
S.H. Allan - 2013
    Two years ago, Derrick Cole took one of his teenage probationers to learn about a new program that helped at risk kids by teaching them how to train shelter dogs. There he met the executive director and founder, Nigel Rutherford. Although the two men came from different worlds, they immediately found common ground in an interest in social issues and a desire to help others. A strong mutual attraction grew over time into the kind of solid loving relationship that so many people only dream about.But getting to this point wasn't easy. Bias and intolerance barred the way, and Derrick's foster father, Ronald Bryant, was at the core. When Ronald dies tragically, the couple is forced to face demons from their past that threaten to destroy everything they've fought so hard for.Death does a lot of things to people. Nigel and Derrick must fight to make sure that their relationship isn't yet another tragic loss.Warnings: Contains grief and loss, death of a parent, lots of crying, a bit of PTSD, snarky teens, adorable but opportunistic dogs, foul language, emotionally intense hot man on hot man sex action, and an excessive number of pumpkins.--------------------------------------------------------------This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.


L.C. Chase - 2013
    Done many things that skirt the boundaries between play and outright sex onstage. It’s all in good fun, and the crowd eats it up; I'm just giving them what they want. But… this time is different. This time there are actual sparks. I don’t know if it's him, or the fact that I’m underneath him. What if he’s only playing along? I may command the stage, but he’s captivating me…Photo Description: Musicians on the stage floor, the guitarist straddling the singer while still playing.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

Meant to Be

Chris Cox - 2013
    Emotionally rough high school years and financially draining college years have drawn them closer together and now, with Sean graduating, they are ready to enjoy all the good life their beloved city, New Orleans, has to offer. Laissez les bons temps rouler!After a tough job search, Sean is offered his dream job—in Boston. But for Rusty, moving to Boston means leaving the career and the family he loves. Stay or go? Either way, someone loses. Will their love survive the sacrifice? This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.Meant To Be is the first story in the Bayou Boys series and is for free as a single download or in the Love Has No Boundaries anthology volume 3


N.R. Walker - 2012
    That's what he calls me. I am a Dychiiop. We are a race of people who transmogrify into more than one form. I come from a place known as Auhin. We are a peaceful planet and people. An asteroid struck my ship, damage irreparable, mission aborted. Setting off alarms, shutting down sections of the ship along with the backups, I could do nothing but make it to safety and shift into another form and suspend while the ship spiralled out of control. My ship crash-landed on what I thought was a deserted place. I made it out with minor cuts as I made it to safety from the crash. I sat there in shock and watched my ship burn to nothing. All communications to my home planet, lost, gone. Gone was my link to everything I knew. This is the first time that I have ever felt so alone. What a strange place to be lost in. I found shelter from the elements and settled in to rest and recover. Shortly thereafter, I detected someone watching me. So close, so very close….…I was captured and imprisoned by this man [Photo 2]. They call him Von.[Photo 2] He is a sadistic human who continues to conduct cruel experiments on us. I am imprisoned in a place somewhere underground where the light is false. It is cold here, an unnatural cold. The experiments have left me unable to fully shift. It is too painful to be awake most of the time, too painful to sleep for the nightmares. I am in limbo. I am not alone here. I hear others. There are rooms which hold beings that are part human and something else. I do not know. I hear screams, weeping, so much pain.There are four other humans (?) in white coats who get their orders from this Von human. I hear their whispers when he is away. They speak often of TradeCap or Sector 5. A sector where those who have genetically "Completed" end up. When you are sent there, you do not return... I miss my home, my people. I hate it here. Am I to continue to suffer a fate worse than death at the hands of this insane human? I've been on this god-forsaken planet for a few months? Weeks, who knows? How do I get out?[Photo 3] My name is Rhys Denali Delacroix. I was born a lion shifter. I belong to an elite organization that rescues and protect shifters of all kinds. Our undercover missions infiltrate the worst offenders who otherwise have the money and means to slip under the radar and bureaucratic red tape to carry out their experiments. This is the worst I've seen yet. I wear one of the white coats. I oversee Sector 7 where Sin is housed.The first time I laid eyes on Sin a few months ago, there was no doubt in my mind that he is to be with me. Since then I've craved Sin like my next breath. Fuck! I've never met anyone like him before. I can only watch him from afar without blowing my cover. Why now? Shit! Couldn't this happen at any other time? I've kept him in a state of suspension. I cannot bear to hear his screams. But I have to be careful. I have to find a way to keep him safe and bide my time. Von has become suspicious of my movements in the lab. He may be on to me. He's had a possessive eye on Sin from the very first day and it has been full of lust ever since.Photo Description: [Photo 1] Half naked man, wearing only leather pants and matching wrist cuffs, with the top of his ass exposed. His hands are raised above his head, and tied. He can't escape. He has jet black hair with a stripe of white strands at his forehead, almond shaped eyes and a sweet smile. [Photo 2] A well-defined man standing in an expensive suit, with his shirt open, exposing his muscular torso. His stance is dominating, his look is threatening. His eyes are cold and his smile is sinister. He's clearly used to getting what he wants, when he wants it, whatever the cost. [Photo 3] A close-up face-only photo of a dark-skinned man, with full, beautiful lips and sky-blue eyes. His stare is captivating, crystal clear and a true window to his soul. His eyes alone tell us he is strong and honest. His eyes tell us he will defend what is right, what is his.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is Always Write" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.Read the story here or find it in Love Is Always Write: Volume 9.__________Genre: Sci-Fi; paranormal; other-worldTags: Sci-Fi; scientist; shifters; under-cover agents; abduction; experiments; bondedWarnings: almost dub-con; torture; violenceWord count: 12,233


Reece McKinley - 2013
    We had some really good years, the three of us. But now that she’s gone, the pain of her death is tearing both our minds apart. I know he’s been doing stupid things. Breaking the rules our sire taught us. Risking his life. What am I going to do? He’s all I have left— just like I’m all he has, but am I enough?Photo Description: A black and white photo of two young men— standing in profile— naked and nearly identical. They appear to be in their mid to late twenties; short dark hair, prominent noses. The background is completely black, the only thing visible in the photo are the two men facing each other, nose to nose in a tight embrace.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

Firsts and Forever

Elizah J. Davis - 2012
    Every breath, every action, it's all fresh and new and charged with lust.PHOTO DESCRIPTION: Two men are sharing a moment of domesticity, standing side by side, brushing their teeth together. This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is Always Write" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.Read the story here or find it in Love Is Always Write: Volume 3.

Macon's Story

Hennessee Andrews - 2013
    One is taboo, his best friend Wade Sutherland. His second love is the rodeo, where their problems begin. When a nosy reporter clicks a picture at the rodeo, capturing Wade and Macon kissing, life is never the same and neither are their relationships with their family and peers. As outcasts in their small, narrow-minded town, Wade and Macon feel the effects daily. Wade becomes secretive with their relationship, foolishly believing that hiding is the answer. What he doesn't realize is how much harm he is inflicting on Macon by doing so. Sneaking away for intimate moments with Wade are as hurtful as the glares Macon receives from people who are supposed to be neighbors, friends. Even roping buddies have stopped inviting them to functions. He can't stand how he feels or how Wade is treating him. When he receives a call from Zander Wesley, he sees a new life and opportunity for him and Wade. Note: This book is written in one point of view.Note: This book was previously available as a free read on Goodreads under the title Rough in the Saddle. ** A Siren Erotic Romance


Aleksandr Voinov - 2012
     When the local authorities ask Kyle Juenger to hunt a shape-shifting Glyrinny spy, he can’t refuse. After all, he can use the reward to replace his paralyzed legs with cyberware, and maybe even to return to his home planet. Besides, he hates the morphs—those invasive, brain-eating monstrosities whose weapons cost him his legs. Kyle’s best lead is the Scorpion, a mercenary ship armed to the teeth. Grimm, the Scorpion’s pilot and captain, fascinates Kyle. He’s everything Kyle lost with his legs, and he’s from the same home world. He’s also of the warrior caste—half priest, half savior. But Grimm’s been twisted by life as a merc, and Kyle’s stuck undercover as a criminal on the run. That doesn’t stop Grimm from coming on to Kyle, or from insisting he’s more than the sum of his past and his useless legs. But Kyle has other concerns—like tracking a dangerous morph who could be wearing anyone’s face. And as if things weren’t complicated enough, Kyle can’t tell if Grimm is part of the solution . . . or part of the problem.

Silver Ice

Suilan Lee - 2013
    That twink was so determined not to date an infamous playboy like myself that there was no way for me to resist proving him wrong. However, I didn't expect to actually fall in love with him. How can I make him mine? How do I make him believe I really want him and for him to stop pushing me away?Photo Description: Two men fill the frame, with only their heads, pale-skinned bare shoulders and bare arms visible. The light-haired one is closer, and leans his forehead on the other’s shoulder, eyes closed, his face almost peaceful. He grips the dark-haired man’s biceps; the other man does the same. The dark-haired man, only partially visible, presses his head into the light-haired man’s chest.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

When It's Right

Aria Grace - 2013
    Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.When Shane Greenly left his home in Casper Mountain, Wy, he was leaving more than just the closet. He needed a fresh start to pursue his dream of running a dog training ranch without having to deny who he really is. Meeting Alex was one of the best things that could have happened to Shane. They were at the beginning of a wonderful relationship when the unthinkable happened and Shane had to leave. The consequences of his past mistakes could not be hidden any longer.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

Hard and Fast

Jack Greene - 2013
    The guy in the other photo, with his perfect hard body and bubble butt? That's the fucker I'm about to shoot. And this is our story.Photo Descriptions: PHOTO 1: The inside of a man’s thighs bracket the view of a short-haired man with a perfectly sculpted body standing knee-deep in a tub. Strategically placed bubbles hide his groin and decorate his thighs. He holds a gun in a two-handed grip, pointing it straight at the viewer.PHOTO 2: A naked man faces away from the viewer, silhouetted against a black background, displaying a muscled back, perfect ass and powerful thighs. His right arm is encased in a reinforced, elbow-length leather glove, he wears a fingerless leather glove on his left. He holds a large assault rifle across his shoulders and wears goggles of some kind as well. A belt crosses his waist in the back, supporting a thigh holster with a handgun.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

Shooting the Curl

Madeleine Ribbon - 2013
    For three years, Little Dude has been my whole life. I made the choice to adopt as a single father, and I’m darn good at being a dad. Except, well, there’s this person I can’t get out of my mind, which is weird because I haven’t given a thought to sex and relationships since Little Dude and I became Team One. The other weird thing? He’s a guy. Yeah. And seems the total opposite of me. Plus, I think he’s straight, but I swear sometimes he looks at me and is thinking about how good we’d be together. It makes me a little nervous. And a little hot.Whatever I do, I have to put Little Dude first. Hey, I don’t even know if this guy likes kids!Photo Description: A fit young man with blond curly hair lifts a little boy up into the air with one arm. They’re dressed for the beach and wearing matching sunglasses.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love Has No Boundaries" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story.

Haywire Witch

Ren Stjerne - 2015
    Watching Mitchell when he comes in for ice cream awakens his powers in unexpected ways. A threat from the past draws them together to find unexpected allies and new friends. Angels has to learn to control his powers without scaring Mitchell away. Mitchell finds the courage to let go and embrace the chaos that Angels bringss to his life.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is an Open Road" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. Dear Author,This is me, causing trouble again. I don’t know what happened. One moment I was having a conversation with my roomie and the next thing I knew, the fountain exploded and I’m drenched in stink water. Ugh. Thanks to the hot summer day nobody seemed to mind that I had no idea how to get the water back under control.The thing is, I’m a witch and I suck at magic.I stopped using the little magic I knew since moving into the city about a year ago. Completely. It’s “fun” enough being gay, I didn’t want to be a witch too. I hate keeping secrets and the witchery thing was definitely supposed to be one. Not using my powers had me thinking I could be normal for a change. Tough luck. Since meeting “him” a few weeks ago, all shit went to hell. Every time he comes into the ice-cream shop I work at my magic goes crazy, doing the most embarrassing things!Nothing was meant to happen today! But then I saw him. My pistachio guy–tall, dark, and gorgeous. Always wearing a suit, always ordering pistachio ice-cream. And always giving me those secret smiles. His being around today definitely triggered my sucky magic to go haywire, and causing the fountain to put on a show. Thanks!My lack of witchery knowledge was starting to get me into deeper trouble than I’d ever expected was possible. But I had to find him and… then what?Photo Description: A young man stands in a pool of water in soaking red shorts and pink fluffy earmuffs. Behind him, water splashes out of a broken fountain. His expression shows concern, possibly guilt.This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.


Rob Colton - 2015
    His hair is cut very short. His chest is covered with an ample amount of dark blond hair. He has a thick mustache. His chin whiskers are just as thick, with a patch of gray. He has a slight smirk and expressive eyes.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love is an Open Road" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.

Agile Moves

J.C. Shelby - 2014
    I never partied and I always earned perfect grades. Then I went to college straight out of high school and earned my degree. I always do whatever is asked of me, I take care of everyone now, including my parents. I’m twenty-five and I’m so busy taking care of everybody else’s lives I have no time for one of my own. My social life consists of my rescue beagle and two cats, but one night a friend from work made me go with him to a party where I meet Kyle. He’s covered in tattoos and piercings, and he’s the bad boy of my every fantasy, the type of guy I’m absolutely not supposed to want. Or at least that’s the way he appears. And he seems to be looking at me just as much too. Please tell me how we got to this point, how I was able to see this sight in front of me, and how he made me fall in love with him.Photo Description: A man naps on his back on a daybed, a floral sheet pulled up to mid-chest. His right arm is curled around a white bull terrier, whose head and paw rest over the large winged tattoo on the man’s chest. A smartphone is clutched in the man’s right hand. His ears, nipples and right nostril are pierced. Tattoos can be seen on his upper chest, shoulder, and all down his left arm.This story was written as a part of the M/M Romance Group's "Love’s Landscapes" event. Group members were asked to write a story prompt inspired by a photo of their choice. Authors of the group selected a photo and prompt that spoke to them and wrote a short story. This story may contain sexually explicit content and is intended for adult readers. It may contain content that is disagreeable or distressing to some readers. The M/M Romance Group strongly recommends that each reader review the General Information section before each story for story tags as well as for content warnings.