Book picks similar to
The Houndsman by J. Pal


Path of the Necromancer

Deck Davis - 2019
    In an RPG-like world, he makes his magic stronger by practising his spells and using them in clever ways. When he takes his first academy assignment, he finds trouble. Cut off from the protection of the academy and in a hostile land, he'll have to improvise if he wants to survive.  He needs to level up, learn new spells, and use them in creative ways. Necromancers have the power to cheat death...but that doesn't mean they can escape it.Read Path of the Necromancer now!

Towns and Towers: A New Land

Shawn Kass - 2016
    He soon finds out how unique the model is when after downloading his newest game he is transported into the system and expected to play through the role of his character without access to the real world, or any of the informationally packed strategy guides he is used to using. Handicapped by his own impatience to start playing, Sam is left to figure out the new world which he has fallen into. He has no weapons, no armor, no save points, and no way home. The only thing he has going in his favor is his experience, and his willingness to game more.

The SyStem: Multiverse

Jon Svenson - 2020
    He escaped Boston, with help from his mother, to head to the west coast and create a new life in Seattle. All that changes when he attends a party to celebrate his friend's new physics invention: a device that connects two universes together.Events quickly spiral out of control as Brett, and his best friend's ex-girlfriend, find themselves pulled by the device and end up in a different version of Earth, one that has been stripped of it's resources and population by an alien race. Will the Earth they came from share a similar fate? Can they escape the dimension they've been sent to and find a way back home? And do they want to escape after learning more about the universe they find themselves in? More importantly, can they change the SyStem that controls everything in that universe and many more?The SyStem: Multiverse is the first book in a series of the same name, where they fight monsters with psychic powers, deal with betrayal, survive on a barren world, and decide whether they will let things remain the same or take action to change their circumstances.Jon Svenson is the author of Biomedical Self-Engineering and other novels yet to be released.

The Ordeal. First Circle [RealRPG Wuxia Series The Way] Book #3

Mike Ignatov - 2021

Age of Ancients

Aaron Oster - 2021
    Born with a crippling lung illness, he has never been as strong as his father or brother, both of whom have disappeared after attempting to challenge the Trials of Ancients. In the wake of the Tyrant King’s war, his village has come under the control of the Purus, a vicious gang of magically enhanced cutthroats and murderers. The Trials offer the promise of power to any who can clear them, but Dabu has been forbidden from entering.After a violent encounter leaves his family in danger, Dabu faces a difficult decision — either leave the village to challenge the Trials or stay and risk starvation. The Trials are monstrously difficult, filled with dangerous beasts, deadly obstacles, and tribes of challengers who control the areas within. But if he can make it out alive, Dabu will gain the power he needs to finally drive the Purus from his home.This book contains GameLit elements, such as stat sheets, a form of leveling, and experience gain.

A Second Chance

Vasily Mahanenko - 2019
    The rising level of technological development has led to a rising level of unemployment. They're laying off everybody, from teachers to technical servicemen. What's the point of holding onto a person if they can be replaced by an advanced mechanism?But what are the people to do? How are they to live? Where are they to get money from? There is only one answer – Barliona. The official government project is gathering steam, luring more and more people into its net. Who knows how people will behave when they lose everything?Brody West is one such person. Unlike most, he doesn't lose heart. A professional project manager with thirty years in the business simply cannot do that. He has a goal, and a clear understanding of how to achieve it. Nobody can get in his way – not the new class, not the strange friend, and not the unexpected foes.

Destiny's Champions

D. Levesque - 2020
    Special Race? Why not. Unknown Questlines? A staff that he thinks is so overpowered that he doesn’t even want to chance casting it? Sure. Multiple women, who aren’t even human? Yes please!Jason just wanted to build a cabin in the woods in the newest VRMMORPG. But apparently, the “Gods” of this game had other plans for him. Adventure awaits for no one, especially when it’s coming to look for you.Follow Jason as he explores this new World called Destiny, and see if it’s namesake is what he has been waiting for all his life. But what the real Gods have in store for him isn’t what he expectedJason Morgan hates his life.Three years ago, a car accident landed him in a wheelchair. After two experimental surgeries, he still can’t walk. Now, broke, and living as a ward of the State, Jason wants nothing more than to walk again and to get out of this hellhole of a hospital.Enter Games For Life, a gaming company that runs a massive VRMMORPG system. They invite Jason to test their groundbreaking pod technology. In their gaming World Destiny, time and reality are not what they seem. There, Jason can even walk again! What could possibly go wrong?Maybe Jason should have read the fine print on the contract a little more closely…

Cat Core

Dean Henegar - 2021
    Instead of angels, pearly gates, and eternal rewards, a voice in her head keeps telling her that she’s become a dungeon core, whatever that is.Now people keep coming into her new home, wrecking stuff, and stealing from her. But not everything about this whole ordeal is bad. Not only can Florence decorate her home with a thought, but she can also create the best things in the entire universe—she can create kitty-cats.Should these hooligans keep insisting on coming into her home, well, Florence and her kitties are going to have something to say about that.

Rise of the UnTed (Tower Lords)

Joshua Done - 2020

The Dungeon Con: One Foot in the Grave (Hank Grave, #1)

Marty Myers - 2018
    But no one has ever had quite the day that he is setting off for when he takes his girlfriend off for a weekend getaway to role play and cosplay at this year's Dungeon Con. No sir, today is a day the likes of which Hank Grave will never forget and neither will you after you have read The Dungeon Con Adventure. Dumped by his girlfriend, kidnapped by a demon and taken to another world before being changed into a dungeon by a lich and that’s just the start of Hanks problems. Can He manage to find a way out of all this mystical grief or will a fantasy world much like the ones he has always fantasized about be enough to seal his fate.


Blake Severson - 2019
     A Goddess is stirring up trouble, and Arthur happens to be the one caught up in the action. After an unfortunate encounter, Arthur is given a second chance in a new world. To his surprise, this new world has mechanics that remind him of Role-Playing Games from Earth. He has been given a simple directive from the Goddess, to help the people of the world and spread her name. He quickly discovers this will not be an easy task. The world has been overrun with bandits, who work for the lords of the land and cause all the denizens to live in abject ruin. Can Arthur tame Dravincia and push back against these forces or is he destined to fail spectacularly and have to hope for another try?

Return to Dungeon (Kobold's Quest #1)

M.J. Kaltenbrunner - 2018
     Kek has spent his life being treated like a dog, but he's only dog-like in appearance. You see, he's a kobold who originally came from a dungeon. And he's spent most of his life enslaved to a gang of exiled mercenaries hiding out in a deadly jungle. When Kek gains the power to see the hidden mechanics of reality and learns to "game" them to expand his skills and find hidden meanings, he is soon entrusted with a noble quest. He must return to the dungeon where he came from and rescue his people from servitude to the dungeon lord! Faced with untold dangers, Kek is going to need allies—such as a sweet muck fairy with a killer streak, a deadly-beautiful siren who fights best au natural, and a sensual cat woman with lightning quick moves. They are sure going to keep this lone kobold on his toes. Throughout this quest, Kek will learn the hard way that one of the greatest opponents a hero confronts is his own self-doubt. This is a LitRPG with a twist. There is no VR. The fantasy world is real. The game mechanics are part of a unique magical power that only the lucky few obtain. If you're not into this sort of thing, maybe it's time you give it a go. There's also a fun and adventure-packed story that will keep any fantasy reader engrossed right up until the end. Book two in the series is planned for launch early 2018!

Office Wars: The Mailroom Clerk

James G. Patton - 2017
    He sleeps in a real bed and eats real food and only jumps into Neuroma to work. All he wanted was to log in, work and log out and live in general obscurity. Getting the attention of a CEO, meeting a stranger in real life, and forced to play in a secret game of corporations were not penciled into his calendar. While that was bad, he started to question whether Odditek was still in control, or had their complacency created the noose tightening around their neck. Bran was not yet aware of the choice before him. He could no longer stand back and watch, and he had to pick a side and fight before he lost the ability to choose. Would he recognize the inevitable in time? Was it possible to make a ‘correct’ choice, or had the lines blurred so much that hero and villain were indistinguishable? This novel is part of an Odditek series and is a LitRPG novel. I realize it’s the first Odditek series, but more are coming. This series started as a companion series to a book called Lantern Online. I wanted a way to build up the world as it now exists, and to explain what Odditek is. Neuroma and Nerves are mentioned in Lantern Online, and I felt all that information was taking away from my story and is mostly not relevant, but good to know information. I took a lot of it out and added it to this series. Anyway, out of that came Office Wars. I hope it's different than most LitRPG you will read, and brings another dimension to the genre. Explicit language! I will not lie, there is a satirical nature to this story, and a lot of the language and scenarios are morally questionable on purpose. In this story and I use a lot of curse words and controversial commentary. Just look on Facebook or any half a dozen social media sites, and you will see similar language, conversations, and other nonsense. If we all moved into a digital world, this is how I view that world.

Path of Darkness

A.P. Gore - 2019
    The mine will consume his life any day. Will this offer to farm inside a game be any better? He wants nothing but to farm in the real world, and he’s given that chance in a VRMMORPG. With a new lease on life, he accepts it. But when he’s robbed of his only tool to farm sufficient quota, he has no other option but to enter the deadliest forest of the region and die at the hands of a druid to obtain a skill that will help him reach his goals. However. Death awaits at every step in the forest, and he can’t die more than thrice. What will Jon do? Find out more about Jon's epic journey in BlackFlame Online. You can expect below things from this book series. 1) Farming. 2) Unique Classes. 3) Town Building. 4) Epic large scale battles. 5) Forbidden Spells.

Noble Farmer (Noressia #1)

A.W. Sheffield - 2019
     The Advanced Learning Online World (ALOW), have been running strongly for over a decade. Curing genetic and acquired diseases, restoring anatomy and organs. All the while the patient mentally plays within the fantasy world under a medically induced coma. James C. Corwell assumes his treatment as the left side of his body under goings restoration, due to a military accident. Just in time for CAMPAIGN! Where dungeon, raid, invasion and scenario all merge into three months of conquest, mayhem, and debauchery. Never an avid gamer, this loner must navigate his way through a world set upon role-play and politics. Can he do what has eluded him since birth, and make something of himself? To further add insult to injury, his brother purchases the Nobleman Package as a practical joke. James, aka Hedge Lord Jaeger Persik, turns to the past twenty eight years of life experience, and an unfamiliar creatures for help. Will this black sheep finally become part of a flock, with his uncommon way of thinking and his ability to adapt? Or will frustration and ignorance reign? Warning: This book contains scenes of graphic adult situations, language, and non-traditional relationship structures.