Book picks similar to
Mysterious Disappearances & Cryptic Clues by Steph Young
Predators in the Woods
Stephen Young - 2014
True Stories. The woods can be tranquil and enchanting, yet there are moments when everything goes quiet and time seems to stop, and the hairs on the back of your neck start to stand up, and you could swear there’s something out there in the trees, just watching you. Suddenly everything goes quiet and that’s when the fear sets in as a strange buzzing seems to fill your ears, and your eyes are searching everywhere for a hidden predator. A powerful, menacing and sinister force is nearby and you can sense the imminent danger. Then it shows itself. And that’s when the panic sets in.... Contents include; The Predator Effect; The Stick Men; Shifters; Something on two legs; Things with Wings; A new Sentient Intelligence. Excerpts; 'Somehow 'something' had got past me without being seen. Then suddenly the quiet was filled with a blood-curdling shriek; it was the most primal of cries I'd ever heard. It seemed human, animal, and spirit; and completely evil. It was hard to pin down; it was ethereal. I tried to shrink to invisibility...' 'She sent a text saying, "Something is wrong here. The woods just went dead silent...its odd." She thought it was possible a panther or coyote was approaching. As her eyes roamed the area, she suddenly noticed a strange visual effect that seemed to be moving...' 'The film showed a mysterious black mass of no definite shape. It was moving. It was crawling fast. It moved with speed, faster than any animal.' 'The entity was blurry and any features could not be clearly seen, as though it were masking its true form.' "At first it was jet black. He said that it was walking in a peculiar way; that it made long exaggerated strides..." 'They said that it seemed to be moving and that it was in one spot one moment and then instantaneously it would appear in a different spot.' "Terrible sounds were coming out of the forest. I couldn't compare them to anything I've heard before." "It took off running, but not like any human or any animal. It ran with its whole body bending and contorting, extremely fast." 'The moon lit up the figure and she could see that it had the shape of a man, at least seven feet tall, but..." PREDATORS IN THE WOODS...True Stories. facebook: Steph Young (Author)
Beyond Time Travel - Exploring Our Parallel Worlds: Amazing Real Life Stories in the News (Time Travel Books Book 1)
Richard Bullivant - 2014
The Many Worlds Interpretation The concept that our universe may not be the only universe, but that there are millions, billions, trillions - indeed an infinite amount - of other universes became a serious proposition for mainstream science in 1957 when the respected physicist Hugh Everett III came out with his Multiple Worlds Interpretation. In short, Everett suggested that the only way to explain certain strange phenomenon in quantum mechanics was that there had to be other universes existing parallel to our own. The ‘Many Worlds’ scenario in turn implies that all possible alternative histories are real, each representing an actual ‘world’ or ‘universe’. This means that everything that could possibly have happened in our past, but did not, has occurred in the past of some other universe or universes. The implications of ‘Many Worlds’ for each of us is astounding. It means that every one of us has not only a ‘twin’ existing right now in a parallel universe, but a countless number of twins in universes that expand in all directions infinitely, as well as backwards and forward in time! As astounding and outlandish as Hugh Everett’s Many Worlds Interpretation seems, a recent survey showed that the vast majority of physicists and scientists today accept it as ‘most likely true’ - in fact 83% of them, according to a recent survey of the world’s top 1,200 physicists. Stories The fact that parallel universes is most likely a reality can explain a lot of strange phenomenon, and a lot of bizarre experiences as reported by every day, ordinary people. A lot of these stories have ended up in the mainstream media - and more than a few in the so-called ‘alternative media’. These stories range from the UFO phenomena to reports of contacts with fairy folk, or creatures so strange there is no precedent or explanation for them. Parallel universes have been frequently cited as a way to explain the elusiveness of Bigfoot. It also plays a role in the practice of remote viewing - the psychic spying technique developed by both U.S. Military and Soviet Union intelligence operations. Parallel universe theory may also explain some strange occurrences that simply defy category. In this book, we are going to explore some of those stories - those that made it into the mainstream media and, almost certainly, a few you have never heard about anywhere else. Contents Include: * Unexpected Slips into Other Worlds * The Man from a Non-Existent Country * The Strange Tale of the Gadianton Canyon * Energy Sphere Transportation * Unexpected Slips from Other Worlds * Portals to Parallel Worlds * The Chocolate City * The Multiple Individual Experiencing a Multidimensional World
Bigfoot Terror in the Woods: Sightings and Encounters, Volume 4
W.J. Sheehan - 2018
The accounts may be quite terrifying and reader discretion is advised.
The One Who Runs and Hides: A True Story
Chris Merola - 2018
The American Indians, depending on their tribe, had many names for the Creature: Sasahevas, Sasquatch, Bukwas (wild man of the woods), See’atco (one who runs and hides). What would Native American Indians have to gain from falsifying the existence of a Beast? The last name seemed the most appropriate to me. The One who runs and hides.
Lost on Skinwalker Ranch
Erick Rhetts - 2014
–Tom Clancy I met Riley in a small tavern in Peru. As we were both ex-pats and enjoyed the same libations, we got to talking. One thing led to another and he told me he had a story he thought would make a good book. By this time, he knew that I had written and published a number of books, most as a ghost-writer. Before our conversation started, he asked me if I believed in the paranormal--ghosts and spirits, that kind of thing. I told him I kept an open mind. That's when he told me about Skinwalker Ranch, a ranch property in Utah believed to be the location of a portal between worlds or into some alternate dimension, depending on your take on these things. He explained that the property was purchased by one of the wealthiest men in America, Robert Bigelow, who bought it from a family which had experienced some fantastic encounters with alien entities, unidentifiable anomalies and disembodied voices. Following the purchase, Mr. Bigelow hired a team of scientists and security experts to both investigate the alleged paranormal activity and keep the property free of trespassers and thrill seekers. Riley was one of those security experts. His story tells of his own personal experiences and encounters, not only while working on the ranch itself, but how the entities he attracted interrupted his life some 500 miles away. The climax of his tale--and he tells it in a way that is so real and genuine that it is hard to deny--is actually passing through the portal and to the other side--the only property guard to report such an encounter. Here for the first time anywhere and in any form is Riley's story. If you have read the other fantastic books written about Skinwalker Ranch, or are interested in the paranormal and the concept of portals, this book is a must read for you. Read and learn what's really out there!
Sharing the Mountain with Bigfoot: The Third Year (Bigfoot series Book 3)
Jada L. Roberts - 2017
The things that were happening around their property and farmhouse with an unknown creature were getting out of control. So much so, that Jada was scared to be left alone at the house with their two children when Jake had to go to work in the city. If you haven't read the first and second books "Sharing the Mountain with Bigfoot" The First Year, and The Second Year please do so for this book is a continuation of those two books. This book starts with the third year living on the farm that Jake and Jada purchased to raise their children and to have a little piece of their own little paradise. But their paradise is not so peaceful as they would like. Can Jada and her family brave the terrorizing experiences that the creature has caused and live on the property in the mountains that they call paradise? Included at the end of this book are pictures of the property where the terrorizing encounters took place. Sharing the Mountain with Bigfoot series is a true story of one family's terrorizing encounter with an unknown creature lurking in the woods of the Appalachian Mountains. ABOUT THE AUTHOR; Jada L. Roberts grew up in a big city in Florida. She moved to a small town near the Appalachian Mountains when she was seventeen years old, where she met and married the man of her dreams. Nowadays, the author enjoys spending time with her first grandchild and is living far away from the Appalachian Mountains. Check out Jada L. Roberts author page for a book trailer video of this book series. reach out and message the author on Facebook at
Unexplained Mysteries Of The World: A Non-Fiction Collection About True Hauntings, Lost Civilizations, Alien Contact & Other Paranormal Enigmas
Brian Kingsley - 2019
As a species, we have more or less conquered the entire Earth and all of its resources. We have built towering structures, intricate systems and settled everywhere — from the tallest peaks to the deepest valleys. We have now entered what many like to think of as the enlightened, scientific era — where old superstitions and fears have been abolished, and the mysteries of the past have been solved. Basically, many of us like to think we have figured it all out. However, whether we want to admit it or not, we are still surrounded by plenty of enigmas. Unexplained phenomena, such as confirmed instances of remote viewing or sightings of strange beings like Bigfoot, may sow a seed of doubt in even the surest of individuals. While some sneer at, or shy away from, the thought of investigating the mysterious, there are also those who feel curious, maybe even energized, at the thought of exploring something completely new. As Neil Armstrong once said: “Mystery creates wonder, and wonder is the basis for man’s desire to understand”. If you are one of those who seek to feel wonder, this book is for you. Herein you will find a varied collection of some of the most intriguing unexplained mysteries of our time. From the puzzling artifacts of a lost civilization, to psychic visions and shocking UFO landings — by the end of this book, you will have plenty of captivating questions to ponder and investigate further. Download now and begin your fascinating journey down the rabbit hole!
Amazing Paranormal Encounters
Rick KueberJoni Mayhan - 2015
Amazing Paranormal Encounters is a top 20 best seller on Amazon in the categories of Supernatural and Unexplained Mysteries since October 2015. It has hit number one over a dozen times. This book is a collection of real experiences by notable paranormal personalities including paranormal authors, radio show hosts and tour guides. This chilling anthology reveals some of the strangest and most frightening experiences they have ever had and in some cases, these experiences are what brought them into the field of the paranormal in the beginning. Fresh edit in February 2016.
Unexplained Encounters: Ridiculous True Stories of The Unusual, Creepy and Just Plain Strange (Unexplained Phenomena Book 1)
Max Mason Hunter - 2017
And there are people who have claimed to have directly encountered this world of mystery. From stories of people who see strange lights in the sky, to those that have actually claimed to have visited other times, dimensions and worlds completely unknown to life’s average traveler. These brave sojourners have found themselves face to face with humanities worst fears, darkest questions, and most confounding confusions and (most) have lived to tell the tale.These are the stories that are sometimes frightening, sometimes creepy, always unusual, and often enough, downright ridiculous. We will never know everything that exists in the unknown bandwidths of life, but it’s entertaining to try nonetheless. So sit back, relax, and get ready for some mind blowing excursions into the unknown... Here Is A Preview Of What's Inside... Unexplained Encounters: Excursions Into the Unknown Unexplained Encounters: Deadly Encounters at Dyatlov Pass Unexplained Encounters: Encounters with Angelic Aliens Unexplained Encounters: A Bit Of Inter-dimensional Thievery Unexplained Encounters: The Mothman Unexplained Encounters: Dr. Eben’s Unexplained Encounter with God Much, much more! Grab this book today!
Bigfoot: Never Before Covered True and New Bigfoot Encounters
Robert Sullivan - 2018
I'm sure you'll enjoy my presentation of these peoples terrifying Bigfoot experiences, as I poured my heart and soul into each and every word, something I'm sure you'll feel by the time you turn the last page.I took great care for this book to feel like a journey, not just across space but time as well. From ghost towns in the Wild West that hold dark secrets, to the deep woods of Khairup and the coldness of the Antarctic, one message rings true; No matter where you are, there's always a chance. Always a chance...Now let's head to Cold War Russia.
Bizarre True Stories: 10 Mysterious Accounts Of True Paranormal Hauntings, Vanishing People, Creepy Unexplained Phenomena And The Unknown (True Ghost Stories And Hauntings, True Paranormal Hauntings)
Layla Hawkes - 2015
Or maybe these beings lie in wait and arbitrarily emerge from oblivion to wreak havoc on the unlucky and unsuspecting humans that cross their paths? Maybe we are not alone in this universe, maybe our souls do continue to live on after death.Perhaps certain areas of this Earth contain portals to the world of the unknown - a world that holds a powerful mystique that no mortal has ever ventured into and come out the same… if they do come out at all. Join me as we explore various episodes of true paranormal hauntings, vanishing people, creepy unexplained phenomena and the unknown. This book is not for the faint of heart as it contains accounts of various inexplicable occurrences that can only be attributed to the world beyond.If you love scary, weird and just plain crazy stories about the most bizarre things that have happened on this planet, then grab this book now! ***** Scroll Up and Get Now! *****
100 Bigfoot Nights: A Chilling True Story
Christine Dela Parker - 2014
Accompanied by video, photographs, and audio evidence, the story is written in Christine’s own words as it unfolds. According to the Bigfoot investigator they contacted, “They aren’t going anywhere.” As the world gets more crowded with us, “They” are left with less and less habitat. They have learned to live in the shadows and pass through the forests by our homes. After reading this book just ask yourself, what would you do if this happened to you? This story is not embellished or fictionalized. It is a series of true events interpreted and told from the author's point of view.
ARRIVAL OF THE ANUNNAKI: the Gods that ruled us are returning to Earth (Annunaki Book 1)
Gary G. Margrove - 2013
The Anunnaki came for gold.For over 400,000 years we have been slaves of aliens.They founded our religions,We worshipped them,We built temples for them,They made us go to war,They defiled our women,They fought with nuclear weapons.Now they are coming back to Earth.Their return spells doom for us all in oncoming years we must expectthe Arrival of the Anunnaki.
DOUBT: The Madeleine McCann Mystery (Gone Girl Book 1)
Nick van der Leek - 2017
We also know the original lead investigator, Goncalo Amaral’s, counter-narrative, now a legally defensible matter of public record. The questions that arise from these opposing narratives are dead simple: Which narrative is more credible? Which narrator is more credible? What was the motive behind all the publicity? Neither Madeleine nor her abductor ultimately benefited from the ongoing media barrage, so who did? True crime maestro, Nick van der Leek, plumbs quagmires of confusion and a thicket of thorny inconsistencies to probe what lies beneath: the psychologies. What is the significance of "doctors" as suspects? Did it matter or mean anything that the McCanns and their cabal of friends in the Algarve were mostly doctors? Peeling away the gossamer threads, over the course of just four days [April 29th – May 2nd], van der Leek intuits that very little was routine: not the weather, not where meals were eaten, not where or when they slept and not what they did as a family. But what were their routines when it came to other, murkier things, like sleeping patterns, cell phones and sedatives? Drawing intangibles out of the darkness, van der Leek sews the vexing loose ends from several conflicting stories into a definite - if not definitive - end-result.
It Was a Dark and Creepy Night: Real-Life Encounters with the Strange, Mysterious, and Downright Terrifying
Joshua P. Warren - 2014
Warren began collecting these stories from around the world: they had to be true, they had to be short, and they had to send a shiver down your spine.It Was a Dark and Creepy Night presents a wide variety of weird and spooky tales about ghosts, UFOs, cryptids, angels, demons, ESP, interdimensional contact and more. Because each tale is short, this eerie little tome is perfect for a subway ride, a plane flight, or a night entertaining guests.An internationally respected investigator of the unknown, Joshua adds his insight to these strange experiences. Some tales are too odd to easily categorize, but each one simple or complex transformed an ordinary person's life, revealing a facet of those uncanny phenomena that still leave us wondering…what if?Imagine if:You met a strange woman who said she remembered Lincoln's funeral, then vanished . . .You dreamed you were being attacked by a demon and woke up to find scratch marks across your body . . .The face of the person in front of you suddenly transformed into that of a reptilian . . .Remember: These and the many other tales in this fascinating book are true, short, and eminently creepy!