Book picks similar to
The Dog People (The Colter Saga Book 4) by Joel Baker
Worst Case Scenario Book 3: Invasion
G. Allen Mercer - 2015
Grace and Joshua have struck out on their own to help bring Leah to the Tiller farm, and Ian suspects that what they have experienced is only the beginning of a massive offensive. Will the family finally reunite, or are they fighting a war that they will never win? Book 3 of the Worst Case Scenario series, Invasion, will answer these questions and leave you wondering just who is the real enemy.
Beware Sleeping Dragons
T.J. Reeder - 2013
(The Posse Comitatus Act is the United States federal law (18 U.S.C. § 1385, original at 20 Stat. 152) that was passed on June 18, 1878, after the end of Reconstruction and was updated in 1981. Its intent (in concert with the Insurrection Act of 1807) was to limit the powers of Federal government in using federal military personnel to enforce the State laws.) The training and armament of our civilian police has led to many abuses of power where the police don't believe they are above the Law, but that they ARE the Law". This has culminated in the deaths of many Americans who have reacted to middle of the night break-ins by law enforcement, reached for a weapon to protect his or her family, and been executed. The 'no-knock' rule must go and civility towards the public must return. Barring that, I see a time when this story line will become the common occurrence. People will say, "Enough!" and will say it with force, if needed.
Grid Down Perceptions of Reality: Volume 2 Part 2
Bruce Buckshot Hemming - 2014
In Grid Down Reality Bites, a high-altitude nuclear blast causing an EMP (electrical magnetic pulse) destroys the power grid, catapulting life as they knew it, back to the 1800's. The saga continues in Grid Down Perceptions of Reality (volume 2, part 2), A small band of survivors desperately struggle to survive the chaos that ensues. Now a post-apocalyptic world, they must rely on their primal instincts to escape destruction, disease and death. In this book, the story of Grid Down continues, following Clint and Junior with their small band of survivors. When we last left Clint and Junior, both were suffering gunshot wounds while trying to escape after an attack on a group of Rainbow Warriors (Grid Down Reality Bites, Chapter 37).
Out of Gas
Randy Dyess - 2012
Their childhoods were spent in small Texas towns with summers at their respected grandparent’s farms. Like most teenagers growing up in small towns they could not wait to flee after graduation for big cities and successful careers. Careers were launched, the big house on the golf course bought, luxury cars leased, and fancy vacations taken. They had it all until a global fuel shortage started causing Mark to wonder about his job and the financial future of his family. Follow Mark and Kelly as they learn about global finances, hidden agendas, and the cover-up of the upcoming global fuel shortage and severe economic depression it will create. Follow the Turner’s as they plan their strategy to voluntarily move from an upper middle-class lifestyle to a self-sustaining lifestyle on an Oklahoma farm before it is too late. Learn alongside them as they learn the skills needed to live on a small farm, raise their own food, and prepare for a global economic depression on a scale never seem by mankind before.
Stormy Weather: An apocalyptic story.
Pete Thorsen - 2015
At least that is what our government and the media kept telling the nation’s population. Chip, a construction worker in Nebraska was not too sure about the whole economic recovery thing. He never really saw too much improvement where he was living and working. Then things really started to go down hill with the nation’s economy. It just kept getting worse and worse and soon even the media could no longer hide the truth that this time the fake recovery was turning into the Second Great Depression. Chip still had the old farmstead that had been passed down through several generations in his family. Could he make a go of it on only the small piece of that land that was still left? He knew he would have to use all the old knowledge that his parents had passed to him just to keep his belly full in this new depression with even longer ‘soup lines’ than there was in the first Great Depression. Chip never said he was the brightest bulb but even he knew the nation was in for some stormy weather. This is his story. As always in my stories there is no foul language or explicit sex though there is some violence. My stories are only meant to provide an afternoon or evening of reading enjoyment. If when reading any story you find that an occasional grammatical error spoils your whole experience then you may wish forgo reading this story as I am sure some errors can be found within it despite my best efforts.
Prepper's Crucible: An Arizona Tale
Bobby Andrews - 2015
The group, consisting of three couples, must now reunite in Prescott, Arizona, the site of their bug out location. Two of the couples must use power line easements and old cattle trails to find their way to their ranch in Prescott. They face many challenges during their grueling journey, which they make on ATVs. Meanwhile, the third couple hunkers down at the ranch and prepares for the arrival of their friends. The Prepper’s Crucible is the first of a three part series. Follow along as the group struggles to survive and thrive in a world gone mad.
CALIFORNIA ARCHIPELAGO: When the Earth Gives, it Also Takes Away
Ron Mcgraw - 2014
Islands form while the sea abides.
Take Back Denver (Denver Burning Book 2)
Algor X. Dennison - 2015
Now they face not only the fight for survival in the new post-grid world, but a fight for the civilization they once belonged to. Their prepper band face challenges at home and all around them as they feel their way past new dangers and toward each other. And in the end, each of them must come full circle and face what they left behind: the city in ruins that has become the key to the region's freedom.
Dark Coup (The Dark Grid Series)
David C. Waldron - 2013
However, looming dangers to life and liberty remain--and not all of them come from outside of the community.As the Colonel's attacks on neighboring bases increase in both number and ferocity, the rebels uncover the startling, almost unbelievable, truth about a corrupt and shadowy cabal linked by greed and lust for power, and their dangerous conspiracy to fulfill a lethal agenda that originated years ago. With diminishing resources and an unequal fighting force, can the rebels recapture America for those who value freedom, self-determination, and God-given rights, over exploitation and suppression?
The Bunker: Surviving an Economic Collapse
Wayne Bosak - 2017
A chance encounter between Clyde and Cindy changes both of their lives. Fate brought them together at a time of great tragedy for Cindy, as their world was collapsing around them. Clyde's family was scattered in various locations and needed to make their way back home. Cindy, Clyde, and his family struggle to survive in the face of adversity and violence. They show that rural America is alive and working together as has always been the case. Clyde's grandson was in college in Colorado and now tries to make his way home to Tennessee. Alan, Clyde's son and his wife are on vacation in North Carolina when the collapse hits and must travel in an uncertain world to get home. Tricia, Clyde's daughter has gone to Knoxville to pick up her daughter, on the way home they are ambushed.
Into The Darkness
Doug Kelly - 2013
Dylan Smith was over a thousand miles from home when an enormous coronal mass ejection collided with Earth. The ensuing electromagnetic pulse devastated the power grids of the world and sensitive electronic equipment. Dylan, and a small group of men, must devise a way to return home through a world in which modern technology was abruptly stripped away. During their long journey home, they witness the civilized world transcend into anarchy and are forced to struggle with the morality of the decisions they make to survive. Into the Darkness is a remarkably convincing portrait of ordinary people facing the nightmare of survival in an apocalyptic world. The story concludes in its sequel, Fade To Black.Book 1: Into The DarknessBook 2: Fade To Black*
Percy's Mission
Jerry D. Young - 2011
That included Percy and his crew. Percy, Andy, Jim, and Bob stood near the former roadblock with their HK-91 rifles held at the ready until every last person, vehicle, and animal was well past it. The Indian and the two Rokons had been offloaded from the trailer and were parked near the Hummers. Being constantly on guard wasn’t easy but then again ever since the nukes started flying and martial law was imposed travel of any kind was risky. Unfortunately, staying put was not an option, not if they intended to complete Percy’s Mission.
The Prepper, Part 1: The Collapse
Karl A.D. Brown - 2013
As the world careens towards nuclear and economic disaster, Alfred, acting on his instincts, awakens and becomes a prepper. After four US cities are destroyed with nuclear weapons, the US economy crumbles and the family struggles to survive in a world where food shortages, looting, rioting, and a deadly breakdown of the social order has become the norm. In a time when there is no government, infrastructure, or friends to count on, the Aimes family realizes that all they have is each other. "The Prepper Part One: The Collapse" is a stand alone novel.
Facing Armageddon
Darrell Maloney - 2014
They thought they'd covered all the bases, and had planned for everything. It never occurred to them that the single thing they had no control over was the timing. Sarah was on an airplane with her young daughters when solar storms bombarded the earth with electromagnetic pulses. Everything powered by electricity or batteries was instantly shorted out and would never work again. Dave was suddenly alone. He was also unsure whether his family was dead or alive. He assumed that the airplane stopped working and plunged from the sky. But it was scheduled to land in Kansas City at almost the exact time everything stopped working. Had they landed in time? Was it possible they survived? This is the story of a man facing Armageddon alone. It chronicles the things he does to survive in a newly vicious world. It also includes Dave's desperate and poignant diary entries to his wife. Just in case she did survive, and somehow makes it back to him to find he didn't make it himself. From the author of last year's best sellers "Final Dawn" and "Countdown to Armageddon" comes a new tale of one man's journey through hell... alone.
Trekking Home: Revised Edition
Jeffrey Miller - 2017
Suddenly, the United States was on a fast decline not only economically but also socially. The trip back to North Texas was not going to be easy. This is a story of one man out of millions that found themselves on a journey to get home. The US Dollar was worthless now and people were not reporting to work. Financial institutions were all closed and Martial Law was implemented in all major cities. The infrastructure of the United States was being strained beyond its limits. Imagine a world where all facets of normal society suddenly came to an end, including the ability to travel, get food, gas, water, and medical attention. This was the world Nate now found himself in and he would have to explore every means necessary to make his way home.