Beneath Contempt

Jade Thorn - 2020
    Five of the most sought after shifter-familiars in the country. They’re already an unconventional pack of their own. A lion, two wolves and two dragons; witches everywhere would have given their right arm to bond them.Held within the confines of the famed Adolphus Academy, where witches went to learn beast taming magic, their only hope of freedom was to challenge a witch strong enough to defeat their beasts.Trapped until they are bonded, their future and sanity may just rest in the hands of a newly arrived first year student.As the strongest witch they’d seen in generations, Melody had been bound by her Aunt Georgia in their once prestigious coven, forced to bond and break every shifter they could find. Along with them, she was subjected to cruelty and neglect.Confined in abject misery, enslaved by a madwoman, Melody was unable to even imagine an end to their torture.Yet fate and her aunt had other plans. At twenty-five, she was just coming into her majority, and Melody would be sent to Adolphus Academy, where she had to find and bond the members of The Apex. If she failed to do so, she would die. If she succeeded — they did.How could Melody free these men, without enslaving them to another?**Warning, this is a dark reverse harem story with elements that may cause some readers distress, including but not limited to descriptions of physical abuse, neglect and death. Please consider carefully before purchasing. Not intended for readers under the age of 18.**

Fell for a Billionaire Vampire

N'Dia Rae - 2019
    When her cousin suggests she goes to a new vampire bar in town, Zion reluctantly agrees. The bar seems normal until she is viciously attacked by a vampire and then saved by their leader, a mysterious vampire named, Knight. Knight and Zion's connection is strong, earth-shattering and fateful. Through Knight, Zion learns secrets about herself that she has never known. This romance is steeped in mystery, sensuality and unexpected reveals. Are you ready for this new take on an African American Parnamormal Fantasy Novella.?

New Beginnings

Brandy L. Rivers - 2013
    Some Alpha’s just don’t know how to take care of their wolves. She had managed Gregory’s bar for years but she knew he would never sell it to her. After one giant mistake, he went from bad to worse. As a psychic, she knew it was a downward spiral. Taking her future in her own hands, she contacts the Alpha in Edenton. He is happy to sell the empty bar no one has the time, nor desire to renovate, much less run. Their attraction is unexpected and the last thing either want, but they find the only thing they need in each other. There is just one problem. Slater’s second in command is plotting against him. Liam will use anything to take over as Alpha. Plenty of werewolves, an old vampire flame, plus a paranoid second, and don’t forget the psychic with a whole lot of attitude.

Shadow Kin

M.J. Scott - 2011
    On one side, the Night World, ruled by the Blood Lords and the Beast Kind. On the other, the elusive Fae and the humans, protected by their steadfast mages. A city held together by nothing more than a treaty-and even then, just barely...I was born of a Fae mother, but I had no place amongst her kind. They called me "soulless." An abomination. Perhaps they're right...I'm a wraith, a shadow who slips between worlds. I was given into the service of a Blood Lord who raised me to be his most feared assassin. Still, I'm nothing more than a slave to my master, and to the need that only he can fulfill...Then he orders me to kill Simon DuCaine, a powerful sunmage. In the blaze of his magic, my own disappears. Instead of seeking revenge, Simon shows me mercy. He wants to free me. But that's one thing my master and his kind will never allow.And even if I thought I could trust Simon, stepping from the shadow into the light isn't as simple as it sounds...


Katie May - 2019
     You couldn’t be more wrong. As far as monsters go, I’m a screw up—if I’m not tripping over my own feet, I’m accidentally murdering someone (it’s a real issue, guys). Left with no choice, Dad decides to send me to Prodigium—otherwise known as Monster Academy—to train me on how to be a better monster. When bodies turn up on campus, I’m the prime suspect (not that I can blame them. I’ll be pretty suspicious too if bodies drained of blood show up right after Dracula’s daughter arrives). With the help of my mortal-nemesis Vin, Van Helsing’s son Frankie, Frankenstein’s son Mason, Medusa’s son And Jack (sometimes Hux), Dr. Jekyll’s son I might have a chance of uncovering the truth. If I’m not murdered first. The struggles of being a vampire, am I right? This is a horror comedy reverse harem with some dark elements. After all, you can’t have a bunch of monsters without some darkness. This is book one of a series.

Shiv Crew

Laken Cane - 2013
    But she is unstable and damaged. She realizes how broken she is even as she continues to submit to the unspeakable things her lover does to her, craving desperately the strange peace she finds in the aftermath.When she discovers things are not as they seem and a faceless human is torturing the supernatural groups in her city, she and her crew must break the rules and begin to protect the Others from the humans. But as the darkness inside her becomes stronger and she ends up on the wrong side of a battle she must not lose, who will save Rune from herself?

Destined Darkness

Tessa Cole - 2018
    as long as they never learn her secret. I’m Officer Essie Shaw, and I shouldn’t exist. If anyone finds out their friendly neighborhood beat cop is a nephilim — public enemy number one — I’ll be imprisoned. Or worse, dissected. I survive by keeping my head down and my barely-there magic under wraps. But when I lose a fight with a strange, smoke-like wraith, I’m confronted with my worst nightmare. A Joined Parliament Team of Agents — supernatural monster hunters who’d arrest me in a heartbeat if they knew the truth — a no-nonsense angel whose mere gaze captures my soul, a vampire with a breathtaking bite, an incubus with enticing hellfire in his eyes, and, worst of all, my smoldering-hot ex-partner, turned werewolf thanks to my rookie mistake. This wraith has been picking off veterans of the recently won war against the archangel Michael, and the bodies are piling up. My unwanted connection to it, along with the team’s skills, could be the key to trapping it in magical stasis. Question is, am I strong enough to serve as bait, while keeping the secret that could brand me their enemy? Destined Darkness is the first book in the Nephilim’s Destiny series, an action-packed full-length paranormal romance with four irresistible guys and a kick-ass heroine who doesn’t have to choose.


Anna Santos - 2015
    Arriving in a new town with an undercover identity to protect and the mission to find a pureblood vampire to save her brother’s life, the last thing Annabel needs is to fall in love with the sexy, persistent werewolf who thinks she’s a helpless human in need of a knight in shining armor. Shane is a dominant werewolf who also happens to be the local sheriff. He has almost lost hope of finding his better half. So when his beautiful soul-mate shows up and rogue vampires try to kill her, he does what any smart wolf would do: he saves her and takes her home, hoping to convince her that they belong together. When sparks fly between them, Annabel has to decide if she tells him who she really is or runs the other way to protect her secrets.


K.A. Tucker - 2011
    Her foster parents have the emotional aptitude of robots and her classmates barely acknowledge her existence. About to turn eighteen and feeling like a social pariah, she is desperate to connect with someone. Anyone.When Evangeline meets Sofie after literally stumbling upon her café, she believes she’s found that connection. Willing to do anything to keep it, she accepts a job as Sofie’s assistant and drops everything to fly to Manhattan, where she is thrust into a luxurious world of Prada, diamonds, and limitless cash.With such generosity and kindness, it’s easy for Evangeline to dismiss certain oddities... like Sofie’s erratic and sometimes violent behavior, and the monstrous guard dogs. She’s even willing to dismiss her vivid dreams of mob-style murders, beautiful homeless people living in caves, and white-eyed demons that haunt her each night as figments of her imagination—especially when one of those figments is the gorgeous Caden. When she wakes up with bite marks on her neck, the fairy tale quickly turns into a nightmare. She slowly unravels the mystery surrounding Sofie and friends, and the reality of the bites and the “dreams.” What she discovers is far more mysterious and terrible than anything she could have imagined.In a world where everyone has motive to lie for personal gain, Evangeline must decide which deception is least likely to get her killed.


Stephanie Hudson - 2018
    Seven long years since that cold and cruel Vampire King, Lucius, broke her heart. Her naive little heart destroyed after one painful night she sneaked in to his Gothic nightclub, Transfusion. Seven years since he humiliated her, casting her aside and telling her just what he thought about her little obsession with him. Then he saves her life. Well, now he is back and this time he is out for blood, and all she can hope for is that it isn’t hers that’s on the menu. Because she is just your typical, ordinary, everyday girl who works and lives in London. Even if she is trying to make it on her own without the safety of her family. However, growing up knowing of the supernatural world and being human definitely has its draw backs. Especially when a certain Vampire King has her in mind for a date and his dominant and forceful ways are sending her re-ignited obsession with him into overdrive.But he does like her…doesn’t he?

Blood Magic

Jennifer Lyon - 2009
    But when his little sister is death-cursed by a demon witch, Axel will stop at nothing to save her. He rescues a beautiful witch from a killer, intending to force her to magically cure his sister. The only problem? She has no idea what she is.A deadly passion…Darcy McAllister grew up knowing she was different, but she never imagined she’s a witch. With the life of a child at stake, she agrees to work with the hot, compelling hunter to gain control over her newfound powers. But an irresistible attraction crackles between them, creating a dangerous dilemma—can Darcy trust the man hexed to crave her blood to satisfy her aching desire?Will their forbidden love destroy them?As Darcy and Axel race against the clock, their explosive passion deepens to a fiery love. But when Darcy attempts to heal his sister makes her a target for a demon’s revenge, Axel will sacrifice anything, including his immortal soul, to save her.

After Darkness Falls

May Sage - 2019
    Or so they think. Chloe used to study hard, do everything right to pave a bright future, but children sometimes have to pay for their parents’ sins, and Chloe’s tab is pretty steep. At twenty-six, when a series of attacks forces her to seek refuge in the notorious Institute of Paranormal Studies, Chloe sees it as a second chance to achieve her goals. She believes she has nothing to lose. She couldn’t be more mistaken. Levi has had centuries to observe the mortals and immortals of this world. He knows what the sassy woman who entered his domain is at first glance. A relic of the old days, so ancient that even an elder lord descended from the first immortals has reason to fear her. He should slit her throat while he has the chance. He should. After Darkness Falls is a series of standalone paranormal romance novels.

The Vampire Wants a Wife

Andie M. Long - 2017
    Yet another prankster has applied to her dating agency. This one says he’s a vampire and he wants Shelley to help him find a wife. Meeting him for a second interview against all her better judgement, Shelley discovers that he has no clue about women. A shame because he’s super-hot, amusing, and has a lot of single friends he could recommend her struggling business to, even if he does say they’re werewolves and demons. She has to help him, even if he’s crazy. If she can ignore his delusions, she’s sure she can help him meet someone. But when death threats start arriving on her doorstep, Shelley’s not sure she’s cut out for the job… then her dating algorithm states she’s his ideal partner. Now she’s not sure if she should take the risk for love, or run like hell. Welcome to Withernsea and the Supernatural Dating Agency, for readers of Michelle Rowen, Gerry Bartlett and Michele Bardsley who like their humour to have bite.

That Voodoo You Do

Jodi Redford - 2010
    As her appointed cat familiar, indulging those fantasies with the delectable witch is strictly forbidden. But when Jemma shows up at his door with seduction in mind, control goes right out the window. Too late he realizes making love to Jemma is the trigger that launches a zombie apocalypse. Jemma's been dealt a double whammy: she's just discovered she's a witch. And Griff has been hiding whiskers and a tail. Oh, and if her life wasn't crazy enough, a dead voodoo queen needs her blood to raise a legion of zombies. There's one plan that might work to increase Jemma's powers so she can put an end to the looming holocaust. A sexy threesome with Griff and Logan Scott, a werewolf familiar with a history of rubbing Griff's fur the wrong way. A cat and a wolf playing nice, much less sharing? It'll take a miracle. Warning: A witch, tiger and wolf doing naughty things. A dead voodoo queen doing evil things. And zombies doing zombie things. Get your shovels ready.

The Guardians of the Realms

Setta Jay - 2014
    Ecstasy Unbound (Book 1) In a desperate need to help her beloved brother, Alex will have to go to the enthralling Guardian, her dark obsession, and even though he will surely attempt to exile her, she won't go easily… Ecstasy Claimed (Book 2) Against the backdrop of evil forces that are conspiring to topple the Realms, can Gregoire find his wayward mate before she is taken by corrupt Immortals? Can Alyssa forgive him and learn to exert her own female power while surrendering to his savage passion? Denying Ecstasy (Book 3)For Dorian, finding a way out of mating Rain means he could succumb to madness and harm those that mean so much to him… but giving in to his burning urge for her means losing control in a heated mating frenzy sure to ignite them both and link them forever.Warning: These books are intended for adult audiences; brief instances of M/F/F and M/F/M ménage; voyeurism and sexually explicit scenes.