
Stephen Knight - 2015
     The world had less than seven hours to prepare. When it hit, the coronal mass ejection from the sun rolled back hundreds of years of technological innovation. Airplanes fell from the skies. Power grids crashed. Even electrical cabling was turned to slag. No internet. No cable TV. No electricity. No modern day conveniences of any kind, from fancy European sedans to smart phones to clean, running water. The entire world is plunged back into the Dark Ages in less than a second, courtesy of the most powerful Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) event in recorded history. Television development exec Tony Vincenzo has always lived a high-society life, first in Los Angeles, now in Manhattan. As New York City tears itself apart in an orgy of violence, Vincenzo has to leave his high-floor luxury condominium on Central Park South's Billionaire's Row in order to return to his wife and young son in the Hollywood Hills overlooking LA. But the only way to get there is to walk, and Vincenzo is no Joe Survivalist—he's the kind of guy used to the trappings of the good life. While society unravels all around him, he has to not only make it out of New York alive, but across the entirety of a nation descending into feral madness. His journey becomes more complex when he commits a truly selfless deed, and winds up with two young charges: seven-year-old Daniel, an autistic boy ill-equipped for a life of hardship, and his sassy four-year-old sister, Gabriella. Together, the trio will need every stroke of luck they can find to persevere in the lawless lands that lie ahead of them…and survive the brutality of the serial killer Roth who pursues them.

Hunter's Rain: A John Chase Novella

Dirk Patton - 2016
    Warlords are seizing control of a central African nation and what had begun as a limited conflict is quickly ramping up to full-scale genocide. On orders of the President, he leads a Delta Force team to join up with a squad from the Australian SASR who are already on the ground. Together, they have one mission. Stop the wholesale slaughter of innocents by any means necessary. But, things are not as they seem. John is accompanied by a CIA agent who has a personal issue with him, as well as a mysterious specialist from USAMRIID, the US Army's laboratory for medical and biological defense research. Together, they encounter horrors that can only come from generations of tribal hatred. After witnessing unspeakable atrocities, none of the men will ever be the same. For those readers who are familiar with the V Plague series, this is the story of John and Lucas Martin that was referenced in the novel Recovery: V Plague Book 8. This story is set before the time of the V Plague and can be read before, during or after without spoiling any events in the series. While Hunter's Rain is by definition of word count a novel, it is published as a novella.

Breckinridge Valley: Surviving the Black--Book 1 of a Post-Apocalyptical series

Zack Finley - 2019
    After Jeremy Breckinridge’s wife dies, he’ll do anything he can to care for his two girls. He resigns from the Army and settles into a quiet Tennessee county to raise his family and help run the family businesses. However, the Breckinridge’s have a well-concealed secret. They are survivalists focused on protecting their family and allies from any large-scale disruption. When the SHTF, they learn no plan survives contact with reality. While they have prepared more extensively than their neighbors, even they find themselves stretched to provide for Breckinridge Valley’s growing population. Jeremy is shocked by how quickly societal norms break down outside the relative oasis of Breckinridge Valley. When a local militia and then a depraved deputy threaten to take over the area, Breckinridge Valley must act to preserve its future. This electrifying novel of persistence demonstrates the expanding versatility of new author Zack Finley. This dystopian novel features well-researched survival tips and ideas against the backdrop of rural America. The Surviving the Black series presents one version of a possible future, should American society continue its increasing dependence on a poorly managed electrical grid and food supplies coming from half a continent away. Mature themes, not suitable for persons under 18.

The Wanderer

David Anderson - 2013
    It has been five long years since his life was turned on its head, but against all odds he continues to cling to life.Every day since the plague has been a battle for survival. With no family and no companion he wanders the empty streets of his desolate home town as a way to pass the lonely days, his familiar surroundings his only reminder of a more normal time. By sticking with little deviation to a daily routine he attempts to retard the erosion of his sanity. Growing used to his new existence, and never expecting change, how would he react if he knew that, just around the corner, another life-shattering change awaits him?


Stephen G. Mitchell - 2014
    The seas have risen, the skies have darkened and the American Midwest has become a desert. A handful of corporations own and operate the country and food is used as a means of oppression. The year is 2074. America is now a third-world nation and China, with its prosperous and burgeoning middle class, is the leader of the Free World. Against this backdrop, a devastating raid by the wealthy ruling class on a stronghold of rebels fighting against the system inadvertently unites two enemies in a forbidden love that threatens to tear their worlds apart. Carlin Pheney, a decorated military pilot and member of the upper class, is captured by Aelena Hall, a veteran leader of the food wars. Together, they become fugitives on the run from a military industrial complex headed by Carlin’s father. Aided by strangers and betrayed by friends, they are swept up in an unstoppable global catastrophe. When Aelena is captured and thrown into the Federal Torture Chamber on Guantanamo Island, Carlin devises a desperate plan for her impossible escape from the water-bound prison. Mystery and suspense pursue the two lovers across the oceans and around the world to a wild and newborn land. Here, if they hope to survive, they must face a terrible battle to colonize a new America and give birth to a nation. In the tradition of literature with science fiction and political overtones that includes Nineteen Eighty-Four, Brave New World and Fahrenheit 451 comes one of the best new books of the year, the dystopian thriller 2076: A Revolutionary Tale—a book about a tomorrow ruled by the plutocrats of today.

Darkest Hour: A Post-Apocalyptic EMP Survival Thriller

Jack Hunt - 2017
    Now imagine something worse. Could you survive? After the earth shook, there was only darkness. After the fear, there was only violence. After the chaos, only disease. After the attacks, only survivors. The catastrophic event was just the beginning. 
 When Logan and his family move from Dakota to the small town of Moab, Utah, he could have never imagined the devastating chain of events that would unfold and the unspoken danger lurking in the shadows. In a matter of days his family and the rest of the world are thrust into the darkness of a post-apocalyptic world full of terrifying threats at every turn. 
 Fear everyone, trust no one. 
 Now, in a town on the brink of collapse, Logan tries to grapple with the mystery surrounding the event that’s brought the country to its knees, and the arrival of a hidden threat that kills and spreads like wildfire. Joined with a ragtag group of survivors, their only hope is to run, fight and find out how to stop it before it’s too late. 
 Will humanity have what it takes to deal with the unexpected? 
 With real people in deadly circumstances, fighting for survival, Darkest Hour is a pulse-pounding story for fans of post-apocalyptic survival thrillers.

Dirty Barry

Mark Farrer - 2020
     Barry Sullivan is a sordid dentist who resorts to blackmail to keep his string of married women compliant. But now Cullen has toothache - and a very different interpretation of the dental code of practice. The Tartan Hiaasen strikes again with another tale which roars along - and which will have you roaring along with it. This laugh-out-loud novella is a prequel to the highly entertaining CULLEN series of full-length novels.

Static: Fade To Gray- An EMP Thriller Book 1

James Hunt - 2016
    Millions of citizens have been thrust into the unknown, breeding fear into the minds and souls of those seeking to survive. Wren Burton, an architect from Chicago, has been engulfed by the chaotic aftermath of an EMP blast. Her family is injured. The enemy is unknown. And help is nowhere to be found.

Dark Days Rough Roads

Matthew D. Mark - 2013
    He needs unconventional skills and resources to mount a daring and deceptive plan to retrieve his daughter who is away at college. He’s hundreds of miles away and it seems like thousands. It’s a trip he planned for, but a trip resulting in some unexpected and deadly events as chaos grips the country.Encountering friends and enemies along the way, the journey becomes a fight for their lives. With the help of both family and friends, they all hope to work their way towards a safe haven. A rogue militia group has a different idea in mind however. Teetering on the brink of a small civil war, drastic measures must be taken. Without technology, society begins to collapse. Without the basics to survive, people change. Without rule of law, it’s every person for their self. They have Dark Days and Rough Roads ahead of them.This book is not only loaded with action and adventure, but suspense and drama as well. If you're a prepper or survivalist you'll love the military style guerrilla warfare, the tips, tricks and gadgets. If you're just an apocalypse reader, you'll love the insight into human behavior after the SHTF.

The Last Layover

Steven C. Bird - 2014
    The Last Layover is a fiction novel based on real places and potential scenarios where an out of control government pushes America to the brink of financial and social collapse. This vulnerable state allows the unthinkable to happen, causing the comfort, security, and conveniences of our modern first world society to quickly come to an end. Imagine yourself far from home when the world suddenly changes. Just think back to Hurricane Katrina, Hurricane Sandy, and other such recent events, and you can see just how quickly society breaks down. Those situations even occurred with the nature of the emergency being confined to one specific geographic area, where help is just the next town or state away. Now also think about how that scene would play out if help was not going to come. What if those who you would look to for help had their own emergencies to contend with, leaving you and those around you to fend for yourselves? What about all of those modern conveniences of society like ATM’s, point of sale debit/credit card readers, cell phones, and the internet? What if it all went down while you were away from home? What about our food supply chain? How much food does your family have at home to get them through if the shelves were to go empty? How much do you have with you? Will it all go bad without electricity? Do you have what it takes to defend yourself and those around you when society takes an ugly turn and violence becomes necessary for survival? Those are a few of the things that this book helps you think about. In The Last Layover, an airline crew finds themselves on an overnight layover in New York City, far from their homes when a series of events take place that bring our modern society to its knees. Join them as they face the dangers and difficulties of trying to make their way back to their homes and families in a rapidly deteriorating society, without our modern transportation and communications infrastructure, all while dealing with the lawlessness and violence that quickly ensues in a desperate and broken society. Discover with them the dark side that humanity can quickly take, as well as the good that can come from faith, family, and friendship.

Patriot Dawn: The Resistance Rises

Max Velocity - 2013
    The storm was rising for some time, a Resistance in the hearts of American Patriots to the strangulation of liberty by creeping authoritarianism. The scene was set. It just took a little push. A terrorist attack on the United States leads to war with Iran, followed by collapse, as the economy goes over the cliff. The final blow is a widespread opportunistic Chinese cyber attack, taking down the North American Power Grid. From the ashes, the Regime emerges. Liberty is dead. What remains of the United States of America is polarized. The Resistance Rises. Jack Berenger is a former Army Ranger Captain, living in northern Virginia with his family. Following the collapse, they fall foul of Regime violence and evacuate to the farm of an old Army friend. Jack is recruited into the resistance, to train the fledgling forces in the Shenandoah Valley. The fight begins. Live Hard, Die Free. Resist.


Mike Whitworth - 2015
    He is determined to get back home to his wife and son.

The White Eyed Ghost's Promise (Book 1): Herobrine Lives (An Unofficial Minecraft Book for Kids Ages 9 - 12 (Preteen)

Mark Mulle - 2015
    While scrolling through YouTube, passed all the adorable cat videos and fail compilation videos, he came across the sub-genre of “Let’s Play” videos. He immediately fell in love with a YouTuber who began a play through of the game Minecraft. So when James found out he had won a unique character skin by being the 30 Millionth Minecraft user to buy a copy of the game, he couldn’t wait to sit down and begin his second life building and living in a world made up entirely of his own imagination. Everything seemed normal enough until he logged in for the first time and noticed that his personal gameplay would be much more sinister than he had watched online. Through some error James was awarded the character skin of Herobrine. Thought to be an urban legend created to scare away younger players, he appeared in James’ world and began to torment him in, and out of, the game. After making James promise to never play the game again, Herobrine seemed to move on and left him alone. However, James had spent so long watching the videos that he couldn’t stand to just be an outside observer anymore, he had finally gotten a taste for the game and needed to play more for himself. So, breaking the promise he made to Herobrine, James reentered the world, unknowingly risking the lives of all the other characters on his server. After banding together with the other players to hold back Herobrine’s initial attack and save their server, James formed an unlikely bond with the villagers of Gilesh. But even though they were able to thwart one attack, how would they fend against another? Will James be able to save himself and his new friends, or will he become just another one of the many forgotten characters that will fall in the wake of Herobrine’s reign of terror. This unofficial Minecraft book is not authorized, endorsed or sponsored by Microsoft Corp., Mojang AB, Notch Development AB or any other person or entity owning or controlling the rights of the Minecraft name, trademark or copyrights. All characters, names, places and other aspects of the game described herein are trademarked and owned by their respective owners. Minecraft®/ /TM & ©2009-2016 Mojang/Notch.

Dark Days of the After

Ryan Schow - 2019
    No one knows how this happened, or why America prostrated herself to the kind of foreign forces who would impose obedience through compliance.  Resistors call the occupation “creeping death.” Those countries grabbing at the reins of power see it for what it is—a full scale invasion.Security engineer, Logan Cahill, is part of the underground effort to reclaim America, but when he finds a cryptic message in the world's largest server room leading to a doomsday clock, everything changes. With the help of a local hacker, Logan traces the clock to its origins where he discovers a truth so horrific, so terrifying, the mere mention of it carries a death sentence. He now knows the enemies, the weapons and the time of America’s death, right down to the minute. If he wants to survive the apocalypse, he and the feisty Skylar Madigan have to bug out fast. This won’t be easy considering the surveillance grid in place, or the armed lock-down of all major cities.The final defensive frontier for dedicated patriots is life on the land held by their ancestors, those men and women dug into their off-grid homes and operating a black market economy.  But not everyone has what it takes to survive life outside the occupied cities, and precious few know how to defend themselves against the brutality of America’s captors.  All that is about to change…


Sarah Jaune - 2015
    No one was, although Mia and her fifteen-month-old sister had a slight advantage: their father, a hardcore doomsday prepper, left them a safe haven to help them survive their new reality. Andrew Greene is Mia's childhood friend. On track to graduate college at nineteen years old, his sharp mind gives him an edge against the competition. How will the trio survive the harsh winters of Pennsylvania? How will they survive attacks from hungry wildlife? What will they do when faced with perhaps their greatest danger: the other survivors? Can they live in this new world? Or will their Shelter turn into their tomb?