Saoirse Berger's Bookish Lens In La La Land

Nicole Schubert - 2021
    She has an internship with her famous film director uncle, a hit BookTube channel with her actress cousin Sadie and is fully determined to get her world on track as a true adult person, complete with happiness and sparkly love in spades. But nothing is going to plan. She applied to all the wrong colleges, is the only one of her friends still single and is majorly crushing on 23-year-old cinema genius wunderkind Leo Landis, even though he may or may not be breaking up with his girlfriend and may or may not even notice her. But Saoirse's not giving up.She steels herself with hyper-romantic hope and sets out to be her best positive self, which works fabulously until it doesn't and things get complicated. Luckily, life turns in Saoirse's favor as her Hollywood family spins out of control and a sweet and equally quirky street artist, Hector Rojas, spots her magical sparkle and inspires her to see things from a kaleidoscope of angles, even her own beautiful self.Uniquely charming in a Bridget Jones's Diary way with a Cyrano de Bergerac twist, Saoirse Berger takes us on an 18-year-old's hilariously painful journey through love, self-doubt, rejection and the search for belonging as a new adult, ultimately discovering she's already right where she's supposed to be.

Arminius and Thusnelda Versus Rome

Michael G. Kramer - 2021
    At the time, the Germanic tribes were loosely allied, but they would unite for offensive or defensive warfare if they were threatened. The Roman Governor called Varus had been passing too many judgements upon the Germanic tribesmen, who too often saw their kinsmen and women either impaled or crucified. At an early age, three boys were taken to Rome for instruction in Roman Law, basic engineering, Latin, and learning to become officers serving with the Roman army to repay Rome for their education. After completing their training and at their mid to late teens, the boys were sent to their units. Over time, Arminius became disgusted with how the Romans treated people and resolved to throw them out of his county. In time Arminius met Thusnelda, who married him. Together, they became a thorn in the side of Rome. That resulted in Varus leading three entire legions against them. The legions were ambushed by a handful of Germanic warriors who destroyed all three roman legions and all of their supporting units. That totalled over 20,000 men. At the time, the Germanic woman had full equality with Germanic men. Women even sat on military councils, and often, their advice was sought by the male warriors. The woman would follow their men at a distance from them, but they were always close enough to their men to be able to lend assistance to them if needed. that often turned the tables of the fight and resulted in the Germanic woman being feared as such as the Germanic man by the Romans!


John M. Vermillion - 2021
    This is the opener of a planned Cade Chase series. It is a crime thriller set in the fictional Rockledge, an impoverished town in the center of Appalachia, more precisely in extreme southwest Virginia.The main character, Cade Chase, recently retired from the military. He has given insufficient thought to life afterward. He accedes to the urgings of a longtime friend and former JAG officer, to come to the town of Rockledge. He leaves Florida and heads to Rockledge uncertain that this move is wise.On his first morning in Rockledge he runs across a hillbilly octogenarian named Dale Carter, who tells him finding a place to live will be tough. So Carter invites him to have a look at a home, one of three, he owns on a mountainside "out in the valley." The home he shows Cade is one of the grandest Cade has ever seen. Carter tells Cade the house is his if he wants it. Seems joining the military was the defining event of Dale's life. Without the military's 'gifts' he wouldn't have amassed the wealth he possesses. But he stipulates one condition: help protect him and his wife against what appears to be a dangerous crew of squatters camping in the woods on or near his property.Cade is instantly fond of Dale, and agrees to help him. This agreement sets the story in motion. There's plenty of action from that point onward. Yes, it's a thrilling story involving crime, but more important, it's a story of the evils of autocratic behavior by political elites. Cade is determined to bring the evildoers down. He quickly learns that extreme southwest Virginia has been a whipping boy for sixty years or more. Cade and a cadre of like-minded people strive to end the trampling of this region of the state. You may find it on Amazon and Kindle books. If searching under my name, you need to search under John M. Vermillion, including the middle initial.Thank you.jmv

Jeremy and the Witches’ Medallion: The Witch Hunt

Randy Gauthier - 2020
    While combining modern day narrative and medieval times, there is magic, witchcraft, talking animals and English history to take a reader on a thrilling adventure that they will never forget.

The Seventh Spark: Volume One – Knights of the Trinity

J.B. Lion - 2020
    fantasy graphic fiction novel

The Transhumanism Handbook

Newton LeeEleanor "Nell" Watson - 2019
    It is high time for humanity to grow up and to transcend itself by embracing transhumanism.Transhumanism offers the most inclusive ideology for all ethnicities and races, the religious and the atheists, conservatives and liberals, the young and the old regardless of socioeconomic status, gender identity, or any other individual qualities. This book expounds on contemporary views and practical advice from more than 70 transhumanists.Astronaut Neil Armstrong said on the Apollo 11 moon landing in 1969, "One small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind." Transhumanism is the next logical step in the evolution of humankind, and it is the existential solution to the long-term survival of the human race.

Westwind Secrets

Marilyn Dalla Valle - 2021
    Left by her estranged grandmother, the Second Empire Victorian mansion on Rhode Island's Narragansett Bay is thirty years past prime condition. The estate has no money for maintenance and repairs. Stuck, with meager means and no place to go, Mysti stays, despite rumored ghosts. When a drifter, Harry Pearson, shows up during a severe thunderstorm, she agrees to let him live in the carriage house in exchange for work. Soon, the tumbledown, brick fortress, springs back to life with mowed lawns, tended gardens, rebuilt porches and painted trim, but invisible evil shrouds the property. Broke, and heartbroken by her failed marriage, Mysti abandons a romance novel to write a mystery, using reality for inspiration. Oblivious to danger and driven by an unexplainable force, she delves into her grandmother’s accidental death and squandered assets with skeptical eyes. Bodies drop to protect guilty secrets, some buried for generations. Walking a tightrope to stay alive and protect her dog, Mysti Wade exposes deceit, greed and murder. Justice is served!

Magic Alex and the Secret History of Rock and Roll

Harry F. MacDonald - 2020
    He was the guy Carly Simon was really singing about and the missing slice of ‘Bye, Bye Miss American Pie’. I guess that when you keep the company of rogues, the only way to go is to keep on rogueing.

The Brothers Silver

Marc Jampole
    Downstairs in the basement, their mother is unconscious, having swallowed hundreds of Librium while the brothers were at Boy Scout camp, her latest suicide attempt. The food cupboards are empty. The phone doesn’t give a dial tone. As the sun goes down, the kitchen grows cold. The boys sit in silence, waiting for their mother to die. She doesn’t, but the guilt and anger they feel haunt the brothers for decades. The Brothers Silver follows Jules and Leon as they try to find their unanchored way through the cultural upheavals of the second half of the 20th century. The younger Leon lives on the drug-addled edges of society. The older brother, Jules, falls into a destructive relationship that parallels his past insecurities and chaos. What lies in store for the Silver brothers? Recovery or turmoil?The 12 chapters of The Brothers Silver unfold in ten voices, each of which has its own language and style, making the novel a tour de force of technique in the American tradition of accessible literary innovation established by Heller, Pynchon, and Wallace.

A Taste of Peace (Malibu #1)

J.J. Sorel - 2021
    Lachlan Peace’s true passion in life is music and surfing. He also can’t take his eyes off his new admin assistant, Miranda Flowers.Miranda can’t believe her luck she’s finally landed a well-paying job working for Peace at his sprawling Malibu estate. Dazzled by the opulence of her new workplace, which boasts a private beach amongst other fine trappings, Miranda thinks she’s won a celestial lottery. One of her more pleasant tasks, missing from the job description, involves accompanying her handsome boss to lavish balls as his pretend date. Miranda soon discovers that her unfriendly and very demanding manager has her sights on Lachlan Peace, with whom the CFO shares a complicated history. When this scheming manager notices that Miranda has caught the eye of the man that she’s determined to marry she hatches a plan to force his hand.Although the obstacles come thick and fast, there’s only one thing Lachlan Peace is certain about: he’s crazy about Miranda. But can Miranda compete with her sly and crafty manager, who has something over Lachlan? And will Miranda and Lachlan’s off-the-charts chemistry survive the SEC, the mob, and the sharp claws of a dangerously ambitious woman?

Happiness Power: How to Unleash Your Power and Live a More Joyful Life

Robert Gill Jr. - 2021
    It might just be that what you have is actually not what you need to feel fulfilled.And you’re not the only one going through this.Despite having one of the highest standards of living in the world, the level of happiness among Americans is at its lowest. In fact, it has been declining for the past 20 years.Social media, reliance on drugs, and the endless pursuit of wealth are just some of the reasons for this phenomenon. We are constantly bombarded with messages and images of how life should look like, and we try to reach this aspirational goal through any means necessary.We can chase it through traveling, buying expensive things, achieving career success, or even getting married and starting a family. But why do you still feel unsatisfied, even after you have all this?What is it that makes us truly happy?Plenty of scientific research has been done to find the answer to this question. There is also a lot of advice from self-help books and motivational speakers on being happy.Thankfully, you don’t have to go through all the studies and TED talks online to find the key to happiness.In The Happiness Power: How to Unleash Your Power and Live a Joyful Life, you will discover:- Why your present circumstances don’t have to determine your level of happiness, and how you can take your well-being into your own hands- The #1 factor that helps us live longer, healthier, and happier lives, according to a decades-long Harvard study on adult life- How to have a more positive mindset through this daily habit that Oprah Winfrey believes has rewarded her a million times over- How you can combat loneliness with these friendly suggestions on how to build and strengthen your social circle- The secret to happiness that the Japanese have known and practiced for centuries, contributing to their high levels of satisfaction and long life spans- Effortless mindfulness tricks to apply throughout the day that will help you get through stressful days and pessimistic emotions- The simple generous act that has the same positive effects as food and sex, offering satisfaction not only to you, but also to your recipientAnd much more.Although happiness is not the be-all and end-all of life, it sure doesn’t hurt to go through life being happy rather than dissatisfied and lonely.Our lives weren’t meant to be lived in constant pursuit of an abstract vision of happiness. Chasing after happiness will only make it so much harder to obtain.It is when you are focused on genuinely living a life of truth, purpose, and meaning, that happiness will come to you.Find out what it takes to live a life that’s true to your values and your innermost needs.

Crossbones (Cross your Heart and Die, #3)

Diane L. Kowalyshyn - 2022
    An attempt to end his life frees Arthur, the victim ensnared in Keme’s internal soul-cache. Arthur is propelled into dominance and Keme recedes into obscurity. Two souls inhabit one body and the turnabout causes abominable evil to reign supreme.Arthur exacts revenge on Nathanial, the man who ruined his mortal life, but eating him is too easy. Instead, Arthur systematically destroys everything Nathanial holds dear. Arthur is captivated with Loretta, Nathanial's daughter, but Keme is in love. After a whirlwind marriage, Loretta realizes her husband is two diametrically opposed beings. Too late to save her father, she manages to outmanoeuver Arthur, and the coup triggers another soul switch. Now, she and Keme must launch a counterattack against Arthur’s inhumanity, or go to hell trying.

Feeling Lucky

M.S.M. Barkawitz - 2021
    Others are only too real in this modern-day thriller set amid the chaos of a global epidemic and a cultural uprising that set the world ablaze. She's Lucky one day-Jackie the next. Actress or con artist? Avenging angel or gold-digger? Hunter or prey? Straight or lesbian? Black Lives Matter activist? Only she knows the truth. Or does she? Controversial? No doubt. And all the while-the pandemic kills.

Karolina Dalca, Dark Eyes

M.R. Noble - 2020
    Her police internship would never prove more useful. Hoofing it through the wilderness, she makes it to her university dorm, disheveled but delightfully deflowered.Enter a full vampire: one wielding dark magic and a ride out of Canada. A fugitive from the law, Karo complies with his demands to escape, unsure whether his requests are bewitched. She vows to clear her name and avenge her mother's death, but Karo's family secrets aren't so easily left behind.

The Lighthouse Effect: How Ordinary People Can Have an Extraordinary Impact in the World

Steve Pemberton - 2021
    Our polarized, divisive culture seems to be without heroes and role models. We are adrift in a dark sea of disillusionment and distrust and we need "human lighthouses" to give us hope and direct us back to the goodness in each other and in our own hearts. Steve Pemberton found a lighthouse in an ordinary man named John Sykes, his former high school counselor. John gave Steve a safe harbor after Steve escaped an abusive foster home and together they navigated a new path that led to personal and professional success. Through stories of people like John and several others, you will identify how the hardships you have overcome equip you to be a "human lighthouse," inspiring those around you. The humble gestures of kindness that change the course of our lives can shift the course for America too. With a unique vision for building up individuals and communities and restoring trust, The Lighthouse Effect opens your eyes to those who are quietly heroic. You will reflect on the lighthouses in your own life and be reminded that the greatest heroes are alongside us--and within us.