, disease and death. In this book, the story of Grid Down continues, following Clint and Junior with their small band of survivors. When we last left Clint and Junior, both were suffering gunshot wounds while trying to escape after an attack on a group of Rainbow Warriors (Grid Down Reality Bites, Chapter 37).
Out of Gas
Randy Dyess - 2012
Their childhoods were spent in small Texas towns with summers at their respected grandparent’s farms. Like most teenagers growing up in small towns they could not wait to flee after graduation for big cities and successful careers. Careers were launched, the big house on the golf course bought, luxury cars leased, and fancy vacations taken. They had it all until a global fuel shortage started causing Mark to wonder about his job and the financial future of his family. Follow Mark and Kelly as they learn about global finances, hidden agendas, and the cover-up of the upcoming global fuel shortage and severe economic depression it will create. Follow the Turner’s as they plan their strategy to voluntarily move from an upper middle-class lifestyle to a self-sustaining lifestyle on an Oklahoma farm before it is too late. Learn alongside them as they learn the skills needed to live on a small farm, raise their own food, and prepare for a global economic depression on a scale never seem by mankind before.
Fortress Farm Trilogy: Volumes 1, 2 & 3
G.R. Carter - 2015
Chilling in concept, the series remains hopeful as people work together to survive a worldwide catastrophe. This box set contains: * The Case for Continuity (Brand new prologue) * The Pullback - Book 1 (New scenes surrounding the timeline of the Reset) * Shield of the Okaw - Book 2 (New chapters with added character background) * Red Hawk Rising - Book 3 * A key to important terms, characters and maps in the world of Fortress Farm. Includes pictures. Also includes three never before published short stories complete with background information on related characters: * History of the North American Caliphate * Jenkins Family Dilemma * Fruit of the Valley: Quest for the Phoenix The motivation for the Fortress Farm series was simple; all across America there’s one thing people can agree on…something just isn’t right. A gut reaction is warning us that we as a people are in grave danger. Special interests tear at each other and divide us. Mounting debt becomes more unsustainable with each fiscal cycle. Most important, for the first time in human history, we don’t know how to feed ourselves. Society teeters just nine meals from chaos. We are at the mercy of intricate supply chains for the most basic of needs. If tomorrow that supply chain stopped, and the grocery store was empty, what would we do to care for our families? In the setting of the Fortress Farm series, the world’s electrical and communications grid fails. People are left people without food, water or heat. Leaders seize remaining resources for their own benefit, forsaking those they claimed to serve. Bandits roam the countryside preying on the weak. Humans once more fear what lurks in the night. Fortress Farm charts the progress of different societies as they reform in the void. Some try to create libertarian republics, others benevolent dictatorships, caliphates and military rule. Some Churches join forces and once again help lost souls find hope, while other religions take the opportunity to prove God's judgement is upon them. Each situation presents unique challenges and this new dark age survivors to the point of collapse. But all is not lost. This is not just a story detailing the implosion of a fragile society, but a blueprint for how we might prepare before catastrophe strikes and how we rebuild afterwards. More important than governmental theories, Fortress Farm follows common people doing the best they can to defend and care for their families in a chaotic world, each trying to build a better life for their loved ones.
Bug Out! Part 1: Escape in a Motorhome
Robert Boren - 2014
The State Government is on the verge of collapse. State Pensions are gone. Banking is disrupted.State jobs are eliminated, and it washes through the economy like a tidal wave. Violence Looting. Wholesale destruction of property. Frank and Jane knowthey must escape. But how?They have a Motorhome. They can Bug Out!Follow Frank and Jane as they fight their way out of California. What dangers are waiting for them outside? Why are military convoys and tanks moving southand west on the roads? Why are checkpoints being set up everywhere?Is Martial Law coming? Are the preppers right?What is going on across the southern border? Scary people are coming across.Soldiers from Venezuela. Islamic Fighters.US Army and Private Militia forces are waiting to take them on, and Frank and Jane must thread their way through the battles. They have the perfect Bug Out Vehicle. Will they survive?Can they bug out and find safety?
Buck Out
Ken Benton - 2015
When China and Japan decide it’s time to dump U.S. Treasury Bonds, an economic nightmare plays out in America. The Federal Reserve watches helplessly as the dollar is decimated and the resulting food shortage spreads lawlessness across the land like a virus. Malcolm is a successful day trader who always needs to make one more score before he’ll listen to Ryan and diversify some of his assets into real estate or gold. He figures an impressively-larger bank account might be the only way he can lure his Secret Service agent ex-wife back. Malcolm finally hits it big by aggressively shorting bonds when the market crashes, but waits too long to invest in tangibles. All that newfound money suddenly won’t by him a bar of gold, a pint of beer, or a minute of Hannah’s attention—especially when she’s in the field chasing down a former counterfeiting gang. As luck would have it, Ryan turns out to be a closet doomsday prepper. The two of them attempt to escape the chaotic Big Apple and reach Ryan’s land in West Virginia, supplied only by the contents of Ryan’s bug-out bag. But it’s not going to be an easy journey. Traveling has become difficult and dangerous. Malcolm learns he must redirect the same tenacity which helped him beat the markets towards staying alive on the road …and, hopefully, finding Hannah.
Survivors of the Sun: A post-apocalyptic thriller
Mia Kingslie - 2020
She was a happily married woman, at home with three children and their Boston Terriers. In an instant everything changed. The power went off, and no-one knew why. By nightfall, Nathan, her husband had still not returned. In time, the water stopped running. With only three days of food left in the house and dwindling water supplies, she has no choice but to flee Kansas City. Their world changes dramatically, entering a post-apocalyptic age, with looting, rioting and violence becoming the norm. As they escape across country, Georgia has to overcome her fears and keep her loved ones safe. Together they face heart wrenching decisions as they encounter the inconceivable. Their journey leads them through a harsh new reality. The struggles and hardships that they endure, threaten their very existence, testing their loyalty, fortitude and love for each other in ways they could never have imagined.
Dark Coup (The Dark Grid Series)
David C. Waldron - 2013
However, looming dangers to life and liberty remain--and not all of them come from outside of the community.As the Colonel's attacks on neighboring bases increase in both number and ferocity, the rebels uncover the startling, almost unbelievable, truth about a corrupt and shadowy cabal linked by greed and lust for power, and their dangerous conspiracy to fulfill a lethal agenda that originated years ago. With diminishing resources and an unequal fighting force, can the rebels recapture America for those who value freedom, self-determination, and God-given rights, over exploitation and suppression?
Officer of the Watch
D.W. McAliley - 2015
Captain Joe Tillman, a retired Navy Seal and Officer of the Watch witnesses the attack firsthand and the bloodshed that begins shortly afterwards. Meanwhile, Eric and a group of fellow park visitors in North Carolina are thrust together and must face the first days of desperate chaos as they try to find a safe haven to ride out the coming storm. As modern life and the social order it brings begins to break down, each of these two groups must come face to face with the brutality that resides deep within us all.
The Smuggler's Chase: A Chase Fulton Novel (Chase Fulton Novels Book 16)
Cap Daniels - 2022
Solar Storm: Homeward Bound
Vincent Keith - 2017
He'd spent years learning to live in a minimalist and sustainable way. He'd changed careers, and he had a plan. A plan just in case the worst happened. Unfortunately for Jack, he was far from home when disaster struck, when the end of the world as we know it came. Now he is on foot, with winter coming. Jack and his two dogs will need to trek over 750 miles to get home. How do you cope when almost everything you depend upon is lost? When everything you've come to rely on stops working. There was no way to predict a Solar Storm. There was no way to predict its enormous magnitude or the damage that it would do. What do you do when you can't call for help? When transportation stops and the lights go out? How hungry do you have to be to steal, to kill? What will people do when there is no law? Who can you trust? Jack would most likely run out of food before he got home, even if nothing went wrong. But something had already gone wrong, and it was just the beginning. He had choices to make and no information. Every decision was a trade-off. Would he survive if he chose wrong? Jack was about to find out.