A Fortunate Alliance: A Pride and Prejudice Story

Beth Poppet - 2019
     Her sister, Elizabeth, is distraught over the engagement, and although aware of an unspoken attraction between Jane and Mr Bingley, she is powerless to alter her sister’s inevitable future without encouraging a scandal. Elizabeth’s displeasure is often manifest by way of general complaint to the even wealthier and more distinguished Mr Fitzwilliam Darcy, who confesses a propensity for offending wherever he goes. Despite assurances that Jane has made a most suitable match, Elizabeth is determined never to marry for mere security and familial obligations, but her sharp wit and biting tongue produce obstacles in making a fortunate alliance of her own. “My Dear Readers, If you have taken up the delightful chore of reading this novel, I hope that you are as fond of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ and its author, Jane Austen, as I am. I make no claims of being her equal in writing, though I strive to preserve her style and characters in a way that will do justice to those presented to us in the original. I am under no delusion that my adaptation must appeal to every reader of Jane Austen fan-works. Yet I have done my utmost to deliver to you the sort of drama we might expect from a novel of this period; that of familial duty and regret, of sisterly quarrels and affection, enduring friendships, first impressions, and yes, now and then a runaway animal, and a bit of family scandal. For any inaccuracies written in ignorance, I apologise. For liberties taken for the sake of writerly whims, I can only request your indulgence. These liberties may be most apparent in the continuing stories compiled in Volume II, as this is where my novel expands into new territory and ‘Pride and Prejudice’ could not be consulted for material, leaving me to rely on speculation. My original design to end the story by Volume I was thwarted when I found it impossible to do some of our favourite couples and their endings justice under such limitations. My wise editor, fellow author, and eternal friend, Miss Catherine Miller, suggested I take a page from the illustrious Jane Austen herself and expand into a second volume, the better to tell everyone’s stories in the most satisfactory manner. A last word to those astonishing persons who have made it this far. Thank you ever so much for choosing to read this humble author’s adaptation of such a beloved and enduring novel. I know there are a multitude of fan-works to choose from in this sphere, and I am absolutely delighted that you would consider mine worthy of your time and attention. May it prove so! Your Little Scribbler, Madam Beth Poppet”

Darcy Steps In: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Nicole Goodall - 2019
    Principles and feelings must now be forgotten: Elizabeth knows what she must do in order to save her family. As unpalatable as it is, she prepares to swallow her pride and travel to Kent. There is one factor Elizabeth did not anticipate: Fitzwilliam Darcy. Is he really as hard as he seems or is a kinder nature lurking just below the surface? Elizabeth does not dare allow herself to hope. Darcy may be the only one who can save her from a life of unhappiness.

A Longbourn Entanglement

Monica Fairview - 2021
    If Darcy discovers it, will it spell the end of their fledgling romance?When Mrs. Bennet falls ill after the Netherfield Ball, Mr. Darcy and Mr. Bingley postpone their trip to London to offer their assistance. But things are never what they seem. Before long, Darcy is entangled in a chaotic situation at Longbourn, and Elizabeth is faced with a thorny dilemma that could drive Darcy away from her forever.Will Elizabeth and Darcy muddle their way through the mayhem, or is everything just too tangled for them to find love?If you are looking for a sweet, frolicsome Jane Austen short read, this romantic comedy is just what you need.

Mr. Darcy and the Victim of Circumstance: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary

Arthel Cake - 2021
    As she recovers, Darcy finds himself attracted to his guest, but her low social status silences his desires. Soon Darcy discovers the wreck was no accident, but the work of his old nemesis George Wickham, drawing him into the official investigation. While Darcy gathers evidence of the crime, his friend Charles Bingley falls in love with Elizabeth’s sister Jane. Bingley leases an estate near her home in Hertfordshire, bringing Darcy once more into contact with Elizabeth. After Wickham is captured by an intrepid Bow Street investigator, the monstrous motive for his crime is revealed, and he is arrested for murder. Meanwhile, Bingley secures Jane’s hand, forcing his friend to confront his reservations about Elizabeth. Feeling he is free of Wickham’s shadow, Darcy follows his heart and proposes to Elizabeth, and the double wedding of the two sisters goes forward. But then, unforeseen problems arise. A vitriolic attack by Bingley’s sister Caroline, long obsessed with Darcy, shocks Elizabeth. Georgiana has a distressing secret she is afraid to share with her brother. And Darcy’s aunt, Lady Catherine deBourgh, exhibits bizarre symptoms that force her brother, Lord Matlock, to intervene before a major scandal damages the entire family, threatening Darcy’s and Elizabeth’s future. Now, as the newlyweds settle at Pemberley, Wickham goes on trial, and Darcy must testify against his one-time friend, sealing Wickham’s fate. With Wickham sentenced to die, honor, treachery and one last act of evil force a crisis no one could have imagined, and bring Darcy face to face with death..

An Intolerable Situation: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sophie Lynbrook - 2019
    As spirited Elizabeth tries to accustom herself to the status of poor relation, she longs for her elder sister to have a better fate than marriage to the new master of Longbourn. Jane’s rescuer arrives in the nick of time, along with an unexpected romance for Elizabeth, but the path of true love is not without obstacles. Fortunately, the sisters have fortitude, resourcefulness, and the wisdom gained from reading novels.

Duty Demands: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Elaine Owen - 2017
    Darcy wants to marry her- and even more surprised when her uncle tells her why. But after they are married she begins to see a different side of her husband.Darcy thinks that Elizabeth has married him for love, but slowly begins to realize that all is not as it appears in their marriage. Will he still love her when the truth is revealed?Will our two favorite characters overcome their misunderstandings and achieve a marriage based on more than duty and obligation? This is a Pride and Prejudice variation brought to you by the author of Mr. Darcy's Persistent Pursuit, Love's Fool: The Taming of Lydia Bennet, and One False Step. This is a new release of an edition originally published by Elaine Owen.

The Predisposition of Miss Elizabeth Bennet

Hunter Quinn - 2021
    Darcy and plead for his assistance in locating the wayward couple. As a result, they face daunting hurdles with help from well-loved friends and interference from old rivals. Will their struggles result in permanent estrangement or a love match?

Play with Fire: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

J. Marie Croft - 2020
    There might even be a kiss...and a skirmish...leading to a duel.No one involved in the play had set out with the intention of creating a scandal. None performing in the theatrical began with the aim of ending with blushing faces, or bruised bodies, or blemishes on their reputations.Blame it on "The Mesalliance."

Darcy the Beast: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Cass Grix - 2017
    Beautiful Elizabeth Bennet thinks Mr. Darcy is a Beast - he is a proud, angry man, scarred by life - and she would never consent to living at his home, sacrificing her freedom, if her family's survival was not at stake. Her only solace is the handsome man she dreams of at night.After years of searching, Darcy has found the one woman he wants and he will ask her every night to marry him, until she says yes.Darcy the Beast is a Pride and Prejudice Variation, a mash up of Jane Austen's most beloved couple and the classic French fairy tale, Beauty and the Beast. Follow along as Elizabeth discovers the true man behind the mask.

Gentlewoman Urgently Seeks Husband

D.L. Carter - 2017
    Bates and Miss Bates(from Jane Austen’s EMMA), Elizabeth Bennet is sent to Hunsford with orders to become a flirt and return married or not at all. Unfortunately her mother’s letters to Mr. Collins are misunderstood and the local gentry assume that she is ‘in a certain condition’.You know that won’t end well.

Darcy's Uneasy Betrothal: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Zoe Burton - 2020
    Darcy is hoping they’re wrong.Elizabeth Bennet is enjoying a stroll around her father’s estate when she finds herself in unexpected danger.Fitzwilliam Darcy is on his way to spend a few weeks with a friend when he stumbles across a beautiful woman running for her life. He throws himself between her and the danger, not realizing his selfless act will change both their lives forever.Forced to marry, Darcy and Elizabeth each face the same dilemma – hold onto anger at their situation or look for the good in the other person. Will they remain strangers forever, bound by law but separated by feelings, or can they find common ground and a lasting love?Darcy’s Uneasy Betrothal is a novel-length Pride and Prejudice variation. If you like courageous heroines, swoon-worthy heroes, and interesting plot twists, you’ll love Zoe Burton’s most recent offering to the JAFF world. Pick up a copy and escape for a few hours into Darcy’s Uneasy Betrothal.

The Curse of Land's End: A gothic 'Pride and Prejudice' variation

Rose Lorimer - 2019
    Something buried in his past is always trying to emerge. Unable to overcome his pain, he hides from the world. Until a letter reaches him. Bingley, one of his best friends, is inviting him to spend some time at the coast, in the neighbouring area of Penzance, Cornwall, where he is not just dealing with his business, but also enjoying the first months of his new life as a married man. His bride is an angel-like gentlewoman called Jane, whom he met during a visit to Hertfordshire, last Summer. In case Darcy accepts, Bingley has only one request to make: that he may bring with him one of his new sisters, a Miss Elizabeth, as a favour to his dearest wife. After such a painful summer, and considering he had already missed his friend’s wedding, against all the odds, Darcy decides to accept. What he does not know is that this single decision will change his life forever. First, because he will meet the only woman not just handsome enough to tempt him, but also the one who breaks the walls of his prison, opening for him a door to a happiness he never thought possible. And, second, because he will never be the same ever again after this, which will also be the most terrifying experience of his life. “The Curse of Land’s End” is a story about secrets, intrigue and mysteries which challenges rationality and faith, and demands a courage strong enough to transcend every instinct of self-preservation in the name of honour and love. “You will do nothing in this world without courage, for it is the greatest quality of the mind next to honour.” (Aristotle) Rated Mild+ (Contains up to 10 mild swear words; contains kisses, and mild, non-seductive description of intimacy — 'My Book Rating'). FROM THE AUTHOR Suddenly, I felt compelled to write a story which would take me (and JAFF) far from my comfort zone, and try something new. It was watching ‘Crimson Peak’, a biting-nail horror story, that the inspiration finally came to me. How would it be to write a story about ghosts, combining romance and mystery, but with no ghosts? "The Curse" is set in 1815, a year when Romanticism — a movement marked by the exaltation of feelings of loss and guilt related both to nature and men — was the fashion and drama, an essential component of the works of this time. "Songs of Experience", by William Blake (1794), "The Corsair", by Lord Byron (1814), and "Frankenstein", by Mary Shelley (1818), are all good examples of how committed the authors were in exploring human's woes; sometimes the sombre tone and dramatic plots are almost too depressing to endure. I can understand the bad reviews related to this point. But I cannot regret my choice. As another reviewer said, “we are all entitled to our own opinions”; the good reviews show it. I grant — my choice in writing a story using Romantic features was bold, but, for me, the result was very pleasing, especially considering the happy ending — what is not the norm for the Romantics. I should not be saying this, but it doesn't matter how much Literature I study, I always love a good happy ending. Another important choice was the deep POV of ODC. In P&P, we live the story through the eyes of Elizabeth and do not learn about Darcy’s struggles until very close to the end. I intended to show the huge abyss between his aloof appearance and his troubled mind — but here, he another reason for it.

Matching Mr. Darcy

Leenie Brown - 2020
    Some people adapt easily to new surroundings and find delight in meeting new people. Fitzwilliam Darcy is not one of them. Being put on display in a room full of strangers is enough to make him quite disagreeable. Therefore, when he attends the Meryton Assembly and his patience is pushed beyond what he can tolerate, Darcy replies harshly to his gregarious friend's insistence that he asks Miss Elizabeth Bennet to dance.Unfortunately for her, Elizabeth is within hearing distance of Darcy's refusal. Insulted and more than a little vexed, she is determined to have as little to do with him as she can and to push him towards his amiable friend's sister when being in one another's presence cannot be avoided.When Elizabeth calls Darcy out for his offensive words and intimates that he is ungentlemanly, he is more intrigued than provoked. He is also determined to prove the lady wrong and sets a course to do just that.While Darcy seeks opportunities to prove to Elizabeth that he is indeed a gentleman, Elizabeth attempts to be rid of him until his company becomes more desirable than that of a long-time friend and hopeful, though very unwanted, suitor.Jealousy is never pretty, and a spurned suitor is not always kind or wise. When secrets are revealed and explanations are wanting, it looks as if the burgeoning love between Elizabeth and Darcy is destined to be snuffed out almost before it has begun.Unless, of course, a meddling matchmaker can pull off a well-timed miracle.Matching Mr. Darcy is the first book in a new collection of Darcy and Elizabeth variations from Leenie Brown called Sweet Possibilities. If you like Hallmark-style romances set in the Regency era, then you'll enjoy this story where love triumphs over a poor first impression, injured pride, and a jealous lover.

Betrothed to Mr Darcy

Lin Mei Wei - 2020
    But the betrothal forces her into Mr Darcy's frequent company, and the better she knows and understands him, the more he bewilders and fascinates her.Meanwhile, behind the scenes, dark forces are at work. While Elizabeth slowly loses her heart to the man she once thought would be the last in the world she would ever marry, she is in danger of losing much more, when she discovers long buried family secrets, and understands what it means to be Mrs Darcy.Warning: This book contains scenes of a sexual nature.

Letter Interrupted

Elizabeth Adams - 2021
    Darcy came to see Elizabeth at the inn at Lambton, what was he there to say? This story explores what would have happened if Jane’s letters had been delayed and Mr. Darcy and Elizabeth had instead spent the day together. The path of the story diverges from there, and when Lydia’s elopement becomes known, Elizabeth must face the idea of losing the man she has come to care for.