Don't flatter yourself: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Sydney Salier - 2019
     What if Mr Bennet married a second time and his new wife is a lady with impeccable manners, who is down-playing the fact that she really is a Lady. Will the improved manners of all the ladies make a difference to Mr Darcy? Or is the Bennets' perceived social standing and lack of wealth still an issue for him? Will Fitzwilliam Darcy and Elizabeth Bennet have a happily ever after?

A Case of Some Delicacy

K.C. Kahler - 2019
     When rumours of Jane Bennet’s impending betrothal to her father’s heir begin spreading at the Meryton Assembly, Elizabeth vows to save her dearest sister’s happiness from being sacrificed in marriage. She finds an unlikely accomplice in Mr Darcy, the taciturn man whose heroics on the cricket field have managed to turn Lydia Bennet’s infatuation away from redcoats. Upon overhearing a heated exchange between Elizabeth and Mr Bennet, Darcy is stunned not only by her devotion to her sister, but also by her defiant words to her father. An inexplicable desire to help Elizabeth draws Darcy into the match-breaking scheme, despite knowing that he should want nothing to do with a family like the Bennets. As the new allies work together, their friendship deepens into mutual admiration. But they must navigate a complicated web of sisters, parents, friends, cousins, and aunts, some of whom may be attempting their own manipulations and romantic schemes. Eavesdropping and jealousy abound, cricket balls go astray, and love blooms in spite of Mrs. Bennet’s misguided matchmaking. This humorous Pride and Prejudice re-imagining is novel length and pays homage to the wit of Jane Austen.

To Teach the Admiring Multitude: Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice Continued

Eleanor Wilton - 2019
    Fitzwilliam Darcy has married Miss Elizabeth Bennet, a young lady with neither fortune nor connections. Will Mr. Darcy regret his choice? Can the new Mrs. Darcy prove her worth to an incredulous and envious society?In this elegant, romantic and faithful continuation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, Eleanor Wilton explores how Miss Elizabeth Bennet and Mr. Fitzwilliam Darcy might have lived the early months of their marriage, telling their journey in a manner that seeks not to alter the essence of what made their story so unforgettable and beloved to begin with, but to enrich it. It is a story about the bonds of matrimony, a love story about two people entirely different in disposition, experience and background, striving to create a sustainable happiness against the backdrop of friends and relations who either do not understand or do not approve their union.True to the tone and tenor of the original novel, To Teach the Admiring Multitude is a captivating homage to Austen's beloved Pride and Prejudice. An uplifting exploration of marriage, intimacy, family and forgiveness, admirers of Jane Austen’s novels will be delighted with this carefully crafted continuation of her most famous story.

Losing Lizzy: A Pride and Prejudice Vagary

Regina Jeffers - 2020
    Now only he can save their daughter.When Lady Catherine de Bourgh told Elizabeth Bennet: “And this is your real opinion! This is your final resolve! Very well. I shall now know how to act. Do not imagine, Miss Bennet, that your ambition will ever be gratified. I came to try you. I hoped to find you reasonable; but, depend upon it, I will carry my point,” no one knew how vindictive and manipulative her ladyship might prove, but Darcy and Elizabeth were about to discover the bitter truth for themselves.This is a story of true love conquering even the most dire circumstances. Come along with our dear couple as they set a path not only to thwart those who stand between them and happiness, but to forge a family, one not designed by society’s strict precepts, but rather one full of hope, honor, loyalty and love.

When Duty Calls

Belén Paccagnella - 2020
    Mr. Bingley’s departure leaves the eldest, Jane Bennet, heartbroken whilst Mr. Collins’s proposal induces Miss Elizabeth to make a hasty escape. During her flight, she happens upon Mr. Darcy, a gentleman she despises. A moment of solitude in the woods leads to rather improper behavior, and the couple departs with the promise they will tell no one about their minor indiscretion. When their secret is finally uncovered, marriage becomes the only solution to saving Elizabeth from social disgrace. Her other grudges against Mr. Darcy are amplified by resentment and the prospect of spending her life with a man she can never respect. Nonetheless, the marriage takes place, forcing the young couple to deal with their pride and prejudices as husband and wife.Originally posted online almost twenty years ago, this Regency tale of redemption narrates the struggles of two people, their differences, and their rocky start. But will they succeed in overcoming lies, misunderstandings, and their own errors to finally find love?

Side by Side, Apart

Ann Galvia - 2016
    You know our acquaintance has not been easy." Elizabeth Bennet, --stubborn, quick to judge but slow to revise her opinions, and entirely prejudiced against the man who had just proposed marriage at Hunsford--awakens to learn she has been in an accident. Bedridden in an unfamiliar house, , she learns eleven years have passed since the last moment she can remember, She finds herself a married woman, mother of four, an pregnant yet again. Her children are strangers, and most mystifying of all, Fitzwilliam Darcy is her husband! How could she have married a man she loathes? Confined to the house by her injury, Mr. Darcy's company is inescapable. But is just being side by side enough to overcome their differences? What happens with Darcy, improved in manners and happily married to Mrs. Elizabeth Darcy is faced with an obstinate, bewildered Miss Elizabeth Bennet?

Darcy By Any Other Name

Laura Hile - 2016
    But out in the garden two men are arguing, while a ferocious rainstorm swirls round. Then the unthinkable happens: a lightning bolt from heaven strikes. In that instant everything changes.Jane Austen's heartthrob hero becomes the bumbling Reverend Collins. Shorn of his fortune, his social standing, and his good looks, Mr. Darcy is trapped in Mr. Collins' body. And Mr. Collins wakes up to discover that he is master of Pemberley. Could there be anything worse?But the inner man is still Darcy. He is in love with Elizabeth Bennet. And now he is living in her house.If you enjoy a smart, sparkling Regency romp in the classic "Heyeresque" style, then you will love Laura Hile's Darcy By Any Other Name.

A Sense of Obligation: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Rose Fairbanks - 2015
    As they rush to the altar, Darcy’s faulty memory may destroy their chance at domestic comfort before they begin. Knowing their obligations and no longer resisting their attraction, they forge a foundation of trust and respect. New feelings may not be enough, however, to overcome the misunderstanding which lays between them. Exploring the juncture of sentiment and reason, A Sense of Obligation, takes Darcy and Elizabeth on a passionate, humorous and introspective path toward happiness in marriage.

Smoky Dreams: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jaeza Rayleigh - 2018
    Now is his chance to be the hero and get the girl by helping his friend to his own romantic happily-ever-after. Or is it? Darcy soon learns that showing up is only the first step in the battle when his true enemy is his own pride and arrogance. Now he must change his own ways and undo the harm he has unwittingly done. Only then can he hope to win the hand and heart of the woman he loves. As he overcomes the flaws in his own nature and the opposition of a prideful aunt, he is helped along by family and friends in ways he would never have expected. Will his smoky dreams of sorrow and guilt turn to a living dream of happiness? Read on and find out...

In Netherfield Woods: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Ava Adams - 2020
    Her stay at Netherfield Park while her sister, Jane, recovers from her illness, has been long and tedious, especially when the proud and unsociable Mr Darcy insists on sitting in the same room as her for hours at a time without speaking. When the rain briefly relents, she hurries outside to enjoy the fresh air before the weather worsens. Mr Darcy wishes he could stay away from Elizabeth. Her low connections mean marriage to her is out of the question, yet he is drawn to her like a man bewitched. But when she fails to return from her walk before dark, he rushes out to find her, knowing where her habits will draw her. Forced to find shelter for the night, Elizabeth and Darcy struggle to keep warm despite the potential scandal of being alone together. But the bitter cold compels them to stay close and leads to a response neither of them expected. And when they are found together, Elizabeth accepts she has no choice but to marry the man she has despised up until now. But there are people close to them who are even more unhappy about the forced marriage than Elizabeth is. And when Elizabeth is offered an alternative to marrying Darcy, are her growing feelings for him strong enough to overcome the pressure of those trying to separate them? One Night at Netherfield Park is a Pride and Prejudice variation novella of approximately 30,000 words

Misunderstandings & Ardent Love

Susan Adriani - 2021
    ELIZABETH BENNET WOULD MORE THAN WELCOME his return to Longbourn. Yet despite such mutually ardent feelings, her most beloved sister and Darcy’s own uncle hold quite the opposite points of view.TORN BETWEEN PERSONAL LOYALTIES and responsibilities, the couple must balance finding a discreet solution for a family scandal in London and dealing with new outrageous actions by Mr and Mrs Wickham, all while facing a Jane Bennet who cannot forgive Darcy his interference in her love story.Can the two overcome misunderstandings and meddling and find their way to one another at last?

Mr. Darcy's Household: A Pride and Prejudice Novella Variation

Lyr Newton - 2021
    He has brought her home to Derbyshire, where he hopes she can heal the wounds of her soul and regain her spirit.But some things are beyond his control, as he discovers when a disease is brought to Lambton by two men, recently returned from the war. Miss Darcy, as well as many of the small town’s families and Pemberley’s tenants, is affected.Darcy’s household, although perfectly trained and highly efficient, is in great need of help. But, despite Mr. Darcy’s willingness to pay a large amount of money for someone to aid Mrs. Reynolds, his housekeeper, for a few months, he can find nobody who meets his high expectations and exacting requirements. Matters take a turn for the worse when the housekeeper also falls ill and is kept to her bed. Mrs. Reynolds writes to the daughter of her old friend, now Mrs. Madeleine Gardiner, about the situation, with no other hope than to unburden her heart.However, Mrs. Gardiner is hosting her lovely and spirited niece, Miss Elizabeth Bennet. The Bennet family is in precarious financial circumstances due to Mr. Bennet’s poor estate management and his disinterest in anything other than books.Willing to help her family by earning an amount of money that could cover Longbourn’s expenses for a few years, Elizabeth accepts the temporary position and she is taken to Pemberley in Mr. Darcy’s carriage. Once there, she holds the same position as Mrs. Reynolds. She is in charge of the management of the household, responsible for everything in the house. She is treated respectfully by everyone, and she even forms a sweet friendship, based on a slowly-developing trust, with Miss Darcy.Only the master treats her with cold politeness and distant reverence; he barely speaks to her, he gives her power but only wishes to see good results. A few weeks later, he is urgently summoned to London, while Elizabeth remains at Pemberley overseeing the household.In mid-September, Elizabeth returns to Longbourn with a considerable amount of money. Once there, she finds out that Netherfield has finally been let and a Mr. Bingley is expected to arrive, together with a large party of friends.Then, the Meryton Assembly takes place and Elizabeth is surprised to meet Mr. Darcy again.But how will he react? Will he treat her with mere politeness or with contempt, since he is her former employer? Will he even acknowledge her? Will he even recognize her?“Darcy’s Household” is a Regency “Pride and Prejudice” variation, the length of a novella (just a little under 40k words), less than 160 paperback pages), sweet, very romantic, amusing, with some reference to mature subjects but clean enough to be appropriate for all audiences.

A Sister's Curse: A Pride and Prejudice Variation

Jayne Bamber - 2019
    This tragedy breeds years of sorrow and misunderstanding as well as prosperity and even romance in an emotional coming of age tale not only for Elizabeth Bennet, but for her sisters, and even the adults who let them down. For nearly two decades, Edward Gardiner is haunted by the difficult decisions he has made. Lady Anne Darcy must bear all the guilt and delight of being granted her heart’s desire... at a price. The Fitzwilliam family has motives and misgivings of their own as the Earl of Matlock tries to keep them all together, right the wrongs of the past, and pave the way for the next generation. Fitzwilliam Darcy realizes too late what it means to be a brother, and is faced with a parts of his past he regrets, just as his desire to protect the family he loves leads him back to the woman he was destined to love the most… a woman who despises him. Elizabeth Bennet struggles through the turbulence of adolescence, her judgement clouded by past trauma and the complicated dynamics of her extended family. Secrets are revealed and re-examined as she is forced to come to terms with the truth of her past and the promise of her future, in a family bound together by heartbreak. AUTHOR'S NOTE: This story is based on a deviation from canon 18 years prior to the opening of Pride & Prejudice. Several canon characters are omitted entirely, and aside from Darcy and Elizabeth, the story will focus on several minor canon characters. Some of these characters have developed differently from canon due to the events of the story as they unfold. New characters have also been introduced: the Earl and Countess of Matlock and their children: the Viscount and Lady Charlotte, as well as the Dowager Countess of Matlock, lady Olivia Gardiner and Rose Gardiner, Sir Lewis de Bourgh and Elliot de Bourgh. This story may be unsuitable for anyone triggered by the loss of a spouse, parent or child. Elizabeth Bennet struggles through the turbulence of adolescence, her judgement clouded by past trauma and the complicated dynamics of her extended family. Secrets are revealed and re-examined as she is forced to come to terms with the truth of her past and the promise of her future, in a family bound together by heartbreak.

Mr. Darcy's Perfect Match: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Kelly Miller - 2020
    What can solve his dilemma?When circumstances compel Darcy’s return to Hertfordshire in assistance of his friend Mr. Bingley, he must confront his unfathomable attraction to Miss Elizabeth.In this "Pride & Prejudice" Regency novella, one afternoon spent in company with Miss Elizabeth Bennet is enough to make an indelible and life-altering impression upon Darcy, setting him on a rocky course towards the fulfillment of his desires. Will Darcy attain happiness, or will his ingrained pride be his downfall?

Interrupted Plans: A Pride & Prejudice Variation

Brigid Huey - 2021
    Elizabeth Bennet and her family have seen dramatic changes in the past few months—none of them welcome. Her sister Jane needs a fresh start, and Elizabeth is no less eager to leave behind the pain and confusion of not accepting Mr. Darcy’s proposal.Fitzwilliam Darcy has not seen Elizabeth since he offered for her—and she adamantly refused him. When she appears in London, he is determined to gain her friendship and make amends. When a carriage mishap throws them together, Darcy does all he can to demonstrate his changed behavior.Though their renewed acquaintance seems to be growing into a genuine friendship, a family secret constrains Elizabeth. As she falls deeper in love with the man she rejected, does she dare tell him the truth?