Lovers' Quarrel

Jessica L. Randall - 2016
    Fueled by her own secrets, Karina has dedicated herself to ridding the city of infidelity one call at a time. But she may have met her match when she crosses Ben Adler, who loses his girlfriend and budding career thanks to the show. When Ben tries to redeem himself, he and Karina make a wager that will end up pitting the two of them against each other over the air in Ben’s own hometown. But with Karina stirring things up, the good people of Willow Grove aren’t the only ones in danger of falling in love. Lovers’ Quarrel by Jessica L. Randall is a sweet romance for the ages. With its familiar but fresh characters and witty banter it might just be love at first read. Pick up your copy of Lovers’ Quarrel and start the search for true love today

After Love Leaves: The Story of Us

Michelle Alstead - 2017
    When she met Brad Sorenson, Zoe was convinced her bad luck with men had finally changed. He saw past her insecurities and the Oreo addiction she just couldn’t shake, inspiring her to chase her dreams. Brad was looking for a good time online, not love. But Zoe was so sweet, so kind. Everything about her was perfect—until she fell for him. Doesn’t she understand he’s the wrong guy for a woman like her? Zoe doesn’t know why Brad left her standing in an airport; he won’t return her calls or texts. With her self-esteem and dreams shattered, she can’t imagine ever loving anyone else… When a devastating diagnosis changes Brad’s life forever, he’s forced to finally face the truth: there’s only one woman he’s ever truly loved.Will Zoe give Brad a second chance or is she done with love for good?***This is not your typical romance. Real love is complicated and messy. This story is written for those who have loved the wrong person for all the right reasons.

A Lucky Day

Carlos J. Server - 2014
    What starts out as the happiest day in history for the local inhabitants soon turns into a race against the clock to find the lucky winner and cash in the lottery ticket. A priest with verbal incontinence, a sweet little old lady with secret sexual fantasies about the local butcher, a village mayor who's held power for thirty years, and a mailman in love with the wife of a villainous baker are just a few of the quirky characters who will make you laugh and occasionally bring a tear to your eye as you enjoy everyday situations taken to extremes. A Lucky Day is a heartwarming comedy peopled by a highly entertaining cast of characters. Truly a novel to be savored slowly, if possible.

Rack and Ruin: Part One

Solomon Carter - 2016
    Private detectives Eva Roberts and Dan Bradley are hired to investigate cult activity at an ancient ruin.Blood is spilled. Lives are ruined. And for one young girl, it's a matter of life or death. But the darkness hides the awful truth.The investigators must discover who they can trust stop the cult from harming all those it touches. First they must survive the night - and one of its darkest sons...


Andrew Stanek - 2016
    Now everyone from petty criminals to the FBI are after Ken while he tries to find his estranged father and win back his girlfriend. How much money is real and how much is counterfeit? Find out in Paper.

What's Up Doctor

Lacy Embers - 2018
    I have the deft fingers of a surgeon. And a loaded bank account to match. I can have any woman, in any room, at any time. I have them coming at me (and on me) in droves. When I see her across the room, red hair curling around her open, honest face, I know that I need her in my bed. What I never expected is that she’d find her way into my heart. Sharon I don’t do flings. Or at least I thought I didn’t until Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome corners me at the first charity gala that I host for Hearts in Hands. I find myself saying yes and following him home. His eyes. His body. His hands. All light me on fire. He says it’ll only be one night. But, for better or worse, Dr. Ross Hardwick is about to get to know me particularly well. How long is he here to stay? This is a full length standalone romance novel with a happily ever after (HEA), no cliffhanger and no cheating.

Girl at the Window

Declan Conner - 2017
    Only this family’s past is darker than most18-year-old Clara is trapped in an abusive life by her Pa who is hiding a dark secret. Home schooled and with no outside social contact – constantly on the move – she wishes him dead.After they move to a small town, local youths vie for her attention against his wishes. When her Pa is found murdered by the town sheriff, the circumstances point firmly to Clara as the guilty party. Assigned to the case, a personal conflict causes Detective Alana Bossé to dig deeper. As her suspect list grows, it looks as though there is a slim chance that Clara could be innocent.But is everything as it seems? Or should they lock Clara up and throw away the key?

Don't Mess With Mrs. Sedgewick: A Caper Story

Marie F. Martin - 2016
    She convinces her three golfing buddies, all in their seventies, to sell their homes and buy adjoining condos. The widows intend to spend the rest of their days golfing, gambling at the casino, and having fun. Oh, the heaven of it. But then they all hire the same maid who uncovers long-hidden criminal secrets kept by each woman. Oh, the horror of it. The reputations of their deceased husbands, a banker, a minister, and a respected farmer, will be tarnished forever. Three of the widows could face jail time, and the fourth fears for her life. Whatever will they do with the conniving, blackmailing maid? If you grew to love the characters in Marie F. Martin’s previous novels Maternal Harbor, Harbored Secrets, and Ratham Creek, you will treasure Roberta and her friends in the mystery Don’t Mess With Mrs. Sedgewick.This is a caper story where the not so pure put their lives at risk to catch the real bad guys and save their little town.

Terminal House

Sean Costello - 2017
    Now imagine being intimately aware of the process, but helpless to arrest it. Would you be afraid? For retired physician Ben Hunter, that malign force is Alzheimer’s disease—and he is terrified.Now a resident in a major geriatric center, Ben straddles an ever-widening gulf between a muddled present and an idealized past, never quite certain which will support his weight. Against this backdrop, he meets Roxanne Austen, an 18-year-old student who both enriches his life and accelerates his descent into bewilderment.With equal measures of frankness and humor, Terminal House illuminates the many challenges of aging, including dementia, death and dying, voluntary euthanasia, and romantic love.Here's a sample of what advance readers are saying about Terminal House:"As a retired editor who doesn't watch television I probably read 300 novels a year (about one a day).Unequivocally,Terminal House is the best of the year, actually the best for a long while. How someone who is not that old could capture the feelings, desires, memories and fears of an older person is astounding. He emotionally touched the true feelings of both elderly people and the younger persons around them. No one will be able to put this book down once they start reading.

The New Orleans Go Cup Chronicles, Vol. 1-2: Rescued By A Kiss Book 1, Dead And Breakfast Book 2

Colleen Mooney - 2016
    Brandy Alexander’s the real deal--yes, that’s her real name and she’s not even a stripper, although her best friend Julia is.WHO WILL LOVE THESE: The slapstick way Brandy goes about it all has a definite whiff of Janet Evanovich’s Stephanie Plum; fans of  Stephanie Bond, Jana DeLeon, Joan Hess, Lisa Lutz, Sarah Strohmeyer, and Elaine Viets may also find a kindred spirit in this New Orleans dawlin’. And animal lovers will flat-out swoon! Vol. 1 RESCUED BY A KISS A KISS TO KILL FOR …Brandy still lives with her parents in the Irish Channel and she’s sort of semi kind of engaged to the boy next door, who’s—what else?—one of  NOLA’s finest. And Italian.Dante, the BF, is such a thoroughgoing New Orleanian he always manages Mardi Gras parade duty on his own block. So you'd think Brandy might be a little self-conscious when a suave Svengali in one of the gentlemen’s walking clubs mesmerizes her into a big fat Mardi Gras smooch right in front of him. But not a bit. Because after all, it's Mardi Gras, and also for another good reason— “that kiss was long, slow, hot—unlike any kiss I’d ever had in my life.” She makes a date to meet Mr. Good Kiss after the parade (Yes! Right in front of Mr. Right Next Door) but –horrors--arrives just in time to see him get shot. Although fortunately not shot dead. Before he passes out, he pulls her close and whispers, “Save Isabella.”And with that we’re off on a screwball chase all over town, from Lee Circle to the Lakefront, with a stop at Charity Hospital, and finally to the French Quarter’s favorite gay dance club, at all times accompanied by Schnauzers, one of them named Geaux Cup. Vol. 2 DEAD AND BREAKFAST DEAD IN BED…WHO YOU GONNA CALL?Brandy Alexander is a true and trusted friend – not to mention something of a detective--  who else would you call if you found a full-blown murder mystery in your bedroom? So when Brandy’s best friend Julia, the ex-stripper-turned hotelier, finds her first guest covered in blood, lying half on and half off a broken bed—with Julia’s panties swinging from the chandelier – she  gets Brandy on the horn. And Brandy does the only sensible thing—first makes coffee, then calls the police.And who should respond but her recent ex-boyfriend, Dante, with a brand new daggers-looking female partner. But wait! This is not nearly complicated enough for Noo Awlins, where, after all, everybody knows everybody! Julia’s lawyer is none other than Jiff, Brandy’s new squeeze (and the reason Dante’s the ex-boyfriend).As the suspense mounts, the romance blossoms, and not just one—Jiff’s looking more and more like Mr. Right: a 100% Class Act, with his own Schnauzer and a soft spot for Brandy’s three.

Tristan Finch: A Novel

Jacqueline Spencer - 2014
    The Royal Family is the lead story in every newspaper and on all television channels as the world watches with great anticipation, captivated by this terrible story. Will Prince James survive? American Jennifer Dressen, 28, is living in London working for a large British daily paper. One evening, her elderly neighbor insists on speaking to her. “I'm dying. And I have to tell the truth about something. Something that happened many years ago. Something so big, it will....” Her voice trailed off. Then she seemed to gather what strength she had left and announced, “I can't die like this. With no one knowing what I know. I have to share it. It is vitally important.” Jennifer's dream is to be an investigative reporter and, after hearing the old woman's story, she thinks this could be the one that gets her there. As she begins her research to find out if the woman's fantastic tale is true, she meets the man's of her dreams - a handsome solicitor who lives with his younger sister, a woman with special needs. In short order, Jennifer finds herself deeply in love. But fate deals her a challenging blow during her research when she is forced to take measure of herself and answer a simple question: is she willing to sacrifice happiness in her personal life for success in her professional one? Because the story she is about to break will rock the world with new revelations about the Royal Family. And forever change the life of the man she loves.

Dead But Living

Varun Vashist - 2013
    Eric had never done any good to any one. He was diagnosed with Tuberculosis. Suddenly, he had a dream and he was cured. He thought it to be EVIL. He goes to find the reason behind it. No one helps him but he starts meeting people whom he had never met and started visiting places he had always thought to be without significance.Who are these people? What saved him: EVIL or DIVINE?

River of Spears

Kade Derricks - 2015
    The rarest of gems, one capable of turning any mage into an unstoppable force of destruction. A gem found only in the empty lands surrounding the Tyber River. And now war has come. Endless war between Esteria and the native Tyberons, a savage and mysterious people who prowl the grass-covered land with spearpoints ready. Unable to end the conflict the Esterians rely on mercenaries to bolster their military, desperate men like Dain Gladstone, a disgraced Paladin. Dain dreams of a peaceful life, a quiet home of his own, and he’s willing to fight for it. The Esterians have a new plan to conquer their enemies. A bold expedition to strike into the heart of the Tyberons and Dain finds himself caught at its center. Can his dream survive the River of Spears?

Under the Legend

Carolina Carter - 2016
    This is an alternate Cover Edition for ASIN: B01FRGK8EO.Find yourself on a secret island where dead celebrities live… And see if you make it out alive.Pilot and investigative reporter Nola Mitchell is on the assignment of a lifetime when she stumbles into a story more sensational than anything she’s ever covered.Forced to crash-land on an uncharted island in the South Pacific, she discovers a hidden paradise, a last resort for those wealthy enough to leave the world behind—forever.Actors and aristocrats, politicians and musicians… All supposedly dead, all very much alive, and all under the protection of an elite security force that will do anything to protect their shared secret.But Nola can’t let her mother live with the heartbreak of her imagined death, and she searches for an escape through unlikely allies as desperate as she is.When she starts falling for the man who must kill her if she tries to leave, she’s faced with an impossible decision: turn her back on true love, or face a menacing director hell-bent on exterminating her.

One Night in Tehran

Luana Ehrlich - 2014
    While urging Titus to become a believer in Jesus Christ, they manage to smuggle him out of Iran to freedom in Turkey.Will it help him deal with his past?Returning to the States, he discovers his Iranian mission failed because of political infighting within the Agency. In a hot-tempered outburst, he delivers a scathing indictment against the Deputy Director of Operations, and, as a result, the deputy forces Titus to take a year's medical leave in Oklahoma.How will it change his future?Before leaving Langley, Virginia, Titus learns he's been targeted by a Hezbollah assassin hired by the Iranians. Now, while trying to figure out what it means to be a follower of Christ, he must decide if the Iranian couple he meets in Norman, Oklahoma has ties to the man who's trying to kill him, and if Nikki Saxon, a local detective with an intriguing past, can be trusted with his secrets.