Fatal Reaction: The Beginning

M.A. Hollstein - 2016
    People are trying to escape the unknown sickness, but there is nowhere to run… nowhere to hide… The only chance for the survival of the human race is to stay and fight. However, they're unaware of what they're fighting. What they're up against is much greater than anything they could ever imagine. This is just the beginning... Could this be the end of humanity?

The Wretched

E.G. Michaels - 2018
    A top-secret research project goes terribly wrong. A new species, the Reapers, are unleashed onto the unsuspecting citizens of Philadelphia and soon the rest of the country. The Reapers are stronger, faster, and have no mercy for any humans who have the misfortune of crossing their paths. Philadelphia Cop Malcolm Foster quickly discovers a routine disturbance call is anything but ordinary. Foster soon finds himself scrambling to survive, gather together a rag-tag group of survivors, and get them out of the city. As Foster and his group fight to escape the city and find a Reaper-free sanctuary, a looming question prevails. Can anyone stop the Reapers from taking over the world? This is the story of the Wretched, a rag-tag group of survivors who may be the only ones that can keep the human race from becoming extinct.

Parker: The Story of an Apocalypse Survivor

Ben Stevens - 2013
    (60,000 words.)Meet Parker.In a world devastated by plague, Parker has to fight everything from mutant vermin to the horrific, hissing 'things' that were once human.Parker also looks out for other survivors, all the while trying to keep clear of the vicious, murdering road-gangs known as 'hogs'.Then he saves the life of a young girl, Abigail - and finds that his life once again has purpose and meaning.But with the odds hopelessly stacked against the mismatched pair, how can they possibly hope to survive...?'A nightmare world... Brutal biker gangs, flesh-hungry zombies and also the occasional 'good guy'... Much better written than the usual 'apocalypse/zombie' slush... Get PARKER...' Cliveinsydney

Decaying Humanity

James Barton - 2015
    That is until videos start appearing online, claiming to be footage of real undead outbreaks. Can their knowledge of once fictional creatures help them against the real thing? They soon realize that the undead aren’t the only threat they face. With their supplies running low and armed raiders attacking everyone, they will need to take their survival plan to a new level. How much will they sacrifice to survive, and who … or what … will they become when it is all over?

A Vacation From Hell

Kathy Dinisi - 2015
     How far would you go to save your family? Sam and Mathew finally get a chance to go on a train ride to the Grand Canyon alone leaving their two kids back in California, When a zombie apocalypse breaks out. The couple must try to fight their way back to California to see if their kids are still alive, In this harrowing story of love and survival in a world that is crumbling by death and destruction. Follow Sam and Matthew through their struggle to reunite with their children

Crawl to Me

Alan Robert - 2012
    It is only after a series of violent events occur that Ryan realizes he must set aside all he believes to be true in order to face his shocking and inevitable reality.

Unhappy Endings

Chris Philbrook - 2015
    With stories by;Chris PhilbrookAlan MacRaffenJoe TremblayJ.C. FiskeAnd more…

Blood Type Infected 1: No Future For Man

Matthew Marchon - 2018
    This is the epicenter of the outbreak, where your average novel doesn’t dare venture. This is Noah Britton fighting his way through the heart of the zombie freakin’ apocalypse. The high school is on lockdown but the infection has already invaded its borders. It’s too late. Screams echo through the halls, blood stains the lockers, the dead don’t die for long. Mutilated, half eaten corpses wander the halls in search of the living. These aren’t your normal slow moving corpses that trudge along hoping for victims. No. They run faster. Fight harder. Know no pain. Show no weakness. Offer no reprieve. Noah must make the ultimate sacrifice and decide who to save and who to leave behind. What ranks higher in these desperate times; friendship or strategy? Can old rivals put aside their differences and work together for the greater good or will human emotions lead to the end of the world as we know it? The edge of your seat intensity never dies as Noah, his neurotic bus driver, his best friends, his worst enemies, the girl he likes, the girl he hates or loves or who the hell even knows anymore and a power hungry rival desperate for control all try to co-inhabit a school bus in search of a safe haven that may no longer exist. Gruesome. Intense. Graphic and Brutally violent. Yet emotionally driven with enough heart to sustain a dying species taken off life support. The characters tear themselves from the pages, forcing their way into your heart, demanding you continue when it all gets to be too much. This is hope. This is strength. This is the end. And it’s only the beginning.

The Scattered and the Dead Box Set

Tim McBain - 2017
    The only thing. Power grid? Dead. A mysterious virus? Rampant. Enemies? Everywhere. How did this happen? And how do we survive? So begins the post-apocalypse. Part disaster, part terrifying mystery. Order topples quickly once the power goes down. No police. No government. Society itself has failed. Fractured. Disintegrated. The dead pile in the streets. Corpses strewn like dolls. The world as we know it ends with a whimper, a gurgle, a quick dimming of the lights. And now? All the animals come out at night. Welcome to the fuckin' jungle. Chaos rages across the land. Riots. Raiders. Fire. Murder. When the darkness falls, it comes in more way than one. Among the ashes, we meet the scattered, the leftovers: A family struggles to find long term shelter during the first wave of the collapse. Two orphan girls -- a 16 year old and an 8 year old -- gather supplies to help survive their first winter without power. A drunk and drug addict plots to avenge the death of his parents at the hands of raiders. A televangelist races to escape a rumored nuclear strike. Slowly, their paths will cross, their stories will merge, and a new world will be born out of the ruins. Not all of them will make it.

Dead Pulse Rising

K. Michael Gibson - 2014
    The remaining survivors hide desperately, for all hope seems lost... until an armored fortress on wheels plows through the ghouls, crushing bones and decayed viscera. The vehicle stops and two men emerge from its doors, armed to the teeth and ready to cancel the apocalypse. This is K. Michael Gibson's "Dead Pulse RISING."The story follows the onset of a mysterious disease that infects the populace of Baltimore, turning many into flesh-eating zombies. Whether it is a manifestation of Mother Nature's wrath or a new form of biological warfare remain unknown. What law enforcement officer and ex-USAF special operator Kyle Walker and his partner Marvin Winters know is that they have to use their fighting skills, their massive armored vehicle, and copious amounts of firepower in order to survive and protect those dear to them. Their struggle is further complicated when spooks from the United States Department of Homeland Security arrive and display an unwanted interest in something Kyle has aboard his vehicle. The Homeland Security agents are also hell bent on keeping the Baltimore situation a secret, and are prepared to use any means to keep the greater public in the dark of what has happened to the city.The author combines social anxieties about doomsday scenarios, threats of bio-terrorism, and unwarranted government intrusion to craft an original take on the zombie apocalypse genre. Cannibalistic monstrosities, special forces operatives, tactical combat action, and the end of the world await readers in the pages of "Dead Pulse RISING."

Vertical City

George S. Mahaffey Jr. - 2015
    Abandoning the streets to millions of hungry infected, the survivors seal off the structure at the 10th floor and string wires between it and other buildings to avoid being eaten alive by the hordes rampaging below. But dwindling supplies force those still alive to take greater risks as they struggle to survive hundreds of feet off the ground.