Shadows of Ash and Gold

Lilaina Hinz - 2020
    Crestwood academy was a school for the rich and the smart, being built in the eighteen hundreds it was bound to have a few secrets and Avaryn was prepared to find them out. secret number one: The Devara. that's what they call themselves, the six richest, mysterious and well-known group throughout the whole school. they were unlike anyone she had ever met before. they were beautiful and smart and Avaryn had never been more fascinated. The kids at school tell her to stay away from them, which only intrigued her more, and besides how could she stay away when one of them was her roommate?she investigates, sticking her nose where it doesn't belong and she finds out their secret and she's not sure if it was a good thing or not. the Devara is supernatural, they come from a whole other world she had thought remained in only children's books. a world of magic and pain and light. the Devara's were royalty back in their world but tragedy struck their families and they were forced to leave. but with royalty comes enemies.Now these enemies are after Avaryn. and the only way shell survive is by sticking with the Devara. a world of friendship, romance, magic, evil, and betrayal. Shadows of Ash and Gold.

The Bad Boy Stole My Notebook

Miles11011 - 2014
    She's just another face in the crowd, nothing more. Her world is very different from the ones of her two best friends, which causes them to rarely see each other. So, they share a notebook. They write their feelings and their secrets in this notebook and it is only passed between them. Until Lilah loses it in the hallway.Reece is the school's bad boy, street fighter, and also the boy who finds Lilah's notebook. But Reece doesn't want to be nice and simply give the notebook back to her, not unless he gets something out of it.How far will Lilah go to get her notebook back?

Library Love

Kay Godley (kpgcatlover)
    That isn't a name you would expect a girl to have, is it? Thanks to her parents, who first met at the small town's library, she's stuck with the name. But no matter how ironic it may be, she's absolutely in love with the library. She volunteers there as much as she possibly can during the summer and school months. This summer wasn't supposed to be any different. She was only going to volunteer, and read, nothing more, nothing less. Until the last book she had to read, was checked out by the town's well-known delinquent, Leo Steele. What will happen when he ends up losing the book before he can return it? Well, let's just say they're both going to have one crazy summer of adventure, books, and maybe a bit of love.

When Trouble Meets Trouble

istolethecookiez - 2015
    Come to find out, he's a new student at her school who just so happens to be a junior, much like Savannah.He feels the need to stick around her even though she is the target for childish rumors, gave him the wrong number purposely, has all the comebacks for his pickup lines, tried to run him over with her car, constantly embarrasses him, and repeatedly tells him to 'get lost or 'shove off. During their many adventures, not only do they get into many bad situations but they make a few enemies along the way.Will his determination to befriend this stubborn girl sparks a friendship between the two or a special kind of hatred?

The Shy Boy and the Girl in the Green Dress

    The Shy Boy and the Girl in the Green DressA ‘I Sold Myself to the Devil for Vinyls… Pitiful I Know’ alternate universe story.What would have happened if Alex had been honest right from the start and Lexi never would have had a crush on him? What would have happened if Blake and Lexi had talked during Blake’s first day of class.In this alternate universe, watch how one small decision changed completely the course of Blake and Lexi's relationship.

Marked by the Alpha

    He inhaled my scent deeply and kissed the mark he gave me. I shuddered as he lightly nipped it. "Danny, you are mine and only mine, you understand?"Daniella Saunders had a pretty rough life. After being heartbroken and betrayed by both her father and her boyfriend, Danny moves to a small town to find the comfort of her mother. Everything is not what it seems and soon, Danny finds herself in the middle of a world she didn't even knew existed outside of fiction novels and movies. Not only does the town seem bizarre, but her senses heighten, her temper is out of control, and her hunger amplify. Throw in an arrogant, selfish, sexy, possessive player who didn't even want her in the first place, her life just seamlessly attract madness. Especially with those creepy threats coming from a "Silver Bullet", she can't keep still.

Tamako Sia

BlackLily - 2013
    She flaunts it and she's proud of it. Tamako Sia, the only guy that caught her interest. He's something her money can't buy. He's someone who broke her heart without even a blink of an eye. She swears never to trust him again. Ever. Anyway, it's rust a broken heart, she can handle it. And even if hell freezes over, she's still Krizza Marie Yen, mayaman.But then he's back with a vengeance and a body to die for as her fiance. And he's not only threatening to take her heart but also her wealth.Now, what would she choose? A broken heart with her wealth intact or to be poor but her heart still whole?

I Am Only One

Emeline Rousselot
    I wanted to run my tongue around her hardened nipples and grasp her hips while sinking inside her. I contemplated what sounds she would make when I nudged her deep, and how long it would take before she screamed my name. It wasn't a matter of if she would scream my name, only when.I shook my head, trying to clear my rampant thoughts. If she'd never been touched by a man, starting out with me was an extremely dangerous choice. Anxiety rolled through me. There would be no 'starting out, because that implied a continuation and all she had was an ending. I hadn't just come here for answers.Tonight, she was going to die by my hand... NOTE: Contains graphic intimacy, intense relationships, humor, and clever twists you will never expect! FOLLOW me to see the PRIVATE chapters! Jadalove16: Honestly, this book deserves a Grammy, an Emmy, an Oscar, a Golden globe, all the Watty awards, and every award that exists. This is hands down the best Wattpad book I have read and it is most definitely is in the top 3 of my favorite books ever. It is by far the most unpredictable book I have ever read. I seriously want this book to be published and sold because I would definitely buy it. This book deserves universal recognition, that's how fucking great it was. I constantly put myself off sleep because I was so absorbed in the story. I even went to bed one hour before I would wake up one time. Even though this book was based on fantasy it felt so real and the characters, the problems, conflicts, and everything that occurred were realistic. It was well written and hardly predictable. When you thought you knew something, it was something completely different. This book was an emotional rollercoaster and I enjoyed the ride. © 2015 All Rights Reserved

Bad Girl VS. The Player

racingheart - 2011
    But how can she be good when she accidentally gets herself into a stupid bet involving the HOT jerk (Max), and has to make him fall for her?

That Nerd

    But she is about to...Dylan Thompson is the most popular guy in the school and is seeking revenge after Maya slapped him for being a 'pervert'. What would you do if you were Maya?Move to Mexico and change your name to Rico and then proceed to move into an apartment with a goat owner named Pablo, obviously.What does Maya do?She doesn't run, instead, she kicks him where the sun doesn't shine and slaps him again.Time for revenge nerd.


Kelly Anne Blount - 2014
    The books have a very similar start but a very different ending!Kidnapped, blindfolded, and thrown in the trunk of a car, Abriana Vega's date with Easton Pierce has taken a terrible turn in a deadly direction. Cursing herself for going on a date with someone she met online, Abriana has no idea that Easton isn't the only one who wants her dead. As her days in captivity crawl by and her plan to escape is thwarted, Abriana begins to lose faith. How long does she have left? Will she escape? What will become of Easton Pierce?

Two Gangs and a Golden Girl

Holly Shmit
    And the two leaders of these gangs want to end the fight, once and for all.But fighting with fists is easy. Fighting with wit and charm, is a whole other ball game.Blake. West-side gang leader. Leather jacket and killer glare. Don't talk back.Owen. East-side gang leader. Fancy coat and toxic stare. Don't resist.And in comes Amber. Hair of gold and oceans in her eyes. Has paint on everything she wears and always, ALWAYS, manages to get into the middle of trouble. "She's a golden storm"But these badboys have no idea who they're really dealing with. Amber is determined to break all the cliche's.Three can play this game.

Riley's Tale on the Opposite Gender

Carine Cappuccinos - 2014
    She's your typical girl with an average life: She has loving parents, three best friends, and decent grades. Sounds boring. Right? Well, her average life takes quite a turn when her parents decide to send her across the country to live a family she has not heard of. Yeah, this is one of those stories. But did I mention that Riley isn't your typical outgoing and chatty girl. Hell, she is the definition of socially awkward. So, just how is she going to cope with two new parents and several hormonal teenage boys. Surely, she would go insane. Right? But what Riley doesn't know is that everyone, like her, carries baggage and has a story to tell. Some stories might be plain and simple but others might be totally heartbreaking and devastating. Nevertheless, boys will always be boys so the question of interest is, can Riley survive this new life without having history repeat itself?© 2012 by Cappuccinos. All rights reserved.

The Boyfriend Plan

Shilo "Nightdrives"
     Dory laughed, “That’s ridiculous.” Bernadette shook her head, her face lighting up. “No! You’re onto something, Evie! This is the 21st century, after all. No more boys throwing girls over their shoulders and wooing them! We can do it too. Let’s go kidnap some boys.” ❞

I Am Not A Prostitute

    "Excuse me? I don't understand..." realization dawned on me, as I looked at my skimpy club attire.I raised my hands, "I-I'm not a prostitute." I felt his dark eyes analyzing me and suddenly I was aware of the situation. I began backing up, as panic washed through me."Get in the car." His growl came, and with that, I turned on my heels and ran.*** Calla Levkin didn't want to go out clubbing for her 18th birthday. She didn't want her friends to dress her in slutty attire.She didn't want to be mistaken as a prostitute.She didn't want to be kidnapped and sold into the Mafia.And most of all, she didn't want to catch the attention of Sinister Velkov, the first in command of the Russian Mafia.But life can't give you everything that you want...sometimes life gives you just the opposite.