Book picks similar to
The Sanders Saga by N.C. Reed


Viral Misery: Book One

Thomas A. Watson - 2017
    The bird flu out of China has mutated. Now able to latch on and replicate within humans, the virus will spread swiftly throughout the world. When you spread a virus before you even know you have it, everyone becomes a carrier. There is no preparation, and there is no cure. You can only hope that you are one of the few who are immune, or can survive long enough to fight. Wendy and Arthur have spent their lives in service to others. Having raised one child, and learned to live off the land, their only wish is for their son to give them grandchildren. They want to retire in comfort, knowing that they are self-sufficient and able to take care of themselves. Having never been apart for more than a few nights, Wendy has the opportunity to take a well deserved ladies vacation. Little do they know that their entire world will change in an instant, and they ll be left alone to live, or to die, a thousand miles apart.


J.T. Sawyer - 2017
    When a CIA bioweapons ship goes dark, operative Will Reisner and his team are sent to the South China Sea to investigate. As their mission unfolds, a deadly parasitic virus takes hold in cities around the globe, turning its victims into worm-riddled creatures bent on infecting others to increase their numbers, linked by a mysterious mental connection. After barely making it out alive, Reisner reluctantly joins forces with epidemiologist Selene Munroe, who has been trying to discover the origins of the virus to prevent humanity from being completely consumed by the horrific fiend that has been unleashed upon the world. Emergence is a bold reinvention of the well-worn zombie theme that will have you gripping the edge of your seat.

Until the End

Tracey Ward - 2013
    The Fever spreads and kills quickly, but the dead aren't staying dead.When her neighbor, Jordan, saves her from one of the infected, Alissa joins him in his plan to escape the city, the disease and the threat of a quarantine that will lock the living in with the undead.What she doesn't tell him is that she has an illness of her own, one that plays tricks with her mind and makes her a dangerous companion. But Jordan has a secret as well, one that compels him to keep Alissa, a veritable stranger, safe at all costs.As they fight for their lives and race for their freedom, they'll discover that what they truly need in order to survive is to stay together until the end.*The Quarantined Series is followed by the Survival Series, a spinoff trilogy of books chronicling life 10 years after the outbreak with a few familiar faces...

The Dead Don't Turn

Phil Maxey - 2018
    Turning man, woman and child into blood thirsty animals. When Joel Garret, a member of an elite tactical unit of the FBI woke up on a fine Californian day, he had no idea the world had already ended. Most of those around him in Los Angeles had no idea either. But as the scourge took full affect and the blood started to flow in the streets, Joel found himself fighting to survive against those that had changed. Three months later he is running from the things that destroyed the world, while trying to deal with his own demons. A chance encounter with a woman searching for her husband, forces him to confront his past while giving him some hope for the future.


Jacqueline Druga - 2017
    The residents have a bond and kinship. Nothing in the town is state-of-the-art, except perhaps the ferry. The townspeople brag that Mills Run is isolated, and at times, cut off from the rest of the world. However, not even Mills Run is secluded enough for a global pandemic. When an outbreak of H7N2, or as the news calls it, Whitby Fever, begins striking cats and dogs, it is newsworthy, but not panic-inducing. After all, instances of cross- breed infection with H7N2 are rare. Clare Ashton knew better, yet she was labeled insane when she tried to get the word out, until it is confirmed that Whitby Fever has crossed the boundaries, spreading from domestic pets to humans at an astronomical rate. The virus causes such a high fever, that the body succumbs in days. It is everywhere. The death rate is out of control. Mills Run is not immune and neither are the townspeople. Clare, like every other mother, sister, and daughter in the world, does her part to fight and help those around her who she loves. A face mask may be her armor, her good heart may be her shield, but there is no weapon to defeat the fever because there is no cure. Mother Nature rages a viral war against the world and Mills Run is one of the millions of battlegrounds fighting to live.

Escaping the Dead

W.J. Lundy - 2013
    With his unit and his home base destroyed, Staff Sergeant Brad Thompson suddenly finds himself isolated and in command of a small group of men trying to survive in the Afghan wasteland. The local population has been afflicted with an illness that turns them into rabid animals. They pursue him and his men at every corner and stop. Struggling to hold his team together and unite survivors, he must fight and evade his way to safety.


M.P. McDonald - 2016
    Not only is it deadly, but it changes victims' behavior in order to spread the disease before they die. When Cole Evans first heard about the flu outbreak at a military base on a remote island, he felt a little uneasy. He had worked at that base as an epidemiologist while serving in the Navy and knew the kind of diseases they studied there.If this was the disease he thought it was, the entire world could be facing a global pandemic like nothing it had seen before. Cole must find a way to protect his family from a disease that could wipe mankind from the face of the earth...

On the Road (Life After War, #2)

Angela White - 2010
    All society and civilizations fell, leaving the survivors to fend for themselves. Few made it. In Book OneSamantha:After being taken from her Seattle office at gunpoint during the apocalypse, Samantha's chopper crashes and she is taken hostage by the Cruz brothers. Abused and hurting, to get her life back, she has to take theirs and learns a harsh lesson in survival.Kenn/CadetKenn and the cadet were missed in the evacuations and instead of heading home for the boy's pregnant mom, the Marine heads them for NORAD, sure the timid little woman he'd controlled for so long, couldn't have survived the end of the world. These two are picked up by Safe Haven Mobile Refugee Camp and the Marine quickly begins building himself a place among these strong survivors.Angela/BradyAngela lost her baby in the war and that pain forced her to face the awful truth. Without using her gifts, those forbidden powers that have kept her chained to Kenn for more than ten years, she will never see her teenage son again. Forced to wait for her body to heal before she can start her quest, Angie calls out to her son's real father, Brady. They are reunited in the post apocalyptic remains of Indiana and it's clear that the sparks are still there.AdrianAdrian has a secret that no one knows and he struggles to keep it hidden even as he risks everything to gather his flock. He is a Leader, a Patriot, and there's nothing he won't do in his quest to keep some of his Country alive. Even kill.Cesar/RickRick is a traitor. He belongs to the leader of a group of Mexican Guerilla's that are intent on destroying what's left of the post apocalyptic United States. Cesar leads these ruthless killers, sending Rick into camps of refugees as his spy, before murdering the men and taking the women hostage. Cesar hates America and heads up Interstate 25 like an end of the world plague. He thinks he is unstoppable but already, there's a nagging worry that the forces of fate have something planned. For now, though, his reign of terror goes unopposed.Mother NatureAngry at the callous indifference of humans, Mother Nature has called her creatures together for the apocalypse. Animal attacks and ambushes become common place and add yet another adventure these brave souls must face in their quest for survival. In Book TwoMore of the same adventure, romance, and danger that made book one so addictive. Are you ready to return to Safe Haven? Adrian and the others are already there, waiting to tell you what happened next. Won't you join us?

The Journey Home

John Winchester - 2017
    Separated by half a continent after an EMP attack sends the United States back to the Stone Age, the Millers are desperate to reunite as they struggle to survive. Jack Miller isn’t too worried about the apocalypse. He has been prepping for a few years and has a basement stocked with the food and supplies his family needs to ride out a disaster. Today though, he is out of town on a business trip. An EMP strike delivered by a rogue nation leaves him stranded over a thousand miles away from his home. This is the last place he expected to be during a disaster. He sets out on an epic journey home armed only with his know how and survival skills. What he encounters leaves him questioning how prepared any lone man can be. Amy Miller is all set to enjoy a well deserved vacation day. She’s a hard working mother of two with a full time career and rarely has a quiet moment to herself. The EMP throws a wrench in the works and leaves her unprepared for the chaos to follow. With the city falling down around her ears, she is pushed to the limit. Her suburban home is well stocked with supplies, but she clings to the hope that order will be restored. Faced with the darker side of humanity, will she overcome her inhibitions and do whatever it takes to protect her family?

Dark Days of the After

Ryan Schow - 2019
    No one knows how this happened, or why America prostrated herself to the kind of foreign forces who would impose obedience through compliance.  Resistors call the occupation “creeping death.” Those countries grabbing at the reins of power see it for what it is—a full scale invasion.Security engineer, Logan Cahill, is part of the underground effort to reclaim America, but when he finds a cryptic message in the world's largest server room leading to a doomsday clock, everything changes. With the help of a local hacker, Logan traces the clock to its origins where he discovers a truth so horrific, so terrifying, the mere mention of it carries a death sentence. He now knows the enemies, the weapons and the time of America’s death, right down to the minute. If he wants to survive the apocalypse, he and the feisty Skylar Madigan have to bug out fast. This won’t be easy considering the surveillance grid in place, or the armed lock-down of all major cities.The final defensive frontier for dedicated patriots is life on the land held by their ancestors, those men and women dug into their off-grid homes and operating a black market economy.  But not everyone has what it takes to survive life outside the occupied cities, and precious few know how to defend themselves against the brutality of America’s captors.  All that is about to change…

Going Home

A. American - 2012
    Then to begin the ruination of your much anticipated weekend the grating tone of the Emergency Alert System flashes over the radio, then promptly dies.This is the beginning of a 250 mile odyssey for Morgan Carter. Morgan works on the road and finds himself far from home when his car dies, as well as his Blackberry and every other piece of electronics he has. With no idea what has occurred he reluctantly finds himself on shanks’ mare carrying that ridiculous pack that everyone made fun of him for keeping in the car. Morgan has to find his way across the state of Florida, from Tallahassee to the heart of the state in Lake County.Along his way he has to seek out food, water and shelter where he can, not to mention keeping himself from being killed by any number of now scared and desperate people. During his travels he will try and help where he can, but that can turn out to be a costly mistake. We live in a wonderfully modern society where anything we want is a mouse click away. The lights come on with the flip of a switch and even a child can turn on the faucet at the sink and water always comes out. But what if it all went away?Could you face what Morgan faces, could you make the decisions he has to make? Life and sometimes death in the blink of an eye, could you do it?

Disruptive Shock

Connor McCoy - 2019
    What begins as another opportunity to build lifelong memories quickly fades to black by the time the sun sets. The world and humanity at large take an inexplicable turn, leaving the struggling single father to resort to desperate measures to get his family to safety. As they traverse the increasingly dangerous landscape, they find themselves face-to-face with the worst this broken society has to offer. Will Ian achieve his goal and get his family to his parents’ home before danger finds them?

Frontier Justice

Arthur T. Bradley - 2013
    Governments have collapsed. Cities have become graveyards filled with unspeakable horror. People have resorted to scavenging from the dead, or taking from the living. The entire industrialized world has become a wasteland of abandoned cars, decaying bodies, and feral animals. To stay alive, U.S. Deputy Marshal Mason Raines must forage for food, water, and gasoline while outgunning those who seek to take advantage of the apocalyptic anarchy. Together with his giant Irish wolfhound, Bowie, he aligns with survivors of the town of Boone in a life and death struggle against a gang of violent criminals. With each deadly encounter, Mason is forced to accept his place as one of the nation's few remaining lawmen. In a world now populated by escaped convicts, paranoid mutants, and government hit squads, his only hope to save the townspeople is to enforce his own brand of frontier justice.


Chris Harris - 2015
    After asking himself the question and researching what could happen, he decided it wouldn’t do any harm to be a little bit prepared. Just in case. He discovers the world is going to be hit by a massive Coronal Mass Ejection from the sun, which will turn the whole planet dark. He only has a few days to get ready. Will they survive? People want what they have, but is he prepared to kill to protect it?

Flare: The Journey

Theresa Shaver - 2019
     Lila Duncan is months away from leaving her husband and setting up a new happier home for her kids. Freedom is so close she can almost taste it. While attending a conference almost 400 miles from home to help reach her goal, the unthinkable happens. A massive Solar Flare hits the planet wiping out all modern electronics including all modes of transportation. The world begins to burn as civilization is stopped in its tracks. Frantic with worry for her son and daughter in the care of their indifferent father, she decides to tackle the journey home on foot. Between her and home are the Rocky Mountains that she will have to cross. The Journey will take every ounce of will and determination she has but not even a mountain range can compete against a mother’s love.