Al-Qaeda Dawn

P.M. Crowley - 2011
    They intend to make a political statement by slamming a hijacked aircraft with hundreds of innocent people on board into an unknown target, possibly a nuclear power station, on the British mainland. As MI5 and Special Branch closely monitor the terrorist cell, a second al-Qaeda team arrive. MI5 have to make a quick decision, split their resources in two or take a chance and let them run. With no prior knowledge of what's about to happen on the other side of the pond, they decide to let them run. Bad call! With the Heathrow team safely apprehended, and a D Notice placed on the media, British Military Intelligence considers their efforts enough to protect the people of the United Kingdom. How wrong they'll be proved.Once news of the cowardly, indiscriminate attacks on the Twin Towers in the US start to filter through, MI5 realise their mistake. With their only credible agent in Afghanistan down, and no more information available, British Intelligence decide to send in a team to retrieve as much intelligence as possible. MI5 contact one of their Black Ops personnel. Jonny Davies, an ordinary guy, with extraordinary talents is asked to undertake an exceptional mission to liberate the information MI5 need if they're to stop the other terrorist cell before they can act against British targets. Reluctant to go at first, Ex-SAS Ops Sergeant Davies is persuaded with a million pounds to go; but he'll only accept the job if he can take a team with him. Even Jonny Davies won't do the Afghan run on his own. MI5 have no choice, it's accept Davies' terms or do it themselves. In this warts and all novel we see the raw nature of ordinary men pushed to the extreme. Davies will use any means necessary to achieve his objective. Against international law, he's driving into Afghanistan in a large white 4x4 with UN markings, flying a UN flag and Irish tricolour. It's what Jonny Davies does; he lies, cheats, bluffs, bribes and chances his luck. And if that doesn't work, he embraces the extreme alternative of military fire-power. He locks and loads and shoots whatever's in front of him.Once inside Afghanistan fire-fights with bandits, tribal factions and drugs runners soon follow. When he and his team reach Jalalabad they're expected to infiltrate the Devil's lair, immobilise the guards with a blade, enter the compound, extract the information and then blow the compound to smithereens. MI5 want it to look as though a US air strike has destroyed the place, and thus act on the information retrieved without al-Qaeda being any the wiser.Back home, and with the mission complete, Jonny Davies and his team look forwards to a big pay-day, only to find MI5 have an extended agenda.If the boys want paying, they'll have to go morally, a lot further than they've already been. What price a man's conscience? Would you kill for your country? Would you kill innocent women and children for your country? Unarmed civilians? This is what the British Secret Intelligent Service will ask Davies and his team to do if they want paying. On the horns of a dilemma the boys will have to make a difficult choice, commit an act of murder for the State, or wave their wages goodbye. What would you do? Honestly!

The Protector (Brotherhood Series Book 3)

Vivian Rose Lee - 2017
    She lived to create and enjoy her carefree bohemian lifestyle. Life was good, until her father died leaving her to continue his legacy of Thornton Industries. She was an engineer, not some corporate shark. Therefore, she didn’t know where to begin, especially managing the day-to-day operations of retaining TI's successful multi-million dollar status. Before she could regroup to handle the inherited responsibilities, she started receiving personal threats against her life. When they escalated into life-threatening attacks, she had to accept around-the-clock protection from a man whose nearness was dangerous to her self-imposed celibacy. Olen Davidson was assigned to protect Zulayka. From the beginning, he made it known he was not happy with what he called "a babysitting assignment," but he went along "taking one for the team." He was even more disappointed when he met the woman in person. She was a twenty-first century hippie, with a high IQ, a smart mouth, and an eccentric personality. The easy assignment soon turned into international espionage with Zulayka’s company as the targeted prize. Olen’s cavalier attitude in protecting Zulayka almost caused her serious injuries. Now Olen is determined to put his life on the line to protect her. What he hadn’t asked for were the feelings he was starting to have for the unconventional nerd who wasn't his type. Hadn't watching her prevented him from a reunion with the woman who held his heart?

Rebel Tribe

Ramy Vance - 2021
    What do you do if you wake up hundreds of light-years from home in a strange ship and someone is trying to eat you?Jaeger can’t remember who she is or anything about her life, but she knows that's just wrong.The ship's AI tells her there are thousands of other lifeforms on board, but the instruments say she's alone—except for the killer.Something deep inside her screams that humanity’s fate hinges on her completing her mission…whatever it is.Jaeger must repair the ship and figure out her past while fighting for her life.Will she survive? If she can’t recall her mission, will humanity?

Meeting Steve Canyon . . . and Flying with the CIA in Laos

Karl L. Polifka - 2013
    This account has many illustrations of the grinding stress of intense combat in Laos, and the periodic clashes with the distant headquarters that had little knowledge of an extremely complex combat environment and was more focused on control rather than results.

Drummer Boy: Honour Thy Family

E. Arthur Carkeek - 2018
    Almost twelve years of age, he volunteers for the King's service, in the struggle against Napoleon and to help his war wounded father survive. A tale of bravery, family honor and finding out just what you are made of.

Into Infamy: A Marine Sniper's War

Joe Chamblin - 2015
    The new book Into Infamy is Staff Sergeant Joe Chamblin's account of the men and Marines behind the video and what they accomplished in the War on Terror.Remembered for the video, for the first time anywhere Staff Sergeant Chamblin tells his story of the brave young men who've been so vilified by the media and their superiors when they should have been honored for the trail blazing work they performed as Marine Snipers in combat.They were so effective as snipers, introducing new tactics to the battlefield and killing nearly three hundred enemy combatants that the Commandant of the Marine Corps held a private breakfast for Chamblin's teams, along with the Sergeant Major of the Marine Corps.Read their story and how everyone suddenly forgot their accomplishments when a seconds long video appeared on YouTube. These men are victims of, yes, a their own 17 second lapse in judgment ... but more importantly the political correctness that is destroying America.

Code Name: Wild Hunt: Odin's Call

D.A. Roberts - 2020

Seeker One (Voyages of the Seeker Book 1)

Clint Hollingsworth - 2019
    For one thing, Tanner is still recovering from being in stasis for 150 years, with some odd and unexpected side effects.These side effects might be what his commanders are interested in. Is Tanner being used for some purpose which will shorten his career abruptly, or does he have a future with the Deep Space Initiative? Are the DSI's enemies all on the outside, or are some on the ship?Half human and half alien, Tanner is no stranger to being an outsider. Turns out his Laldoralin alien father is behind Tanner's early promotion. Can Tanner trust the motives of an absent father he hasn't seen for 150 years - and then some?This young cadet has a lot to learn about space, alien worlds, working with others on a spaceship, figuring out who is really out to get him, and coming to terms with his own abilities.An amazing journey lies ahead for Cadet Voss.Hopefully he will survive it.By the author of the award-winning Mac Crow wilderness thriller series.

IGOR (Global War On Terror Book 1)

Raymond Hunter Pyle - 2017
    For an intelligence analyst without SEAL training, it can be traumatic. Navy Lieutenant (JG) Lee Toliver, Naval Academy Graduate, Linguist and Middle East Polyglot, is assigned to Trident, an Office of Naval Intelligence group dedicated to Naval Special Warfare Command. Having survived injuries from a suicide bombing in London, and almost a year in and out of Brooke Military Burn Center in Texas, he is ready to get his career back on track and anticipating his introduction to the SEAL Team he will support. American born linguists fluent in Middle East languages are in short supply and always in demand. His fluency in Pashto brought him to the attention of Detachment Bravo of SEAL Team 2 deploying to Bagram, Afghanistan. But Lee was also fluent in several dialects of Arabic. Seal Team 3 was raging across Anbar Province in Iraq, and in 2006, Ramadi is back on the radar for a major operation. Lee is about to find out that deploying with a SEAL Team has only a passing acquaintance with intelligence office work. In SEAL Team direct action ops, interpreters and interrogators are needed outside the wire as much as inside. Going kinetic, is a term he will come to understand intimately.


Jamie Thompson - 2019
    It’s a memoir of the author’s service as an infantry sergeant, squad leader and point man in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War.

A Warm Place: Prelude - A Post-Apocalyptic Men's Adventure

Misty Vixen - 2020
    Billions are now dead due to starvation, disease, civil unrest, and the plummeting temperatures. What remains of humanity now live in small settlements or isolated makeshift villages, carving out miserable lives in this grim new reality.Some, like Chris Weston, choose to travel among the vast winter wastelands between the bastions of civilization. In the aftermath of the great collapse, Chris finds himself strangely suited for this new world. Strong, motivated, patient, and already possessing a fair amount of knowledge on wilderness survival, he’s lucky enough to feed the strong urge of wanderlust that grips him despite the new, icebound Earth.While walking along a lonely highway, Chris comes across an isolated gas station, an almost-functional vehicle, and a very attractive woman. Her name is Mary, and he learns she is very amenable to some hot fun in exchange for a safe escort to civilization…A WARM PLACE contains detailed, hot sexual encounters and scenes of violence.

Hope Renewed (Raj Whitehall Collection Combo Volumes Book 3)

David Drake - 2014
    With planets cut off and reduced to subsistence and ignorance, humanity has nearly forgotten its past greatness. But one battle computer has survived the Collapse. He is Center. And Center is determined to find and aid leaders who can return a star-faring republic to the galaxy. The first of these leaders is Raj Whitehall, a man born to be a general, and molded to retake civilization itself from the jaws of barbarism.The SwordFor five years Raj Whitehall has led his men across the face of the planet Bellevue. With saber and bayonet he has conquered one barbarian nation after another. Now his greatest enemy is his own overlord, Barholm Clerett, who's so paranoid of Raj's victories that he is reduced to onlAbout the Raj Whitehall series:“[T]old with knowledge of military tactics and hardware, and vividly described action . . . devotees of military SF should enjoy themselves.”—Publishers Weekly“[A] thoroughly engrossing military sf series . . . superb battle scenes, ingenious weaponry and tactics, homages to Kipling, and many other goodies. High fun.”—BooklistAbout David Drake:“[P]rose as cold and hard s the metal alloy of a tank … rivals Crane and Remarque …” –Chicago Sun-Times“Drake couldn’t write a bad action scene at gunpoint.” –BooklistThe General SeriesThe ForgeS. M. StirlingDavid DrakeThe HammerS. M. StirlingDavid DrakeThe AnvilS. M. StirlingDavid DrakeThe SteelS. M. StirlingDavid DrakeThe SwordS. M. StirlingDavid DrakeThe ChosenS. M. StirlingDavid DrakeThe ReformerS. M. StirlingDavid DrakeThe TyrantEric FlintDavid DrakeThe HereticTony DanielDavid DrakeThe SaviorTony DanielDavid DrakeOmnibus EditionsWarlordDavid DrakeS. M. StirlingContains The Forge and The HammerConquerorDavid DrakeS. M. StirlingContains The Anvil and The SteelHope RebornDavid DrakeS. M. StirlingContains The Forge and The HammerHope RearmedDavid DrakeS. M. StirlingContains The Anvil and The SteelThe Army took David Drake from Duke Law School and sent him on a motorized tour of Viet Nam and Cambodia with the 11th Cav, the Blackhorse. He learned new skills, saw interesting sights, and met exotic people who hadn't run fast enough to get away.


Timothy Ellis - 2021
    Where do you go after being Destiny’s Spacemage?What do you do after wielding an order of magic never seen in the galaxy before?Who have you become?And what is there left to do?Bud saved the Imperium, but didn’t cease to exist as he expected.Now unable to go home because he is actually there, he must find a new purpose.Some higher must want him in the past, but what do they want him to do?For Bud it comes down to one feeling, summed up by one word.Adrift.