Angus Adams: The Adventures of a Free-Range Kid

Lee M. Winter - 2015
    Librarian Note: Alternate Cover Edition for ASIN: B013W5L4AE.As a free range kid, Angus is allowed to do things other kids his age aren’t – like play in the street and hang out at the park without adults (shock, horror!) But when he’s accused of stealing an iPhone from school, Angus must use all of his brains, resilience, and courage to catch the real thief, clear his name, and outwit the seriously bad dudes hot on his tail!

The Guy's Guide to God, Girls, and the Phone in Your Pocket: 101 Real-World Tips for Teenaged Guys

Jonathan McKee - 2014
    . .and just a click away.101 real-life tips including. . .Today’s nerd is tomorrow’s boss.If you have to look over your shoulder to check if anyone’s in the room, you probably shouldn’t be typing it into the search engine.Learn a skill that would help you survive a zombie apocalypse.Losing your temper feels really good. . .for about 17 seconds. Keeping your cool feels even better. . .for the rest of the week.Realize most bad choices usually began five choices ago.If you have a TV in your bedroom, unplug it right now and move it to another room.. . .and dozens more helpful hints provide spiritual, practical, and even humorous advice for navigating the challenges of your teen years with confidence and wisdom. “Take your everyday, ordinary life—your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life—and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him. Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you, develops well-formed maturity in you.Romans 12:1–2 msgJONATHAN MCKEE is the author of over a dozen books including Get Your Teenagers Talking, Should I Just Smash My Kid's Phone, and The Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide for Teenagers. He speaks to parents and leaders worldwide while writing about parenting and youth culture and providing free resources for families on Jonathan, his wife Lori, and his three kids live in California.

Legally and Lawfully Yours

Anita Stansfield - 2015
    At a time like this, the last thing she can handle is family drama. But when she learns how far her brother and sister-in-law’s lives have spiraled out of control, the only thought in her mind is the safety of her young niece and nephew. After Shannon is granted custody, she and the children are eager to run long and far from their problems. The end of the road is Sugar City, a place as delightful as its name implies. In the tiny town, Shannon gets much more of a change than she bargained for. Welcomed with open arms by the townspeople, including the handsome local veterinarian, Shannon and the children slowly begin to heal. But when their idyllic existence is threatened by the return of the children’s mother, Shannon has no choice but to return to the courtroom she left behind. She has one last legal battle to fight, and the outcome may mean losing everything she loves . . .

Viva Durant and the Madness of Madame Bouchard (Viva Durant #2)

Ashli St. Armant - 2021
    Armant, and an engaging performance from Audible Hall of Fame narrator, Bahni Turpin.Now that she’s returned to New Orleans for Thanksgiving break, Viva is charged with figuring out the truth behind a mysterious bout of illness traced back to a local creole restaurant called Madame Bouchard’s. Were customers poisoned on purpose, or was it a simple cooking mistake? And who could be behind the chaos? Viva only has a week to solve the culinary mystery, and to do so, she’ll have to contend with a longtime rivalry, rumors of voodoo magic, and Thanksgiving dinner with her extended family!Listeners will love the continued detective adventures of Viva Durant and her stern-yet-spirited Gram!

It's Personal: Five Questions You Should Answer to Give Every Kid Hope

Reggie Joiner - 2019

Chickens in the Headlights

Matthew Buckley - 2005
    Every night culminates in an epic bedtime battle.When the school year ends, however, Mom and Dad decide to harness some of their boys' apparently inexhaustible energy and buy some goats and chickens for them to take care of. While they are initially thrilled with the "responsibility," the boys soon learn that it's far tougher-and far funnier for the reader-than it appears.

Ten Girls Who Made a Difference

Irene Howat - 2002
    Read this book and find out what God wants you to do.

Heaven Is For Real and for You on the Road to New Life

Phil Rehberg - 2011
    holds a powerful message, highly recommended. -  The Midwest Book Review [More below.]<br><br>DO YOU WONDER about Heaven? Heaven is real and for you! And you can experience a taste of it now if you follow the road to new life. This fresh and engaging book about the path to God and His heaven will engage your mind and heart and answer your questions. Not every salvation prayer leads to heaven and you can't get there by being good!<br><br>IN HEAVEN there will be no more "mourning or crying or pain" (Revelation 21:4). We will enjoy peace and joy forever and a new life beyond our wildest dreams. God loves you and is calling you into His heart. If you are open to God and desire change this short, readable, book is for you! It will spark new faith or deepen the faith you have.<br><br>REVIEWS under another title "The Road to New Life":<br><br>THE MIDWEST BOOK REVIEW:<br><br>"... a guide to finding God and living your life with him on his side, to travel through one's life with God in mind to help you through your pain and the nonstop challenges that one constantly faces along the way. Thoughtful and driven reading, "The Road to New Life" holds a powerful message, highly recommended." - (November 2010)<br><br>TODD RUTHERFORD, THE PUBLISHING GURU:<br><br>"The Road to New Life is an invaluable resource, both to those seeking to renew their decisions to follow Christ and to those choosing Him for the first time. It also serves as an excellent witnessing tool for Christians who want to learn how to effectively share their faith with others. Enriched with several real-life examples, this book will inspire some to surrender their lives to Christ, as well as provide a richer understanding of the deeper truths of the salvation message." <br>_____________________________________________<br><br>GOD MADE YOU for a purpose and he wants to help you live it and experience the peace and joy that go with it. As you travel this road toward God, you will see how valuable you are to him and how he longs to free you from shame, insecurity, and emptiness. He wants to heal pain and loneliness and he wants to transform your life. He loves you and wants a close relationship with you.<br><br>THIS BOOK INCLUDES reflection questions and prayers to help you along the path to heaven. Covering themes of the kingdom of God, friendship with God, and community, it is tailored to reach hearts in a postmodern world. It can also be used in small groups.<br><br>VISIT<br><br>ABOUT THE AUTHOR<br><br>Phil Rehberg is a former attorney and former pastor with a J.D. degree and a Master's degree in biblical studies and theology. He has also done graduate studies in leadership and spiritual formation. He has led various ministries in local churches for over twenty years, including establishing emotional healing ministries, developing ministry teams, home groups, spiritual formation groups and preaching.<br>

Spongebob Squarepants Movie: A Novelization of the Hit Movie!

Marc Cerasini - 2004
    Krabs is held accountable for the crime! So it's up to SpongeBob and his trusty sidekick, Patrick, to make the dangerous trip to Shell City to retrieve the crown and save Mr. Krabs's life. Meanwhile, the evil Plankton has set his plan into motion: to steal the secret Krabby Patty formula and rule the sea! Will SpongeBob and Patrick be able to save the crown "and" make it back in time to save the fate of Bikini Bottom?

Lemonade Sky

Jean Ure - 2012
    At 12, Ruby is the oldest but with all the stuff she has to worry about right now, sometimes she feels more like the mum of the family.And speaking of mums, the sisters do have one, and she loves her three girls to the moon and back, butshe suffers from something called bipolar disorder which can sometimes make life very difficult…A poignant, moving and uplifting story about family and friendship by the original Queen of Tween, Jean Ure.

Elsie Dinsmore

Martha Finley - 1868
    She has never known her mother, and her relationship with her father is filled with misunderstanding and tears. The young girl learns to depend wholly upon her faith in her heavenly father.

The Field Guide and The Seeing Stone

Tony DiTerlizzi - 2003
    Three ordinary kids, Jared, Simon, Mallory Grace discover a whole new world, That someone does not want them to know about

The Boy Who Cried Christmas

Dennis Bailey - 2020
    For him, Christmas wasn't just about making a list, but making sure it was long enough. He also had a reputation for embellishing the truth. That is until a chance meeting with an angel on the streets of Manhattan ends with a journey back in time to the birthplace of Christianity. Eventually, he makes his way home with a story that could change all their lives. He only has one problem . . . no one will believe him.

Hebrews and James: Faith Works (The Passion Translation)

Brian Simmons - 2014
    Hebrews means those who crossed over. It is written for every believer today, for we have crossed over from darkness to light and from doubt to faith. What once was a symbol has now become substance, for all the pictures of the Old Testament have found their fulfillment in Him. Hebrews takes us into the Holy of Holies as we come to Him as priests, lovers, and worshippers. We will never be same again when we absorb the light of God that shines from every chapter. He is our magnificent High Priest, greater than any sacrifice offered or prophet of old. He perfects our faith until we rise with Him into the heavenly realm of priestly ministry. Hebrews warns us of turning back into ritual and religion and forgetting all the treasures of our faith. Seeing Christ stirs us to enter into the full rest alone as our perfection before the Father. We must learn from Him and draw closer to Him in order to understand the depth of this book, for Jesus is the language of God and the theme of Hebrews. The Holy Spirit speaks through the Holy Word of God; His life giving expression comes through each verse, and receiving the Word of God changes us. The Book of James is rich with life changing revelation, a feast to strengthen us and keep us on course. James gives practical truths about what it means to be declared righteous by God. He offers many clear insights on faith and on walking in the truth. We might view the book of James as the New Testament Proverbs, for much of its writings speak of heavenly wisdom from God that transforms us. The book of James gives us the understanding of the power of faith to produce good works. Faith works!

No Mere Mortals

Toby J. Sumpter - 2020
    She is of immense value to God. She is precious to Him. She is His daughter, an heir of the promise, a co-heir of the grace of life with you. Do you feel that? Does it make your chest knot up? Do you get a little bit afraid? Maybe a lot afraid? Good. Hold that pose.In recent decades, we have essentially reduced marriage to a permanent roommate situation with sexual benefits. But marriage is not about something as low-stakes as “who gets to control the remote.” Your husband or wife is no mere mortal, but an eternal soul who is going to grow closer to God or further from Him because they are married to you. Add children to the mix—even more eternal souls! That’s why the biblical picture of the family is something far more powerful, far more dangerous, far more glorious—far more like a nuclear reactor—than anything else in modern society.No Mere Mortals: Marriage for People Who Will Live Forever shows how husbands can lead their wives, and how wives can follow their husbands, and how both together, building on the firm foundation of Jesus Christ, can shape future generations and the world.