Behold a White Horse: The Coming World Leader

Chuck Missler - 1999
    It is interesting how many confuse this counterfeit with the rider of the white horse in Revelation 19. In chapter 6, however, this rider is among some very bad company! “Behold a White Horse” explores the career of the first of these “Four Horsemen” who seems to have at least 33 titles in the Old Testament and 13 in the New Testament and the common term “AntiChrist” really isn’t one of them. We also explore the only physical description of him in the Scripture! Why is he a “mistaken identity”? How do we know this is NOT the Christ? What is the precedent condition(s) for his appearance? What is the precedent condition for the unsealing of the Seven Sealed Book? What is the Seven Sealed Book? Is his “bow” a pun? How? Why? How can he “go forth to conquer” if he is a “peace maker”? Is the Church on the earth at this time? How do we know? Is He alive today? How do we know? How can he be the “Seed of the Serpent”?

Going All In: One Decision Can Change Everything

Mark Batterson - 2013
    It's all or nothing. It's now or never.   It's time to ante up and go all in with God.No one has ever sacrificed anything for God.  If you always get back more than you gave up, have you sacrificed anything at all?  The eternal reward always outweighs the temporal sacrifice.  At the end of the day, our greatest regret will be whatever we didn’t give back to God. What we didn’t push back across the table to Him.  Eternity will reveal that holding out is losing out.Batterson writes, “For many years, I thought I was following Jesus.  I wasn’t.  I had invited Jesus to follow me.  I call it inverted Christianity.  And it’s a subtle form of selfishness that masquerades as spirituality.  That’s when I sold out and bought in.  When did we start believing that the gospel is an insurance plan?  It’s a daring plan.  Jesus did not die just to keep us safe. He died to make us dangerous.”

Power of Letting Go: Break free from the past and future and learn to let God take control.

J. Martin - 2015
    It can feel like we are pulling a cart behind us with all are troubles and worries, it slows us down, we can become tired, depressed, even jealous, as life seems so easy for others. All we need to do is LET GO of the cart and we will feel lighter and free, but often we have held onto it so long that it has become part of us. Many of the people we know are also carrying carts, so it can seem normal. We talk about how heavy are cart is with anyone that will listen, at no point do we realize that we can set down that heavy cart that is keeping us from Gods love. We need to learn to Let go. In this book I will share with you stories of people that struggled with letting go and what happened when they did. God is only in the present moment, he is not in the past or future. The moment that we let go of the past God will turn the page to the next chapter of our life, which will be much better than the last. It will take courage and faith, but I invite you to take this journey with me. By the end of the book God will shine a light into your life that will illuminate you to… THE POWER OF LETTING GO.

Fighting for Dear Life: The Untold Story of Terri Schiavo and What It Means for All of Us

David Gibbs - 2006
    Lead attorney for Terri Schiavo, the author explains how Terri Schiavo's death changed his life, why it should never have happened, and why value of life issues are critical for Christians to understand.

Parley P. Pratt: The Apostle Paul of Mormonism

Terryl L. Givens - 2011
    Pratt was the most influential figure in early Mormon history and culture. Missionary, pamphleteer, theologian, historian, and martyr, Pratt was perennially stalked by controversy--regarded, he said, almost as an Angel by thousands and countedan Imposter by tens of thousands.Tracing the life of this colorful figure from his hardscrabble origins in upstate New York to his murder in 1857, Terryl Givens and Matthew Grow explore the crucial role Pratt played in the formation and expansion of early Mormonism. One of countless ministers inspired by the antebellum revivalmovement known as the Second Great Awakening, Pratt joined the Mormons in 1830 at the age of twenty three and five years later became a member of the newly formed Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, which vaulted him to the forefront of church leadership for the rest of his life. Pratt's missionarywork--reaching from Canada to England, from Chile to California--won hundreds of followers, but even more important were his voluminous writings. Through books, newspaper articles, pamphlets, poetry, fiction, and autobiography, Pratt spread the Latter-day Saint message, battled the many who reviledit, and delineated its theology in ways that still shape Mormon thought.Drawing on letters, journals, and other rich archival sources, Givens and Grow examine not only Pratt's writings but also his complex personal life. A polygamist who married a dozen times and fathered thirty children, Pratt took immense joy in his family circle even as his devotion to Mormonism ledto long absences that put heavy strains on those he loved. It was during one such absence, a mission trip to the East, that the estranged husband of his twelfth wife shot and killed him--a shocking conclusion to a life that never lacked in drama.

On the Road with Joseph Smith: An Author's Diary

Richard L. Bushman - 2007
    After delivering the final proofs of his landmark study, Joseph Smith: Rough Stone Rolling to Knopf in July 2005, Bushman crisscrossed the country from coast to coast, delivering numerous addresses on Joseph Smith at scholarly conferences, academic symposia, and firesides. This startlingly candid memoir concludes eleven months later with an article written for Common-Place in August 2006. Bushman confesses to hope and humility, an unexpected numbness when he expected moments of triumph, and genuine apprehension as he awaits reviews. He frets at the polarization that dismissed the book as either too hard on Joseph Smith or too easy. He yields to a very human compulsion to check sales figures on, but partway through the process stepped back with the recognition, "The book seems to be cutting its own path now, just as [I] hoped." For readers coming to grips with the ongoing puzzle of the Prophet and the troublesome dimensions of their own faith, Richard Bushman, a temple sealer and stake patriarch but also a prize-winning scholar, openly but not insistently presents himself as a believer. "I believe enough to take Joseph Smith seriously," he says. He draws comfort both from what he calls his "mantra" ("Today I will be a follower of Jesus Christ") and also from ongoing engagement with the intellectual challenges of explaining Joseph Smith.

Steamship to Zion

Jerry Borrowman - 2012
    The holiday is a pretense. In actuality, the family does not plan to return to their home. They have recently joined the Mormon Church and are journeying west to join the Saints in Utah. But as they prepare to board ship, they encounter a desperate young woman attempting to travel alone. The Chandlers graciously offer to chaperone Gloria Palmerston to New York City. Little do they know this strong-willed young lady holds a dangerous secret.Upon arriving in the United States, the Chandlers’ passage west is unexpectedly interrupted and the family is forced to work on a steamship bound for Panama as they inch closer to their goal of the Great Salt Lake valley. With hopes of reaching the Zion of the West through a San Francisco route, the Chandler family and Miss Palmerston embark on a heroic undertaking as they face stormy seas, dishonest confidants, unending toil, strife, and betrayal—but also the helping hands of the famous Sam Brannan and Porter Rockwell. But there are some things worth sacrificing everything for. Book passage on Steamship to Zion and see how one family endures and proves the measure of their faith.

The Other Eminent Men of Wilford Woodruff

Vicki Jo Anderson - 1994
    Every parent needs resources that will add to the spiritual roots, and to the moral foundation their children build their lives upon. As we are shown how God has inspired eminent people in their pursuit of excellence, we see how to find His guidance in our lives. When we plant in their hearts a view of history as a legacy to live up to, children are empowered to prepare for, and then perform, the missions God sent them to earth to accomplish.”

Finding Dad

Alma J. Yates - 2008
    He hopes they are dark enough to hide him from the unforgiving neighbors in the small town of his youth. When he drove away years ago, no one understood how he could leave behind his wife, Allyson, and their small son, Alma. After years on a road leading nowhere, Porter has finally started to get his life on track. Hes active in the Church and his business is successful. However, his relationship with his son has deteriorated to annual birthday cards and even less frequent visits. Then came the phone call. Allyson is dead. Now Porter is back in Utah to reclaim his son. However, Alma will leave the only life hes known under one not-so-simple conditionhis broken-down truck must come too. Even if Porter has to push it the entire five hundred miles to Eager, Arizona. Join acclaimed storyteller Alma Yates on a heartwarming journey of faith, redemption, and forgiveness as this father and son come to learn that their relationship, like the old truck, is worth fixing.

Be Patient and Paradise Will Be Yours

Darussalam - 2013
    It is the best course of action in all situations. It is a cause for Allah’s mercy and help. It is a source of spiritual joy. The final victory in both matters of the world and Hereafter is only earned by patience and the good end belongs only to the patient ones. Our trials in this world are numerous and varied. Sometime, they comes as difficulties and some other times in forms of ease. Situations that life turns on us sometimes could stretch our will and faith to the extreame. In all situations, patience and eemaan remain our most valued companions for the Prophet (Peace be upon him) said:“Whoever remains patient, Allah will make him patient. Nobody can be given a blessing better and greater than patient.”(Bukhari)This book is a discussion of patience and how to develop that trait so that we might be a recipient of one of Allah’s greatest blessings

Mohammed The Greatest

Ahmed Deedat - 2011
    It is in that spirit that I would like to convey my feelings on our beloved Prophet Mohammed, may the peace and blessings of Allah forever be upon him.I was not born into the Muslim faith and had many of the same views that many Westerners hold today. The very first time I read about the life of the last Prophet of God, it literally brought me to tears. I had read Napoleon Hill's book " Think and Grow Rich", and in the chapter entitled Persistence, Napoleon Hill says the story of Prophet Mohammed ( PBUH ) is one of the greatest examples on the power of Persistence known to man. This sparked my curiosity and I began reading as much material as I could about the Great man, and the life he led, and this led to my conversion to Islam in 1974. My hope and aim was to give a glimpse into what I found in hopes that others would come to love him and what he stood for, as much as I do. Being a Westerner I know how many view the Religion of Al-Islam and to you I would say, don't let your hatred blind you to the truth. We as human beings were given minds as thinking rational beings, we owe it to ourselves to examine even contrasting views. Don't Measure anyone through anyone's eyes but your own. Many are so full of hate towards Muslims and Islam, they have never even bothered to read about the life of the Last Prophet to the world, or the Q'uran, the last revealed word of God. The sad part is, Mohammed ( PBUH ) is not just the Prophet of Islam, but he is the last Prophet of God to the world, in a long succession of Prophet's that have lived on this earth, from Adam to Mohammed ( Peace be upon them both ). To quote brother Maulana Muhammad Ali " The real conviction is that God comes to man not by the belief that there is a God in the outer world, but by the realization of the Divine within himself".~ John Milton Lawrence ~

Eating Chocolates and Dancing in the Kitchen: Sketches of Marriage and Family

Tom Plummer - 1997
    Certain to keep readers laughing even as they are nodding over the truth of the portrayals, there are glimpses of oneself or someone you know around every turn.

10 Secrets Wise Parents Know: Tried and True Things You Can Do to Raise Faithful, Confident, Responsible Children

Bruce A. Chadwick - 2004
    Top and Bruce A. Chadwick have done. Based on a major, ten-year study they conducted with more than 5,000 LDS teens and an additional 1,000 young adults, they have honed in on ten parenting principles that surfaced again and again in the happiest families. This book shares those principles in such chapters as "Build a Household of Faith," "Dare to Discipline," and "Praise More Than You Criticize." Real-life examples and practical counsel make this an indispensable parenting resource.

Yearning for the Living God

Tracie A. Lamb - 2009
    Enzio Busche, emeritus member of the First Quorum of the Seventy, was born in Germany in 1930, three years before Hitler's rise to power. Fifteen years later, when World War II ended, Enzio was a prisoner of war, having been drafted into the German army at age fourteen. The war left Enzio with many questions: Is there a God? What is the purpose of Life? What happens after death? In time, he learned the answers. Yearning for the Living God is a collection of Elder Busche's experiences — both before and after his conversion — and an account of the life-changing awakening that can come to all who search for truth in this world.

Drawing Heaven Into Your Marriage

H. Wallace Goddard - 2007
    The sub-title says 'Eternal Doctrines that Change Relationships.' That says it all. You will love putting these principles into motion in your own marriage or see them work in the marriages and relationships of those closest to you. Dr. Goddard writes: 'In striking the marriage bargain, we are unknowingly giving up the egocentrisms of childhood in favor of the charity of Godhood. We make a covenantal step toward unselfishness. As we progress in marriage we gain ennobles character as well as eternal companionship.'Scot and Maurine Proctor write: 'Being around Wally Goddard makes us want to be better people--better spouses to each other--a better son and a better daughter of God. Wally simply knows how to put eternal principles in a layman's, working language--translating them into daily living. Our lives have truly been effected for good reading this amazing and powerful book. Every marriage, new or old, needs to have this book. Really.'