Mothman and Other Curious Encounters

Loren Coleman - 2002
    What's the fuss? In a word--Mothman! A famous investigator examines the reports of this huge, red-eyed creature with wings seen over Point Pleasant, West Virginia on November 15, 1966?and the spawn of Mothman seen before and after that date.

Haunted Asylums, Morgues & Cemeteries

Stephen Young - 2015
    Tales from the Asylum True tales of horror & hauntings... excerpts; 'Patients said they could not sleep at night because of the screaming of the dead, but because the patients had already been classified as insane, no-one took any notice of them.' 'The family of the owner stayed at the Asylum for just one night, after their young daughter was found the next morning with her face ripped open by something unknown.' 'In the dust was the word, "Help," written backwards.' 'They'd captured the sound of a young girl and she was saying, "Do you want to play with me?" 'The demonic looking creature in the patient's drawing had come to life. It followed the Doctor everywhere now, followed afterward by the most deafening of noises that felt as though his ears were about to explode. The strange thing was, no-one else could hear it.' The Harvard Crimson wrote of their visit to the now famous morgue, 'Face mutilated, gashed faces, awful contortions, hideous leer, gaping mouths now fixed forever in rigid agony, hands outstretched whispering, "Come to me, Come to me!" and we hear and shudder and come." Two mysterious trunks arrived. When they were opened they were found to contain two separate parts of an unidentified woman. She had been chopped in half and her top half placed in one of the trunks and her bottom half in the other. 'Doctors used instruments that looked strangely similar to ice picks.' 'They were tied to their beds almost permanently, barely able to move a limb.' 'The sharp sense that there's a third party in the room is overpowering. The air is suddenly foul and i feel an intense awareness that i'm not welcome here.' 'The images appeared to show a man in the window holding a cross.' 'I have struggled to accept the things i saw there those nights, but whatever is there, it's not human.' Haunted Asylums, Morgues & Cemeteries. Haunted ghost files, creepy & scary stories, haunted asylums & ghosts mysteries...occult mythology and the paranormal.

American Cosmic: UFOs, Religion, Technology

Diana Walsh Pasulka - 2019
    This level of belief rivals that of belief in God. American Cosmic examines the mechanisms at work behind the thriving belief system in extraterrestrial life, a system that is changing and even supplanting traditional religions.Over the course of a six-year ethnographic study, D.W. Pasulka interviewed successful and influential scientists, professionals, and Silicon Valley entrepreneurs who believe in extraterrestrial intelligence, thereby disproving the common misconception that only fringe members of society believe in UFOs. She argues that widespread belief in aliens is due to a number of factors including their ubiquity in modern media like The X-Files, which can influence memory, and the believability lent to that media by the search for planets that might support life. American Cosmic explores the intriguing question of how people interpret unexplainable experiences, and argues that the media is replacing religion as a cultural authority that offers believers answers about non-human intelligent life.

Beyond The Fray: Paramalgamation

Shannon LeGro - 2020
    Michael Hopf; comes a collection of unexplained, nearly impossible to classify encounters with the strange, terrifying, and life-changing. Run-ins with goblins, creatures, and human-looking copies that don’t fit into a neat little box like Bigfoot or ghosts. This is a collection of some of the strangest and scariest stories ever told by the people who experienced them. Sit back, relax and we suggest you keep a light on.

Sekret Machines: Gods An Official Investigation of the UFO Phenomenon (Gods, Man & War)

Tom DeLonge - 2017
    The reader will not discover wild theories or unfounded claims, but instead will confront a solid -- if often unsettling -- reality, one that demands the collaboration of all of us in every field of human endeavor if we are to understand it and manage its effects. If nothing else, readers will come to the conclusion that the Phenomenon is not what they think it is.  It is, in fact, much more serious and potentially much more threatening than they can imagine.Sekret Machines: GODS is volume one of the companion investigation series to the bestselling thriller Sekret Machines: Chasing Shadows by DeLonge and NYTimes bestselling author AJ Hartley.  The whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts.  Read together, the thriller series and the investigation series show what cannot be revealed with one approach alone.

For The Moon Is Hollow And Aliens Rule The Sky

Rob Shelsky - 2014
    However, after researching the facts, the author did something he rarely does. He made a complete about-face on his views regarding The Hollow Moon Theory! Just why did he do this? For a good reason: because the evidence to support the idea of our Moon being hollow was far greater than he had ever suspected and comes from a wide variety of scientific disciplines and sources. The Author discovered there is also a veritable avalanche of evidence for the existence of aliens being on or in a hollow Moon. If you have ever wondered if the Moon might just be hollow, after reading this book, For The Moon Is Hollow And Aliens Rule The Sky, you will wonder no more. This book includes evidence for: -- Recorded historical evidence for our Moon not always having been in our skies. -- Discusses the truth of the Spaceship Moon Theory (Hollow Moon Theory). -- Names the five main theories of our Moon’s origin and what’s wrong with them. -- Shows evidence for not just one, but possibly two hollow moons! -- Develops a new theory, that of the Diaspora of alien civilizations to the stars. -- Bizarre physical oddities about our Moon. -- Strange evidence for alien structures on the Moon. -- Weird events show evidence for aliens in space, in our skies, and on the Moon. -- Convincing evidence and arguments as to just why the Moon is hollow. -- Documented account of aliens and our astronauts. -- An in-depth discussion of just what all this may mean for humanity? And more! The author builds his case for the idea of our Moon being hollow step by easy step, and provides information from a wide variety of sources to support this theory. Is our Moon hollow? Do aliens dwell within it? Do such strange beings rule our sky? The answers all lie in For The Moon Is Hollow And Aliens Rule The Sky, a cutting edge look at all the latest ideas, theories, and facts to support them, as well as including a new theory of just why it may well be that all intelligent civilizations might take to the stars in hollowed-out worlds! And what fear drives them to do so!

Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon, Volume I: Folklore

Joshua Cutchin - 2020
    Bigfoot may be howling from a lonely mountaintop, but the bigfoot phenomenon is whispering secrets... if we will only listen.Eyewitnesses, investigators, and cryptozoologists worldwide contend ample evidence exists supporting the survival of large, hairy, apelike creatures alongside mankind today, lurking in the wilderness. By all appearances, these beings seem wholly natural, interacting with their surroundings and leaving behind hair, blood, droppings, and, of course, footprints.Yet despite their apparently physical nature, bigfoot and its hairy hominid kin consistently appear mired in High Strangeness—the peculiar, ineffable, and nonsensical absurdities so often encountered in paranormal phenomena.Some sightings seem more consistent with mythology than biology. Bigfoot often present supernatural attributes, like luminescent eyes or the ability to pass, ghostlike, through structures. Anomalous lights are regulalry seen in areas of frequent sasquatch activity. Footprints persistently, if rarely, display odd numbered toes, and—most bafflingly—bigfoot trackways suddenly terminate in the middle of open, untouched terrain.In Volume 1 of Where the Footprints End: High Strangeness and the Bigfoot Phenomenon, authors Joshua Cutchin and Timothy Renner carefully examine not only the intersection of hairy apemen with global folklore—of poltergeists, faeries, extraterrestrials, magic, witches, ghosts, and archetypal women-in-white—but also question the fundamental assumptions underlying contemporary cryptozoological beliefs surrounding bigfoot.

The Secret History of the World: And How to Get Out Alive

Laura Knight-Jadczyk - 2002
    The latest edition is ISBN: 1897244169)If you heard the Truth, would you believe it? Ancient civilizations. Hyperdimensional realities. DNA changes. Bible conspiracies. What are the realities? What is disinformation? The Secret History of The World and How To Get Out Alive is the definitive book of the real answers where Truth is more fantastic than fiction. Laura Knight-Jadczyk, wife of internationally known theoretical physicist, Arkadiusz Jadczyk, an expert in hyperdimensional physics, draws on science and mysticism to pierce the veil of reality. Due to the many threats on her life from agents and agencies known and unknown, Laura left the United States to live in France, where she is working closely with Patrick Rivière, student of Eugene Canseliet, the only disciple of the legendary alchemist Fulcanelli. To this day, Laura continues to undergo ad-hominem attacks on her web pages, her blog and even as faux book 'reviews' on book seller websites, by those threatened by the information she reveals in this definitive work.Yet, with sparkling humour and wisdom, she picks up where Fulcanelli left off, sharing over thirty years of research to reveal, for the first time, The Great Work and the esoteric Science of the Ancients in terms accessible to scholar and layperson alike.

The Sirius Mystery: New Scientific Evidence of Alien Contact 5,000 Years Ago

Robert K.G. Temple - 1976
    Undaunted, however, Temple is back, with 140 pages of new scientific evidence that makes his hypothesis more compelling than ever. Many authors have speculated on the subject of extraterrestrial contact, but never before has such detailed evidence been presented. Temple applies his in-depth knowledge of ancient history, mythology, Pythagorean physics, chaos theory, and Greek, to a close examination of the measurements of the Great Pyramid of Giza, which was built to align directly with the star Sirius. He concludes that the alien civilization of Sirius and our own civilization are part of the same harmonic system, and are destined to function and resonate together. His findings warrant a profound reappraisal of our role in the universe.

The Pleiadian Agenda: A New Cosmology for the Age of Light

Barbara Hand Clow - 1995
    Satya describes the huge cosmic drama taking place simultaneously in nine dimensions, with Earth as the chosen theater. The Pleiadians are a group of enlightened beings who believe that the end of the Mayan Calendar will signal a critical leap in human evolution; the Pleiadians will be there to guide us for that leap. This shift is the coming Age of Light, and the entry of our solar system into the Photon Band and the Age of Aquarius.

When Giants Were Upon the Earth: The Watchers, the Nephilim, and the Biblical Cosmic War of the Seed

Brian Godawa - 2014
    Author Brian Godawa shares the Biblical and ancient historical research that undergirds the fiction. Now all those appendices have been placed together in one book for those who want serious study of the topics of Genesis 6, the Watchers, Nephilim, Spiritual Warfare, and the Biblical Cosmic War of the Seed. This book has the special bonus of a previously unpublished chapter on the Book of Enoch, as well as newly expanded chapters. The Book of Enoch: Scripture, Heresy or What? Bonus Chapter. How influential the ancient book of Enoch has been on the Church and the New Testament both directly and indirectly. Sons of God (Newly expanded from Noah Primeval) Noah Primeval Appendix. Introduction to the Divine Council in the Bible. Are the Sons of God in Genesis 6 angels, Sethites or divine kings? The Nephilim (Newly expanded from Noah Primeval) Noah Primeval Appendix. The Nephilim in the Bible is controversial. But Genesis 6 is not the only place they show up. This chapter explores everywhere giants appear in the Bible. Leviathan Noah Primeval Appendix. The notion of a sea dragon of chaos is universal in the ancient Near East and the Bible. What is its theological meaning? The Bible may surprise you. Mesopotamian Cosmic Geography in the Bible Noah Primeval Appendix. Did the Bible writers assume the ancient Mesopotamian view of a flat earth supported by pillars over an Underworld with a solid dome overhead? This chapter lets the Bible speak for itself. Retelling Bible Stories and Mythic Imagination Enoch Primordial Appendix. Ancient Jewish writers retold Bible stories to bring meaning to their world. Jewish legends and Biblical creatures in Enoch Primordial: Cain as a vampire, Lilith the demon, Rahab the sea dragon, Behemoth, Cherubim, Seraphim, Rephaim, and Satan. Gilgamesh and the Bible Gilgamesh Immortal Appendix. A look at what the ancient Epic of Gilgamesh has in common with the Bible: A lot. What was “Noah’s nakedness”? A look at the various theories of who Gilgamesh really was in history and the Bible. In Defense of Ancient Traditions Abraham Allegiant Appendix. Why are there multiple names for God in the Bible? The legends behind the Tower of Babel and Nimrod. The ancient book of Jasher quoted in the Bible. What does it mean that the Sons of God inherited the nations at Babel? Mythical Monsters in the Bible Joshua Valiant Appendix. A look at mythical creatures in the Bible: Satyrs, centaurs, Lilith, winged fiery serpents, and Azazel. Famous Biblical giants: Og of Bashan, Ahiman, Talmai, and Sheshai. Canaanite Baal and Old Testament Storytelling Polemics Caleb Vigilant Appendix. How Bible writers used Canaanite notions subversively to undermine Baal the storm god, and elevate Yahweh as the true God. Goliath was Not Alone David Ascendant Appendix. A closer look at the most famous Biblical giant, Goliath. But there are five other giants spoken of in the Bible as going after David.

The Unexplained : An Illustrated Guide to the World's Paranormal Mysteries

Karl P.N. Shuker - 1996
    The Unexplained provides extraordinary insight into some of the planet's most startling and sensational phenomena. Breaking new bounds with its unique structure, this authoritative book presents the world's most compelling mysteries continent-by-continent, allowing worldwide comparison, and also revealing some of the more isolated and mysterious global enigmas.-- Are crop circles meteorological vortices, elaborate hoaxes created by human hand or messages from another world?-- Where can you find mysterious merfolk, falling frogs and fabulous sea monsters?-- Do you believe that religious statues can weep and bleed, or that the Virgin Mary can appear in a vision?

The Vengeful Djinn: Unveiling the Hidden Agenda of Genies

Rosemary Ellen Guiley - 2011
    This groundbreaking book presents the findings of Rosemary Ellen Guiley and Philip J. Imbrogno's investigation into the powerful and mysterious interdimensional beings known as djinn or genies. It reveals what the djinn are, where they can be found--and their hidden agenda against the human race.Working with material compiled from a variety of sources--including their own case files, Middle Eastern lore, the Qur'an, teachings of Islamic scholars, and the latest theories in quantum physics--the authors explore the relationship between the djinn, demons, fairies, shadow people, and extraterrestrials. They discuss the military's interest in these clandestine beings, offer eyewitness accounts of modern human encounters with the djinn, and reveal the location of interdimensional entry points in North America.

Ancient Knowledge

George Curtis - 2011
    Proven with mathematics this book describes genuine ancient knowledge that conflicts with modern science but upholds the Biblical story of Genesis.

The Close Encounters Man: How One Man Made the World Believe in UFOs

Mark O'Connell - 2017
    Allen Hynek, the astronomer who invented the concept of "Close Encounters" with alien life, inspired Steven Spielberg’s blockbuster classic science fiction epic film, and made a nation want to believe in UFOs.In June 1947, private pilot Kenneth Arnold looked out his cockpit window and saw a group of nine silvery crescents weaving between the peaks of the Cascade Mountains at an estimated 1,200 miles an hour. The media, the military, and the scientific community—led by J. Allen Hynek, an astronomer hired by the Air Force—debunked this and many other Unidentified Flying Object sightings reported across the country. But after years of denials, Hynek made a shocking pronouncement: UFOs are real.Thirty years after his death, Hynek’s agonizing transformation from skepticism to true believer remains one of the great misunderstood stories of science. In this definitive biography, Mark O'Connell reveals for the first time how Hynek’s work both as a celebrated astronomer and as the U. S. Air Force’s go-to UFO expert for nearly twenty years stretched the boundaries of modern science, laid the groundwork for acceptance of the possibility of UFOs, and was the basis of the hit film Close Encounters of the Third Kind. With unprecedented access to Hynek’s personal and professional files, O’Connell smashes conventional wisdom to reveal the intriguing man and scientist beneath the legend.Tracing Hynek’s career, O'Connell examines Hynek’s often-ignored work as a professional astronomer to create a complete portrait of a groundbreaking enthusiast who became an American cult icon and transformed the way we see our world and our universe.