Book picks similar to
Torn: A Pride and Prejudice Variation by Lory Lilian


A Storm Over Netherfield: A Pride and Prejudice Variation Romance

Rosemary Barton - 2018
    While her sister Jane’s budding romance with Mr Bingley gives her joy, she has had enough of the proud Mr Darcy and Mr Bingley’s catty sisters. While waiting for her father to send the carriage to fetch them home, she decides to go for a walk in the woods around Netherfield Park to escape their company. A storm strikes earlier than expected, catching her unawares. In her rush to return to Netherfield, Elizabeth twists her ankle. Soaked through and in pain, she is mortified when she is found by Mr Darcy, the man she cannot stand. With the roads flooded and Elizabeth unable to walk without aid, the Bennet girls have no choice but to spend another week at Netherfield Park Darcy has been troubled by his attraction for the lively but unsuitable Elizabeth Bennet. After a week in her presence when she has bewitched him beyond his comfort, he is relieved that she is to go home. But when the storm strikes and Elizabeth doesn’t return from her walk, he leaves at once to search for her. Now, he must spend another week under the same roof as this fascinating woman and he is uncertain whether he can continue to resist his powerful feelings for her. As Elizabeth and Darcy spend more time together, they slowly let their guards down as they discover new things to admire about one another. Elizabeth wonders if she has misjudged Darcy while he finds he cares less and less about what the world might think if he was to choose Elizabeth as his bride. But Miss Bingley is determined to have Mr Darcy for her husband. Forced to play hostess to the girl who is winning the heart of the man she desires, her jealousy gets the better of her and she is willing to do all she can to come between them. Confusion and misunderstandings increase with the arrival of another unexpected visitor and Elizabeth and Darcy must decide if their feelings for one another are strong enough to conquer their own pride as well as the interference of others.

Tempt You to Accept Me: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cassandra B. Leigh - 2015
    Fitzwilliam Darcy decided to ignore the voices warning him of the dangers presented by a certain young lady? Would he be able to accept her relations whose condition in life was so decidedly beneath his own? This story begins after the Netherfield party returned to London. (Darcy’s point of view.)

Into Hertfordshire

Stanley Michael Hurd - 2013
    Bingley, has acquired a new manor. Darcy accompanies his friend into the wilds of Hertfordshire, where each of them encounters the lady who will change his life. Follow the beginnings of a story that will take Darcy from the heights of wealth and status, to the depths of pain and self-condemnation, and, ultimately, to the safe haven of the love and respect of his heart’s mistress. This lovingly crafted companion to Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice will give her fans a feeling of homecoming, and a chance to see this beloved story from a new perspective, all the while immersed in the endearing world of Regency England Austen so masterfully created. Darcy’s Tale was written first for the readers who were enchanted by the original and wanted the chance to return, to learn more about one of the most popular characters in English literature. But it is also for those new to the Pride & Prejudice saga: Darcy was a wealthy, well-intentioned, intelligent, and educated man; how on Earth did he become so thoroughly tangled by his acquaintance with Miss Elizabeth Bennet? She, too, is among that rarefied firmament of favourite English characters: her pert manners, quick wit, and quiet beauty made her a strong, independent figure of a woman who was over a hundred years ahead of her time. The clash of their personalities and the nearly constant misunderstanding between them, founded on an unfortunate first impression, has delighted readers for two hundred years. This, then, is a new view of their first year as seen through Darcy’s eyes, and written by a man who insisted both that Darcy should be true to Austen’s vision of him, and that he should be a man throughout: wrong, perhaps at times, but always prepared to stand up and do what he saw as necessary and right, especially when he found himself to be in the wrong. Darcy’s Tale is written in the richly textured style of Regency English, and even the most demanding Austen fan will find little here to cavil with—but they will certainly find many new thoughts, perceptions, and interpretations to revel in. Volume 1 takes Darcy to Hertfordshire and the beginnings of his relationship with Elizabeth. In Volume 2: Into Kent, the two meet again at Rosings, the estate of Darcy’s Aunt Catherine. In Volume 3: Back Home, Darcy’s many trials and labours are concluded, and he finds his true place in life, at last.

A Marriage of True Affection: Pride and Prejudice Continues

Jodi L. Covey - 2019
     That a couple in love truly know one another makes not for a Happily Ever After, but rather prepares them better for the rough road ahead. Such is gradually discovered as Mr. and Mrs. Darcy begin their marriage in sensual bliss, each looking forward to a lifetime of felicity, and neither of them cognizant of the great challenges therein. A Marriage of True Affection is a collection of vignettes chronicling the first eleven years in the union of the most beloved couple in English literature. Beginning on their wedding night, the work highlights significant moments that sometimes test, but moreover strengthen the Darcys' relationship as they struggle to overcome the very faults that so nearly separated them forever. For despite the lessons learned and the love they share, our supremely stubborn couple remains, in essentials, very much what they ever were. Chapters include: A Midnight Embrace - Awakened on their wedding night, Darcy and Elizabeth express physically what they cannot in mere words Disturbing Recollections - As they remain haunted by past transgressions, the couple wonder if forgiveness can ever truly be attained The Storm - The onset of a violent storm en route to Derbyshire leads to their first heated quarrel as a married couple The Dinner Party - Soon after the birth of their first child, Mr. Darcy battles sexual frustration and jealousy as his charming wife enchants the neighbors Welcoming Janie Darcy - Elizabeth falls into labor at a time most inconvenient, while Darcy works diligently to save their land from a natural disaster For Better or Worse - A terrifying encounter befalls the traveling couple, leaving them to work through the ensuing grief and a shared desire for revenge (warning: some disturbing scenes) Christmas in Spring - When a poacher is caught in Pemberley Wood, the Darcys are not in accord with regards to his punishment A Jarring Revelation - In Pemberley's library, Elizabeth makes a remarkable, yet potentially devastating discovery. Dare she share it with her husband? And many more! With the return of some of our old favorites come new characters, as well, each of whom either helping or hindering our dear couple in good times and bad. And as they learn and grow from each new experience, by their eleventh anniversary, can we really expect the idyllic love Jane Austen so expertly built to have endured? This work is meant for mature readers.

Men Of Consequence: A Pride And Prejudice Variation

Francine Rainey - 2019
    Yet will this reasoning cause Darcy to lose the only woman he has ever wanted? Darcy has scorned Elizabeth’s ability to attract men of consequence due to her lack of fortune and lowly connections. However, when Elizabeth joins the newly wedded Charles and Jane Bingley in London for a season, what will the company of two men of consequence mean for Elizabeth’s prospects? Meanwhile, Darcy is confronted with his past and actions that could challenge his place in the world and destroy his opportunity with the woman he loves. Will Darcy unravel the mystery and avoid a scandal before Elizabeth accepts another? And along the way will Darcy discover what truly make men, Men of Consequence.

The Nunnery: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Anne Morris - 2018
     Colonel Fitzwilliam arrives. Mr. Collins invites Lady Catherine. And Bingley requests that Caroline keeps house, then she brings a friend. With the weather keeping everybody in the village, intrigues begin... With its neat blend of drama and humour, The Nunnery will have you transfixed and laughing simultaneously throughout. Anne Morris is popular on fan fiction sites for her unique blending of genres whilst penning solid variations of the famed Pride and Prejudice story.

Duels of Every Sort: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sarah Brown - 2019
    What if the Bennets did have a son? How would the addition of another one of those witty Bennets to the story alter Darcy's point of view? Arguments, adventure, romance, and duels of every sort are sure to follow.

Fitzwilliam Darcy, Fugitive

Melanie Schertz - 2017
    Fortunately for him, Darcy learns of a position at the estate of Thomas Bennet. As the young gentleman attempts to find a way to be free of the charges, he must also hide his developing feelings he has for his employer's second daughter. Will he be able to prove his innocence and return to his life, and could he leave his heart behind if he was to regain his position in society?

The Ruin of Elizabeth Bennet: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Darcie Rochester - 2018
    It falls upon Elizabeth to navigate their way, a nearly impossible task given their meager funds. When she becomes reacquainted with Mr. Darcy, she hopes she has found her salvation. But it is ruin he offers her. This book contains dark themes and scenes of a sensual nature. Reader discretion is advised.

Darcy By Any Other Name

Laura Hile - 2016
    But out in the garden two men are arguing, while a ferocious rainstorm swirls round. Then the unthinkable happens: a lightning bolt from heaven strikes. In that instant everything changes.Jane Austen's heartthrob hero becomes the bumbling Reverend Collins. Shorn of his fortune, his social standing, and his good looks, Mr. Darcy is trapped in Mr. Collins' body. And Mr. Collins wakes up to discover that he is master of Pemberley. Could there be anything worse?But the inner man is still Darcy. He is in love with Elizabeth Bennet. And now he is living in her house.If you enjoy a smart, sparkling Regency romp in the classic "Heyeresque" style, then you will love Laura Hile's Darcy By Any Other Name.

Truly Madly Darcy (A Pride and Prejudice Variation)

Kate Bedlow - 2017
    Charles Bingley, is instantly drawn to Elizabeth Bennet’s sister Lydia. More than twice, he asks the youngest Bennet daughter to stand up with him, and soon all the neighborhood is speculating on when Mr. Bingley will make an offer to their dearest girl. Elizabeth cannot understand the attraction. In her heart, she believes a match between Mr. Bingley and Lydia would end in tears all round, while Jane and Charles seemed made for each other. While Mrs. Bennet is giddy over Mr. Bingley’s attentions to Lydia, Elizabeth devises ways to divert them to Jane, but her every stratagem is thwarted by his friend—the arrogant Mr. Darcy. The man is maddening—truly! Excerpt: "Oh, Jane!" Elizabeth cried before she could stop herself. "How... how dramatic." "You're adorable, both of you." Aunt Gardiner was dressed as Queen Cleopatra of Egypt. She beamed at her nieces, apparently of the opinion that their costumes were a great success.Jane was dressed as the goddess of love and beauty, every bit as shocking as Elizabeth's Eve. Mrs. Swan had crafted a costume so provocative, so inviting to the male eye, that Elizabeth feared her sister would be too mortified enter Beaufellmont, let alone the dance floor. The pale pink chiton-style gown was cinched around the waist by a pale blue girdle of Hephaestus, embroidered with tiny silver and gold seashells. The girdle alone emphasized Jane's figure, and two large satin seashells covered her breasts. Her arms were bare from the shoulders, in the Greek fashion, and she wore short pink lace gloves that stopped at her wrists. Her hair was hidden under a pale pink satin turban, which had a golden apple affixed at the top. "You make a wonderful Aphrodite, Miss Bennet," Sally said. "So beautiful. It's a shame you'll be wearing a mask." Jane self-consciously touched the turban's ornament, the golden apple given to Aphrodite according to the judgment of Paris. Her face was red as a berry. No, Elizabeth thought. It is a very good thing we will be wearing masks. "The finer the lady, the more risqué the costume," Mrs. Swan said with full authority on the matter. "I certainly come up to the mark on that account." Elizabeth frowned at the serpent's head at rest on her breast. "Or should I say down to it?" "It is fancy dress, my dears." Aunt Gardiner laughed. "Do not spoil the fun by being unnecessarily overmodest. Lord Beaufellsey's affairs are notorious for their notoriety." "I like that," Elizabeth said drolly. "Let your imaginations take flight. For one night, we shall be outrageous! The three most dangerous females in history: Aphrodite, Cleopatra, and Eve." Elizabeth sat down at her dressing table to allow the second assistant to sweep her hair up and hide it under a turban of pale green satin. "I suppose I won't mind a little outrageousness. Especially as we shall be safely incognito behind our masks." She had always enjoyed her aunt's youthful vigor, but never so much as at this moment. Why not be daring? Especially when so little risk was involved. Even if their masks were to slip, it would not signify.

Gentlewoman Urgently Seeks Husband

D.L. Carter - 2017
    Bates and Miss Bates(from Jane Austen’s EMMA), Elizabeth Bennet is sent to Hunsford with orders to become a flirt and return married or not at all. Unfortunately her mother’s letters to Mr. Collins are misunderstood and the local gentry assume that she is ‘in a certain condition’.You know that won’t end well.

A Hasty Decision: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Wynne Mabry - 2019
    Darcy makes a hasty decision. After all, if he cannot have the lady he loves, it little matters whom he marries. Or so he thinks at the time. It is not long before he regrets his choice, but there is no turning back. As a miserable marriage threatens his own happiness and his sister’s, he finds comfort in friendships, including an unexpected one with Elizabeth. When the unthinkable happens, she remains a loyal and valued friend. But what will it take for them to have a second chance at happiness?

Chance and Circumstance

Kara Louise - 2017
    He soon begins to favour this pretty and lively young lady. Circumstances have kept Jane Bennet and Mr. Darcy from the neighbourhood, thereby changing the events that Jane Austen penned in "Pride and Prejudice." When Mr. Darcy finally arrives, will he be able to keep from interfering when he meets this young lady his friend so greatly admires? When Jane returns from touring the Lake District with her aunt and uncle, will the young gentleman who returns with her prove to be better suited for her than Mr. Bingley ever was? In this "Pride and Prejudice" variation, chance and circumstance greatly affect the way several of Jane Austen's characters arrive at their happily ever after, but not necessarily the way you think.

Assumptions & Absurdities: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cinnamon Worth - 2018
    This classic couple’s romance is shaken off course when, shortly after leaving Hertfordshire, Darcy receives word that one of the Bennet sisters is engaged to the obsequious Mr. Collins. Darcy, a rich and powerful landowner, knows that Elizabeth is not a suitable match but, having already lost the battle with Cupid, he finds himself rushing back to the countryside. He is relieved to discover that it is Mary Bennet who is destined to become Mrs. Collins. But his path to happiness is still far from assured. Darcy may have resolved his internal struggle to accept Elizabeth’s as she is, but he must now overcome a rival and his own inability to interpret events around him. Read as all ofJane Austen’s favorite characters overcome hilarious misunderstandings and mishaps. Assumptions and Absurdities is a Regency Romance sure to entertain.