I Feel You

Alex Berry - 2011
    The love of his life dumped him six months ago, and if that isn't bad enough, he's overweight. Of course, he's much bigger in his mind than in reality, but that doesn't stop him from going to extra measures to camouflage the extra pounds. He lusts after fine muscular men he sees around town, never expecting they'd give a plain man like him the time of day.All Travis wanted was a man who was healthy. After dealing with a dying relative the past few years, the last thing he'd look at was someone slim or bony. He craved a squeezable, pinchable, healthy man with some cushion to handle his large frame. Seeing Ron all starched and pressed released a craven desire to make the polished man fly apart, in his arms.Ron can't believe someone like Travis is interested in him, but is more than willing to jumpstart his boring life down a new path. And why is it that once he and Travis start dating, men start coming out of the woodwork? Can two men so different find love?

Dixon’s Duty

Jenna Byrnes - 2014
    Will Kansas City’s finest solve the case before the madman strikes again?Detective James Dixon is determined to track down the most recent serial killer terrorising the people of Kansas City. The chase leads him to the Last Chance Bar and Grille, where he meets and immediately falls for the sexy owner, Bryan Scott. But things at the bar aren’t exactly as they seem.No one there remembers seeing the latest victim the night before she was brutally murdered. So why do the clues keep pointing back to the Last Chance? When the attacks strike close to home, Dix and Bryan must work together to save the next victim and whatever chance they have for happiness.

Will & Patrick Wake Up Married

Leta Blake - 2015
    Patrick McCloud wake up married. A quickie divorce is the most obvious way out—unless you’re the heir of a staunchly Catholic mafia boss with a draconian position on the sanctity of marriage.Stuck between a rock and a hard place, Will and Patrick don't like it, or each other, but they have to make the best of it until they can find another way out of their marriage. To ensure the trust fund Will's charitable foundation relies on isn't revoked by his mobster grandfather, he and Patrick travel to Will’s hometown of Healing, South Dakota, posing as a newlywed couple in the throes of true love at first sight.Complicating their scheme are Will’s unresolved feelings for his all-too-recent ex-boyfriend Ryan, and Patrick’s desire to get back to the only thing that really matters to him in life: neurosurgery. Will they fool everyone? Or will the mafia get wind that their marriage is a fake? Throw their simmering attraction into the mix and all bets are off!Approx. word count: 34KEpisode 1 of 6 in the Wake Up Married serial.

Pain Management

Cassidy Ryan - 2010
    Until one drunken indiscretion threatens to change everything. But there is more than friendship on the line. Can Reese put the pain of his loss behind him and take a chance on a future with Tag, or will one hot night together be all Tag ever has of the man he's loved for as long as he can remember?


D.J. Manly - 2009
    The son of a powerful mobster, his father has determined that its now time for him to take his place in the family. Giovanni is prepared to kill the son of a rival mobster from a room across from his hotel. But what he sees distracts him, and rather than pull the trigger, he finds himself indulging in personal fantasies, fantasies he dares not have.Amador runs his family’s construction company. Vega Construction is legit and it’s about the only business that is. He has done his best to avoid being dragged into his father’s criminal activities and done his best to hide his secret sexual desires. He is not thrilled to find himself on the Biachi hit list or to discover that the man sent to kill him now knows his secret.Giovanni and Amador will have no choice but to come together in an explosive way, both in the bedroom and out, as they desperately try to find a way out of the trap they find themselves ensnared in. Is there a way out, and if there is, will it be together?

The Nothingness of Ben

Brad Boney - 2012
    His life is perfect until he gets a phone call that brings it all crashing down: a car accident takes his parents, and now he must return to Austin to raise three teenage brothers he barely knows.During the funeral, Ben meets Travis Atwood, the redneck neighbor with a huge heart. Their relationship initially runs hot and cold, from contentious to flirtatious, but when the weight of responsibility starts wearing on Ben, he turns to Travis, and the pressure shapes their friendship into something that feels a lot like love. Ben thinks he’s found a way to have his old life, his new life, and Travis too, but love isn’t always easy. Will he learn to recognize that sometimes the worst thing imaginable can lead him to the place he was meant to be?

Trust In Me

Lori Toland - 2011
    As the only other technical specialist able to step in on such short notice, he takes over what seems like an average job until he runs into his old crush from high school, Jamie Hunter. Ten years after a summer fling left him with a broken heart, Tristan now has a different view of life and love but this time around, will he push away the only man he ever cared about?

Settling the Score

Eden Winters - 2011
    His dreams of a happy ever after lie crushed at his feet. Novelist Troy Steele has an axe to grind against Hollywood heartbreaker types. Transforming Joey into a gorgeous, unobtainable hunk would be payback worthy of Troy’s poison pen. It's a brilliant way to get back at Joey’s image-obsessed ex-boyfriend and the movie producer who’s mutilating Troy’s novels. What begins as simple revenge may tangle them together in something far more complicated. Living well may be the best revenge, but Troy and Joey could rewrite that to loving well.

Wicked Intentions

Talia Carmichael - 2012
    Evan Murray is working hard to get back to as close to normal as he can after the death of his husband. An attempt on his life shatters the hard-won peace he has achieved. Meeting Ian, one of the detectives sent to handle his case, Evan finds himself feeling something he didn t expect to feel for any other man again-attraction. Evan doesn t believe anyone wants to hurt him, yet with each new attempt, he realises he might be in more danger than he expects. Although he might be in danger, he won t let the unknown person control his life. As he gets to know more about Ian, Evan finds himself drawn to this man who is working to find the one out to kill him. Evan doesn t want to be just another case. There is so much more he needs from Ian...things that include being more up close, personal, and wicked. Ian Walsh finds his professional detachment shattered by his latest case. Evan s optimism in the face of everything, and his guilelessness, makes for an interesting puzzle. His stubbornness, on the other hand, aggravates Ian. Yet he can t help but be captivated. Keeping Evan at a distance has become a problem. The lines between case and personal are blurred, but Ian is powerless to stop what is happening. With each new attempt made on Evan, they are baffled by the randomness of it. Ian will not let anything happen to this man who has captured him with his wicked intentions."

And Hell Itself Breathes Out

A.R. Moler - 2010
    When one murder becomes two, he can't help but start connecting the dots, putting cases and clues together. He's not the only one, though. John Benchley, director of Special Investigative Services, a tiny government agency attached to Homeland Security which deals with darker realities, and his team are soon on the case, and they bring Evan and his special skills on board. Both bisexual, Evan and John find they are attracted to each other, even as they work together to solve this string of murders which keeps growing in scope. Their serial killer seems to be moving toward darker and darker deeds with every murder and ritual performed. Can John and Evan find solace in each other, even as murderous men and demonic forces threaten not only their own team, but the city as well?

One Real Thing

Anah Crow - 2010
    Though the responsible grad student and the uninhibited partier were total opposites, they had always shared an inexplicable bond. Nick knows he should stop saving the out-of-control Holly, but when Holly hits rock-bottom hard—and publicly—he can't resist coming to his rescue one last time. Can't resist the feeling of having Holly need him again.Bringing Holly back to New York City, Nick gives Holly the chance to face his demons and break his dangerous habits—while keeping Holly's presence a secret from Nick's wife. He doesn't want to face Caroline's hatred of Holly...or the reasons she might have to resent him.Then the tables are turned. Just as Holly pulls himself together, Nick's life falls apart. Now it's up to Holly to bring Nick back from the brink—and to make Nick finally face the desires he's long denied.

Unlikely Hero

Sean Michael - 2009
    Brock never expected to hear from Eric again, but he never got over the man, either. When Eric comes to him to help find the three-year-old Josie, there's no way Brock can turn him down. He has the money and the contacts Eric needs, and he can't let Eric walk out of his life again. Not after all these years.Brock has no idea what he's letting himself in for. Together, Eric and Josie turn Brock's world upside down while they work with police and private security to find the people who took Josie, and to keep Eric and Josie safe while they do. Even as they get to know each other again, Brock has to fight the feelings he still has for Eric, at least for time being, which just makes it all that much harder. Can Eric and Brock find out who wants to hurt them before it's too late, or will Brock fall off his pedestal as Eric's hero?

Hairy Harry's Car Seat

Sue Brown - 2013
    saying goodbye to his best friend.Evan Wells is the local vet who attends to Harry and Peter is surprised at how quickly they become friends. Peter finds himself looking forward to Evan's phone calls and the meals they share together. He knows Evan is gay but it doesn't bother him until Evan confesses his attraction to him. Peter has to admit to himself that he's not as adverse to the possibility as he thought he would be, and that does bother him.32,000 words

Too Close

R. Phoenix - 2016
    Making ends meet seemed impossible until Tate Chandler took them in -- his knight in shining armor who promised to make life about more than just surviving. But Tate is not the man he seemed to be, and even his whispered I love yous and generous gifts do little to soothe the pain he causes. Knowing he can't give his sister all that she deserves without Tate, Skylar stays with him, relying on bad puns and a worse sense of humor to keep up the charade. He will do anything for his sister, even if that means acting the responsible adult and going back to his old high school to meet Dexter Weston, the hot math teacher who can make even algebra interesting. Sparks fly between the two of them, but with his dependence on Tate, Skylar isn't free to follow his heart. He wants what is best for Evie, but can he pass up the chance to find love that heals instead of harms? Warning: This book contains scenes of domestic violence/abuse that some may find triggering to read.

Hidden Truths

Nicole Colville - 2013
    Their lives are intertwined in more ways than they can see and only working through the truths hidden deep within each of them can they free themselves and find the love that they are searching for. Each of them need the other in a way not even themselves can understand. This is the first of three books following the complicated lives of Jamie Burton a three time Winter Olympic gold medallist, Valerio Capelli an Italian bike racing protégé and Scot a billionaire business genius. All three are stunning and sexy in different ways. All three desire the same thing, sex, love and freedom from their pasts.Jamie Burton is an enigmatic, beautiful, intoxicating person who entices those around him without him even trying. He's someone who appears to have it all. Good looks, good nature, wealth. How appearances can be deceiving. He has a crippling emotional fear of love and relationships stemming from his painful childhood. Mix that with his obsessive compulsion to remain clean and controlled and Jamie has no chance at falling in love. That may change when he meets Valerio Capelli. An innocent curly haired eighteen year old Italian bike racing protégé who lives life to the fullest and races at two hundred miles an hour on the world’s fastest racetracks. He’s warm and relaxed and undecided about his sexuality. Everything Jamie is afraid off but he can't stop the pull this enigmatic creature has over him.Just like Jamie Valerio is hiding the truth about his past, only by overcoming his fears and his hidden pain can he truly move on.Valerio may be Jamie's future but his past is constantly around him. Meet Scot the intense but stunning business man who appears to have nothing with Jamie apart from their passionate sex life. He’s a billionaire playboy who is controlled arrogant and powerful but weak around Jamie. When they meet both are lost and not just in their lust for each other but from the hidden secrets in their past.He sees things in Jamie that even he can't see, the truth shines from his black eyes tempting Jamie back into his arms I a way he doesn’t understand.All three have hidden the truth for so long about so many things. All have dark issues which can't be spoken about.What’s hidden in the fog of Jamie’s mind? What’s missing?Can these two men in his life help free him from his pain? Or will they push him the edge of his sanity in their attempts to make him love?